yoosungimagines · 4 years
I would like to request a scenario where Yoosung teaches the MC how to play LOLOL please!
oml i know this is super short im so sorryyyyy 
truth is i havent been able to write much anymore agaghah i hope this suffices :’D
rated: G
“poke mc! poke them!”
“what do you mean by poke! i don’t even have that option!”
“no mc! hit them with a spell then back off! you have to hi-!” 
mc shrieks obscenities as her champion is surrounded and no matter how many times she clicks her mouse, she still gets absolutely freaking obliterated. 
“oh my fu-!” mc slams her hands on her desk and throws her head back, nearly foaming at the mouth. and yoosung? yoosung’s just laughing his ass off behind her.
“it’s okay honey! you’ll get better!”, he says, laughter in his voice. she stares up at him, deadpanned. 
“i officially hate this game.”, she huffs. yoosung snorts and leans down to kiss her forehead, then her nose. mc feels the tension in her shoulders melt, her hands reaching up to ruffle his hair. 
“you just have to give it another shot and it’ll get easier. i promise!”, he retorts. mc hums and briefly glances at her screen. 
“you say that, but you’re like a pro at this game,” she whines, her body slumping in the chair. mc lets her head fall back again, only so she can look at him. she smiles, then, watching as he smiles back at her. “i’d rather just hug you right now.” 
“you’re cute.” his arms wrap around her from behind and she wishes the chair would disappear so she could feel him fully. she puckers her lips at him, waiting. “way too cute.”, yoosung mumbles, soft. 
he kisses her frustration away, the two ignoring the frantic pings from her team. going afk is worth it when she can just bask in his affection instead. 
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
If I may ask, can I please request nsfw yoosung?
sub police yoosung x dom reader
rated: 18+
“license and registration please.”
he was a young thing, that police officer. his voice was high in pitch, but soothing and warm. his lips were sinfully pink, and his messy blonde hair was just begging to be twined through your fingers. he looked at you with those wide lilac eyes and you wondered how they’d look at you from between your legs.
the sun was beating down relentlessly, the worst heatwave you’ve ever experienced. it didn’t help that there was nothing but desert around you. desert grounds that were just too good to pass up. you’ve been doing donuts on them when the siren sounded, but bless your luck, the sun wasn’t the only thing that was hot today.
you’ve never seen anyone look that good in a uniform. the white fabric stretched taut across his lean muscles, his sleeves rolled up and squeezing sculpted biceps. he wasn’t brawny, not like those officers from dramas you’ve seen, but you knew he had strength from the way he held himself.
ugh, you wanted to ruin him.
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
Could I maybe possibly get an nsfw fic where Mc is surprised that Yoosung can lowkey be a dom sometimes 👉👈👉👈👉👈
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I got you fam
Rating: 18+
“Hmm… That's not good. We should have a baby fast. That way I can prove that I'm not a baby.”
He's hovering over you, all messy blonde hair and mischievous smiles, the cold metal of the examination table pressing against your back and making you shiver. There's a hand on the side of your head, the other creeping up your bare leg and disappearing under the fabric of your skirt, calloused fingers rough against your soft skin. “Y-Yoosung?”, your stutters has him chuckling and he leans down to nose at your neck, his fingers playing with the hem of your panties.
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
may i request a fluffy 'i'm pregnant' prompt pls? 🥺
pls watch this
it’s pretty short but I hope u enjoy anyway anonnn
rating: G
the two lines stared at you, unchanging and solid. you held that test in your hand for what? five minutes? ten? but you just couldn’t bear to look away from it. three other tests were scattered around the bathroom counter, all with the same result. 
you were pregnant. 
you were pregnant. 
finally, you tore your eyes away and shut them. the image was already burned in your eyes and you covered your mouth as tears flowed freely down your face. you couldn’t believe it. you were having a baby, a baby of your own to love and care for. to spoil and to guide, to watch them grow up into a fine adult. 
