yuriolympics · 2 days
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going to be participating in @yuriolympics on Team Webtoons and Webcomics so naturally I had to do at least one thing for luck and ludo tigertiger
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yuriolympics · 2 days
a bedtime most storied: an eirichel drabble
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hiiii I wrote a little something for the yuri shipping olympics bonus round! the prompt involved selecting from different, submitted quotes and I went with: "Hey, are you asleep yet…? Me neither." :}!
summary: l'arachel invites eirika around for the express purpose of showing off her cool new bunk-bed. I will stand steadfast by my belief that l'arachel deserves a bunk-bed.
banner art: rika suzuki
pairing: l'arachel/eirika
no warnings required!
1,087 words!
The installation of the bunk bed had proven a particularly arduous quest, but L’Arachel could not find it in her to regret it for even a moment. Were she to be faced with a horde of disapproving Uncles, armed with petty quibbles of space, and logistics and 'please, niece, who is going to sleep on the bottom bunk?'s, she would’ve sallied forth for the glory of two-fold bowers all the same.
Now, all that was left to complete her victory - already so perfect! - was to elicit Eirika’s awe-struck approval at the sight. There was little doubt in the Peerless Princess’ mind that she would be just as astonished by the novelty, the innovation of such a design! As a woman of noble breeding, she too must be acquainted with those solitudinous nights; those long and empty hours where it swiftly became clear that the world had departed with all its trifles and daylit joys.
She too L’Arachel was certain, as she always was, had sampled the hollow silence of a castle’s walls, had been struck with the profound realisation that she had never been more completely and entirely alone.
Those long evenings had never affrighted the young princess, of course. It had just been so very quiet, was all. And L’Arachel loathed nothing quite so much as she loathed silence. Fortunate indeed, then, that here was a pallative for those isolated ills!
Having swept her darling friend towards their sleeping quarters, L’Arachel suddenly paused, hand resting against the sleek oak of her bedroom door. She turned: the very picture of solemnity.
‘Now, Eirika, you must vow to me that you will not exclaim in shock, no matter how delighted you are. I have procured a wonder so startling, so marvellous!-’ Her eyes had started to sparkle, already conjuring images of her closest friend’s reaction to the sight awaiting her, almost too much to bear!
Composing herself, she turned from the door with a huff, taking ahold of her beloved house guest’s hand. The surprisingly soft contours of her palm pressed into the silk of L’Arachel’s gloves, rumpling the fabric into an impression of her grip, and so very warm.
‘What you are about to witness is so inutterably brilliant, that even I was struck speechless at the first glimpse, so please, be prepared.’
A giggle, and then a sharp inhale met her arched brows. This was only marginally a laughing matter, and L’Arachel would have due diligence paid to it!
‘Yes, of course L’Arachel.’
‘You have made ready?’
‘As much as I’ll ever be.’
Well that sorted it: Eirika’s willpower was second to none. Steadfast as ever! Truly, the Princess of Rausten’s ability to select only the finest of bosom-companions was unimpeachable. Allowing herself a moment of self-congratulation, she turned back to the door, and flung it open with a crash.
A view of L’Arachel’s bedchambers emerged in all its opulent glory. To the left, her trusty staff reclined against a stretch of pale green wall; its transparent end bright as a daisy’s heart, glimmering with a sheen that could have only been exacted by hours of scrupulous attention and hearty helpings of varnish.
And lo, to its left, there resided a finely wrought vanity, its edges spilling over with the instruments of this brilliant art: various fine handkerchiefs, sparkling polish in small containers, and a few trailing ribbons.
To the right, a wardrobe divulged a host of white and gold, all fluttering finery and elegant gloves, and, most significantly, sleepwear!
But, the pièce de résistance, which left all the rest to shame, was placed at the far end of the room, facing a window which framed a view of Rausten’s coast: the bunk-bed.
Satisfied with the tour she had provided of her lodgings, L’Arachel paused before the bed. Now, here was a dilemma. Certainly, there may have been worse, but no plight had felt more pressing than this! How were they to rest until the matter of who was to assume the lofty height of the topmost bower was resolved? It was impossible. This would require at the very least an hour of deliberation; perhaps she ought to summon Rennac as an adjudicator…?
