zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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cat didn’t mind the crowds– although she wasn’t sure why diagon alley was so busy, everyone else must have had the same idea. had been the thought in her mind. “it’s alright. don’t worry about it, it’s hard to pay attention to everything when it’s this bloody busy.” she reassures, there’s a wave of one of her hands in dismissal. it not that big of a deal to her. things happened. “we’re both good. huh, buddy?” parchment still in hand, as she pets the pomeranian who’s little tail wiggles at this. which she deemed as a yes, who much like his owner– didn’t really seem to mind all that much. “really though, it’s completely fine– are you alright as well?”
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Zane nodded at the question, “yeah, I’m alright.  More than alright really.  I have been graced by the presence of a dog today.”
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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     “oh?” collette tilted her head in curiosity. she recognized the younger wizard, but she was unsure as to what path he had chosen post-hogwarts. “what is it that you do for work?”
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 “I bring plants here.  I’m working towards becoming a herbologist.”  He could have gone into more detail about it, how he was working to sometime provide some plants as ingredients to new potions that had been historically considered by muggles to be medicinal as well as delivering some more traditional items to those brewing said healing potions.   But he imagined she didn’t care all that much for the full details. 
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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Out and about in Diagon Alley with his dad of all people, the crowds were surprisingly high in number and he somehow lost the man.  Deciding to fluctuate between looking up and down to see if he spotted the man by the back of his head or even his brightly colored trainers, he almost ran directly into someone.  Stopping as he was apologized to, Zane shook his head and went on to say, “I should have been paying more attention, especially in a crowd like this.”  It took him a moment to see that he not only almost ran into a person, but also a dog.  He would’ve felt twice as terrible if he ran into both of them.  “Don’t need to knock you over or knock your friend down.  I would’ve felt terrible.”
{zane has mentioned a canon object}
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the pomeranian was curled up in catalina’s arms, had you seen her moments prior you would have seen her dog walking her– or at least trying to; but blimey, it had been cute! and the vibrant haired witch when it happened had been laughing. the dog then opting a few moments after that little fiasco to stop, and not want to walk anymore, which lead her to now having to carry him. although small enough to easily fit into a bag ( had she actually had one ) but she deemed bags were a hassle, both to carry, and to find whatever you need. even with the use of magic. and if she did that? well, why waste perfectly good pockets. as she tried to cross a few things off her parchment list. shopping had been what she deemed an easy task up, until she hadn’t been able to leave without her little buddy. now? not as much, but to be fair it was hard to say no to such a cute face. and she didn’t mind at all! 
she one-handily crossed off another thing on the list, as she read through deciding what the next stop was. “where to.. where to.” as she taps her thumb against the list, the dog barked almost as if her rhetorical question had been answered. “yeah, me too.” she agrees with an easy nod of her head, her thumb had been moving down the list and she had decided to go with what her familiar had apparently suggested. she heads towards her next stop, and it didn’t help today was also what she deemed to be not enough room to swing a kneazle. it would figure the day she got to leave work earlier than usual, it would be like that– nearly bumping into someone on her way to her next shop. “oi! i’m really sorry, for merlin’s sake i’m such a fool. are you alright?”
「 ✨  cat has gone out with her familiar 」  「 ✨ cat has mentioned a canon object x3. 」  「 ✨ cat has used a wizarding idiom x3. 」 
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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Although he didn’t mean to eavesdrop, his proximity to the what he assumed to be couple made it more naturally occur.  He wasn’t really paying attention to what was being said until the wix who had been waiting alone for a few minutes got angry and stormed off.  He thought he recognized the man who had been running late as a former gryffindor that had been older than him.  “You weren’t even that late.  Sorry, don’t mean to pry, but I’ve been sitting here longer than your friend there.  Some people just rely on the more instantaneous manner of travel with apparating or flooring so much so that I think they lose sense of time for most people.  Again sorry for prying.”
{zane has mentioned a canon object x3}
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as a hand runs through quincy’s brown hair, and his words are met with that of an apologetic smile. but with magic he considered himself lucky that it only took a few mere seconds, with floo or apparition– and that it didn’t take nearly as much time, as it did in the muggle world. “being early is boring! what’s the fun in that?” but one could tell by his words that he was just pulling their wand and joking. but he was also sorry at the same time. “i definitely didn’t forget. and if i did that’d be awful of me, but better late than never..?” to be fair, it had just be one of those days– that felt like a monday. acted an awful lot like one too, that was really the only way he could describe it. “but it’s been.. merlin.. just a day.”
「 ✨ quincy has mentioned a canon object x4 」  「 ✨ quincy has used a wizarding idiom x2」 
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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Finding himself once again at St. Mungo’s delivering some of the plants that he was personally growing for various healing potions, Zane started slightly when he was approached by a familiar face.  He must have seen as distracted and in his head as he clearly was, which was why he was stopped in the first place.  “Oh, um, yes I am alright.  Here for work, sort of, I guess.”
{Zane has mentioned a canon object x2}
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     “be careful on that broom of yours from now on, alright, chér?” freya smiled, waving a goodbye at the exiting patient before turning and coming face to face with another wix in the st. mungo’s hallway. “oh hello there – did not expect to see you, is everything alright?”
