youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 4 days
Hello there!
Could I request a Ratchet x fem!Human!Reader (mid 20s), where he's sort of like her guardian (and perhaps there's unspoken, relucant feelings between the two) where she ends up in a sort of sketchy situation at a party, and he shows up to rescue her.
It's all the more touching because he still has reservations about humans, but he uses his holoform to go inside and get her, and then drives her back to base.
Hope you have a good day!
A/N: I wanted to do a scenario for this, which is why it took so long, but I hope you like it
“Call me if you need me to come get you” Ratchet said.
“I will, but I’m sure I’ll get home on my own” you assured him as you left, waving him goodbye from the front seat.
Bee dropped you off at the party before going on patrol, and you met up with a couple of your friends. The music was good, and so was most of the company. There were always some idiots around, but you luckily didn’t run into too many of those. You were dancing and drinking with your friends, just having a good time.
You were always very careful with your drinks, never taking one from someone you didn’t know and never, ever leaving your drink unwatched. Even with the precautions you took, someone managed to slip something into your drink. You started feeling a bit odd, and at first you just figured you’d had too much to drink, but soon it became apparent that something was wrong.
You were starting to feel woozy and unsteady, and on top of that your friends were nowhere to be seen. You poured the rest of your drink into the closest houseplant’s pot and started trying to make your way outside. Even though you were bumping into people, no one really seemed to notice what a bad state you were in.
You got outside and managed to get your phone out of your pocket. You dialed Ratchet, and managed to mumble something about needing him to come get you.
When you called Ratchet, he was sure you were going to tell him something like: “It’s cold outside, can you take me home?” so when he heard your slurred words and the fear in your voice, he was surprised.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked, sounding much more frantic than he meant to.
“I-I think sssome-somehone spiked myh drink” you slurred.
“Stay put, I’ll come get you” Ratchet said, already leaving the base.
He didn’t give a second thought to any of the speed limit signs he sped past on the way to get you. He tried to keep calm, but he was aware of the implications of what you being spiked meant, someone wanted to do you harm.
You were standing outside, leaning on the wall of the house, feeling increasingly worse, when two guys came up to you, trying to hit on you. You didn’t want any of what they were clearly offering, so you started stumbling back inside, hoping to find some safety with your friends. They were nowhere to be seen, and the two guys were still following you. You decided you would lock yourself in the bathroom to get away from these jackasses.
Ratchet almost jumped out in his holoform before he had even stopped, and hurried to the front door of the house where the party was being held. He started calling out your name, but the music was too loud, and he was quite sure that even if you were able to answer, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him. He didn’t know if he could search the whole house with so many people there, not efficiently anyway.
“Damn it” Ratchet muttered.
Then he had an idea. Luckily, the house was on the corner of an intersection, so he drove to the side of the house and blared his sirens as loud as possible, hoping the people inside would mistake it for a police siren. Thank Primus they did. He could hear some people yelling “it’s the cops!” before people started running in all directions away from the house. He jogged back to the house and went inside to look for you. You had no reason to run away from the cops since you were of age, so you could drink whatever you wanted in peace.
Ratchet checked the downstairs first, but there was no sign of you. He then moved upstairs and started going through the rooms, no sign of you there either. He was starting to get increasingly worried. When he came back downstairs, he noticed a room he hadn’t checked yet, it was a bathroom, and it was locked.
“(Name)? Are you in there?” he asked as he knocked.
“Ratchhh?” came a barely coherent response.
“Can you open the door?” Ratchet asked, thinking he might have to kick it down, which would not be ideal.
He could hear movement and the lock clicked and he pulled the door open. You almost fell face first on the floor of the hallway, but Ratchet managed to catch you just in time.
“Oh sweetspark” he muttered as you clung to his shirt. “Can you walk?”
“No…” you mumbled.
Ratchet picked you up with very little effort and started carrying you out of the house. He wasn’t sure if he should take you to a hospital, or to just let you sleep it off. He could feel the remaining party guests’ eyes on him as he carried you out of the house, but he couldn’t care less.
You felt like absolutely crap. You were so out of it, you could barely even stand, but when Ratchet picked you up, you felt a little bit less like crap. You felt safe in his arms, and you were too out of it to feel embarrassed about him holding you or about the way you clung to his shirt. You registered him carrying you out of the house, mostly because of the cool air that made you shiver and snuggle even closer to his chest in search of warmth. The cold air helped you sober up a little bit, and you felt more awake.
Ratchet wasn’t thinking about anything but helping you. No matter how much you held onto him, he was just trying to take care of you, nothing more, right? He decided to take you to the base and look after you himself.
You didn’t pass out, even though you definitely felt like you might a couple of times. By some miracle you didn’t throw up either and when you finally found yourself on the base’s couch, you just wanted to go to sleep.
“Thankhs, I love you” you muttered as you laid down on the couch.
Ratchet didn’t say anything, he just placed a blanket over you and watched you curl up under it. He didn’t register your words right away, so he realized what you’d said with a bit of a time lag. A soft smile came across his face as he looked at your sleeping form on the couch. You probably wouldn’t remember what you’d said when you woke up, but it still meant the world to him. Maybe someday he’d have the courage to say it back.
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 6 days
Hii can I request headcanons with MTMTE Rodimus, Drift & Ratchet with an artist human reader? Romantic btw tysmm:))
●Hits you with the "Paint me like one of your French girls😏"
●If you draw him he hangs it on the wall of his office.
●+5 Rodimus stars
●Gets jealous when you draw other bots..
●"BABY I'M RIGHT HERE!! Isn't my sexy frame worthy of a portrait??" he says this with his back arched in berth.
●Won't pressure you to draw him tho (he will SOMETIMES but he doesn't mean it he swears)
●Takes little peeks into your sketchbooks without you noticing :3
●Throw away an art piece?
●"Rodimus why is my unfinished sketch glued onto the wall?"
●"It's perfect. Just like my babyy :33"
●He buys you all the art supplies he can find during alien planet pitstops :3
●Unintentionally calls you a drawer
●Watches you when you work and often comments on the piece
●"You think blue would be more fitting for the background?"
●"Oh yeah!"
●When you ask to draw him he's still as a statue, mech is a rock.
●Will not move when you're drawing him, the ship could be burning for all he cares, HE IS NOT MOVIN DAWG🙏
●Swords shined and everything👌
●Will let you use his crystals as references if you're drawing a scene.
●Gets you those mini pose-able mannequins for pose references (will not hesitate to be said mannequin if necessary.)
●Lays his chin on your head if you're in his lap while drawing :)
●Keeps drawings you gave to him in a frame at his desk or on his wall <3
●Swats off anybody pressuring you to draw!!
●Will by all means necessary get you out of your art blocks.
●Also unintentionally calls you a drawer.
●Will scold you about your posture when you're drawing
●Keeps all the drawings you made him in his subspace
●Not that he's embarrassed of it but because he knows that some bots will poke at you to draw them.
●He no no like dat.
●Overall, he's pretty chill abt it.
●Lets you draw him while he works
●Has to tell off his patients when they move to pose for the drawing lmao-
●Everyone who's visited the medbay knows you.
●Some get hurt intentionally just to get a sketch of themselves
●He has now temporarily banned you from drawing in the medbay.
●Will correct anyone who calls you a drawer.
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 6 days
Mer!Rodimus x Reader
In light of Mermay and a recent ask I wrote a little something with Rodimus meeting the reader, I hope you enjoy!
If you like my writing style, you can always commission me, and please reblog to help spread my work! Thank you!
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The last thought you'd had before the wave had smashed your boat was whether or not drowning would be painful, but a chunk of debris cracking into your head had plunged your mind into darkness before you could find out. You'd have expected to wake up dead, or rather not at all, but when consciousness did finally return you found yourself feeling less than grateful for the good fortune.
Crashing waves and the song of seabirds would have made for a gentle awakening on any other occasion, but they were hard to appreciate when your body ached from head to toe, the agonizing epicenter throbbing in your ribs as you tried to take your first waking breath. Tasting a nauseating abundance of seawater, you gagged and coughed despite the pain, opening your eyes only to snap them shut against what felt like blinding light. 
Tenderly cradling your ribs, which were definitely bruised and probably cracked, if not broken, you curled up on what you realized was stone before a cold, salty spray on your face compelled you to slowly open your eyes once more. Though the light didn't help your aching head, you powered through it and adjusted to the brightness, finding yourself in the mouth of a cave and facing a brilliant pink and orange sunrise over the sea. The storm was gone, much like your boat, and for the life of you, you couldn't figure out how you weren't at the bottom of the ocean. 
Your answer came when you turned your head to find a massive red being curled about you on the rocks.
