zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
E5, D4.
Gestionar una clase es buscar el enfoque, las estrategias y los objetivos a realizar en alguna actividad pedagógica. Para cada actividad siempre se debe tener en consideración el lugar donde esto se llevará a cabo. El párvulo siempre debe tener espacio para poder desenvolverse como persona, y ese lugar siempre debe ser seguro con todas las medidas correspondientes que deba tener él aula. Como educadora, principalmente debo siempre evaluar los intereses y conocimientos que tiene cada alumno, ya sea a través de un proyecto de aula, observación, etc. Además de tener en cuenta mis recursos didácticos a utilizar con ellos y ellas.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
E9 D2y3
Para comunicarse podemos usar muchas cosas. Nuestros cambios de entonación y volumen al hablar, nuestros gestos corporales y faciales, teniendo objetos conectados con el tema que estoy hablando, etc. Estas cosas se les puede enseñar a los párvulos de una forma muy simple, ya sea, señalar para pedir el turno de habla para así respetar a los compañeros y compañeras, se podría poner en práctica en una exposicion oral acerca de un tema de su agrado y verificar cuáles de estos recursos el niño o niña a ido adquiriendo y cuáles faltan por mejorar.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
Descriptor 4, Estándar 9.
Realmente creo que desarrollar las habilidades de expresión en una persona en general es muy importante para así mejorar la forma de comunicación pero por sobretodo, en mi futura profesión es importante desarrollarlas para poder tener una mejor allegada con los párvulos y con mi entorno educativo y social en todo momento, tanto, con mis expresiones fonéticas, como expresiones faciales y corporales. Mis expresiones deben estar en simultánea conexión con lo que hablo para hacer más llamativa la entrega de mis ideas e instrucciones de alguna actividad para los niños y niñas. Para ponerlo en práctica en los párvulos, primero que todo, empezaría dando mi ejemplo desde el primer día y haciendo actividades lúdicas de representar personajes, etc.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
First of all, I chose this video because it has caricatures, many colors, is very juzzy to teach itto the children in the future, has clear themes and also these themes are connected with each caricatures, for example: The narrator says the name of animals and in the video show animals, so this is done with the intention of understand of a better way that the video show us. In the video, I learned many new things. 1 To make the paint, they usead "charcoal mix", "adipose", "water". 2 Since the Prehistory, the people domesticated animals like we can see nowdays (dog, sheep, etc). 3 In the Metal Ages they invented the wheel (I thought it was after). 4 In the Metal Ages, the first metal used for them was the "Copper", then, the "Bronze Metal". After of this, beggined bartering (because they created many things, thus, they exchanged some things for food and inversely), and the comercial exchanged between cities. 5 Religion arose.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
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I see a woman, but without part of her body. I think there was not exaggeration because nowdays and in the past, ALWAYS al the time existed women with this body, thus, why change the body?
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
Desde mi punto de vista, la forma en que nos enseñan en la universidad es excelente para poder adquirir el inglés ya que sus metodologías nos sumergen completamente en el mismo idioma, ya sea, a través de diferentes herramientas desde la tecnología a lo artístico y Congo tico y en todas las asignaturas debemos desarrollar las competencias y habilidades principales como: hablar, escribir, escuchar y comprender leyendo. Además hacer a menudo “lesson plan” nos ayuda a practicar desde los primeros años de estudio en cada clase respectiva. Lo que me llama la atención, que en mis años anteriores, sentía que no sólo las clases tenían coherencia por sí sola, si no también tenían esa cohesión con todas las asignaturas, cada clase tenía un poco de la otra lo que a mi personalmente me ayudaba para poder entender mejor. Del mismo modo, debemos crear textos y deben llevar su estructura y siempre son retroalimentados por los profesores y esto es muy importante para poder aprender de los errores, pero aún así creo que deberían apoyar más a los alumnos en esa área, porque, además de tener un buen léxico debemos todos de ser capaz de llevar al papel todo lo que hablamos, teniendo así un limpio resultado.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
Your experience it’s like an example to follow. Bacause if you like the language you do everything to learn more and expand the vocabulary. Wonder experience! ❤️
Second language experiences
I studied at a public high school in my city and the English language teaching was not very good or very high but despite that I liked studying English and got good grades, At the high school I participated in a spelling bee because the English language has always caught my attention, but at university everything is different, English is applied in great quantity and sometimes I find it difficult express my ideas, write in this language, speak in the correct way or understand what my classmates or teacher’s speak, for these reasons I try to have an environment in English beyond the classes, I like listening music in English and looking for lyrics to expand my vocabulary and at the same time improve the way my ears capture the English language and I also learn the pronunciation of each word, I also like watch movies in English with subtitles so I also learn vocabulary and pronunciation.
In the future as an English teacher I would like my students to be interested in learning this language, because it is important to know more languages to have more opportunities in all areas of life.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
Yes! The English can “open door”. Your experience is increíble because I remember you first day of university and you last day and the change was amazing!
second lenguage
Hello my name is Guicela Peñaloza Jara, I am currently in my third year of college in the preschool program.
in my first year, I didn’t understand anything in class, for me it was a difficult year to learn a new language. so my level in English was A0, over time I’ve been learning new vocabulary, but my grammar and my speak is very bad I think.
I think every person can learn English, but over time, we don’t all learn the same way. I personally learn by listening to other people interacting with the language, as well as watching tv shows and movies.
learning English gives us the ability to interact with people from another culture we are also acquiring new skills that we can use both to teach or to travel.  personally I see the acquisition of a new language as a personal opportunity to function both profesonal  and personal life
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
Oh! I remember the first year like it was yesterday! The teacher teach us without grammar because, we need learn fist speak, then, write. I thing that you improve too much. Your techniques are very good (listen to music, etc). ❤️
My experencie learning a second languague
I decided to study pedagogy because I had teachers who inspired me and made me love education, also mixed my curiosity to learn even more English. Upon entering university I already had a level of English that I had learned on my own usually watching movies and listening to music, also reinforced by the classes I had at school.
Even though I already had the basics I still wasn’t able to speak English fluently. I could understand everything a person told me but I could not answer accurately in English, in addition to mispronouncing some words due to lack of practice and little knowledge. I also had a limited vocabulary, which made it difficult to communicate at first since the first year of college was all in English, no matter the grammar, the focus was on speaking the language, trying to communicate.
As time went by, all of this improved as I began to work with my pronunciation and formulate sentences on my own, things that I have been able to put into practice by engaging in conversations with people who only speak English and also by working with my colleagues who are In the same situation, we help each other improve our pronunciation and fluency. Every year I feel that my desire to learn increases and I get a better level and command of the language, today I can communicate without problems and understanding everything they say and improving my reading of the language.
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zambrano-cl-blog · 4 years
Second Language experiences.
When I was a little girl, I liked so much sing the English song of my school (I knew every song) so, of those way, every time my pronunciation was improving. Through the time, my relationship with the children was innately incredible, amazing. When I looked for what to study, I found this career and it was the complement that I needed in my life. When I started going to the University, the teacher spoken us since the first day in English Language. In the beginning was a bit hard produce the language, but then of the day I started to dream in English. What helped me to keep studying, were principally my teachers and the methodology of teaching of the University, also, watch movies in English, read documents in English, improved too much my vocabulary in general. One anecdote that many people have in the daily life … I start speak in Spanish and English, (EspanEnglish) because I forget some words of my native language, so that words substitute for the other word in English. The English help me to communicate with the other people of many place of the world and even in the future I will to be able develop and open the mind of the children and, I like it.
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