yomiyzha · 5 years
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Sexy Graham Allen
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yomiyzha · 5 years
Me practicing this housewife thing for when I drop out of uni
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yomiyzha · 5 years
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yomiyzha · 5 years
Since comment section disabled, I literally have yet to see a homophoic black person tbh. Its like they dont exist in my area. They either do not give a fuck or are simply bi-sexual.
When white lgbt people try to draw parallels between the n word and queer, they expose how little they know about Black culture and Black political thought. Yes Black people have reclaimed the n word but that wasn’t some unanimous decision there’s still fierce debate about its usage that isn’t cleanly cut along class, gender, age, sexuality. There are many overlapping experiences that shape how when and why an indivual Black person would use the n word. This means that people could come from the same neighborhood have similar backgrounds and come to two wildly different relationships with that word.
There’s been Black People who say “I don’t like to use it to describe myself or others” and then I don’t say it to or around them out of respect. Y’all can’t seem to do that at all. White people just stop invoking Black people and our shit when it’s clear you most intimate interaction with a Black person was asking that one Black girl in class if you could borrow a pencil.
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yomiyzha · 5 years
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kirby has another message for you!
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yomiyzha · 5 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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yomiyzha · 5 years
Reblog for Good luck🙏🏼
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yomiyzha · 5 years
Z Nation
So, I don’t really post much at all on Tumblr but this is most likely going to be the one thing I post that is very important to me.
To start off, Z Nation has been cancelled. There will be no season 6. I’ve seen a lot of people on social media mourning about this (myself included). The reason why this is so important is because Z Nation is legit THE BEST show I have ever seen. The past month I’ve been going through A L O T of very depressing and hard shit. It was so bad that it resulted into me skipping school and having suicidal thoughts. Skipping school is usually a norm for me but I’ve been doing it much often now and the suicidal thoughts? I never, NEVER had those before. You can tell I was struggling very hard. I still managed to pull through somehow and this is when one day I was like “hmm, let me take a break from gaming real quick” and decided to go on Netflix. That’s when I found Z Nation. Ended up binging it in 3 days and all I can say is that Z Nation really helped me when I was at my lowest point. It gave me motivation, it gave me faith, and most importantly like how the characters say in the show, it gave me HOPE.
I felt very emotionally attached to all the characters. Warren made me feel warm inside, like how a mother is to her child. Murphy (my husband uwu) and Doc made me laugh. An actual laugh. Something that I haven’t done in a while. 10k made me feel excitement. When he got introduced, I was like “yes, I’m not the only one who’s considered a ‘kid’!” Mind you, I said “I’m not the only one” I felt like I was actually apart of the Delta XRay Delta squad. Which is another thing I’ll get into. Addy made me feel like I finally have a sister. All these characters touched my heart in very different ways and I am so thankful for that. The whole show I felt like I was a part of them and that made me very happy, I’m pretty sure every fan can relate to this hopefully. There were times where I fell off my seat due to the excitement I felt. There were times where I was scared of what was happening to the squad. And there were times where I cried the tears my depression was holding back when stuff was 100% going very south in the show. I guess you can say Z Nation is now officially a big part of my heart.
I’ve heard that Netflix has saved a bunch of cancelled shows, so I really do hope that Netflix can do us the favor to bring back Z Nation. Please, don’t just do this for me, do this for everybody who has felt the same way as me. Go save Z Nation @netflix . We are not ready to give Z Nation mercy yet. Bring back our show. Bring back our Hope.
Thank you.
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yomiyzha · 5 years
Z Nation
So, I don’t really post much at all on Tumblr but this is most likely going to be the one thing I post that is very important to me.
To start off, Z Nation has been cancelled. There will be no season 6. I’ve seen a lot of people on social media mourning about this (myself included). The reason why this is so important is because Z Nation is legit THE BEST show I have ever seen. The past month I’ve been going through A L O T of very depressing and hard shit. It was so bad that it resulted into me skipping school and having suicidal thoughts. Skipping school is usually a norm for me but I’ve been doing it much often now and the suicidal thoughts? I never, NEVER had those before. You can tell I was struggling very hard. I still managed to pull through somehow and this is when one day I was like “hmm, let me take a break from gaming real quick” and decided to go on Netflix. That’s when I found Z Nation. Ended up binging it in 3 days and all I can say is that Z Nation really helped me when I was at my lowest point. It gave me motivation, it gave me faith, and most importantly like how the characters say in the show, it gave me HOPE.
