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I'm trying to be dead, can you please stop walking over my grave
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hi there
this is a blog for the whole “not s&p approved” thing that alex hirsch posted. i thought it would b funny 2 make a blog for it. feel free to send in asks with characters and i’ll make them not s&p approved; you can send as many as you want in one ask, or just a bunch of asks. heads up that im not very consistent with posting so pls be patient </3
i will NOT do requests for h*rry p*tter characters so don’t even try. fuck the bigoted books. i won’t do any minecraft smp characters either (content creators are fine). there are probably others that i won’t do too, and i’ll add as time goes on, for now i’ll just delete asks about them or answer them saying i won’t do them. but most media is fine
call me mythos, ae/ve/it/they pronouns please :)
@yourfaveislgbtandtheresnothing @yourfavhasautism @yourfaveisaprideflag @your-fave-says-lgbtq-rights @your-fave-hates-post-plus @your-fave-has-an-account @your-fave-t-poses @your-fave-is-your-favorite @urfavhatesterfs @urfaveisdisneysfirstgaycharacter @urfaveistransandplaysminecraft @ur-fav-blue-hair-and-pronouns @ur-fav-drinks-respectwomen-juice tagging for attention, if you don’t wanna be tagged lmk and i’ll remove it :)
dni if queer exclusionist, transmed, sysmed/anti endo, terf, racist, islamophobic, or otherwise hateful at all. i don’t have the energy for a full dni at the moment
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these blogs are getting too meta
If you’re not careful I’ll make a blog called “Specifically this anon is your favorite” and only make one post on it about you with this image.
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Ay, this account is dead, but my friend, who is kiiiiinda small, feeds my addiction to Genocide Jack content. This is my favorite post on their blog. Yes I’m doing this because I find entertainment in this. That being said, they’d appreciate support. @trubbishrubbish
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Genocide Jack talks enthusiastically about her favorite interests.
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I've decided I want to add onto this. May as well make this a masterpost of the people I don't want around here, y'know what I mean? So let's get this through.
If you're any of the following, kindly never associate yourself with me because I want nothing to do with you: MAP, Nazi, transphobe, nbphobe, homophobe, biphobe, panphobe, aphobe, I'd keep going but sadly I don't know the terms of all the different -phobes.
So basically, if you think any gender identity or sexuality (pedophilia is not a sexuality by the way, so feel free to hate pedophiles, I do too) is non-valid, kindly get out of here.
And for the groups of people I didn't mention the terms for, I'm sorry. I'm not good at putting everything into words, but just know that you can identify however you want, and you can love whomever you want (minus the aforementioned pedophiles), and I will always support you.
Now that that's over with, I uh, feel the need to apologize. Mostly for making posts. Like, I'm trying to keep this blog inactive, but one of two things happens. One is that I accidentally post here because I'm an idiot. Two is that I check through blogs of people who recently followed me, and saw they were hateful of a group of people, and I couldn't keep myself from being pissed that these people were consuming this content. That's why I made this post, because I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. Anyway, sorry I keep reviving and dying again. I'll do my best to stay dead this time, no promises that you're done with me, though. Stay amazing everyone! Not that you have a choice, because you'll always be amazing.
This may be out of the blue
But so long as this blog is up, I want this to be somewhere near the top.
1) This blog is, and always will be, 100% supportive of transgender people, non-binary people, and anything that falls in-between or outside of those margins.
2) This blog is not, and never will be, supportive of transphobes.
3) If you reblog from me, and you're transphobic, I see you bitch. This blog isn't for you. This is a blog about positivity, and if you're that kind of hateful person you are not welcome here. I will make that clear to you as many times as it fucking takes.
Everyone who is not transphobic, have a good night! You're wonderful, and I believe in you.
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Me playing #Yakuza0 for the first time and trying to figure out how families/clans/factions/alliances/consortiums work.
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That was supposed to go to my main what the fuck is wrong with me
Reblog if your icon
would fight 10 men at once
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Reblog if your icon
would fight 10 men at once
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A cool "character x is" blog, with an icon of my favorite character, that accepts trans and nb folk? Am I dreaming? This is amazing! Thank you for being so amazing!
Unfortunately I'm not active anymore, sorta, but I'm still here. I pay attention to notes, and check through a lot of blogs (hence what led to the previous post). But, thank you for the kind words! And hey, you're amazing too! Take it from me!
(Also you're super valid, Kiyotaka is one of my favorites from Danganronpa 1)
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This may be out of the blue
But so long as this blog is up, I want this to be somewhere near the top.
1) This blog is, and always will be, 100% supportive of transgender people, non-binary people, and anything that falls in-between or outside of those margins.
2) This blog is not, and never will be, supportive of transphobes.
3) If you reblog from me, and you're transphobic, I see you bitch. This blog isn't for you. This is a blog about positivity, and if you're that kind of hateful person you are not welcome here. I will make that clear to you as many times as it fucking takes.
Everyone who is not transphobic, have a good night! You're wonderful, and I believe in you.
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Spheal from Pokémon is your fave!
Requested by anonymous
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Hi, I'm sorry you're feeling like that, I'm good at editing stuff,I don't know if I can make requests for you while you're recovering, anyways I wish you look!.
I appreciate the sympathy! Things certainly haven’t been completely positive, but I can’t pretend my life’s only been downs. Just in the matter of this blog my ups don’t really help me out that much.As for offering to cover for me, I appreciate it, but I can’t do that. I don’t know, it just wouldn’t feel right to me. Especially considering I don’t know if I’ll ever fully come back to this, y’know? Especially especially considering how many undone requests I have.I counted them all just now, and since the request I got for Bastion, I have 248 undone requests. I don’t know which ones are repeats of other requests or flags I’ve already made, but I would never be able to bring myself to put that on someone else. If it stressed me out, I don’t know what it would do to another person. You’re incredibly nice for the offer, and I really do appreciate it! But for now I don’t know if I’d be okay with putting that load on someone else.
So for now, I just wanted to let you all know that you’re wonderful people, and I really do miss making content for you that had even the chance of making you smile. You all deserve to smile, and I hope that I could provide even a brief, passing one to some of you, but until further notice I’m going to take a break from this.
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Hey so, I’m still alive I guess. I lost a lot of motivation among my schoolwork and shit, and this blog was one of the things that suffered for it. I’m sorry about all that. But I am still alive, and I am still doing things. My SO and I are starting a Danganronpa project together, and I’m going to be the voice of Nagito Komaeda, they’ll be Chiaki Nanami! If y’wanna see the details of that, I’d recommend checking it out here! It’s a Tumblr based thing, so there’s that. There’s also a casting call open for every other character in DR 2. As for the state of this blog... I don’t know. It’s really hard to find motivation, especially considering how behind I am in requests. Seriously, you’d be surprised how many I’ve got. I’m not going to say this blog is dead, I’m not going to say this blog isn’t dead. I might come back to it eventually, but if you want to see anything else I’m related to, my main (where I mostly just reblog and make the occasional post) and the DR 2 project is about it for now.
In case the link didn’t work up above: @jabberwock-island-dub
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Hey uh, I might take a couple days off. This completely surprised me, but I don’t think I’ll even be able to get myself to work, honestly. For anyone worried, no one’s hurt or anything, everyone’s fine! It’s just me. So uh, sorry for not posting for a bit, I’ve just been having a bit of difficulty doing... anything, recently. Hopefully I’ll manage to get myself back on my normal bullshit, I’ll keep you updated! And always remember, you’re all loved and appreciated! I believe in all of you!
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Stay strong
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goro majima from the yakuza game series has one eye!
for @namen-omatter
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