ysabelle22 · 11 months
Blogpost #3 THE SNIPER By Liam O’ Flaherty
Echoes of the Silent Barrel
In shadows deep, a story I spin,
Of "The Sniper," where battles begin.
By Liam O'Flaherty, his words a guide,
I craft a poem, with heart untied.
Within a city, ravaged and torn,
Where war's flames burn, both fierce and scorned,
A sniper lurks, a ghostly sight,
A symbol of darkness, concealed in the night.
His eyes, once bright, now veiled with gloom,
Haunted by echoes, a merciless tomb.
In solitude he stands, on a battered rooftop,
In a war-torn abyss, where hope dares to droop.
Through streets that bleed, he takes his aim,
The city's heartbeat, his only game.
A deadly dance, with fate as his tune,
A symphony of destruction, played all too soon.
Through shattered windows, his bullets soar,
Unseen and unheard, like a whispered lore.
They seek their mark, with cold precision,
Unveiling a tale of war's grim decision.
Yet as the moon ascends on high,
A tear slips down from his weary eye.
A life extinguished, a brother slain,
In that fleeting moment, empathy's reign.
The weight of the rifle, heavy and cold,
Reflects the burden his soul now holds.
A soldier's lament, a conscience awoken,
Amidst the chaos, compassion unbroken.
In dawn's soft light, the city awakes,
Bearing the scars that history makes.
The sniper, a witness to the havoc unfurled,
Questions the worth of this war-torn world.
For amidst the chaos and battles waged,
It's love and compassion that should be engaged.
In Liam O'Flaherty's tale, the lesson rings true,
That humanity's strength lies in what we can do.
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ysabelle22 · 1 year
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The Good Witch (2023) / Sour (2021)
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ysabelle22 · 1 year
Title: Rediscovering Anne: Moira Walley-Beckett's Unforgettable Masterpiece
Movie: Anne with an E
Created by: Moira Walley-Beckett
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Moira Walley-Beckett's remarkable creation, "Anne with an E," stands as a testament to her visionary storytelling and unparalleled ability to breathe new life into beloved narratives. This adaptation of L.M. Montgomery's timeless classic, "Anne of Green Gables," is a unique and captivating journey that captures the hearts of audiences, immersing them in a world of imagination, resilience, and self-discovery.
At the heart of the series is Amybeth McNulty, who delivers a breathtaking performance as the spirited and imaginative Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. McNulty's portrayal is nothing short of extraordinary, infusing Anne with a perfect blend of vulnerability, strength, and relentless determination. Her presence on screen is magnetic, and she effortlessly embodies the essence of the iconic character.
Moira Walley-Beckett's creative vision for "Anne with an E" sets it apart from previous adaptations, infusing the story with a contemporary twist while staying true to its core values. She fearlessly explores darker themes such as trauma, identity, and prejudice, lending the series a depth and complexity that resonates with viewers on a profound level. Walley-Beckett's unyielding commitment to storytelling allows the characters to transcend the pages of the novel, taking on new dimensions and confronting societal issues with grace and authenticity.
Visually, "Anne with an E" is a masterpiece. The cinematography captures the breathtaking landscapes of Prince Edward Island, enveloping the audience in the beauty and tranquility of Green Gables. The attention to detail in the production design and costumes transports viewers to a bygone era, immersing them in the rich tapestry of the story's setting.
The ensemble cast of "Anne with an E" is a true delight. Geraldine James and R.H. Thomson bring Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert to life with exceptional performances that radiate warmth and depth. Their on-screen chemistry with McNulty is palpable, creating authentic and heartfelt connections that tug at the heartstrings.
Moira Walley-Beckett's writing is a testament to her brilliance as a storyteller. The dialogue is exquisitely crafted, striking a delicate balance between wit, poignancy, and profound introspection. She masterfully weaves contemporary themes into the narrative, infusing it with a fresh perspective that resonates with audiences of all ages.