"Hey, you're alive!" he said delightfully, startling you so badly your broken body managed half a jump before the pain once more rooted you to the spot. As you hissed and cradled your aching side, there came a flurry of apologies, and while you couldn't have run even if you'd wanted they still sounded sincere enough to quell the immediate urge to flee. "Sorry! Scrap, sorry! I should have figured that would scare you!"
Painfully catching your breath, you raised your heavy head for your first clear look at the massive being, able to discern what exactly he was now that the two of you were facing each other. A metallic carapace combined with a long, powerful tail made his identity clear even to your lagging brain. You met his bright blue optics as you croaked out the only words you could think of. "You're a merformer..."
To your continued surprise, the mech actually huffed in offense at your words, tapping his tailfin against the rock as he rested his helm in the palm of his servo. The sarcasm in his voice made you feel more than a touch of guilt. "I prefer Rodimus."
"Rodimus. I'm Y/N." you replied automatically, your manners taking over and almost compelling a "nice to meet you" past your lips before the absurdity of the situation stopped you. Everything was still so hard to make sense of you could have sworn your tired eyes saw him brighten once he learned your name. Lying back on your side, you winced at a fresh bout of pain from your head, hissing and gingerly feeling out the bruises and tiny cuts criss crossing your skin. Though you had vague memories of your boat and a storm, it was far too blurry to make sense of, and certainly didn't explain why you were here in a cave with a merformer and not at the bottom of the ocean. You remembered enough of the pounding rain and raging waves to know you shouldn't be alive, and so you turned to Rodimus in hope of answers. "What happened? I was on my boat, and I couldn't get it back to shore. I remember an... explosion?"
"Big wave, but basically the same effect." he explained, stretching out his long tail and resting on his belly in a much more casual posture. The words reminded you of the final rush of water that had slammed into your body, and the abrupt blackness that had overtaken you immediately afterwards. Your eyes went wide as you finally put it all together. After the wave had smashed your boat and you'd been tossed about with the debris, Rodimus must have saved you from the raging sea, bringing you to this cave so that you could rest and recover. The pride in his expression made it clear he was quite pleased with the accomplishment. "I figured that little thing wouldn't be up for the challenge." 
"You saved me." you said weakly, trying to process how near you'd been to dying. It had been close enough that you'd more or less accepted it, believing there was nothing that could have saved you as your ship was battered by the sudden and inescapable storm... Yet here you were, injured but alive, all thanks to this mech. With the less than ideal treatment merformers got from humans, you were especially grateful for his selfless act, and allowed the emotions to read openly on your face as you looked back up to him. "Thank you. Really. I thought I was going to die out there-"
An attempt to crawl his way to take his hand sent a fresh spasm of pain through your body, cutting you off with a sharp hiss as you reflexively curled in on yourself. Rodimus pushed himself forward on his tail the second you expressed distress, his own expression gaining a dash of panic and his hands hovering helplessly over you before he spoke up quickly.
"You might still die here, I don't really know how to patch humans up, sorry." he apologized as you looked back up to him. Perhaps you'd just suffered a concussion and it was taking hold, but in the soft pink light Rodimus was undeniably handsome, his bright colors framing the pleasant angles of his face in a way you couldn't deny was appealing. It didn't hurt that his concern was fully appreciated, especially with the amount of pain making you quite certain you were indeed in need of medical attention. Looking beyond the cave, he went quiet for a moment, optics distant in deep thought before he made up his mind on something and let out a small sigh. His heavier tone implied whatever he'd decided on to be quite important. "There's a beach nearby that's usually full of people, I can take you there if you promise to be cool."
"Be cool?" you repeated in confusion.
"Don't scream for them to shoot me." he replied simply, pushing off the ground to maneuver right over you and out the cave's entrance. Dropping himself down the short distance to the ocean below, he splashed into the waves before bringing his upper half right back up, resting his arms against the mouth of the cave to speak at eye level. The new angle made the conversation feel far more equal, and you found yourself briefly lost in the brilliant blue depths of his optics before he spoke again. "I'll drop you off on an old boat dock, and you can handle the rest from there, yeah?"
Though it took you a moment to process, your nod of agreement seemed to make him happy, and you found yourself smiling in return despite your current condition.
"You look pretty light. I'll carry you there if you don't mind getting wet again." he offered, balancing on his tail so he could offer his arms. The gesture surprised you considerably, the whole situation moving so fast you'd have struggled to keep up even without a head injury. Not only were you not dead, but you owed your life to a merformer, a species your own had been on tense terms with at best for much longer than you'd been alive. You'd never even met one before Rodimus, yet here he was offering to literally carry you to safety after saving your life... Even if you'd never believed the rumors about all members of his species despising humans, his actions still surprised you. Admittedly though, having no other options did make the decision to trust him even easier.
It took some work to get you in his arms, but Rodimus was as careful as he was patient, fully supporting your weight as he allowed you to lay across his arms as slowly as you needed not to jostle your injuries. The mild pain was well worth getting even closer, your tired body finding a small measure of comfort from being held against his chassis thanks to a mysterious hum from within that soothed your aches and compelled you to relax. When you were secured bridal style in his grasp, Rodimus pushed away from the cave and into more open waters, dipping just low enough for your soiled clothes to once again turn soaked. You hardly minded for a multitude of reasons.
 "Why are you still helping me?" you asked suddenly, looking up at him and squinting against the bright light reflecting off the waves. It seemed like he'd just been passing by when your boat had been smashed, and you could believe he'd simply jumped in to save you on a whim, it didn't make much sense for him to risk all this now that he could swim off and leave you to figure things out. Most humans probably wouldn't have helped him in an emergency, and even now he was risking the reactive bigotry of your species just to get you help more expediently.
"I'm pretty invested at this point. I don't want all my hard work to go to waste." he replied in a mostly playful tone after a second of silence. The logic was somewhat sound, and as the waves lapped at your body you almost felt like you understood before he threw a fresh bit of confusion your way with a wink. "Plus, once you don't look like something the sea spat up, you might actually be kinda cute."
The answer briefly stunned you into silence, but as he quickly rounded the shore and you started to spot signs of human habitation, you found yourself panicking at the idea you might soon be saying goodbye. Rodimus had saved your life, and all of your confusing feelings aside, you felt that deserved a proper thanks you couldn't currently give. Desperation to have that chance leaked into your words as they tumbled out. "Can I see you again?"
Rodimus went wide-opticed, his frame wobbling in the water as one would if they'd just stumbled over their own feet on land. "Well, I don't normally hang around in one place for long, but..." he faded out as he briefly tread water, tail undulating to keep him and you upright. Something passed between the two of you as he met your gaze again, and you almost found yourself grateful for the boat crash as you looked into the depths of his optics and got him to smile, his arms holding you a tad bit more closely as he answered. "If you can make it back to this cave in the next few weeks, we'll see what happens."
"I'll make it happen." you promised, determined to find him the second you were well enough to do so. It didn't matter if you had to rent a rowboat and paddle your way there, you were going to see him again. Judging by how he perked up at your vow and the obvious protective nature of his grip, you were certain he was willing to do just as much, if not more, to ensure the two of you got the chance to meet again.
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 8 days
Imagine some wanabe Animal Rights Activist trying to Rescue one of the "abused" humans. From Wheeljack. And just geting tazed like a mofo for their troubles. Human hits their panic button, points aims and fires their deterent defense device. Maybe even hits a sound board or enters a text to voice tranlator, if continuation has progressed that far. "Help Kidnapers! Blackmarket Smuglers!c
LMAO wheeljack's lab, despite being a hazard, is one of the most safest places. If you're not a burglar, of course
Human is just chilling in wheeljacks's lab, nestled luxuriously in a hoard of pillows when the habsuite is breached and you're greeted with the sight of several mechs desperately, or should you say delusionally, claiming they're all but here to 'save' you.
Too bad the only thing they should be concerned with saving now is their own sparks. Wheeljack and the rest of the bots comes scampering in because with how frantic you yelled through the comms, a static read of 'smugglers' is a sure enough sign for them to book it.
But instead of expecting a heavy brawl with their adversaries, theyre greeted with the sight of mechs piling on the ground, smoke sizzling from the heap, twitching and unconscious. The enormous blaster sliding back discreetly into the ceiling told them enough.
I'd imagine that the group of mechs who planned this harbored good honest intentions. but they're a little misguided and somewhat ignorant. So imagine the shock they have when they're now labelled as anti-human terrorists all over the, even more wounding, the human news.
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 10 days
I saw that you had transformers on your fandom list, will you be willing to write a 'bot of choice x human reader jealousy/protectiveness fic? Like in that one scene from Transformers 2 where the Deception Pretender tried to seduce Sam but Bee absolutely wasn't having that but had to stay in car mode?