Oh, oh! It seemed that Eirika had already assumed the bottom bunk. Her hair fanned over her shoulder against the pillow as she pulled the duvet aside, and clambered in. It was a brilliant, horizon-melting blue, streaming over the whites of her borrowed pyjamas like rivulets of a mountain spring. She looked like a painting, the sort of tapestry meant to be hung in the great hall.
‘It is your room, L’Arachel, I couldn’t take your spot.’ The noblewoman murmured, ebullent with all the goodness possibly afforded to a mere mortal. Blinking once, and then twice, L’Arachel smiled.
‘Ah! Astutely judged, I am eternally grateful for you gift in leadership.’
And truly, for L’Arachel always spoke truth, she was. There were few who the great princess would condescend to obey, and Eirika was one of those fortunate number. It was not a privilege she bestowed lightly.
‘Are you ready for bed?’ Eirika asked. Ah, she had been so caught in the matter of who would sleep where, that L’Arachel hadn’t moved from her spot before her darling Eirika! How, by Latona's staff, had she forgotten herself so?
‘Certainly. I feel myself dangling on the precipice of slumber’ L’Arachel said, clambering her way to the top bunk. ‘Good night, Eirika.’
‘Goodnight, L’Arachel.’ A voice from beneath her floated upwards, delicate and slow with sleep. It was a rare sound; Eirika’s voice unguarded, and unguided by the demands of her position. The flush that pinkened the cheeks of Rausten’s finest was merely testament to the prodigy of this occurrence, of course.
They had shared quarters in Rausten during the war - but never since, not until this very moment, and the sudden change had imbued L’Arachel with a rather unbecoming shiftiness. The Princess turned onto one side, and then the other. She tried her back. She stifled her face in her pillow. Beneath her, Eirika was silent.
Not a sound.
‘Eirika… Hey, are you asleep yet?’
A shuffling, and the sounds of covers rustling.
‘Me neither. It seems the fates have conspired against an easy slumber. Would you like to hear a ballad I’ve been composing? I am certain it will lull the both of us to sleep. It’s about the adventures of a Beautiful, Peerless Princess of Beauty, and the most wonderful, noble heroine. Here, I’ll begin: Once upon a time…’
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yuriolympics · 2 days
hi hello it is yuri shipping olympics time and I am posting things for the bonus rounds on ao3
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yuriolympics · 3 days
I am back with more yuri olympicsposting.
Prompt: "magical girls AU + soulmates AU" Ship: Adelaide/Lucy (Adelaide and the Shooting Star)
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yuriolympics · 3 days
Courtney and Gwen hate each other. Yet they can't stop thinking about each other. How they look. How they act. How they kiss...
I wrote this for Bonus Round 1 of the Yuri Shipping Olympics on behalf of Team Total Drama. The prompt is a playlist fill, I didn't know all the songs from the playlist I chose but I recognised "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You" and "Jolene But It's Gay" and came up with this. It's not a songfic and the songs themselves aren't mentioned however the fic is inspired by them.
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yuriolympics · 3 days
more yuri olympics: gender affirmation by body swap (but maybe not the way you expect)
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yuriolympics · 3 days
barely looking this over before posting, but another drabble for kittyuri !!!!
Prompt: yuri between apprentice witches Word Count: 845
They’re tackling illusions today in class except Kitty’s creatures look more like deflated balloon animals than wildlife. A lopsided dog whimpers at her before its leg collapses entirely with the smell of burnt rubber. Lovely.
She flicks her wrist and the whole thing dissipates in a cloud of blue smoke.
“You doing party tricks in here or homework?”
Great. As if today’s day wasn’t already bad. Now, Kitty has to run into Little Miss Perfect, darling of KISS Arcane Academy with perfect grades, picture-perfect spells, perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect face–
“Seriously though, Kitty, what was that?” 