“yoosung!”, you called desperately, but couldn’t prevent the choked quality of your voice. “yoosung!”
the door swung open, the sight of your disheveled husband sleepy and worried made you laugh just a bit. you threw the test to the sink and ran to him, straight to his chest. his arms wound tight around you and you could hear his racing heart. “honey, what’s wrong? are you okay? are you hurt?” 
you looked up at yoosung, at his sleep-mussed hair, his concerned eyes and frowning lips. you loved the sight of him. you smiled with your trembling lips. “we’re gonna have a baby,” you croak. “you’re gonna be a dad yoosungie.”
yoosung didn’t speak, you wondered if he was even breathing. you watched as his eyes darted to the tests on the counter and then back to you, to the tests, and then to you again. “i-i’m,” his voice cracked, and you see his eyes shine with his own tears. “i’m gonna be a dad?” 
you nodded and the dam burst. your face crumpled with emotions and he hugged you tight as you both cried, so so happy, so hopeful for the future. “w-we’re gonna have a baby,” he sobbed, cradling your head in his hand. he sniffed and buried his face in your hair. “oh my god, we’re p-parents.” each word dripped with wonder, with love and tenderness. 
“yeah,” you laughed, clutching at his shirt with all your might. “we are!” 
he pulled away from you, only to grab your face and tug you into a wet kiss. it wasn’t long until you were both too smiley to kiss properly, but it didn’t matter because you were having a baby.
“do you think it’ll be a boy? a girl?” his watery smile was too adorable, his rambles even more so. “if they’re a girl we can name her hae soo! or- or even jieun! oh god we’re gonna have to buy so many clothes! do you think-”
you snorted, huddling close to his chest again as he gushed about your future child. you rubbed your belly. it was safe to say this child will truly be loved with all your hearts. 
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
Yoosung knowing that MC has depression
rating: 15+
warnings: depression talk (just in case anyone would be triggered)
i based this off of my own experience if that’s okay.
everyone’s experiences are different but in the end, all of our hurt and pain is valid. i hope you guys are seeking help, whether professional or from a loved one, because you all deserve to be okay. whether it be in a few days, weeks, or even years, i really do feel that it will be okay. i love you all, stay safe yes?
you are not alone.
please excuse my use of “she/her” pronouns, i just use it a lot in my fics so i used it for this one
but know that this message of healing goes out to everyone.
‘it’s been a while.’
‘since what?’
she stares.
the blinking cursor looks back and suddenly she can’t breathe.
she takes a ragged gasp, throws her phone to the floor, and buries herself beneath her blankets. feels her wet cheeks with her fingertips.
‘it’s been a while.’
‘since what?’
‘since i’ve felt okay.’
dimness swallows all of the walls and corners of her tiny room. she feels heavy with its shadows, worn and haggard despite not having done a single thing for two days.
two days stuck in her bed. her stomach was hungry, but she doesn’t feel it, not anymore. she’s drunk some water to keep it down, but even that felt like a chore. the only thing she enjoys doing now is staring at the wall.
its white paint stares back, goading her. “get up,” it says. “get up and do something with your life.”
her phone has been ringing on and off on the floor. yoosung maybe. or even the other members. she doesn’t want to bother with them, not now at least.
not when she feels too shitty to talk to anyone. when all she wants to do is lay here and think of all the ways she could rid herself of this unyielding feeling.
her eyes burn with tears and as they fell, she wonders.
how long will this go on?
how many pits and slumps must she go through until it’ll go away?
how long will she have to stay like this? feeling as if her life is a useless, tiring thing?
she closes her eyes. hopes sleep will take her mind away once more.
when she wakes, it’s to the sound of her front door opening. she doesn’t get up. she already knows who it is.
she dreads the footsteps that approach her bedroom, dreads the reaction they will have, the concern they’ll show her when they see her like this. she doesn’t want their concern. she wishes she was alone again.
“_______?” his voice, she’s missed it, but why does she not feel happy to hear it anymore? there is no response from her, only her eyes meeting his own, watching as he sucks in a harsh breath. “why haven’t you been saying anything? are you okay?”
no response. her throat feels too tight. words are too much effort to say. why must she be this way? why can’t she be better? yoosung’s worries only rise and he walks to her side of the bed, her body feeling much too weak to turn away from him. “hey,” he murmurs, tender and loving. she hasn’t felt this love in what felt like forever. “honey, what’s wrong? would you like to talk to me about it?”
he reaches for her, and at the brush of his hand against her face, she’s struck with sorrow. it washes over her, all at once. waves and waves crashing into her, pulling her under, keeping her until she’s drowning in it. oh god, oh god. why was she crying? why does she feel so sad?
yoosung says nothing as she weeps, only wipes her tears with his sleeves. “not okay,” she blubbers like a weepy child. breathes a ragged sob. he still looks at her with that kind gaze. “d-don’t know what to do anymore.” he strokes her hair, her cheek, her arm, soft touches that soothe her aching chest.
