yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/15 Process work and Reflection
Todays mission was... at least I think it was... the fashion product mock ups. Since I already choose a look and started making patterns for it, today I tried out making its accessories. Not a lot, only the headwear and the shoes.
I was sewing PVC for the first time when making the headwear. I should say that my sketch was not very practical, that it really was a challenge to certify the its shape. And I was confusing about how to make it stays on head as well. PVC was really a bad material for hair ring making. It was not stable at all, and your hair would get pretty messy after a while. The length of the hair ring part was another big problem. Firstly it was too long for two rounds and too short for three rounds; then I added a little length on it.
Now it was too long for three rounds and impossible to make four rounds.
So I gave up, it does not function as a hair ring anymore, it became a pure decoration. However, I should say that when I put it on for a try, it quite not looks like what I had expected. The shape of the PVC pieces was fine, but my hair was totally a different shape with what I planned. 
Maybe its just the difference between cartoon and reality. Another sad example to put into my research of my design concept. 
For the shoe, I used toilet paper and PVC. I actually want the product to be all transparent, but my vellen fabric was not stable enough to make shoe sole. So good that I can use any material for mock ups. I measured my feet and drew the shape of a real shoe sole and cutted the toilet paper. What I must mention about was the toilet paper was really taugh, I could only cut it layer by layer. Then I sticked a piece of PVC to it using glue gun. (It ran out of glue sticks now, I must go to get some tomorrow)
The outcome was awful. I don’t like it, a lot. The sole was literally a rectangle, although I cutted it into the shape of a real shoe sole. And the size was like about 30% smaller, so that I can’t try it on. Anyway, I learnt a session, didn’t I?
What should be for conclusion? Well... I HATE TOILET PAPER Ahhhhh
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/14 Process work and Reflection
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/13 Process work and Reflection
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
Weekend(7/10 ~7/12) Reflection
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/9 Process and Reflection
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/8 Processes and Reflection
Fabric manipulation was not what I was familiar with, and this is my first time trying to create some of them. Well, the result does not looks very nice, at least not as good as I expected.
I definitly want to build something dimentional - kind of like reliefs - with fabric only. So I used only plain muslim for material, and brainstormed shapes that was both interesting and practical to make. These works took me hours, I stayed up the whole night to finish them.
The grid - which was the first of all - ate up my time the most. It was such a challenge to stable all the folds at the same time, and the difficulity increased as the number of folds increased.  Everytime when I pined one area, I would suddenly recognized that other parts were falling apart. 
This might because - I figured out a little bit after a while - the trims were not overlapping each others perfectly, so that I falled to pin everything up at the same time. 
As a beginner, I came up with my shapes by folding and folding the fabric over and over again, to see if there will be a point that everything looks nice enough. It feels quite like fashion designers throwing fabrics to the plastic model to inspire themselves, as they do in films. 
Conclusion: Use bent needles. It won’t hurt your finger everytime you touch your fabric.
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/7 Process Work & Reflection
Collage was a completely new area for me. I used to gather images and put them together by planning, but this is my first time making a collage, as well as the first time working on moodboard. This task kind of bring me back the memories of making paper crafts in kindergarten, especially when I smelled the glue stick. However, non of these memories were positive, cause I was not able to finish any crafts successfully, even if I followed the instruction as careful as I could. 
Before starting, I firstly created a rough draft as my outline. I brainstormed a shape and put colours from the colour story onto it. Then I listed down things that I want to include in this collage: what kind of materials I want to use, what shapes I want to show, what textures I want to look for... Although I didn’t follow anything I wrote in the draft when working on the collage, planning still was a good start, that it gathered my ideas together and pointed out a truck for me. 
There was no much to say about my collage. I spent like about two hours digging into old magazines (most of them were “TIMES”), finding pictures that looks pretty suit my fashion concept. Then I searched the web for some extra pieces. I carefully considered the size, colour and shape of each materal I found. After I gathered enough images, I sat down, looked at them, and started to make an intergrated graphic with these broken pieces. 
The process of making collage was filled up with deconstructure. I breaked things down and brough reunion to them, and everything was up to me - how to understand them, how to use them, how to represent them, how to explain them (or don’t explain anything at all)... The old world is not making sense anymore. So there I was, put the plan away and fall into love with my own brain. Morbid pleasure.
Or healthy pleasure, depends on your point of view.