[Aren't you supposed to be more mature than this?]
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Summary: Optimus knows better than to get attached to you (too late), he can't help but side eye you and a stranger interacting. (Based on Knightverse Optimus, after ROTB!)
Word count: 800+ words!
Pronouns: They/them
Warnings: Optimus is bad at feelings, Optimus being down bad, extremely self indulgent. Mainly Optimus' Pov as well! Lmk if I need to tag anything!
A/N: Everyone who knows me knows of my obsession and love for this man it's so bad, I have him tattooed and have a whole ass shrine I love HIMMM, Thank you sm for the request! He is the love of my life.
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Optimus Prime has been called many things, many of which are true, things he'd accept with pride.
A great leader, a good friend, a valuable teammate, A war criminal.
A jealous bot was never one of them, until recently.
He wasn't sure when he started to take a shine towards you. Was it after Unicron? When he held you in his servos, cradling you to his chest as he transformed back into his bipedal form, only letting go of you after the confused looks from Bee and Mirage.
Maybe it was a while after that, when you offered to help clean him up, Noah was too busy rebuilding Mirage to offer his services to the big man himself.
Optimus could never wipe the feeling of your small hands gently running across his frame, taking extra care to mend any scratches you found, constantly checking in to make sure he was comfortable.
He's ashamed to admit, but he kept shuddering under your touch, his senses overwhelmed by your presence. Every time his cooling fans turned on, he'd wave it off as it was just hot outside. (it's 60 degrees out, liar.)
He tries to recharge that night, but the feeling in his chassis makes him restless. He can see his sensors go haywire at the mere thought of you. He is so fucked, he shuts his eyes and groans deeply, his mask shooting up to mask the sound, lest he wakes the others.
Primus help him.
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With his new revelation, Optimus tries his best to distance himself towards you, always making excuses as to why he can't drive you home or to work (a flicker of jealously when Arcee offers, no one catches his digits curling ever so slightly into his palm), saying he must go on patrol for the time being. He waves you off when you try and care for him, asking if he'd like any help with any scrapes and dents, saying he can live with them, he's been through worse.
Its only natural that you'd give him some space, that's the kind of person you are, kind, loving, respectful, loyal to a fault, but it doesn't escape his notice when your smile falls after he politely tells you you're not needed, his spark aching when you turn around to go find another bot.
Optimus watches you now, stationed on the street.
He has no right to be upset when you're stopped outside of the garage by an older man, the man so clearly taking interest in you while you're very politely listening and nodding, shooting that oh so pretty smile to a man who he's sure is not fit to be anywhere near you, not worthy of the warm smile you wear.
It makes him seethe in jealousy, and it's scary.
He can not remember a time when he had ever been jealous. He's a prime. He was supposed to be a calm and collected leader and yet. And yet, he's so close to blowing his hor-
You suddenly whirl towards him. If he was any better of a man, he wouldn't immediately think of how cute you looked, how your lips moved as you let out a yelp.
It isn't until that thought passes his mind that he realizes he used his truckers horn. Embarrassment trickles through his body, although now he has your attention, and you are making your way towards him. The man following behind you keeps the conversation going, not catching a hint.
Optimus is ready to honk again, especially if this man keeps following so close behind you, way too close for comfort.
You beat him to it, turning around as you rest a hand on Optimus’ cabins door handle, shooting the man a polite smile.
“Sorry about that, but my husband is actually here to pick me up, so I have to go. Have a good day!” And You hoist yourself up, quickly buckling your seat belt, gently patting the dashboard in hopes Optimus fucking drives before you're bothered anymore.
Optimus’ processor buffers, his engine revving as he goes on autopilot to tale you both away. Does he know where to drive to? Certainly no, but you're with him now. He's sure you could ask him to take you to distant planets, and he'd make it work for you and only you.
“Thank you for the save, big guy.” You smile brightly at his steering wheel, your eyes lovingly trailing across the autobot symbol that sits in the center.
“It was nothing, I am glad to be there to assist.” The cabin rumbles with his voice, soothing your anxiety. You curl into your seat, resting your head.
“Where are we going?”
“If I'm not mistaken, you mentioned wanting to go to upstate New York to drive along some scenic routes? I'll gladly be your escort.”
He is so ridiculously falling for you, but he can't bring himself to hate it, especially when you excitedly hop in your seat.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 10 days
Could you do maybe a gn human reader and Cosmos becoming friends over long-distance/ham radio transmissions? Cosmos is a lonely little flying saucer and he deserves some love. G1 or IDW
D'aww, I miss him! I wish Hasbro would do more with his character, honestly. He hasn't been featured in much. As such, I don't really have a great grip on his character, but I tried! This is shorter, and more just a ramble on your idea. Still, I hope you enjoy! (P.S. I don't know anything about radios so if I got something wrong, oops!)
Radio Waves
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Cosmos x GN!Human!Reader
643 words
You and Cosmos became friends by accident, funnily enough. You were surfing through radio stations, trying to find a specific channel, when you picked up a long-distance station unfamiliar to you.
That’s when you heard his voice. He seemed to be talking to himself, the sound staticy over such a long distance. You found out his name was Cosmos, and that he’d been assigned to monitor the moon and the area around it for Decepticon activity. Now, you had no idea what Decepticons were, but from what Cosmos was chattering about, they weren’t good. Out of curiosity, you couldn’t help but try and reach out one day.
“Is this Cosmos?” you asked, holding down the transmit button on your microphone, hoping the signal was strong enough to communicate with wherever he might’ve been.
“Woah,” a familiar voice replied. “This is Cosmos. Who is this?” You introduced yourself, explaining your ability to pick up on his chatter through a radio you possessed. 
He didn’t seem to care much about the backstory, and honestly just seemed happy to have someone to talk to.
The first night, you two talked for hours about anything and everything. Who you were. Who he was. Where he was. What he was doing. You listened, entranced, as he explained himself. You weren’t quite sure you believed his story about being an alien robot, but you accepted it, anyway. You didn’t care if he was telling a lie. Robot or not, he was interesting. And he seemed just as lonely as you were.
That’s how you started chatting almost daily, answering questions back and forth, him describing deep space, what it looked like, how far he’d gone, what he’d seen while circling around. 
“I wish I could see all that,” you confessed sleepily, leaning against your desk as you spoke into the microphone in front of you. “That sounds beautiful.” “Yeah,” he replied, voice cutting through the static. “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It gets lonely up here.” 
“You’ve got me to talk to,” you pointed out.
“That’s true. But that wasn’t always the case. I know this is my job, but. . .”
He didn’t have to finish his sentence for you to understand. “Could you ever visit me one day?” you asked, voice soft.
“I’m not supposed to,” he replied after a moment of silence. “My job is up here. Not down there.”
“Can’t you. . . take a day off? Have someone else watch the stars? Just for a day. . .”
Cosmos fell silent, and you didn’t have to see him to know he was contemplating your words.
“I. . . I’ll see what I can do,” he spoke up. And then the line went dead.
You didn’t hear from him for a few days after that, waiting and calling out on the radio, only to receive static in response. You hoped he was okay. Did you say something wrong? Did he not want to speak to you anymore? Surely not. . . right?
One night, almost a week with no response, you were slumped in your chair by your desk, absentmindedly staring out the window as you listened to the radio in a hopeless attempt to hear him. 
That’s when a loud sound pierced your ears, and your eyes widened as you stared at the spaceship that just landed in your backyard.
You raced outside, almost tumbling out the door before you came to a halt next to the green saucer. 
Something inside you told you that this was the person you were talking to. And so, despite your trepidation, you spoke. “Cosmos?”
Piece by piece, he transformed in front of your eyes, mechanical parts moving and slotting into place until a green robot stood in front of you, dwarfing your small stature.
“I got a day off,” he said, and though you couldn’t see his mouth, you could tell he was smiling. 
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 14 days
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"I am stronger than you anyway"
Arms crossed on your chest, you look at them with mischief.
"Is that so Princess?"
"Totally. You're so weak"
Your bot slowly came closer to you, desire filling their optics.
"Wanna mind showing me?"
They stand right in front of you, and you have to tilt your head to see them. Their servo trace a path on your body, starting from your hips to your wrist. They pin you on the wall behind you and level your hands to your head. One of their legs comes between yours and you are already overpowered.
You try to free your hands, but their hold is too strong for you.
"Are you sure ma'?"
"Im not even moving"
"Little liar"
They lower themself, and start passionately kiss your neck. You try to resist, prove them you are indeed stronger, but their grip on you makes you melt under their soft touch. Butterflies all having fun in your stomach, your face heating up and your legs slightly shaking. You feel their breath on your sensitive point, making you shiver in excitement.