“i know,” he mumbles and she watches a tear trickle down his cheek. “it’s hard for you right now, it’s been hard for you right?” she nods weakly. he feels his heart break. “i’m so sorry baby. i’m sorry i haven’t been properly there for you. i know how difficult it is. how tiring this is. but you have me to depend on you know? if you want space, i will give it you. if you want me here, i will be.”
she cries harder, but he pushes on, his throat tight with emotion. “i will be here with you through everything. through your worst times, your better times, everything. you’re not alone. you’ve helped me through so much, so please know that i am here to help you, too.” she reaches out, twists his shirt in her hands and tugs. he follows with no complaints.
as he lays down next to her and pulls her close to his chest, she feels the weight lessen. little as it is, it still felt so good to feel it ebb away. she closes her eyes, feels the softest kiss against her head, and smiles.
so no, she is not okay, not completely.
but after today, she truly believed she will be.
and so will you.
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
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i drew smth,, looks bad but enjoy it AHAHAHLDKDKDKEKLDKKSKD
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
“Put the gun down.” (That sounded like such a good prompt lmfao I had to request it)
what have i done
its hella short, im so sorry hnghhgghghh all my brain power is being used for finals week im sorry anon ;(
rated: 15+
warnings: violence, cursing
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
With Yoosung shivering in fear as he held you close.
With a man pointing a gun at you, his lips curled in a snarl.
“I said, give up the rest of the money!”, he barked, and you flinched in Yoosung’s arms. He squeezed you, stroking your hair with a trembling hand.
“W-We gave you all we had, sir,” his voice broke, the syllables heavy on his tongue. “Won’t you please let us go? We really don’t have anything left.”
The stranger clicked his tongue and in a single motion, shot the gun towards the sky. You both shrieked, huddling closer as tears streaked down your faces. “P-Please,” Yoosung sobbed, your heart breaking in two from the raw fear in his voice. “Please, put the gun down, please!”
“You tellin’ me what to do, fucker?”, the man laughed, a crazed look in his eyes. He aimed at Yoosung once more. “Say it again, I dare you.”
The sounds of sirens met your ears and your knees nearly buckled in relief. “Y-Yoosung,” you whispered, a low sound in your throat. “We’re gonna be o-”
“FUCK!” With a shout and a bang, you felt the point of impact run through Yoosung’s body, rattling his bones, a bullet piercing the space right next to your head. He fell to the ground with a yell and brought you with him. The man had already run off but you did not care, not when Yoosung’s blood was staining your hands.
You screamed and cried, your quivering hands pressing down on his wound. You have to stop the bleeding, you have to. “Yoosung!”, you whimpered, watching blood seep through your fingers.
Why wasn’t it stopping?
You watched him clench his eyes shut in pain before opening them, sluggish and tired. You couldn’t breathe, every ragged breath brought pain. “Yoosungie,” you choked. “Y-You’re gonna be fine right? You’ll stay with me right?”
He did not speak, could only nod his head before it lolled to the side. His eyes met your own. His lips parted, a wheeze pushing past, and slowly, slowly...
With his last breath, he mouthed,
I love you.
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
everything you write is so fucking wonderful i feel absolutely blessed reading this blog ♡♡
u guys are always so ekfmdkdkdk my heart is bursting :’((( thank u anon for liking my writing im so glad u enjoy it i feel blessed to be able to talk to y’all ^^
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
hii um i love ur account..
and i... love you... 0///0
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
"I know hurts, but you have to stay awake, okay?”
bro,,, u went straight for the hurtful ones ;;;;;;;;
rating: 15+
warnings: mention of blood, injuries
Time moved slow, agonizingly slow.
He could only watch as you screamed, as the car door bent and crushed in on itself. Glass flew around you as the headlights reflected upon their surfaces, the sight so horrendously beautiful.