The another task, the fabric manipulation technique one, was the most challange one of all. I don’t have much experience of sewing, and exactly no experience of doing fabric manipulation. Also, learning a technology was difficult for me as well: I watched the video over and over again but still can not understand what it said, don’t dare me even think of doing it by hand. 
So I just gave up learning one, and started exploring myself. The process was painful, that I got zero idea about what to do. Luckly, I thought of the origami technique that I learnt in childhood. However, it was the only technique that I understood. So I began to fold my fabric, and tried to add some variation to the old steps. 
In the end, I think I should be considered as “got something” - it was a piece of fabric with a really wierd shape. Looks even like a frog, or maybe roasted chicken. Unknowingly, I did my first fabric manipulation, and it was done by my original technique (if nobody was earlier than me). Quiet unbelievable for me. 
P.S. I heard that the conclusion was not very necessary for a refleciton? Therefore I’m not concluding. 
And here are my rough draft and my final work. 
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/6 Reflection
The process of coming up with a concept was descripted properly in my yesterday reflection, so I’m not repeating. (Now I must say that struggling with post-assignment reflection was just as painful as struggling with the assignment itself.)
Representing my concept was not a easy job (nothing is really easy in the world). During the in-class working hour, I looked into photos that I took in the past two years for some inspiration. As a new-to-fashion, I spent some time to figure out what is a color story, and I decide to make a small collection of images and gather colours from them. Sticking them to a page, I used colours from the pictures and added some notes to the pictures, trying to link them together and give my page more senses. All the photos, I should say that, was considered as a small piece of my reality, and this was what I always love to do - collecting life pieces. I should say that the final work looks much better than I expected.
For homework, I have to write something to explain my concept, and add more works to my color story as well. I got exactly no idea about how to write a paragraph explaining my point of view, to be honest, catching a certain idea inside my chaotic brain was as hard as finding a needle in the ocean. Writing down words was a challange for me as well: I tried my best to make it looks interesting - at least not too boring - and understandable. I usually bring my soliloquies into my writing, which makes things sounds like abundant stream of conciousness. ...Maybe even this reflection is starting to look like a soliloquy as well. Okay, nevermind me. 
And for the addtional works to my colour story, I brainstormed so much ideas of filling up a whole empty page. Finaly, I decided to stick my paragraph to the page, and draw something beside it - which should have some connection to my concept and the previous part of the colour story. I firstly thought of writing words in colours from my colour palette. However, the plan died soon, cause I didn’t have much passion for it. Then I suggested myself to draw a picture using those colours. This time I felt the suggestion kind of attractive, but is not close enough to my previous page of the colour story.  At last, I pasted a photo - which was an option that I didn’t select for the part 1 colour story -  to the page and re-drew it in my own colours. I love the idea. 
So, here we are, coming to the conclusion part again. And I don’t know how to conclude my reflection again. Every sentence I came up with was just...boring, far-fetched, unnatural... But anyway, the moment I got the right idea after a long and painful and struggling thinking feels so great. 
Happy the first day of the class. 
...Wait, I can’t remember how I ended writing yesterday...
Fine. Bye-bye.
2020.7.6 (I think I did it right)
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yuanyiming-blog1 · 4 years
7/5 Initial Research Reflection
Obviously, this will be my first post on Tumblr, as well as my first reflection/processwork in this course. What to say? I have no idea.
Starting with the beginning - I spent tons of times figuring out what a concept should be. Okay, I see, it’s kind of ridiculous. It brough me up the feeling of struggling for my Philosophy essays in the past school year. And my brain was empty. To be honest, typing these words down, I still don’t know whether I did this assignment in a correct way. What I did for the concept was just, to say, firstly thinking of one question: What do I like?
I like - things that are transparent; things that are pure; things that are the alter versions of their prototypes; things that looked impossible.
And so, what should be my concept? Choosing one of the feature from the list makes me felt boring. However, I found something that could perfectly include all of them (at least I think it could): “beyond the reality.” Surrealism. I catched it, it felt like drinking ice river in Summer. 
What we see and what we feel are not what we see and what we feel, at least not necessarily is. Go beyond the reality...please.
Then the task was finding images and put them together. Since this is not a diary, I’m not talking too much about it. It’s quite easy and there were no much struggling. 
At last, let me think, should there be a conclusion... maybe. What should I conclude... OK. Happy July 5 & Camp opening! Thanks for reading.
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