「 ✨  collette has mentioned a canon object 」
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
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            “ you’re selling yourself short, zaney. “  pippa called out over her shoulder.  she’d already made a beeline to the newest robe selection.  the shopkeeper,  as if sensing the galleons pippa was fit to burn in her pockets, scurried over and started helping her go through the latest selections.  “ you were head boy, you know.  some would consider that a hot commodity. “  she held up a pair of navy blue robes, scrunching up her nose.  they had ruffles everywhere – and not the good kind.  she shook her head. passing them back to the shopkeeper.  “ not to mention you’re charming, y’know, in your awkward way. “  she teased, glancing back at him over her shoulder.  her eyes were drawn to a set of creamy pink robes with a matching pointed wizard’s hat.  the hat had lace around the edges of the brim and it was soft and delicate in her hands.  she couldn’t help but love it.  “ people would stare at us and say ‘ wow, look at that smashing couple ‘  and they’d note how fashionably dressed we were before sulking with envy. “  she giggled at that.  the shopkeeper hummed her agreement, taking the creamy pink colored robes in the direction of the fitting area.  
    suddenly, her eyes were drawn to a set of sparkling blue robes.  they were cut low in the front, their skirt puffed out as if two crinolines were worn beneath it.  the sleeves puffed out in a lighter shade of blue, the whole ensemble resembling something out of a fairytale. it reminded her of the dress cinderella, the titular character in one of her favorite muggle disney films, had worn to the ball when she’d danced with the prince.  her hands skimmed over the fabric.  it was a bit pricey to be worn as a halloween costume but she did have extra galleons for emergencies.  this felt like it COULD be an emergency.   “ have you seen cinderella ? “  she held the dress up, turning towards zane.  “ it’s brilliant, yeah ?   “
「 ✨ pippa has mentioned a canon object x7 
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Grinning at her stating that him being head boy was a point in his favor with their imaginary situation audience, he couldn’t help but chime in, “ah yes, the awkward creepy head boy who was somehow every where at all times.  Hopefully those specific details aren’t known to whomever I end up with. i’ll obliviate them if I have to.  Or confund them.”  
As she found robes to try on, he was more than ready with compliments and some critiques, if needed, waiting.   When she saw the blue robes, he knew he had seen something similar in the past, but it was not until she mentioned Cinderella that he realized from where.  Seeing the price on that set made him smile faintly in disbelief and shake his head.  “I see now how we’d be the most fashionable of couples.  How we’d afford that is another story.  But yes I’ve seen cinderella.  I don’t remember her paying for her dress though,” he stated before realizing just how that sounded.  Turning to the shopkeeper he quickly added on, “We’re not going to steal anything.  I apologize for how that sounded.”  
Turning back to Pippa he went on, “go on and try those, but I think we know where this is going.  I should be the voice of reason.  But you know I’m terrible at that.”
{Zane has mentioned a canon object x4}
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zaneymark-blog · 5 years
Will be on tomorrow.   Will probably post a starter call.  If anyone wants to plot like this!!
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
{ @ofprodigals sort of plotted a starter}
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Making his first of hopefully more deliveries of some of his plants to the potioneers at St. Mungo’s, Zane found himself recognizing the person that he knew he owed his ability to continue to play football to.  Unable to stop himself, he quickly made his way over to the man.  “Hello!  Sorry to take up some of your time, but I just thought I’d come and say hello.  How are you?” 
{Zane mentioned a canon object X2}
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
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his eyes scanned the muggle paper, eyebrows pierced together. it looks so… lifeless without moving images. his brain seemed to recall the term football being thrown around by his muggleborn friends, but he was as confused as a troll at a library. ″ do muggles put balls… in their feet ? is that what that is ? why do they report it on the paper, and why do they frustrate you ? ″
「 ✨  zach has mentioned a canon subject x3 」
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Smiling slightly and shaking his head at the wizard’s confusion, Zane knew that he needed to explain.  Many wizards were only ever exposed to magical sports; zane supposed he was very lucky to have been exposed to both magical sports and muggle ones due to his being a half-blood with a father who also greatly enjoyed football.  
“They move a ball, a football, with their feet.  Playing two teams against each other.   There’s more players on the pitch, which is entirely on the ground since muggles can’t fly on brooms like we can, than quidditch, but the premise is similar.  The goal is to work as a team to score points by kicking the ball into the goal of the other team.  It’s just one large rectangular goal at the end of each pitch, protected by the goal- keeper or the goalie.  The team with the most points at the end of the timed match wins.  There’s a lot of other rules in there too, but I imagine you aren’t all that interested.  I’m looking at the standings, and Newcastle, where I’m from is not doing well this season.”
