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The concept that always runs in our society or community is known as economic value. A value that presents an estimation of how much is my motorbike worth or any other item. This concept ranges in almost every sort of object present in the economy. In automobile industry, people often have this question arise from time to time when they want to know the true worth of their motorbikes, cars etc. The true artists and fans of motorbikes suffer a much severe problem in the accurate or exact valuation which give rise to the question of how much is my motorbike worth to others or to the dealers or the buyers because there are limited buyers for such exquisite piece of art. Many showrooms and motorbike dealers often make errors or deliberately give wrong valuation of the bike due to the fact that customers also don’t know the value of their motorbikes and they use that at their advantage. But here at motorbikebuyers.co.uk, we make sure to give the best valuation of your bike that is not based on the economic value but on the true value of how much is my motorbike worth in reality.
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Once in a life there comes a point when you want to sell your vehicle,what if there will come a time when you have to sell your any vehicle ? You do this maybe because you want to buy some other,newer model or would like to buy a much older to find one.you can come up with limited reasons why you have to sell your motorbike. If you are a buyer then you just would like to buy any motorbike that looks great. Since the motorcycle valuation is the very first thing that a customer would look at when buying any vehicle (scooter, GSXR , virago, vespa, Harley-Davidson etc.) for that concern, you should pay attention and focus to it before anything else. Dents should be removed. Rusts should not be in any visual. Dusts should not sit on corners. To summarize, your motorcycle must be clean from the outside. It will not only give motorbike dealer the impression that youmaintain motorbike very well, it will also increase the value of it. There are number of drivers who fail to take the time to look for bikes to check its condition and loses worth of bike.
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Women’s History Month Spotlight: Mitu Khandaker
Mitu Khandaker is living the dream. She had a hobby and turned it into a career where she can make meaningful change. As a game designer, she holds a PhD on the aesthetics of interactivity in videogames and most recently founded a new studio, Glow Up Games. Her and her team are motivated to tell stories through mobile games and AI. If you’re into gaming, you’ll want to read our interview with her below.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the gaming industry.
I’m a game designer, programmer, scholar, and entrepreneur. I’m a professor at NYU Game Center and CEO and Co-Founder of new studio, Glow Up Games. I have a PhD in the aesthetics of interactivity and designing for virtual reality, and I do consulting across a range of creative and technical projects across games, AI, and immersive storytelling
I think that I have the typical story [after] I found out that creating games was an actual job. That actually happened thanks to an episode of my fave TV show when I was 13, The X-Files, which featured a storyline featuring a female “entertainment software developer’”—who, incidentally, happened to be a woman! Since then, I knew I wanted to do that, but the route I took was also typically a little unusual and eclectic. I studied Computer Engineering to Masters level at university (my other aspiration was to build cool robots), and for my final project, I designed a videogame and controller which used stress levels as input. Then I was offered the chance to do a PhD in game design and creative technologies at the University of Portsmouth, and while I was doing that, I was building all kinds of games and projects—from a location-based games startup I worked on briefly, to my first indie hit, Redshirt, which sparked my interest in social simulation and AI.
I was then part of the founding team of a game AI tools company called Spirit AI, until more recently, when I left to start a new studio, Glow Up Games. [Now I] focus on telling beautifully crafted systemic stories through games, mobile, AI, and emerging tech, and, particularly, building games for a diverse and underrepresented audience, by a diverse and underrepresented and underestimated team.
Games are such an interactive medium. How do you think game developers and their teams can create a positive, inclusive shared experience?
Games are indeed interactive, but also, they’re always about telling stories, whether through implicit systems or more explicitly. As always, I think that the key to telling better stories lies in tapping into the wider wealth of human experience. That means building more inclusive and diverse teams.
How do you see gender disparity occurring in the gaming industry? How can we change the male-dominated narrative?
Women have always been in games, but they perhaps haven’t been afforded the same platforms as our male counterparts. We need to shout about the accomplishments of women throughout gaming history, for one thing. Another is to create cultures within gaming companies where, as women and minorities, we’re truly included. For me, as a woman of color, that means building our own structures—one of my missions with Glow Up Games!
What advice would you give to aspiring women who are just starting out or wanting to join the industry?
Find mentors in people who are women or non-binary. Find peers, allies, and find people who will remind you that you’re not alone in this. I can’t underline strongly enough the value of having a good network of support.
Thanks for the interview, Mitu!
 Tumblr, like what you see? Stay tuned to @gaming all month long for more interviews with women in the gaming industry. 
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After New Zealand’s FIRST mass shooting, they’ve quickly and actively banned semi-automatics. Their response to their Muslim citizenry was rapid and booming.
Our nation won’t even make changes for our school children who have faced mass shootings.
What a telling response, what a difference in sense of humanity.
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Women’s History Month Spotlight: Miranda Barnes
Our Women’s History Month features continue! Meet photographer Miranda Barnes (@mirandabarnes ), a Caribbean-Anglo American photographer hailing from Brooklyn. Her unique style has been seen in major publications like The New York Times, NY Magazine, Vogue Magazine, Teen Vogue, and so many more. Now you get a chance to learn just what makes her tick. 
Your work in the West Indian Parade series, Skate Kitchen, and Sarae & Sarai is amazing. What motivates you to focus on telling the stories of Black women?
Thank you! It’s important because for so long our stories have largely been told from a white and male perspective and have been the only way our narratives have been told. For me, it’s important to break stereotypes that have been placed on us by photographing us living and working, even if it’s mundane.
What has been one of your biggest accomplishments as a photographer?
One of the biggest accomplishments thus far has been photographing historical and sensitive assignments. The biggest one, however, was my coverage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 50th anniversary of his assassination for The New York Times. It made A1!
How can people continue to support more women of color photographers?
I think it is important to first acknowledge that womxn photographers have been, historically at a disadvantage. This is even more so for Black womxn photographers. However, it’s important to understand the idea behind reclaiming narratives and it’s very exciting to see this slow, but more awareness towards the inequality that has plagued industries for so long. Reclaiming narratives are crucial and I try to view my experiences as a Black woman as an advantage. Support can be as simple as sharing a website, but also buying prints or investing in a photographer.
Give yourself a little gift today and follow @mirandabarnes . Your dashboard will be better off for it.
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