With one servo, they take your wrist and pin them over your head to let their other wander on your body, then under your clothes, caressing your skin. Your heartbeat fasten.
"And to say i would have believed you, mama. Just an excuse for me to taste you huh? You could have just ask nicely, on your knees"
Yeah, you're weaker than them... but hell, it felt good.
Oouuuuh being delulu since im born 🙆‍♀️
Pin me on a wall Roddy. Who said that?
I think Roddy would love to tease people by pinning them to the wall or just overall getting in their personal space<3. Because he so would.
Mmmm to be pinned down under him on the berth as he frags you<3. Yeah thats the good stuff right there.
68 notes ¡ View notes
youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 14 days
How do you imagine lh with orion and d16?
If you mean interaction, then this way:
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The first one would be d16, he would always be attentive to you although he would not admit it to orion but in private he would be like this giving you what you want.
On the other hand, Orion would want to play with you, he would take care of you but he would like to see you climb up to his helmetz always being careful that you fall and if you land near his spark and his arms he won't let go of you for a long time.
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 19 days
Optimus x human
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: death of an animal.
Saw some of the skybound comics and had to write this because the parallel between optimus and the Iron Giant is too good not to use. So this is based on this comic panel. This may become a series if people enjoy it alot.
Enjoy the Dadimus agender
Also I use Par as a gender neutral term for Parent, but pronounced as Pa.
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Optimus sighed as he finished digging the small grave, optics dimming as he gently picked up the delicate creature and nestled it into the soft earth. He had never wished harm, had faltered in these alien woods, ending a life that had merely sought to flee his unfamiliar form.
Kneeling, he carefully began restoring the soil, patting it smooth as if to apologise with each motion for the accident his bulk had caused. They hadn't suffered small blessings, at least. When at last the mound was shaped, he sat back on powerful haunches, gazing at it pensively. How many graves, both great and small, had he been forced to dig through eons defending his kind - and yet each still marked loss, whether of one or many. 
After a moment, massive fingers reached to dig up several wildflowers, arranging them with utmost care atop the fresh earth. A simple marker for one whose brief journey had crossed paths with a warrior never meant for such quiet spaces. But perhaps their essence would nourish new growth, 
Venting softly, Optimus sat beside the grave, he felt guilty, it was a chance accident, one which had hurt his spark. The sound of the forest doesn't ease his aching spark even in the bright sunlight. The birds sing and the wind rushes the leaves as if to make a song. Earth was much more lively than Cybertron ever was. Birds flutter around picking at the ground and even landing on his form as if to inspect the metal. Optimus stilled as small avians flitted unafraid about his massive frame, their delicate peeps and chirps surrounding him in a melody utterly alien yet soothing in its liveliness. optics dimming partially as if to seem less a looming threat to these curious creatures. 
After a moment, one landed upon an outstretched digit, tilting its feathered head as it studied the bright red and blue plating so unlike any perches it knew. Another joined, then more, exploring seams and transformation seem as if puzzling over this odd visitor to their domain. His spark, heavy with ages of loss, eased slightly at their curiosity. On Cybertron, all life had long fled the ravages of war - these woods teemed with it at every turn, in every trill and rustle. Their sounds wove a music this weary warrior had never known, helping him glimpse what peace might one orn bless his ancient world again.
A faint, sad smile touched Optimus 's stoic face as small wings took flight once more. Perhaps in these forests, he might find solace for his burdened spark and among these trees, he began to comprehend Earth's beauty and fragility anew.
noise in the distance spooks the birds. But Optimus doesn't move from The grave of the Doe, the noises become louder, it's small laughter echoing just off in the trees. "Baby please don't run off!" A voice calls out. Optimus froze as small steps neared the clearing, optics widening fractionally at the curious sight of tiny organics emerging where wildlife had fled moments before.
 A little child walks out into the field where Optimus sits. "Look, look Robot!" The small child calls out to their parent. Their parent is quick to grab them, hauling them up into their arms as they stare at Optimus. The child with excitement and wonder and the parent with fear. Both the older human and Optimus have a stare off neither willing to move less they spook the other. He realised, judging by similarities of form and mannerism in how they clung and shielded one another, that the larger one was the smaller creator. 
Slowly, carefully, he lowered a hand beside him upon the grass, Emitting a low, soothing rumble, cogs and gears slowly creaking as he ventilated slowly, His thoughts reached to memories of younglings in Iacon.
The younger one smiles widely and waves "hiya Robot!" They call out which makes their parent stiffen in worry. "Baby shh" they try to move backwards slowly only for their child to call out again. " But Par, robot!, like Iron Giant! From the movie, big robot! " Their child state excited. It makes Optimus chuckle lightly. "Hiya Iron Giant!" The child calls out without fear. Wrangling themself out of their parents arms. "Baby stop" they state to their child. 
Optimus himself is still quiet as he watches the child walk up to him fearlessly
Optimus could not help but vent a soft laugh at the comparison from the sparkling, a gentle puff of air that set grass and leaves dancing around them. The naive curiosity and wonder from their tiny frame spoke of no fear.
Slowly, carefully he extended a digit for the young one to grasp, wishing to show only gentleness as small hands patted over plating smooth and cool rather than textured flesh. His field pulsed calming waves as he met their bold gaze, watching tiny mouth spread in a fearless grin. At last, he rumbled in the softest volume, "hello little one." 
Optics flicked respectfully to the elder, The older human watches in worry as they freeze on the spot watching their child. The little human looks up at Optimus as they hold up their plushy. "This is Mimi! My stuffy, par made her for me, they make me a lot of things. Oh you talk too! I really like your red and blue is really pretty! Do you like rocks? I like rocks" They state as they start talking away to Optimus without a care in the world. Their parent slowly move to the ground, eyes darting and watching the large bot.
Optimus listened intently, optics softened in pleasure at the youngling's chatter and display of their favoured toy. 
"Mimi is most charming indeed," he rumbled gently in response, spark warming though his frame showed no smile. Lifting his optics once more, he dipped his head respectfully to the elder still keeping close watch. 
"You have raised a marvellous spark," he said softly to them, processors mindful of putting alien species at ease through tone, hoping honesty and calm might quell reasonable fear. "I mean your offspring no harm I swear it on my spark." he focused once more on the babbling child, granting gentle puffs of air in response to questions too swift for speech.
The older human's eyes linger on their child before flickering to bright blue optics of the large bot. " They give me a scare often when they wander off." They state as they sit and watch the large bot gently interact with their child.  "What... what are you?" They asked, they know that if it wanted to hurt them it would have done so by now but they are still cautious of the large robot. "Par He's a robot, silly!" The little human calls out with giggles.
"Indeed I am a robot," rumbled Optimus gently with a faint vibration of amusement. His optics crinkled slightly at the young one's matter-of-fact pronouncement. Turning back to their elder, his field radiated openness and trust as he answered their question with utmost care. "My name is Optimus. I was created on the planet Cybertron.” Plating shifted in a subconscious shrug. "My only wish is peaceful coexistence. I mean you and yours no harm."
The little human giggles and spins around. "Told you Par! Space Robot!" They state proudly.
optics softened as he regarded them both. "I am glad this young one remains unafraid to explore life's wonders." His tone held enduring patience. Their parent's eyes linger on the disturbed ground which had a patch of flowered grass on it. "What happened?" They ask cautiously. Optimus followed their gaze and intake a soft vent, optics dimming slightly at the memory. "Earlier I came upon this clearing, and in my haste took an innocent life by accident. A young forest dweller, unaware of my heaviness, that fled at my approach." 
Placing a gentle digit beside the flowers, he said evenly, "As all life is sacred, I took care in giving it rest, and sought to memorialise its short journey through this place.” Turning optics pained with regret, he met their gaze steadily and continued in a low rumble. 
The older ones' eyes soften lightly. They stand up and move closer. " Baby, do you mind playing over there for a second par needs to look at something," they call to their child who nods and skips off a little. The older human looks over the grave to Make sure it was deep enough to hide the deer. 
They look up at Optimus. They stand just a few steps away from him watching his expressions. "You really are like the Iron Giant, I'm sorry, it's never easy hurting an animal, it didn't suffer?" They ask softly. Optimus  blinked slowly at the question, then dipped his head in gentle affirmation and thanks for understanding shown.  he rumbled softly in response. "And no, the creature did not suffer - its journey was swift. Still I regret hastiness that cut a natural span abruptly short. But I accept also my strengths and flaws, as all beings must."