She gets enough ridicule from her teachers, there’s no room for seconds. Kitty groans and lets the remains floating through the air do the talking.
At least her teachers’ disappointment has dulled to expectation by this point. She gets more sighs than shrieks these days. As much as is expected of a half-witch.
Yuri makes no move to leave so Kitty sighs and starts drawing another sigil, willfully ignorant of her audience. The base for the wolf illusion is a circle and the base is the most important part–has to be sturdy and straight and all that for the rest of the spell to build on it–but she can’t do much about the way her hand shakes. She closes the loop with a twist of her pointer finger and gets a wobbly egg-shape for her troubles.
“Kitty,” Yuri chides from right over her shoulder and Kitty swallows her heart right before it pops out of her throat. When did she even cross the room? And why? To get a front-row seat to the Daily Kitty Shitshow? “You couldn’t even make a believable puppy from that. Here, let me show you.”
Kitty nods and scrambles six feet backwards. The floral scent follows her like a bread crumb trail leading home. God, is that a spell or just her?
She expects Yuri to pull out her own wand–a silver, elegant and polished thing like every other part of her–from her pocket and demonstrate the spell. She expects her to draw the symbol in the air, maybe even make Kitty mirror the pattern in the air by tracing out her linework.
What she does not expect is for Yuri to grab her wrist–still clutching her wooden hand-me-down that’s more branch than wand–and start drawing a circle in the air. Her heart pops out of her ribcage like one of those cheap squeeze-toys.
Of course Yuri’s skin is soft and her touch is gentle. She probably farts rainbows and pukes sunbeams too. Kitty has a bone to pick with fate for the clear favoritism.
“Kitty, you have to look at the sigil to remember it,” Yuri chides, but the fact that she’s on the cusp of a laugh negates any real bite.
“Right, I’m looking!” And she is, she’s looking pointedly at that damned sigil that haunts her daydreams and decorates her nightmares and not at anyone else. Anything else. Fuck. Same difference.
Her circle really is picture-perfect though–it might as well have been done with a compass. As expected of the principal’s daughter.
“Seriously, how’d you get so good at this?” Kitty asks as Yuri moves onto the edges. She adds a series of triangles that run along the circumference.
“Practice. Lots and lots of practice.”
“What, Principal Lim made you draw before you could even walk?” She says the words with no real force but they catch on Yuri’s face and tug her mouth downwards.
“Something like that,” she replies off-handedly and something about the way she bites the inside of her cheek makes Kitty want to pry further. Like a sealed box with the tape peeling off, begging to be opened. Her words are swallowed by Yuri’s shriek though as she wraps both hands around Kitty’s arm and shakes violently.
“Look, it’s coming out!” she says and sure enough, a paw emerges from the circle’s center.
The wolf that steps out is beautiful. Of course it is–it’s made by Yuri after all. Summoned by her via Kitty’s wand and arm. It comes up a little past her waist with two giant ears pressed to its head and a black velvet nose.
The wolf nuzzles up against her leg and she stares at the way her skin cuts straight through. It’s almost enough to make her miss Yuri’s quiet exit from the room, half her body obscured by the doorframe by the time Kitty catches on.
“Wait!” she yelps, bowling straight over a desk. Damn these stuffy, old-fashioned shoes. “Let me at least buy you–” She digs through her pockets and surfaces with a couple 100-won coins. Oops. “Uh, a soda, maybe? I think I might have enough if you’re down to share.”
Yuri watches her struggle with a bemused smile on her face.
“For something this small, don’t even worry about it,” she laughs.
Kitty stops and stares at her, leg still halfway hooked around a chair.
Yuri smiles and blows her an illusion across the room. When it pricks Kitty’s nose, hearts shatter across her skin.
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yuriolympics · 3 days
This is a Bonus Round 1 Fill for the Yuri Shipping Olympics 2024.
Title: divine: \C(onnection) Word count: 317 Fandom: Original Work Relationship: Aster (OC)/Selene (OC) Team: OC Moon
Content Warning: Implied Suicide towards the end, and generally unhealthy relationship dynamics.