He cried your name, his hand reaching, and reaching, but your touch never came. His stomach lurched as he felt his body ascend in the air and in that moment, with a blinding pain in his head, darkness took him.
When Yoosung opened his eyes, all he could register was the splitting headache he was having. He whimpered with each throb in his temples and had to close his eyes again to get used to the ache.
His body felt sore with its shattered bones, and when he could finally look down at himself, he had to turn away to keep the bile in his throat at bay. His seat belt had lodged itself in his side, blood seeping into the fabric of his shirt. The adrenaline must not have worn off, the pain was barely there.
“M-MC,” Yoosung called, realizing the severity of it all. When he looked to the passenger seat, he nearly vomited. The car had slammed your side and he could see the way your limbs had twisted beyond repair, how there were too many red stains to count. “MC!” Yoosung’s throat throbbed in protest, his voice much too hoarse to shout.
Hot tears fell from his eyes as he watched a bead of blood trickle down your chin, his heart hammering with urgency and panic. “Honey, honey it’s me,” Yoosung could barely breathe, short, painful huffs that rattled his broken ribs. “Baby, wake up, come on, I need to know that-” He swallowed back the thick lump in his throat. “That you’re okay.”
“... H-Hurts,” you whispered and he sobbed, his hand reaching for yours. Your eyes did not open, but your voice was enough to bring calm to his frazzled nerves. “C-Can’t feel... My body...” He looked down, choked on a whimper.
“The ambulance is coming baby,” he squeezed your hand tight, hoping to any god out there you could feel it. “It’s coming, so stay awake okay? Okay honey? Can you do that for me?”
“H-Hurts...”, you said again, a ragged sigh leaving your blood red lips.
“I know it hurts, baby, but you have to stay awake, okay? Please!”, he cried, a crack in his brave facade. You didn’t respond this time, not even a twitch of your hand to reassure him. “M-MC?” His hand squeezed youre again. “MC? Hey, c’mon, wh-what’re you doing?”
Yoosung’s side pulsated with pain as he screamed at you, yanking at your hand. It felt much too cold, much too lifeless. He couldn’t hear your breathing, why couldn’t he hear your breathing? You were alive, weren’t you? So MC please open your eyes!
By the time the ambulance arrived, saw the wreckage and the lives that were lost, Yoosung had succumbed to the darkness again.
And the next time he opened his eyes, he was alone, no hand in his to grasp.
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
ok ok so ik i have a shitload of requests but uh aha- send me a prompt u wanna see???
prompt list i. ♡
“(Name)! Open the door!”
“I can’t pretend anymore.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“You lied to me!”
“You can’t see me.”
“If I’m a monster, what are you?”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“Get the hell out.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“I’m not losing you again.”
“Why do you care?”
“Don’t you dare walk out that door.”
“You’re not safe here.”
“That sounds a lot like ‘goodbye.’”
“You broke my heart.”
“What is this? What are we really?”
“I’m sorry but.. who are you?”
“Why aren’t you with her?”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“This isn’t you.”
“You’ve hurt me enough already.”
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
“I won’t forgive you for this.”
“There was never an ‘us.’”
“I never loved you.”
“It was never supposed to come to this.”
“Do you really think I’m happy?”
fluff & romance.
“Tell me again.”
“Marry me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“It’s freezing. Come here.”
“I’ve got you.”
“Because I love you.”
“Don’t ever let me go.”
“I’ve loved you for years.”
“Stay. Please.”
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Look, a shooting star! Make a wish.”
“Is that.. my shirt?”
“I think I love you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Can I stay with you?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“Take my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“It made me think of you.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re basically a marshmallow. Perfect for cuddling.”
“It’s always been you.”
“Move over.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Truth or dare?”
“I could kiss you right now.”
“I love you, but stop talking.”
“Quit it! You’re hogging the blankets!”
“I’d hurt anyone who ever left a scar on you.”
“You’re cute when you’re half asleep.”
“Did you just hit me? With a pillow? Oh. It’s on now.”
“Why did you choose me?”
“Are you.. blushing?”
“Take my hand.”
concern & upset.
“You’re shaking.”
“Call me when you get this. It’s urgent.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“What happened back there?”
“Wake up. Please wake up.”
“Let me help you.”
“Shh. Come here. It’s just a nightmare.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Please don’t leave me alone.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
“Hear that? I’m alive. I’m right here.”