They sit down beside the large bot as their eyes watch their child play in the flowers with the butterflies. "Par, Look look Butterflies!" The little one shouts in excitement as one lands on their nose. "I'm sorry you stepped on the deer, it's horrible when you accidentally kill an animal. Thank you for burying it, it may not mean much but thank you, I don't think I would have been able to handle it if they had seen the deer like that" they state softly.
Optimus 's optics softened as he watched the youngling's innocent delight, spark warming within his frame. He pulsed a gentle field of gratitude to their elder beside him. 
"You need not apologise," he rumbled gently. "All beings strive as best they can, and errors do not diminish intent." Turning down to meet their gaze, he continued solemnly, "I am glad sparing them that sight has helped ease another incident, however slightly. Protecting innocence is important."
A faint smile warmed his stoic face as small pedes danced among blooms. "They are a joyful little spark." His field swirled sincerity. They slowly look up at him. "Are you alright?" They ask, it was the first time in a very long time that he had been asked how he felt. It makes him realise that he wasn't alright. 
He hadn't been alright for a long time. It felt strange for such a small creature to be asking him that. Optimus blinked, caught off guard by the simple question and sincere concern shining in organic eyes gazing at him. When was the last time anyone had inquired after his wellbeing? Long forgotten were those orn...
He shifted slightly, optics dimming as memory files flooded his processor - friends fallen, a world dissolved to cinders while he could only watch. His people scattered to the stars if lucky; slain without mercy if not. For so long his every function had been duty - to lead, guard, rebuild against impossible odds. But what remained of Optimus beneath it all? 
Slowly releasing a long vent, he admitted softly, "No, not truly. The burdens of many vorns sit heavy. But watching life thrive here gives solace," he gestured to the playing sparkling with a faint flicker of affection. His gaze met theirs openly. His field pulsed gratitude too deep for mere words. In such simple moments, perhaps broken things long shattered might slowly, carefully be glued back together.
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
143 notes ¡ View notes
youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 23 days
Being Noah's twin and knowing the Autobot's before him
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Human reader
Buddy is Noah’s younger twin.
It all happened a couple years ago while Buddy was still in high school.
Noah had been going on and on about the army engineering program and the places he would go.
Buddy was close to shoving their hot dog in his mouth.
They knew with him leaving, things at home weren’t going to be the same and with no Noah at home…
It didn’t seem right at all.
They don’t know why they did it, but that night they snuck out of the small apartment and walked out.
Maybe they needed to get their head straight and accept that Noah was leaving.
Buddy didn’t know how long they were walking for, but soon enough they reached the docks.
It wasn’t too far from home, but far enough to warrant them to turn back and go home.
That was until they heard a whirling sound that sounded suspiciously like whining.
They tried to go back but the whirling sound grew a bit louder and more pitiful.
Despite their better judgement, they went to the noise.
Buddy couldn’t believe their eyes…
Maybe they finally snapped from the stress of finals.
A yellow robot clutching his ‘knee’ was making the whirling sound while two other robots were around him.
They looked concerned and tried to help Yellow.
Buddy took a step backwards and stepped on some loud bubble wrap.
Pink and Blue take out their weapons and point in the direction of the sound,
“Show yourself!”--Blue
Buddy shakingly steps out of their hiding place with their hands raised above their head.
All four of them stared at each other.
Buddy internally screaming at that response.
“Great, a human. Prime’s not going to like this…”--Pink
“I heard someone in pain and came to see…”--Buddy
“Yeah we’re fine—”--Blue
Yellow whirls in pain as some sparks come out of his knee.
Buddy looks at Yellow sympathetically.
“I’ve got a tool kit with me. I can try and see what’s wrong with your friend. I promise I won’t do anything funny!”--Buddy
Pink looks like she wants to retaliate, but Blue puts a hand out to stop Pink.
“Maybe squishy over here can see something we can’t. It doesn’t hurt to try.”—Blue
Pink finally steps aside with Blue.
Buddy slowly walked over to the bot’s sparking knee and took out their mini tool kit.
They used a flashlight and began their look.
A long twig stuck between some of the joints, that must have been the problem.
With a swift yank Buddy got the twig out of the joint.
They nearly cracked their skull but pink and blue both break their fall.
Buddy held up the twig in victory as yellow moved its knee much easier and without sparks.
“Ha! Got it!”--Buddy
“You did?”--Pink
Yellow beeps happily and gently pat Buddy’s head.
“Thank you darling—the pain—hurting like a—”--Yellow
“Got it! You’re welcome… umm do you guys have names?”--Buddy
“My--name is—Bumblebee.”--Bumblebee
Buddy smiles at the yellow bot.
“The names Mirage squishy.”--Mirage
“I am Arcee.”--Arcee
Buddy smiles.
“I’m Buddy. If you don’t mind, but what are you guys?”--Buddy
“Umm… I think its better to take you to the boss bot for that.”--Mirage
“Don’t worry we ain’t gonna eat ya or anything. We’re kinda like E.T!”--Mirage
Buddy deadpans.
Bee transforms into his alt mode.
“… E.T. never did this…”--Buddy
Optimus was not exactly happy to have been discovered by humans… but this one did help Bumblebee…
He decided to give this one the benefit of the doubt.
Over the next couple of years Buddy would start sneaking out and showing the bots Earth and the city while they shared their mission and their ways as well.
Buddy and Arcee, after the brief tension, were often seen driving around the backways on her alt mode talking about the city and its history.
Buddy and Arcee driving by a section of the docks.
“What about this place?”--Arcee
“Don’t know too much about this part, except the time me and Kris found 10 bucks and a pizza rat.”--Buddy
“What’s a rat.”--Arcee
Buddy and Mirage enjoy the little speedy joyrides around the city and a good game of ‘which hologram is mirage’ in the more secluded hiding places.
Buddy looks at the four holograms of Mirage.
“Eenie meanie minie…gotcha!”--Buddy
Buddy tries to tackle ‘Mirages’ pede but passes through.
“Ha! Try again Buddy!”--Mirage
Mirage picks up Buddy from the back of their shirt and stands them up.
“Best out of 25?”—Mirage
Buddy smiles as they brush off some dust from their clothes.
“You’re on!”--Buddy
Buddy and Bumblebee like to go out to the drive-in movie theaters, joyrides and stories from their lives before they knew each other.
“So, you came to earth before everyone? Even Boss bot?”--Buddy
“And this Charlie girl? She’s your friend?”--Buddy
“She was—my first—friend.”--Bumblebee
“You gotta take me to this Charlie so I can thank her for taking care of you.”--Buddy
Bee whirls happily.
“Ooh! The movies about to start!”--Buddy
In starts the ‘Terminator’ movie.
Optimus reminded Buddy a lot of Noah.
Older brother’s trying to protect their families, while also being the most stubborn beings in existence.
That must have been a reason why Buddy understood how Prime worked and got along with him so well.
Priem isn’t attached to a human.
No, he is not…
So, what he drove a couple miles to pick them up from a party when their brother couldn’t.
So, what if they let him rant about the war and they would rant about school and their family.
He isn’t attached or anything…
Buddy hurriedly climbs into Prime cab sniffling.
“Buddy? Buddy what happened?”--Optimus
Buddy curls up in their seat making themselves as small as possible.
“…Buddy? Are you all right?”--Optimus
Buddy sniffs.
“Noah… Noah and I had a fight and—and—I just need a moment Optimus…”--Buddy
Optimus wraps the seatbelt around Buddy loosely, the best way he could give a hug them.
“Take your time Buddy, I’m here.”—Optimus
Optimus plays Buddy’s favorite radio station.
“I’m here…”--Optimus
The day that Noah comes in Buddy was with Optimus and nearly begged him to not transform as their secret would be let out.
It was let out regardless.
Noah is just stunned that Buddy knew about the aliens for years!?
He wants an explanation.
“Listen, I can explain!”--Buddy
“You better!”--Noah
“Calm down, Noah it’s all fine.”--Mirage
“You don’t get to talk, you kidnapped me!”--Noah
“And you were trying to steal me.”--Mirage
“I’m sorry you were trying to steal him?!”--Buddy
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 23 days
Fearless Buddy got me thinking, how would MTMTE Megatron (and maybe Drift as well?) react to a Buddy who has been doing Martial Arts their whole life? Like, maybe they come across Buddy practicing some forms or they fight off an alien kidnapping attempt? Thanks and have a wonderful week!
Fearless has a particular set of skills and they are not afraid to use them.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy doing martial arts with Megatron and Drift
SFW, Platonic, Mention of injury but nothing graphic, Human reader
Fearless forgot to mention it.
But to be fair, they thought the bots already knew that they knew how to fight.
Years of martial arts certainly helped them get into this space program in the first place.