Summary: We all dream of encountering the divine in some way. Through prophetic dreams, miracles, hidden messages in the physical world. But the divine have always been able to communicate
if you can't write a full fic, just write prose poetry instead! loved doing this fill with some made up OCs and i think it turned out really well!
The Yuri Shipping Olympics is a 13+ summer event to encourage the creation of f/f fanworks of all types!
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yuriolympics · 3 days
This is a Bonus Round 1 fill for the Yuri Shipping Olympics 2024
Title: a haunting spectre Word count: 1262 Fandom: Signalis Relationship: Ariane/Elster (LSTR-512) Team: OC Moon
Content warning: Mild description of blood and tooth loss due to radiation poisoning.
Summary: Ariane wakes up to a bloody mess in the sink. Elster worries about her.
The Yuri Shipping Olympics is a 13+ summer event to encourage the creation of f/f fanworks of all types.
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yuriolympics · 3 days
I wrote a Griddlehark fic for the Yuri Olympics! It’s a direct sequel to another bonus round entry by cavalierCot (also linked in AO3), so make sure you read that one first!
“You alright there-” Gideon stopped herself abruptly before she could append Your Necrotic Majesty out of pure habit. If that threw off her cadence, Her Necrotic Majesty didn’t seem to notice.
“Cold,” plaintive, was all Harrow said in response.
“You’re not cold, you’re unbelievably hot right now - do not make a joke about that,” Gideon added, unnecessarily, but she pulled the covers over Harrow anyway. “Better?”
Harrow nodded fractionally. Then, as Gideon stepped away from the bed: “Come back.”
Gideon was, no joke, terrified of this new version of her old nemesis.
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yuriolympics · 3 days
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"i can kill them if you want"
little bonus round 2 doodle for yuri shipping olympics~
will refine later
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yuriolympics · 3 days
Earth's Defender
Writing tag | AO3 mirror
Type: Original Work, One Shot
Summary: Yumaswix is the sole extraterrestrial resident of Earth, having abandoned her assigned mission to claim it for her own planet. Her mission wasn't the only thing she left behind.
Words: 861
Rating: T
Pairing: F/F, Original Female Character/Original Female Character
Tags: Aliens, Rivalry, Nursing back to health, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Post-Divorce (or whatever their equivalent of divorce is)
Picrews (for funsies! source):
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Written for the Yuri Shiping Olympics (@yuriolympics ), an initiative to increase the amount of F/F works.
Bonus Round 1 prompt: Rivalry x Nursing back to health
* * *
When Yumaswix heard the slow, thudding knock at the door, the last thing she’d expected to see was her.
Rjutqiavn did not stand proudly. She was slumped over against the doorframe, breathing heavily. Gleaming silver ooze seeped from a wound in her neck, visible through cracks in the fingers clamped tight over it. Half of one of her horns was snapped off, clutched in a shaking hand, still raised as if to knock again.
“Rjuti?” Yumaswix swept forward, catching her in her arms. Rjutqiavn collapsed into them, all her pomp and grit gone for the moment. “What are you doing here?”
“Didn’t know where else to go.” Her throat hummed like the fan on an overheating laptop, the words barely audible beside it. “Lost the ship. This godforsaken fucking planet.”
“I’ve got you.” No more than a little heft was needed, Rjutqiavn was so small compared to her. Yumaswix carefully laid her down on the couch, sliding a pillow under her head.
Rjutqiavn groaned, half of her eyes squinting shut in the bright light of the living room, but she didn’t complain. “You’re not going to ask what happened?”
“I can guess.” The words held none of their typical amusement. She plucked the half-horn from Rjutqiavn’s hand–a slight, delicate thing, just like the rest of her, not suited to the military at all, not like Yumaswix was–and set it on the coffee table. “They’re going to branch again if you keep doing this. You’ll hardly be able to hold your head up for all the split ends.”
“I’ll live,” Rjutqiavn muttered.
“You’ll live longer if you stop fighting them.” Yumaswix peeled Rjutqiavn’s other hand from her neck, glimmering slime dribbling down onto the cushion. “Look at you. You’ve nearly been beheaded.”
