zemontus · 26 days
“What’s the difference?” I asked him. “Between the love of your life, and your soulmate?” “One is a choice, and one is not.”
— Tarryn Fisher, Mud Vein
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zemontus · 2 months
now i am forced to somehow un-love you. as if i never craved your touch, your kiss, or simply your presence across the room. i am forced to pretend this heart is not longing for your return. we are now two strangers who shared a past, and an imaginary future together. i am forced to dry my tears at night and make myself believe this is for the better. my arms no longer have a home. and your absence will forever torment my soul.
- dee (i am forced to forget us)
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zemontus · 1 year
From the very beginning, I knew that I could spend forever with you. That’s a crazy thought, isn’t it? But I knew it from the way the butterflies fluttered not in anxiety, but anticipation. The way my soul exhaled with relief when you first hugged me. The way a taut cord that I wasn’t even aware of loosened every time you laughed. I just knew that you were everything that I was looking for.
Now there’s so much I’m at risk of losing and I grapple with the fear, I try to bear the uncertainty, as the world sleeps. While I wait for the sun to chase away the shadows, I find comfort in your existence. I hold this gratitude dear to my heart and I know that no matter what happens, everything will be okay. It’ll be okay because I had the chance to know you and you showed me that the magic I’ve spent my life subconsciously looking for does exist.
And so, I know I’ll love you forever.
-Jess Amelia Coe
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zemontus · 1 year
when edgar allan poe said “tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you anyway.” and when hozier said “i wouldn’t fall for someone i thought couldn’t misbehave.”
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zemontus · 1 year
Sometimes I wait forever just to stand out in the rain, so no one sees me cryin, tryin to wash away this pain.
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zemontus · 1 year
“If someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised; every night I tell her about you.”
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zemontus · 1 year
It's been almost 3 years to the day that you left me, and went where I can't go, yet. I feel it like it just happened. No goodbye, just gone, I didn't even get to see you before they lowered your body, nothing. That's what I felt for a long time was nothing. I felt guilty for trying to move on and punished myself mentally and emotionally and physically for wanting what we had, love. I stopped punishing myself, and felt guilty thinking that I was being unloyal to your memory. Now I've pushed everyone and everything that I cared for and loved and loved me away. There is no going back and fixing that, the bridges have been burned and the ashes blown away by the winds of time. I'm alone completely lost and have no one to turn to, and I can't blame anyone but myself for getting heartbroken when you left. Baebygirl, I have to find joy, love, happiness, comfort somewhere. Please forgive me, but I can't continue to drown in the sorrow of loosing you so suddenly. As I openly sob writing you this plead for forgiveness and release from guilt for wanting to prosue happiness or something that can lead me one day to happiness I hope I can forgive myself. Goodbye my masterpiece, my goddess, my soul mate, my love my Courtney.
Forever yours, Gary.
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zemontus · 1 year
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zemontus · 1 year
“I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”
— Euripidés
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zemontus · 2 years
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zemontus · 5 years
You could throw away all the pieces of my heart that you crushed and I would search the whole world to place the pieces back at your feet.
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zemontus · 5 years
“I hope you find someone who doesn’t make you sad at night and someone who reminds you how much they love you every day and who laughs at your jokes and wants to listen to your music and who genuinely what’s to be with you and doesn’t make you second guess their love for you. I really hope you find that. Because you deserve that.”
May 4th, 2015 - don’t settle for less
7 months later I can hardly still follow my own advice
(via goldenli3s)
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zemontus · 5 years
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zemontus · 5 years
I get it... Doesnt mean it doesn't still hurt
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“People change. Feelings change. It doesn’t mean that the love once shared wasn’t true or real. It simply means that sometimes when people grow, they grow apart.”
500 days of Summer
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zemontus · 5 years
i just want to run to you, and want you to know that every time I don’t, I almost do
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zemontus · 5 years
Change the name.... Courtney
“Beatrice, I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday. I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and I will love you as the passengers love the lifeboat, and as the battlefield loves young men, and as peppermints love your allergies. I will love you as we grow older, which just happened and happened again, and will continue to happen. I will love you until every fire has been extinguished and every home rebuilt, and every code and heart has been broken. I will love you if you marry someone else, and I will love you if you have a child, or two children, or three. Seems like a good number. I love you, Beatrice. I always will.”
Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events
In which I have never related more to a character than I have to Lemony and his tragic, everlasting love for Beatrice.
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zemontus · 5 years
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