While "Anne with an E" takes artistic liberties with the source material, it does so with a deep respect and understanding of its essence. Purists may initially be taken aback by the departure from the familiar, but upon closer examination, they will discover a unique interpretation that honors the spirit of the original while offering a fresh perspective.
In conclusion, "Anne with an E" is a masterpiece of storytelling, brought to life by Moira Walley-Beckett's unwavering creativity and the exceptional performances of its cast. This adaptation captures the hearts and imaginations of viewers, inviting them to rediscover the timeless tale of Anne Shirley in a new and unforgettable way. With its breathtaking visuals, powerful themes, and outstanding performances, "Anne with an E" stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the indomitable spirit of its beloved protagonist.
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ysabelle22 · 1 year
Book Review: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
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Colleen Hoover's Ugly Love takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster that explores the complexities of love and the scars it can leave behind. With her signature blend of heart-wrenching moments and compelling characters, Hoover once again proves why she is a master of contemporary romance.
The story follows Tate Collins, a young woman who finds herself drawn to her brother's best friend and neighbor, Miles Archer. From the moment they meet, there is an undeniable attraction between them, but Miles is clear about his intentions: no love, no commitment, only sex. Intrigued by the enigmatic Miles and the possibility of a no-strings-attached arrangement, Tate agrees to his terms, even though her heart yearns for something more.
What sets Ugly Love apart from other romance novels is its dual timeline narrative. As the present-day story unfolds, revealing the passionate yet complicated relationship between Tate and Miles, Hoover skillfully weaves in chapters from the past that provide glimpses into Miles' painful history. These chapters are raw and gut-wrenching, gradually unveiling the true nature of his emotional scars and the reasons behind his guarded heart.
Hoover's writing is captivating, capturing the turbulent emotions of her characters with depth and authenticity. She delves into the complexities of love, exploring themes of trust, forgiveness, and the power of healing. The chemistry between Tate and Miles is palpable, their encounters sizzling with intensity and desire. Yet, beneath the surface, there is a profound sense of sadness and vulnerability that keeps readers hooked, yearning for their happily-ever-after.
While Ugly Love delivers a powerful emotional punch, there are moments when the narrative feels predictable and relies on familiar romance tropes. Some readers may find the plot twists a bit too convenient or predictable, but Hoover's ability to create relatable characters and evoke strong emotions compensates for these minor shortcomings.
Tate is a resilient and relatable protagonist who undergoes significant personal growth throughout the story. Her determination to unravel the truth behind Miles' past and her unwavering love for him make her a compelling and sympathetic character. Miles, on the other hand, is a tormented soul carrying the weight of his past mistakes. His journey toward self-forgiveness and the capacity to love again is heartrending and beautifully portrayed.
Ugly Love is a poignant exploration of the messiness of love, the scars it can leave, and the transformative power of forgiveness. While the plot may follow a familiar trajectory, Colleen Hoover's ability to craft compelling characters and evoke a range of emotions ensures that readers will be fully invested in the story. If you're in the mood for a contemporary romance that will tug at your heartstrings and leave you contemplating the complexities of love, Ugly Love is a must-read.
At its core, Ugly Love carries an inspiring message about the resilience of the human heart and the transformative power of love. It reminds us that even in the face of pain and heartbreak, we have the capacity to heal, grow, and find hope again. Through the characters of Tate and Miles, Colleen Hoover shows us that love, despite its challenges and imperfections, has the potential to mend our brokenness and lead us towards a path of self-discovery and redemption. It encourages readers to embrace vulnerability, confront their past, and open themselves up to the possibility of healing and finding true happiness. Ugly Love serves as a reminder that, ultimately, love has the power to heal, uplift, and transform our lives in ways we may never have imagined.
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ysabelle22 · 1 year
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How I Broke, and Botched, the Brandon Teena Story
In the thought-provoking essay titled "How I Broke, and Botched, the Brandon Teena Story," Donna Minkowitz offers a profound exploration of the impact of culture on her personal experience and regrets surrounding her coverage of Brandon Teena's life and tragic death. Within the essay, Minkowitz embarks on a journey of introspection, examining the complex interplay between culture, identity, and the media's role in shaping public perception.