Granted, they couldn’t use their skills with the size they were or practice with any of the bots.
But then came that one fateful day some humanoid organic alien decided to board the ship and fight them.
Conveniently, Buddy was getting pent up from the amount of paperwork they were doing and needed a punching bag.
Oh, they were going to enjoy this.
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Drift had received an alert about an unknown organic signature near Buddy’s location.
He quickly grabbed his swords and raced down the halls.
There was no telling what could have happened between the time he found the message and him getting there.
Drift turning the corner with his swords out.
“Buddy! Buddy where—”-- Drift
Drift seeing Buddy beating the ever-loving pits out of the slightly taller alien.
“Who’s the master here?!”--Buddy
The alien makes a painful gurgle.
Buddy starts kicking them harder.
“Wrong answer!”--Buddy
“… I can not begin to tell you what’s wrong with that statement.”--Drift
Buddy turning to see Drift.
“Hey Drift! Hold on a second.”--Buddy
Buddy slams their fist into the alien’s head knocking them out.
“Hey, what can I do for you?”--Buddy
Drift points at the alien.
“I was here for that and to save you. But clearly you have that figured out.”--Drift
Buddy puffs their chest a bit.
“Years of Martial Arts can do that Drift.”--Buddy
“… Do you mind teaching me some of those?”--Drift
“Sure! As soon as we put Grumpy here in custody and some proper hand wrappings, we’ll do it!”--Buddy
Somewhere on the Lost Light…
Ratchet looking up from his workstation.
“Ratchet?”—First Aid
“Something just happened, and I don’t like it. It feels like a headache coming my way.”--Ratchet
The pair make room in their schedules to practice some of the basics and to go over movements that are bot friendly.
Not all bots are flexible after all.
Drift has now incorporated some of these moves into his fighting style and it has indeed given Ratchet a headache from the accidental launching of rocks and equipment.
Megatron is out the door once the readings of 5 larger organic lifeforms are right outside Fearless habsuite.
He is praying that he hasn’t gotten there too late, even comms in a small group of bots to come to Buddy’s location.
There was no telling what they were dealing with right now.
He turns the corner to see one of the aliens get thrown into the wall.
All their glory was Buddy fighting off the last alien with a peculiar looking fighting style.
He would have intervened if they hadn’t kicked them in the face and knocked them out.
Buddy pants a bit as the last alien falls down.
“That’s what you get you sorry son of—Megatron?”--Buddy
Megatron snaps out of it and rushes to Buddy’s side.
“Buddy, are you okay? What did—”--Megatron
“Woah, woah, Megs I’m fine. Nothing a little bit of fighting couldn’t handle.”--Buddy
“They were nearly double your height and you were outnumbered.”--Megatron
“But I won! Urgh…”--Buddy
Buddy sways a bit.
Megatron scoops them up in his servos.
“We are heading to the med bay now.”--Megatron
“The aliens…”--Buddy
“I have a group coming here to collect the fugitives. Med bay. Now.”--Megatron
It turned out that the adrenaline had just worn off and they were tired.
Megatron doesn’t want to leave Buddy’s sight.
They ask if they could stay with him for a bit.
Megatron is later seen in his co-captain chair with Buddy fast asleep on his lap with him absent mindedly petting them.
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 27 days
☀ - Headcanons 
☁ - Drabble
☂ - Angst
♥ - Valentines event
Matchups are under their own tag and sorted by character
Holiday-specific requests are under their own tag
Lost Light crew playing Slime Rancher - ☀
Whirl, Fort Max, Drift, and Rewind+Chromedome with a female human s/o that likes chin scratches - ☀
Rodimus, Swerve, Ratchet, and Rung cuddle headcanons with an overwhelmed human - ☀
Fortress Maximus with a witty S/O -  ☀
Fortress Maximus relationship headcanons -  ☀
Rodimus with a competitive S/o -  ☀
Nightbeat with a sidekick S/o -  ☀
Cygate and Chromedome/Rewind adopting a child - ☀
Fort Max, Ultra Magnus, Drift, and Megatron being climbed by a human - ☀
Coming out to Ultra Magnus and Rewind - ☀
Megatron with a former gladiator S/O - ☀
Tailgate and Swerve with a brainwashed S/o - ☀/☂ 
Megatrons S/o gets mnemosurgery’d - ☂
Rodimus, Drift, and Tailgate being shown Just Dance - ☀
The Day Ahead - Spinster x reader -  ☁
And They Were Roommates - Chromia x reader -  ☁
Repair Bay -  Nickel x reader -  ☁
Return to Sender - Prowl x reader - ♥/ ☁
Doctors Note - Nickel x reader - ♥/ ☁
Anonymous Request - Nightbeat x reader - ♥/ ☁
Transformers G1
Soundwave with a parental S/o -  ☀
Ironhide with a transmasc S/o -  ☀
Skywarp with an S/o that can generate seismic force - ☀
Coming out to Optimus and Hot Rod - ☀
Mirage and Red Alert with a brainwashed S/o - ☀/☂
Transformers Animated
Bumblebee with a goth male S/O -  ☀
Wreck-gar with a friend who makes art out of recyclables -  ☀
Lockdown whos S/o was reincarnated -  ☀
Sunstorm and Mixmaster with a glass artist S/o - ☀
Rodimus with a crush on a human on Optimus’ team - ☀
Blurr with a crush on a human on Optimus’ team - ☀
Transformers Prime
Decepticons reacting to a small predacon - ☀
Knock Out, Breakdown, and Starscream hearing their S/o speak for the first time -  ☀
Ratchet being shown a plush version of himself -  ☀
OP, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Dreadwing, and Soundwave with an S/o with a tattoo of them -  ☀
Arcee marriage headcanons -  ☀
Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee with an S/o who cosplays -  ☀
Arcee with an S/o who’s Optimus’ younger sister - ☀
Autobots with a tall teammate - ☀
Skyquake with an S/o that can generate seismic force - ☀
Airachnid and Arcee with a female S/o - ☀
Arcee, Cliffjumper, and Airachnid meeting their thought to be dead S/o - ☀ 
Ratchet, Optimus, and Ultra Magnus meeting their though to be dead S/o - ☀
Platonic Breakdown headcanons - ☀
Arcee being comforted by her S/o - ☀
Ratchet, Optimus, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Ultra Magnus with a military S/o - ☀
Predaking with a reincarnated predacon S/o - ☀ 
Soft Arcee headcanons - ☀
Bulkhead and Ratchet with a male S/o who likes their alt mode - ☀
Decepticons with a sparkling  -  ☀/ ☁
Transformers Cyberverse
Shockwave with a gender neutral s/o that’s interested in his robots - ☀
Megatron with a chubby S/o -  ☀
Coming out to Cheetor - ☀
Megatron with a shy S/o - ☀  
152 notes ¡ View notes
youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 27 days
🤲fic recs? i need good xreaders
Okay so, i read most of my fics on quotev so most of them will be on there :D
anything highlighted in blue was recently added
some of these include mature content so make sure to read all tags and stuff :3
ENLIGHTENMENT. (tfp megatron x reader)
Whisper in Space (mtmte x reader)
From the Stars (TFP Ratchet x reader)
Upon Wings of Metal and Flesh (TFA x reader)
BEYOND THOSE WAVES. (TFP mer!formers scenarios)
The Babysitter (TFP x reader)
Fragile Bones (Bay! TF1 x reader)
Proceed with Extreme Caution (Bay! Optimus x reader)
A Silhouette's Serenade (IDW x reader)
Uncomfortable Truths (TFP Starscream x reader)
To Taste the Stars (TFP Optimus x reader)
Changes (mtmte swerve x reader) sequel to "a human crewmate" below
plus my own little story…
Daydreamin’ (TFP x reader)
The Season of the Smallest Stars (tinyformers!mtmte x reader)
Displeasures of the Flesh (human!Kaon x reader)
A Human Crewmate (mtmte swerve x reader) also available on ao3
Words and Wishes (mtmte swerve x reader)
That's all I can remember rn, yeah, most of them are unfinished but absolutely worth it. You know what? I'll probably update this once in a while with more fic recs
155 notes ¡ View notes
youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 27 days
I was with the music player and this scenario came to my mind with a certain captain, first contact au with language barrier:
It hadn't been an easy day for the captain, but he hadn't paid attention to you for a few days.... You stayed safely in a corner of his room, even that week he only waved at you and his face was still sad.
Although in spite of the first encounter Rodimus had kept you safe, you did not understand what they said and many times you were afraid of being crushed, not that you could do much but this situation was better than the one you lived in before. They had provided you with all the care, trying to understand you... even with a translator who worked as well as he could.