「 ✨  zane has mentioned a canon subject x4 」
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
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       “ people took you seriously, in a way.  of course they did, you were head boy after all.  i’m just saying that no one looks at you and thinks … yes, zane marko is going to hex me into oblivion over things. “  it wasn’t an insult.  while zane wasn’t a pushover, his friendly nature was what drew people to him.  that and his smile.  his smile certainly didn’t hurt.  “ i think my dad is just pinning his hopes and dreams on you. “  pippa replied with a roll of her eyes.  “ he always liked you.  you were respectful and didn’t have any moving tattoos, piercings, or anything else that made him worry about my safety. “  she snorted.  “ he’s very .. old school, i suppose, in that thinking. he’d have a COW if he knew where my tattoo is … “   her eyes sparkled.  even zane hadn’t seen it.  
「 ✨ pippa has brought up a magical subject 」 「 ✨ pippa has mentioned a canon object x2 」
   “ ooh, look ! “  in the window of gladrags wizardwear, a witch was dressing one of the charmed mannequins in a striking violet sequined set of robes.  her eyes were drawn to the color, already pairing it with a pair of satin heeled pumps that were buried at the bottom of her trunk.  “ i promise, i won’t be more than ten minutes. “  she widened her eyes, hoping they would be just as persuasive on him as they had been with many a bloke over the years.  getting what she wanted from men was one of pippa carstairs’ greatest talents.  
「 ✨ pippa has mentioned a canon object x5 」
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“Ah yes, rebelling against dad while the favorite male choice is definitely none the wiser to it.” Grinning while rolling his eyes at her, he went on to say, while opening the door to gladrags--giving in to the look he knew that she knew she didn’t need to use on him--, “we’d be the it couple, it being everyone going ‘that’s very weird.’ The beautiful cheerleader with the plant guy.  Perfect sense.  He had to have confunded her.”  Laughing to show he was not at all serious, seeing as how they had tried to date, very briefly, and that they weren’t secretive about how close they were, despite having been in different houses.  
Looking down at the watch that had been gifted to him on his seventeenth birthday, he smiled, “alright, ten minutes.” He knew that they would probably be there longer, but he really didn’t mind.  He had missed his best friend after all.  Owling back and forth wasn’t the same as being around each other.  “I’m sure whatever you have planned will be amazing.  Always is.”
「 ✨ zane has mentioned a canon subject x2 」 「 ✨ zane has mentioned a canon object x2 」
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
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   “ oh sweetie. “  pippa patted zane on the arm, humming sympathetically.  “ i don’t think anybody you’ve eve THREATENED really ever thought you were going to follow through.  it’s the thought that counts though. “   as they approached the gates to hogsmeade, pippa pushed it open so they could pass through.  as her eyes wandered around the shop, she continued.  “ i always appreciated the thought though.  even if daddy seems to think you do it because you’re jealous. “  she snorted.  “ jealous.  as if. “ 
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Pouting over-dramatically at her statement, Zane followed her through the gates, “What do you mean no one has ever taken me seriously?  I can be threatening.”  Pout falling from his face at the statement about her dad, surprise quickly took its place.  “Wait you’re dad thinks I’m jealous.  That makes so much sense.  Maybe he wants me to be.  So jealous that I end up winning you back.”
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
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zach stopped his own reading of the daily prophet, where we had been checking the latest quidditch news, to eye the wizard next to him. then he noticed his reading of the paper too, and that the pictures in it were not moving. ″ i’m sorry, are you reading the muggle paper ? ″
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Slightly startled at the other man’s statement, Zane looked up and realized that he was very much not alone.  “Yeah.  Football standings. An’ they are frustratin’”
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
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Remus stopped short, surprised to see the Wizard standing before him. The day at the Cauldron Shop had been so chaotic, he had stupidly assumed he would never see any of the people he had spoken to after that day. “Oh- I- I’m good.” He stuttered, unable to hide his surprise. “How are you? It’s good to see you again.”
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Not fully understanding why just hearing an acquaintance say that it was good to see him again made him so happy, Zane decided not to think about it and just let it make him happy.  “It’s good to see you too.  Especially out of that stressful situation.  And I’m well.  Nothing too exciting going on in my life at the moment, anyway.”
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
@swearwolfremus liked for a starter
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Recognizing the man in front of him, Zane couldn’t help but grin and say hello.  “If it isn’t the my partner in moving people that one day at the cauldron shop.  How have you been?”  
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
@elcments liked for a starter 
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Muttering to himself, he didn’t notice the other man nearby.  He was too busy looking at his paper with the football rankings in it to notice.  “Not even in forst or second place in the standings.  In division two.  Get it together Magpies.  Yeur lettin’ the Toon fans down.”
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zaneymark-blog · 6 years
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    “ if you’re older, i’m older and i’m not sure i’m ready for that. “   the leaves crunched under their feet as they left the hogwarts grounds, her chin tucking into the scarf wrapped around her neck to avoid the chill. “ oh i’m sure they’d be proper scandalized but not that surprised.  unless they know me, “  she teased.  “ i’m giving up boys this year, you know. “  
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Reaching out to wrap his arm around her as they walked when he noticed that she was obviously feeling the evening chill, Zane responded, “Can’t say I’m too torn up about that.”  Grinning at her, “means I don’t have to come here and pretend to be legitimately frightening when I threaten whomever  you choose to date with harm if they hurt you.”
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