“The work of your precious humans.” Rjutqiavn wiped her hand on the couch.
“It’s their planet, they have to defend it. You’re the one causing trouble.” Yumaswix wrapped her hands around Rjutqiavn’s neck, squeezing just slightly. “Now hush. I need to work.”
Rjutqiavn winced at the contact, but obeyed.
They stayed like that, the only sound the whirring of Rjutqiavn’s throat beneath her hands. Yumaswix let all her eyes fall closed, one after the other, breathing even, fins fanned out. Rjutqiavn was cold. She’d never been good at temperature regulation, not on her own. It had been fine when it was the two of them and Rjutqiavn had her to mimic.
Gradually, the oozing began to stop, and Yumaswix loosened her grip. “Better?”
“Yes.” Her voice was clearer now, only a quiet hum accompanying it. She tried to sit up, but fell back to the couch with a chk. “I need… to rest,” she said with a grimace.
“You can always rest here.” Yumaswix wiped her hands on the couch, too–it wasn’t like its state could get much worse, and she was far more reluctant to leave Rjutqiavn’s side. She drew a hand through Rjutqiavn’s hair, short and wispy, just as soft as she’d remembered it.
Rjutqiavn let her. “What about your friends?” she spat.
“They won’t hurt you. Not if I tell them it’s safe.” She traced a finger up Rjutqiavn’s uninjured horn, if one could call it that. Unlike Yumaswix’s own, thick and sturdy and all in one piece, Rjutqiavn’s were fragile, branching off into constellations like a deer’s antlers after so many injuries. She’d always thought they were beautiful, not that it could ever be considered healthy. “We could be like this again, you know, if you stopped. We could be together.”
“You’re the one who left.” Rjutqiavn half-heartedly swatted her hand away. “Don’t act like you’re not turning me in as soon as I’m healthy enough to walk.”
Yumaswix smiled bashfully, caught. “Why did you come here if you were so certain?”
“Whatever they do to me, it will be better than dying alone on a planet I hate.” Rjutqiavn snatched her half-horn back off the table.
“You talk like they’re going to torture you!”
Rjutqiavn gestured up and down her body. “If they do this when I’m capable of fighting back, I can’t imagine they’d be kinder when I’m at their mercy.”
Yumaswix couldn’t say for certain. Humans were not so unified, not like back home where she was one of few who didn’t belong. They all wanted different things, and while she could confidently claim that her friends wouldn’t harm Rjutqiavn out of fair combat, she couldn’t so much as guess at the intentions of those in power.
Not that she could very well let Rjutqiavn go. Either she would succeed, hurting humans in the process, or she would fail, and eventually die. Likely the latter.
“I will not let anyone hurt you,” Yumaswix promised.
“How? With sunshine and friendship?” Rjutqiavn mocked. “You care more about this planet than you ever did about me. You’re just–”
Rjutqiavn stopped.
“I will not let anyone hurt you.” Yumaswix was rarely so serious. “By any means necessary.”
Rjutqiavn hesitated a moment. “Well, now I kind of want them to. Maybe that’s the way to finally get you to re-enlist.”
Yumaswix sighed, leaned in, and pressed her lips to Rjutqiavn’s forehead. “Get some rest.”
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yuriolympics · 3 days
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Here’s my submission for bonus round 1 of @yuriolympics
SHIP: franmaya [Franziska von Karma/Maya Fey]
In response to this prompt for a star trek AU
I thought it would be so fun for Maya’s psychic powers to be flipped into Betazoid’s emotional ESP. Franziska is a Vulcan because of her somewhat rigid beliefs. I imagine she went to the Vulcan Science Academy before deciding to become an ambassador. Manfred von Karma’s pressure on her to succeed might mirror Sarek and Spock. While she hungers to succeed and puts up a logical, perfectly non-emotional front, Maya’s Betazoid powers are able to sense past that into what she’s truly feeling.