“I don’t want your apology.”
“Stop pretending like everything is fine!”
“Have you lost your damn mind?”
“I’m begging you. Please.”
“You’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.”
“I know hurts, but you have to stay awake, okay?”
“Of course I care.”
“You’re safe now.”
“How much did you have to drink?”
“Let me take you home.”
“What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
“Shh. Don’t cry.”
“You need to rest.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
“Put the gun down.”
“I’ll do it even if it kills me.”
“Let her/him go!”
“Take me instead.”
“Don’t touch her/him.”
“How is this possible? I watched you die.”
“Break them.”
“(Name)! Take my hand!”
“Don’t you die on me!”
“Open your eyes!”
“What have you done?”
“Save yourself.”
“You’re not gonna die on me.”
“Lucky shot.”
“Why can’t I see you?”
“Come back to me.”
“I’ve already lost her once. I won’t lose her again.”
“Get out of here! It’s a trap.”
“What are you doing here? It’s too dangerous!”
“Do you want to die?”
“Helps on the way. You just have to hold on a little longer.”
“Bite me.”
“I didn’t believe you cared.”
“You’re jealous.”
“Hmm. So you do have feelings.”
“I dare you.”
“You may be attractive, but I’m not sleeping with you.”
“You know what? Forget it.”
“Did you really think I’d fall for that?”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on the matter.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Watch me.”
“I’m fully capable of kicking your ass.”
“How did my back feel when you stabbed me?”
“Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.”
“If you want me, come and get me.”
“Such poison from a pretty, honeyed mouth.”
“You’re dead.”
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
Hello ! I was wondering if I could request headcannons on MC's and Yoosung's 1st date ?Thank you !
★ your ideal date was going to the beach with your significant other
★ yoosung’s ideal date was the typical “movie and dinner” trope
★ it was really hard deciding on which one to do for your first official date because both of you wanted it to be special for the other
★ “MC! We should go with yours!”
“Noooo, I wanna do what you want!”
“But MC... I want you!”
“Oh Yoosung! I want you too!”
“Guys please, this is a professional meeting. Keep your cringe to yourselves!”
★ so after discussing it you guys chose to do both, first you’ll go to the beach, and then you’ll go watch a movie and eat
★ but what you didn’t know is that yoosung would actually bring the movie and dinner to you, right on the sand
★ you guys got on the train to busan and arrived at the beach at around 4pm, when the sun wasn’t too high nor was it too low, creating a perfect golden light to shine on everything
★ after picking a spot near the ocean, you took off your sundress to reveal your swimsuit
★ yoosung being yoosung freaked out at this and covered his eyes in case you didn’t want him to look at you
★ “Yoosung you dummy, I picked this for you!”
★ golden hour really was your best friend because you looked ethereal in its warm rays and yoosung chokes at the sight of you
★ “You’re so beautiful, MC...”
★ after some encouragement, yoosung took off his shirt and joined you in the freezing cold water
★ yoosung was dying 
★ you splashed him, that poor boy, but he got revenge by lifting you up and chucking throwing you back in the water
★ you couldn’t recall a time when you’ve had this much fun
★ it was getting cold so you guys decided to dry off and hang at your little spot
★ that was when yoosung brought out a whole bunch of containers full of food and a thermos flask that had some tasty soup
★ and what’s even more baffling is that he even brought out a whole ass laptop
★ “Yoosung! What is all this?”
“I just wanted to make this a perfect date for you. My girlfriend shouldn’t have to lift a single finger while I’m here.”
★ he played your favorite movie on the laptop and fed you his cooking while you laughed and talked about anything and everything
★ you both learned so much of each other that night
★ it was really late by the time you guys got back home and as he was about to leave you at your doorstep, you stop him
★ “I don’t want you going out this late.”