Only, those hugs you had at night and those words he dedicated to you were disappearing.
You started to think about what to do but everything you had you couldn't do, first because it would encourage a human and second, to get to certain places would be impossible. Then music came to your mind, you used to sing well but surely you wouldn't understand the lyrics.
Then you remembered a certain song that even though it didn't have lyrics it would work. You still remembered the melody and practiced it a bit.
The next day it seemed the same dynamic, you put your plan into action.
You started to sing it, it was like a lullaby that was sung to you as a child, a sweet melody that at the same time brought peace.
You finished the melody to see the flaming robotic giant kneel in front of you.
You felt nervous, had he liked it? His imposing figure gave you chills as he caught you in his bedroom. He gave you a little smile as he carried you to bed, put you on the pillow and looked at you with those optics with tenderness.
I use the translator that said:
"Say it again little buddy... I want to hear you again".
You felt happy and started to repeat the melody, while he closed the optics.
He had had a good run, but at least he knew that with you he could forget his burden for a moment.
And the melody was isabella's lullaby:
98 notes ¡ View notes
youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 29 days
Hello! How are you? This is my first time requesting so I hope this is okay, but can I request a shorter scenario g1 Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz and Ironhide with a human s/o lives for chaos? They would point at Megatron and say ‘bitch’ just for the reaction. 🩵
Cursing Megatron out
Ps I'm sleep deprived af it's 12am right now and just finished this so enjoy.
Word count: 2.3k
Warning: description of fighting, swearing
Optimus Prime
They yell loudly as Megatron goes to grab them, they smash him in the face with a tire iron as he is then tackled by Optimus. The Decepticon leader had ruined their date night. They flip him off as Optimus throws Megatron across the ground, his servo wraps around them quickly pulling them closer as they scramble up onto his shoulder. "Eat shit and die Fuck face!" They yell at Megatron. 
Optimus clutched their small form protectively against his plating, battling protocols roaring. Had circumstances been different, the Prime would have roared in fury at your fierce defence against the tyrant but he was dealing with trying to keep them safe. 
Megatron howled, clutching a fist to his dented face as energon streamed between digits. His optics blazed murder, craving nothing more than to snuff the fluttering spark of Optimus' and the human he held so closely. 
"You've made a grave error this day, little beast. No corpse shall hide you from my wrath!" Megatron bellowed, brandishing his fusion cannon as if to raze the very earth. His field screamed promised agony that sent lesser mechs scampering for shelter.
Optimus vented his battle mask into place, tucking them securely against the safety of his backstrut. weapons primed and wrathful fields promising eons of hurt against any who dared to touch his Human.    
"You shall not harm them, Megatron. Leave. now. while your spark yet functions," Optimus warned in a voice low and in a heavy growl that sounded feral and unlike the Prime.
"Maybe you should get Shockwave to give you a facial reconciliation!, oh wait I did it already!" They sneer back from Optimus' shoulder at Megatron. Their teeth are bared at him as they snarl. If anyone else had seen the human they would have thought they were an animal.
Optimus suppressed an amused sigh at their show of fangs, so small yet fearless against the monster terrorising his people for millennia.  Megatron bellowed in foaming rage, lunging toward where they perched upon Optimus's armoured pauldron. "Insolent pest! I shall grind your bones to powder and force-feed them to - aggh!"
A well-placed shot from Optimus's ion blaster struck the warlord, toppling the tyrant shrieking to the dirt. "Last warning, Megatron. Leave. or face me," Optimus rumbled, field pulsing protectiveness intertwined with fierce Protection.  
With a snarl Megatron takes off. Once both Optimus and his human lover settle from the adrenaline and battle protocols. Optimus cradled their small form within his battle-worn servo, venting slow ex-vapor to purge lingering fumes. His optics dimly regarded their fragile body. 
"That was a foolish act of bravery, little one," Optimus rumbled gently, digit carefully brushing across their  forehead and down their cheek admiring their eyes alight with fire. His spark swelled at the determination.  
"Sorry, I..  I got caught up in the moment, he missed me off ruining date night" they huff out while pressing their face into his neck cabling. Their body shakes from the adrenaline. "I hit Megatron with a tire iron" they whisper as it slowly registers in their own brain.
Optimus vented a soft huff of static, equal parts worry and weary amusement filling his field at their admission. "A valiant act indeed, though foolhardy against one as powerful as he," rumbled Optimus, vocals warm with approval despite the danger of the situation. His optics flicker in fondness. “Please do not do that again” 
 Megatron let's out a horrific scream as he gets electrocuted. He hadn't noticed the humans who had shoved the taser between the plates of his armour. "Get Tazered Bitch, not so fucking tough now huh?" They shout at the downed Decepticon only to be scooped up by Ratchet. Ratchet swept them into his servo with a staticky huff, deftly dodging the warlord's flailing blows as voltage shocks wracked Megatron's colossal frame. His field buzzed approval at their fearless defence of him. 
"Reckless sparkling! You'll deactivate my rusting struts with stunts like that," Ratchet grumbled, though optics shone bright relief beneath grizzled plating. Megatron howled upon the earth, shaking off aftershocks that would crush the stoutest Autobot, madness glinting a terrifying helm snapped halfway 'twixt beast and machine.
Ratchet backed swiftly from flailing reach, hoisting their small form beyond harm's sight. Ratchet takes off transforming around them before he begins scolding the for how stupid they were, how dangerous it was. And the fact Megatron would personally hunt them now.
"Have you any idea how foolish that stunt was?!" Ratchet's engine revved indignantly even as he sped across the scarred earth, his cabin vibrating with barely-suppressed wrath and equal measure relief. 
His sensors remained fixed upon the precious organic cargo nestled within his altforms cab, monitoring vital readings  "Do you want a personal vendetta from Megatron? Because that's how you get a personal vendetta, you glitched little slagger!" Medical scans analysed each minute shift of breath. 
"Reckless, Just...do not scare me so, small one," Ratchet rumbled quietly, worried and care etched in every bolt and wire. 
"He had it coming Ratchet, plus that Amazon taser is getting a 10/10. 'WORKS GREAT, I Tazed a large alien warlord and he screamed like a bitch, will in fact work on creeps on the street' " they laugh while they look in the revision mirror to make sure they aren't being followed by said Decepticon.
Despite himself, Ratchet's engine sputtered an amused huff at their tone - so fearless in the face of giants who had destroyed armies. "Oh I've no doubt - the reviews certainly won't lack colour!" Ratchet agreed wryly, subtly activating scanners to sweep their escape route while watchful optics remained pinned to their reflection. 
His vents sighed relief upon confirming no stalking signatures upon their trail, enemy or otherwise. Swinging wide the Ark's bunker doors, Ratchet transformed with care not to jostle his delicate cargo. Blue optics peered down aglow with a glare "Come now, troublemaker. No more outings for the next month for you while the oaf licks his wounds." His states while guiding them to the medbay. 
“no fair Ratchet!” 
They cling onto Jazz as the bot hides behind a boulder, multiple autobots had been out when the Decepticons had attacked. They are held tightly by Jazz as he debates the best possible to get them out of there unscaved.
Jazz vented softly, hugging their form protectively against his plating as pedefalls rumbled outside their scant cover. 
"Ain't nothin' t'fear, li'l light. Ol' Jazz'll getcha outta here one piece, ya feel me?" he murmured soothing static against their ear, subtly scanning surroundings through plating. An opening presented itself, if he could provide distraction just long enough...
Pressing a swift kiss to their forehead, Jazz.” Go, sweetspark! Ain't got but a klik - I'm right behind ya!" Jazz called desperately over the roar of weapons, swerving and banking with abandon to keep pursuers engaged but alive. 
 "Hey ol' buckets 'a bolts! Over here!" With that, he peeled from cover in a burst of speed, transforming mid-leap to present the biggest possible target, tailfins flared wide. Weapon systems engaged, greeting the three pursuing seekers with enthusiastically snarky exclamations as he led them on a merry chase. His sole purpose in those seconds - buy precious time, before sharply veering back toward cover with afterburners blazing. 
They do take off running but stop as they see Megatron advancing towards Jazz. They aren't far from either bot and in a split moment of bravery or stupidity their shoe is off and being flung right at Megatron's helm. "Your shit ass piece of Junk you lay a fucking hand on my boyfriend and I'll rip you apart with a fucking Magnet and plyers, don't you fucking test me you dipper wearing, goofy as looking supervillan wannabe!" They shout. It make the whole battlefield go almost dead silent. " Yea you fucking hear my bucket head, ill make you wish you were rusting!" They shout again. 
