yuvikawano · 2 years
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yuvikawano · 2 years
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The thinking hand .
今回、素敵なニットデザイナー @emily__oda との
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yuvikawano · 3 years
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Ishtar collection
[ 生きる為に装飾する] コレクションのテーマとして ” イシュタルの冥界下り ” というギルガメッシュ叙事詩の一節にある ストーリーを起用。
イシュタルは7つの門をくぐるごとに身に、つけている飾りや衣服が門番によって剥ぎ取れ、 あの世の世界へと降りてゆき、裸になり冥界の王女の前に現れ、そして全裸であることに激怒した 冥界の���女にイシュタルは殺されてしまう。生命の水をかけられ生き返った彼女は再び7つの門を くぐりこの世の世界に戻ってくる。
あの世の世界に行ってこの世の世界に帰ってくるだけのとてもシンプルな話であるが、 生きることの喜びとしての服の役割がよくわかる物語であると捉えた。 死に向かっていくに連れて服が剥ぎ取られ、生に向かって身にまとう。
このストーリーは全身 麻酔を打たれ眠りにつき、皮膚と服の感触を経て痛みを感じ現実に引き戻されたことにリンクした。まさにイシュタルの冥界下りでは生きることは装飾するということをシンプルに教えてくれた。
愛の女神の彼女が着飾っていた 7 つのアイテム、腰布、腕輪、腰帯、胸飾り、首輪、耳飾り、王冠 を想像し作品に落とし込んだ。 小さな一つ一つの部品はパズルのように組み合わせ可能でアクセサリーのような感覚で 身につけられる新しいClogerie のコレクションラインです。
Decorate to live. I used a story in a passage of “Epic of Gilgamesh”, an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving work of literature, called "Ishtar in the Nether World".
In the story, the goddess Ishtar tries to conquer the domain of her older sister Ereshkigal, the queen of the Underworld. As she goes through each of the seven gates, she gets her ornaments and clothes stripped off by the gatekeeper and, as a result, ends up in the Underworld naked in front of the queen. Ereshkigal, angry that she’s naked, orders to kill Ishtar. Sprinkled with the water of life, she revives, goes through the seven gates again and goes into the Underworld.
This story, which illustrates well the role that clothes play in feeling happy about living, relates to when I was brought back to reality, feeling pain, after doctors put me under sleep for the operation. Getting clothes stripped off as you approach death and wearing clothes as you approach life.
I designed items that Ishtar wore, a waist cloth, a bracelet, a waistband, a chest, a collar, earrings, and a crown for lingerie. Each small piece can be assembled like a puzzle, and that’s new Clogerie (cloth+lingerie) collection line that you can wear like an accessory.
material: Stretch Satin, Strapping, Hardware
size: ​S to M, M to L
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yuvikawano · 3 years
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Ishtar body
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yuvikawano · 3 years
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アパートオブユアボディ 自分を救い上げ、悩める人たちに寄り添い そして身体と向き合いたい人のためのAPOYBコレクション
There is no need to hide an odd-looking, asymmetrical body.There is no need to believe that only orderly forms are seen as aesthetic.A shapewear would force your figure to change, but an underwear will let it express its true beauty.So what your body looks a bit wonky.
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yuvikawano · 3 years
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a part of your body
This collection draws a line between the human body and lingerie. Emerging from the designer's experience of the removal of body parts during surgery, this design, made up of off-cuts, features missing segments and an asymmetrical sensibility; an expression of the designer's altered and invaded body.
Here we aim to challenge the basic idea of lingerie as a tool to highlight and enhance normative bodies. This collection is made from organic cotton and soft nylon and formed of pieces of fabric which were meant to be disposed.
Organic Cotton, Micro-Mesh, Strapping, Foam, Silver Hardware
​S to M, M to L
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yuvikawano · 3 years
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pocket lingerie
This collection concerns itself with the future of gender roles and their relation to the pocket. Removed from women's clothing around the time of the French Revolution, the pocket has a rich history concerning gender.
The pockets affixed to this lingerie are not designed for convenience and function but as a symbol of women's emancipation. This collection marks a step towards changing the meaning and role of lingerie in the future.
Micro Mesh, Strapping, Silver Hardware
S to M, M to L
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