zarter4eva · 5 months
Growing up is actually all about realizing people don’t inherently dislike you and it’s a bit odd to assume they do
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zarter4eva · 9 months
"This story is a tragedy because it didn't have to end this way."
"This story is a tragedy because it was always going to end this way."
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zarter4eva · 9 months
Yearly reminder not to @ or spam Green Day and Billie Joe Armstrong making jokes about him sleeping for the month or whatever. Wake Me Up When September Ends is a song he wrote about his dad dying. So just Don’t Be An Asshole! This is common knowledge. I shouldn’t have to make this post again
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zarter4eva · 10 months
If you've ever wondered why people in Hawai'i hate tourists, try to wrap your mind around the fact that there are CURRENTLY, RIGHT NOW, tourists sipping martinis and looking at fish within swimming range of the fresh corpses of local people who couldn't escape the overnight destruction of their entire town.
Try to comprehend that there are fully functional, high capacity boats passing through the waters in front of an area full of survivors who are stranded and in need of supplies, refusing to help. They are hosting snorkeling tours.
Really think about, try your best to actually picture over two thousand people unhoused and in need of shelter, with nothing but the clothes on their backs and nothing to return to. Understand that the island, stolen land, is littered with hotels full of air conditioned of rooms with beds and showers and toilets, each fully equipped to host hundreds of families for weeks, turning these people away because they're booked up with tourists who refuse to leave.
And understand that these tourists were offered free transport to return home or be hosted on other islands. Free. Courtesy of local tax dollars. 4,000 wealthy tourists were offered free flights shelter on Oahu and begged to leave the island, BEFORE the survivors were given shelter.
And enough still insisted on remaining and carrying out their vacations that people are left without shelter and resources while they enjoy "their stay in paradise".
[Edit]: This current situation, and this type of tourist behavior is horrifying beyond words. In other circumstances, the tourism situation is much more complicated, and I need to ask that people do not add on to this post unless they are local.
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zarter4eva · 1 year
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This has definitely already been done by now but I don't care I'm excited for this movie
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zarter4eva · 1 year
can’t believe i haven’t seen more people talking about The Invitation (2022) because i swear, if this movie had come out like five years ago, then tumblr would’ve been all over it.
the main character is a gorgeous woman of color who seriously kicks ass. her romantic interest is a tall, dark & sexy vampire (also did i mention he’s BRITISH?). it’s heavily implied that the other two vampire brides are fucking each other. it’s cheesy, it’s campy, it’s a modern-day interpretation of Dracula told through a feminist and post-colonial lens.
seriously, go see this movie.
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zarter4eva · 1 year
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Criminal Minds Challenge - Seven Scenes [1/7] ↳ Hotch Profiling the BAU (2.23)
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zarter4eva · 1 year
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No they're right actually and they should say it.
The lefts descent into obsession with identity politics means all these boys get from these spaces is essentially being told they're inherently monstrous or will grow up to be so.
12 year old boys are not evil. They're children. And they're susceptible to manipulation from these fucks on the right who have sadly correctly identified that large swathes of the left will ignore and shun them. People turn to extremist factions when they feel ignored and dehumanised.
A 12 year old boy online isn't going to be able to read the nuances in your uber ironic but not really actually ironic "all white men are inherently trash" hot takes. They're going to take that at face value because they're 12 and that's what 12 year olds do. And they're going to feel angry, rejected and judged by your words. And then fucks like Andrew Tate get to swoop in and tell them that you're wrong and start the ball rolling on that indoctrination.
If you're an adult leftist and you honestly think teenage boys possess the wherewithal to purposefully follow dangerous Misogynists like Andrew Tate in order to "preserve their own privilege long term" then I'm sorry to say you're too far gone and I'd suggest logging off and actually trying to have a conversation with a kid who is vulnerable to the grooming of these uber misogynists and treat them as a human being instead of a reflection of an identity you've boxed them into.
You may tick more diversity boxes but you are still the adult. Start acting like it.
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zarter4eva · 1 year
Love it when I read a Hyde Tyler fic and his eyes flash yellow in response to his powers. Like even among the fandom that does love Tyler they look at those oversized bug eyes and go "hard pass"
Made me think of this!
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zarter4eva · 2 years
u don't have to ship them but if ur defense for Wednesday n Tyler not being together is “he's a murderer” you clearly do not know jack shit about the Addams family. You can just say you don't ship it? that's perfectly fine!! just...dont use his murderer status as a reason? cuz it doesn't make sense when ur on about Wednesday Addams yk
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zarter4eva · 2 years
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this is all i could think about
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zarter4eva · 2 years
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zarter4eva · 2 years
The Di-Angelo cold case becomes something of a true crime phenomenon. A well to do Italian family suddenly moves to the US, not odd in itself considering the times but only the two children and the mother have passports and immigration records despite photos that include a mysterious father figure who is never named, not even on the childrens birth certificates or the estates records.
The mother is struck by lightning in DC and her funeral and headstone are paid for by an anonymous donor. The kids are sent to a private school in DC, also paid for by an anonymous donor, but then they just disappear a few months in and there’s no further record of what happened to them. Missing posters circulated for a while but people forget about two missing orphans in the midst of World War II.
Some theories the mysterious father was in the Italian mafia or a high member of Mussolini’s inner circle and reclaimed the children secretly, some think the kids were kidnapped for ransom money, and some crazy theories swear the kids were spotted decades later, still children somehow, in Maine.
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zarter4eva · 2 years
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I had to-
Reference pic used, for the records:
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zarter4eva · 2 years
Note, you have the option to do this for each area. So one for mature, one for Dr*gs, one for s*x, etc.
Settings -> general settings -> content you see -> community labels -> mature -> show
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zarter4eva · 2 years
I'm sorry but no one, and i mean NO ONE draws Eren better than @roredwarrior
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zarter4eva · 2 years
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The Sun || Death
a couple of tarot card ideas
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