Jazz's optics widened in horror behind his visor, witnessing your defiant act through static-laced vision. Fear gripped his struts like freezing polyhexian tundra. 
Megatron's helm barely shifted from the impact, regarding their small form with optics glinting cruel amusement. His cannon charged with purpose to squash resistance as pointless and fleeting as an organic.
"Foolish creature. Your lives mean less than insects" Megatron sneered, taking ponderous steps their way that may as well have been a funeral march. The field around him broadcast murderous intentions that sent even the seasoned warriors around bolting for cover. 
Jazz would not be denied. With a grief-stricken keen that curdled energon in lines, he flung himself between you and that doom-wielding arm aiming to end what meaning he had left. His field pulsed frenzied protectiveness tangled with pleas no words could voice. 
"Ya want 'em, Megs, you'll hafta go through me first! An' I been dancin' this dance a long time..." Jazz spat static. Jazz was quick to get them out of there grabbing them and taking off. It isn't until they were back at the Ark did he finally transform, arms wrapped around them as he gives the a peace of his mind.
Jazz clutched their body against his chest plates long after abandoning the battle site, fleeing farther than ever felt safe from those sworn to end all he had left. His engine roared wildly, fuel pump pounding faster than any sabotage mission's duration against the relief of delivering them from harm. 
Only within the Ark's fortified bunker did his struts unlock enough to collapse wearily to the floor, holding them close as grateful cries and static escaped in equal measure. "Don't you ever fraggin' do that ta me again, ya hear?" Jazz gasped brokenly at last, cupping their face desperately within his quaking palm. His visor glimmered tears unshed, relief and terror warning in equal measure. 
"Can't lose ya...yer all Ah got left in this mess. Please, li'l light...don' scare me like that." Raw emotion clogged his vocalizer to near uselessness, pressing reverent kisses between choked intakes. 
"He was going right for you baby!, I'm not letting the 3 tonne prick hurt you, so what I lost a shoe next time it will be a hydro flask of salt water and I hope it dents his helm" they state as they grab his face plate returning his kisses with fevor.
Jazz huffed a static-tinged laugh at their fierce declaration, so brave yet trembling in his gentle grasp. His cooling fans cycled accelerated drafts, systems still buzzing from terrors faced alone to shield them from doom's sightless gaze. 
"Frag if ya ain't the bravest thing this side'a Cybertron," Jazz rumbled. He pressed his faceplate into their shoulder holding them tightly, not willing to let go yet. Curling them protectively against the humming mass of his spark, Jazz vented shaky ex-vents. "Mah brave, beautiful li'l light...keep shinin' that fire, sweetspark." Jazz whispered raggedly into their shoulder. 
 Ironhide shoots at Megatron. His human companion latched to his back as he uses his body as a shield so the war lord couldn't get them. But they were making it rather hard as they tried antagonising Megatron. 
"Damn did they build you like a shit box on Cybertron or did you pick this form yourself!" They shout out. 
Ironhide careened across the scarred terrain, engine roaring as his heavy cannons unloaded volley after volley into the Con warlord's encroaching chassis. Megatron's howls shook the earth, armour blistering under Ironhide's righteous fury for daring to threaten his human lashed securely to broad backstruts.
"That's it, slaggertits, dance for me!" Ironhide bellowed back at Megatron. 
Megatron lunged forward through a hailstorm of plasma, cannons charging in a frenzy to end lives denying his rule. But Ironhide spun on a dime, releasing another blast to cave in an optical relay before transforming ram-tight around you both. 
His engine pounded like the Pit below, field alive with devotion harsh as his bearing yet gentle as newborn sparks flickering against red-and-blue armorweave. When Megatron gets too close they lob a can of WD-40 At him which Ironhide shoots cause it to explode in his face. "Get sunbeam shitlips!" They yell in delight as Ironhide takes off with them trying to get to safety.
"That's enough outta you, squishy," Ironhide rumbled, yet his cannons sang in harmony with your unbound spirit. His mission remained unchanged - shield the light of life, defying all forces that sought to smother its radiance. Ironhide's cannon fire consumed the volatile projectile in a brilliant fireball, engulfing Megatron in inferno. As they take off leaving Megatron in a fireball of energon and wounds. 
"Right in the visual output, squishy!. Primus, I think I'm in love," Ironhide roared instatically, tires biting earth as he tore across the ravaged wastes well beyond enemy sensors. His spark soared like the smelting winds of Vos. Ironhide's engine purred a low rumble as his struts unwound, tension leaching from armour plating now safe. His field pulsed weariness, yet underlying it swirled pride and fierce gratitude for your indomitable spirit so small, yet burned brighter than any star.
"Can't say I approve of y'all's antics out there, squishy. But Primus if you didn't frag up that rustbucket good," Ironhide chuckled, copper-sheened plating creaking in amusement. Never had he witnessed such fearless bravery, nor met a soul so worthy of the praise.
"He had it coming, Ironhide!You're not going to tell prime are you?" They had just faced down Megatron and cursed him out yet they were worried over being ratted out. Ironhide's engine grumbled a tired huff, his massive frame unwinding into a sprawl across the barren earth. He transforms lifting them up into his arms
"I'd be a fool to deny you put the fear of Primus in that rustbucket," Ironhide chuckled. "But Prime's got enough weighin' his wires. Don't need him fryin' more circuits over our antics." A digit gently booped their nose, gaze softening. "Your spark burns brighter than all the Well's glory. Ain't no mech takin' that from you - least of all one as glitching as Megs."
"Our secret?" They asked looking up at him.
"Our secret, squishy.” Ironhide replied, massive frame creaking gently as massive fingers curled to cradle them against his chassis.
Taglist: @angelxcvxc
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 1 month
This is my first ask, so im sorry if it’s confusing at all, buuut…
Hear me out on a little comfort drabble perhaps? Maybe Rodimus (MTMTE) is comforting the reader after a big move or a generally big change in the readers life! It’s a little self indulgent but… comfort character things i guess hehehe
If that doesn’t work, maybe just a little bit misfire content? :0!!!
No worries if neither one work!! I love your writing quite a lot ^^
Omg IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO SO LONG 😭😭AND NO WORRIES YOUR REQUEST WASNT CONFUSING! (I hope i wrote the drabble correctly ) and thank you for liking my writings!
Prompt: Rodimus comforting a reader who just had a big move in their life
Warnings: none, no pronouns used in this for the reader!
Notes: im not gonna use any y/n, just "you" And this is ridiculously short 💀
"Are you doing well?" Rodimus asked, optics held a look of concern as he looked at you. "Well, im just not used with the big change is all...I was just so used to the environment back home, guess I wasnt fully ready for the big change" You replied while you hugged your knees to your chest.
"It might seems or feels weird, especially since you've adapted to the everyday environment. But hey! You'll adapt here soon as well!" He said trying to lighten the mood. Which seems to work as you looked at him, a little smile present at your face.
"You sure?" You asked. "Positive! Just take your time and you'll slowly adjust to living here!" Rodimus cheerfully replied. You let out a chuckle, "Thanks Rodimus, I really needed that." He patted your head with his digit while he smiles at you "Anytime!"
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youhadmeatfanfics ¡ 1 month
Well I had several drabbles ready, I've focused a bit more on Orion and the attempts at communication (I love the language barrier and how there are attempts) :
-Let's try it again - Orion said pointing to himself as the human nodded and pointed to itself.
Orion was trying to figure out how to communicate with the human. Every time he spoke it was in an indecipherable way but every time he heard it, he felt tenderness, it was like seeing a little sparkling... Although he didn't know if it was in its state of maturity or it was in the process.
-Well, try saying this," said Orion pointing to the datapad.
It was his name... at least he wanted to hear it say it. He could see it was trying hard, he could see it every time the human sat next to him.
-O... pa..." the human tried to say as orion helped it gesture pointing to himself.
-Come on, you can.... Orion," he said as the human gestured.
-O...ri... - said the human, but the last few letters were hard to get out of its mouth.
The human sighed as he stood up and folded his arms.
Orion knew its behavior patterns after such a long time and when he was like this.... The human was frustrated or angry and he knew it since he had provoked it sometime.... D16 usually used to calm it down and scold him afterwards.
But he knew this anger was not the motive.
He picked the human up in his servos as he snuggled into his digits... he knew the contact made him feel better.
- I know you are trying... You must not give up. You are making great progress. Even if you don't understand what I'm saying. We will come to understand each other, I know we will ," Orion said as he gently squeezed your cheek, causing the human to make an adorable sound and smile. The human nuzzled his digit - I like that smile better....
Though it would slowly make the human understand him. If he had to be cicles like that... he would do it because he wasn't one to throw in the towel.
And he wasn't going to do it with the human.
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