Minkowitz begins her narrative by delving into her own upbringing and the cultural influences that shaped her understanding of gender and identity. Growing up in a society entrenched in cisgender and heteronormative norms, she candidly acknowledges the presence of internalized homophobia and transphobia within herself. These deeply ingrained cultural beliefs and biases, she realizes, had a profound impact on her perceptions and actions as a journalist covering Teena's story.
As Minkowitz delves further into her reflections, she expands her focus to the broader cultural context in which Brandon Teena's life unfolded. She exposes the prevalence of stereotypes, misconceptions, and prejudices within society, all of which hindered a genuine understanding of Teena's experiences as a transgender man. These cultural norms perpetuated harmful narratives that obscured the complexities of Teena's identity and the challenges he faced.
Minkowitz takes a critical look at her own role as a journalist operating within this cultural landscape. She confronts the limitations and shortcomings of her reporting, acknowledging how her own biases and the prevailing cultural climate influenced her portrayal of Teena. She recognizes that her initial fascination with the story, combined with a desire to challenge societal norms, blinded her to the nuanced realities of Teena's life and the struggles faced by transgender individuals in a society rife with transphobia.
Through introspection, Minkowitz emphasizes the need for self-reflection and a deeper examination of one's biases and prejudices. She urges readers to critically analyze their own cultural conditioning and the impact it has on their understanding of marginalized communities. Minkowitz calls for a broader cultural shift—one that fosters acceptance, understanding, and empathy for transgender individuals and dismantles the harmful cultural norms perpetuated by society.
The essay invites readers to consider the profound influence of cultural context on perceptions, attitudes, and representations of gender identity. It underscores the importance of cultural sensitivity, education, and open dialogue as catalysts for fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Minkowitz's introspection serves as a powerful call to action, urging individuals and society as a whole to challenge and dismantle the harmful cultural forces that perpetuate misrepresentation and harm.
In conclusion, "How I Broke, and Botched, the Brandon Teena Story" by Donna Minkowitz provides a deeply reflective exploration of the subject of culture within the context of her coverage of Brandon Teena's life. Through her original insights and introspection, Minkowitz underscores the vital role of culture in shaping perceptions, biases, and societal norms. The essay serves as a thought-provoking reminder of the importance of cultural sensitivity, empathy, and the continuous quest for understanding in our collective journey toward a more inclusive and compassionate world.
Blog Post 2
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ysabelle22 · 1 year
My own literary piece inspired by Sylvia Plath poems entitled: Tulips
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Tulips of Crimson Dreams
In the realm of sorrow's embrace,
Where petals weep, and darkness sways,
A tapestry of vibrant hue,
Tulips bloom in shades anew.
Amidst the night, they dance and sway,
Their fragile bodies start to pray,
Beneath the moon's enamored gaze,
They tell a tale of hidden ways.
Their crimson robes, a poignant mask,
Concealing secrets, questions asked,
With fragile stems, they reach for light,
Yearning for hope to break the night.
In their quiet elegance, they stand,
Reflecting memories, unplanned,
Within their folds, a tempest stirs,
Unspoken words, emotions' slurs.
Each blossom holds a whispered plea,
A silent plea for souls set free,
From burdens carried deep within,
To find release, let healing begin.
But oh, the weight that life bestows,
Like leaden shackles, forging woes,
Tulips stand tall, defying fate,
In their vibrant shade, they navigate.
Their petals tremble with desire,
To ignite hearts, to fuel the fire,
To rouse the dormant, listless soul,
To help us mend and make us whole.
Amidst the thorns, a beauty lies,
A paradox that never dies,
For in the darkness, light will creep,
Through tulips' essence, secrets seep.
So, let us learn from tulips' grace,
To find solace in our own dark space,
To embrace the wounds that scar our core,
And bloom with strength forevermore.
For in their crimson dreams, we find,
A whispered truth that intertwines,
Life's sorrows with its vibrant art,
A masterpiece of the wounded heart.
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