★ he refused to stay at first, but yielded when he realized just how tired he was
★ you both cuddled and shared lazy kisses before sleep enveloped you two
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
Hey! You write pretty good mm after only playing one route •v• how about Yoosung getting jealous over mc talking too much with one of the other RFA members? XD
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i’m sorry it took a long time :(
i hope y’all like it
Rated: G
Warnings: Cursing 
yoosung knows the friendship between you and seven is something precious and unbreakable. the two of you had hit it off in the beginning and have grown to become best friends. 
he also knows that it is strictly platonic. 
but- but-
“mc!”, he whines, dragging out the syllables of your name in his cute baby voice. you feel a smile curling your lips but you refuse to give him the benefit of the doubt. “don’t be mad! pleaseee! i’m so sorry!”
you purse your lips and turn to face him. “yoosung,” you try your best to sound stern but it’s so damn hard whenever he looks at you like this. like you were something so precious and lovely, something to be cherished wholly. damn puppy eyes… 
“yoosung, you literally went off on seven over nothing!”
“... but mc it wasn’t nothing!” yoosung hugs you by the waist, cuddling up against you like a needy cat seeking affection. you refuse to budge. “he was flirting with you, i swear!”
“we do not flirt! he always talks like that!”, you protest, looking down into his lilac eyes. aw crap, you love how they shine in the light. no! get your head in the game! “if the way he talks is flirting, then he’s been flirting with you a lot.”
he blanches and pulls back from you, a concerned frown on his face. “w-wait what? oh god, how should i reject him without hurting him, mc?!” he fists as his hair, pulling from worry. 
“yoosung… it’s not even true, i was literally trying to tell you he’s not flirting with anyone. he just speaks that way.”
he slumps back against the couch, extremely relieved to hear that one of his best friends was not in fact, flirting with him. god damnit yoosung. “ah, but mc, you’re not just anyone!”, he crosses his arms, the biggest pouty look on his face. “you could get any guy or girl to flirt with you! that’s why i have to protect you! you’re mine!”
you feel your heart melt, pure adoration for this dumbass shoving aside your anger enough so you can hug him. yoosung’s pleased hum makes you sigh, faking annoyance. “you’re so sweet, but too worried.”, you grumble, holding him tighter. his hands rub up and down your sides the way he knows will soothe you. 
“i can’t help it,” he says, and presses a kiss to your jaw. “i love you so much that i worry someone else will see what i see and try to snatch you away.” 
your lips quiver, so so fond of this blonde fool in your arms. you pull away, only for you to stamp a kiss on his lips in the last second. yoosung’s stunned face was rewarding to say the least. “how ‘bout i call seven right now and we’ll deal with this whole ‘flirting’ thing, hm?” he says nothing, only nods with cheeks full of heat. 
you take your phone out of your pocket and with just a few taps seven’s contact info was on your screen. you press call. 
“oh the lovely 606 has called! how may i help you m’lady?”, seven chirps from his side of the line, and you feel yoosung tense. 
“hey luciel! i just wanted to apologize for yoosung’s outburst earlier.” you give said blonde a glare to which he huffs and looks away, though you can see the guilt clear on his face. 
“ah you mean when he said, and i quote, ‘you better back off my girlfriend you strawberry shortcake, gremlin looking ass’ exclamation point, exclamation point?”
you nearly snort, just barely keeping in your laughter. “y-yeah, that.”
when you hear his cackles you let your own giggles take over and yoosung’s frown deepens. “a-anyways!”, you clear your throat. “i also wanted to ask you if you really were flirting with me like yoosung said.”
he snickers. “no mc, i just like to mess around and have fun with my friends. yoosung however,” he whistles. “i might’ve been flirting just a little. hope you don’t mind.” 
yoosung squeaks in fear and lunges over to grab your phone, immediately pressing the end call button once he has it in his hands. “yoosung!”, you exclaim. “what was that for?!”
“nope, nope, nope!” he shakes his head, over and over. “i do not wanna hear about that!” 
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
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me @ me
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
Your blog is literally everything I could’ve asked for??? Like deadass tho!! Your writing is super good and since Yoosung is my favorite I find myself visiting your blog often lmfaoo,,, but still!! I really love this blog so thank you! ❤��❤️❤️
fiejoghghwa thank you so much ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
receiving asks like this always make me so warm and happy i truly appreciate u guys taking the time of reading my fics and telling me what yall think
I'm so happy u enjoy my writing, it makes me feel more confident in myself ;;;;;;
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
me: wow i love *looks at smudged writing on my hand* ‘you suck kim’
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yoosungimagines · 4 years
mc, bad at flirting: i really like your name
yoosung, equally bad at flirting: thanks, i got it for my birthday
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