I don’t have enough time or energy to write a full fic about this, but here’s what I imagine their first interaction would look like that leads up to the scene in the drawing: Franziska boards the Federation ship Maya is serving aboard to get to some sort of diplomatic rendezvous location, and en route they encounter some sort of unknown alien threat that leaves them isolated from the rest of the crew. Perhaps Maya tries using her powers to understand the pain of some alien creature, and Franziska has to mind meld with her to relieve the mental and physical stress. They’re able to save the day and get back onboard, and Franziska is planning on ignoring the whole thing to suppress the strange feelings of connection she experienced. Maya corners her and has the conversation depicted in the drawing. They go to Ten Forward for their date and have a lovely time.
[ALT ID: the image depicts two women drawn in the art style of star trek lower decks. on the left, a caption in the star trek title font says “Betazoid Starfleet Counselor Maya Fey.” On the right, also in the star trek title font, says “Vulcan Ambassador Ziska V’Nkarm” a stylized version of Franziska von Karma’s name from Ace Attorney. Maya wears a purple body suit similar to those work by Deanna Troi in Star Trek TNG, as well as her in-game hairstyle and magatama beaded necklace. She stands with one hand on her hip and looks sassily at Ziska. Franziska wears gray trousers and a high necked blue vest with gold diamond buttons over a puffy sleeved white top. She holds a Star Trek TNG era padd in her right hand and looks at it to avoid eye contact with Maya. She blushes green because she is Vulcan. Two chibi drawings near her head show her internal emotions “she’s so frustrating! but so hot?” The dialogue between the two reads:
Ziska: Behavior that does not follow logic is…foolish.
Maya: For a logical Vulcan, you sure are emitting a lot of defensiveness.
Franziska: …
Maya: …Emotion isn’t a weakness, Ambassador V’Nkarm.
Ziska: …
Maya: And yes, I am free this Saturday <3
ID ends/]
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yuriolympics · 3 days
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yso bonus round fill for this prompt -> Found footage. A woman finds footage from a horrific encounter and becomes enamored with someone in the tape.
also worth mentioning -- today is the last day of yso registration! want to make some yuri fanworks or just hang out with some himejoshis? check out @yuriolympics and join the discord!
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yuriolympics · 3 days
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Roundup of my first few @yuriolympics genshin fills!
covering me under cotton and calicoes - chiori/kirara, 1k, G
“I don't speak cat,” Chiori reminds her with a tired sigh. The corner of her mouth quirks in fond amusement. “What is this you've brought me? It better not be a dead mouse.”
the wonder that's keeping the stars apart - amber/collei, 1k, G
This is not the humid, sweltering rainforest of Gandharva Ville that she's grown so accustomed to – she's visiting Liyue, renting a room in Wangshu Inn for Lantern Rite, with Amber. Amber.
to noisemaking - 2k, assortment of wlw drabbles ~500 words each, G
loosely themed around music, featuring: guizhong x madame ping, furina x lynette, hu tao x xinyan, dehya x dunyarzad x nilou
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yuriolympics · 3 days
The Body Keeps the Score
Type: Original oneshot, ongoing universe/characters
A long-time courier for the Hoshi family is summoned to a private meeting with their matriarch.
She remembers how she was shaped in her yearning.
She hopes to formalize their relationship.
Many things have changed.
Words: 3,193
Rating: T, for mild depictions of violence.
Pairing: F/F, Tora/Gale (OC​​ / OC)
Tags: Mutual Pining, Big Gay Mobsters (literally), Cyborgs, Organized Crime, Size Difference, Near Future, References to Depression, Cyberpunk, Biopunk, Angst, Body Image Problems, cw: Disordered Eating Mention
I finally sat down and wrote something for my OCs, and it was unanimously agreed on to be the submission for team OCs in the @yuriolympics2023. I'm very happy with it as an introduction to these characters. 😊
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yuriolympics · 3 days
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Here are some of the Kittyuri pieces i made for Bonus Round 1 of the 2024 Yuri Shipping Olympics @yuriolympics, an event for making fancontent for any and all wlw fictional couples! Signups close this Saturday, and you can join here!
(I’d love if you joined the kittyuri team 🥳)
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