I felt very emotionally attached to all the characters. Warren made me feel warm inside, like how a mother is to her child. Murphy (my husband uwu) and Doc made me laugh. An actual laugh. Something that I haven’t done in a while. 10k made me feel excitement. When he got introduced, I was like “yes, I’m not the only one who’s considered a ‘kid’!” Mind you, I said “I’m not the only one” I felt like I was actually apart of the Delta XRay Delta squad. Which is another thing I’ll get into. Addy made me feel like I finally have a sister. All these characters touched my heart in very different ways and I am so thankful for that. The whole show I felt like I was a part of them and that made me very happy, I’m pretty sure every fan can relate to this hopefully. There were times where I fell off my seat due to the excitement I felt. There were times where I was scared of what was happening to the squad. And there were times where I cried the tears my depression was holding back when stuff was 100% going very south in the show. I guess you can say Z Nation is now officially a big part of my heart.
I’ve heard that Netflix has saved a bunch of cancelled shows, so I really do hope that Netflix can do us the favor to bring back Z Nation. Please, don’t just do this for me, do this for everybody who has felt the same way as me. Go save Z Nation @netflix . We are not ready to give Z Nation mercy yet. Bring back our show. Bring back our Hope.
Thank you.
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yomiyzha · 5 years
Save Z Nation on Twitter
Okay, so as most of you probably know by now, SYFY officially cancelled Z Nation last night, which means that if we don’t act now, next week’s season finale will be the last ever episode and will leave us with a hell of a cliffhanger. That’s not the way this show deserves to go out. So I’m starting a twitter campaign for all us Z-Whackers to make Netflix hear us and possibly pick up the show.
First, here are just a few reasons not to give up as this is a real possibility:
-Netflix already has a following for Z Nation. They have the last four seasons streaming currently, and have been recommending it to viewers who have watched similar shows — that’s how I found it.
-Netflix has already picked up “Black Summer” which is a prequel spinoff of Z Nation.
-Netflix has saved other cancelled shows, (even ones that have been off the air for a long time like Arrested Development). Most recently they picked up Lucifer when it was cancelled on FOX because of fans campaigning.
-Netflix uses a different ratings system as they don’t have live airings.
Now down to business. I have seen a hashtag has already been started to get Netflix to pick us up, so I think we should use it. The hashtag is #NetflixZNation.
Next week during the live airing of the finale, we live tweet using this hashtag, as well as #ZNationS6.
During the rest of this week and the weeks after, I suggest we rewatch ZN from the beginning on Netflix; this will get the views and ratings up and show Netflix that we are watching it. While we rewatch the series, we will live tweet it, using the hashtags #NetflixZNation and #ZNationS6. (Also, if you haven’t yet, give it a five star rating on Netflix).
I know “Power Hours” are hard to participate in — especially with the holidays coming up — so the only actual power hour I’m going to do is Fridays at 9pm EST which is when new episodes air. If you can, after the finale, use this power hour to live tweet your rewatch on Netflix.
Otherwise just tweet whenever you can using the two previously mentioned hashtags.
Season Five will be available to stream on Netflix some time in January; I’m not sure of the date yet, I will let you all know when I find out, but I suggest that we stream it as soon as it’s available and tweet Netflix while we do so. Again, this will show Netflix that we care about and are watching Z Nation on their platform.
I’m going to keep the campaign like this for now, but I am going to plan some “themes” for future power hours as well. Things like favorite moments and whatnot. But that’s for the future, for now we’re going to keep it at tweeting using the hashtags #NetflixZNation and #ZNationS6, as well as tagging Netflix and the official Z Nation twitter page in these posts.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please DO NOT HESITATE to reblog this with them, or shoot me an ask (anon is always on if you’re more comfortable with that).
We are Opperation Bite Mark, we are Delta X-ray Delta, we are Z-Whackers, we are Z Nation. And we won’t give up without a fight.
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yomiyzha · 5 years
If you see this
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You were visited by the magic kitten of rest. Reblog to have a good night’s sleep.
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yomiyzha · 5 years
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yomiyzha · 5 years
So I'm now watching the latest episode of Z Nation, and I almost actually died from choking on water because Citizen Z just punched the fuck out of this hacker dude and Warren gets in his face and says "You just got knocked the fuck out" and her facial expressions were on point. Omfg.
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yomiyzha · 5 years
If this isnt a fucking mood, I don't know what is.
The “cereal before milk or milk before cereal” debate ends now.
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yomiyzha · 6 years
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yomiyzha · 6 years
Gimme a boy who
Gently curls up on the couch next to me while I’m reading in front of the fire. Who asks with his eyes if it’s okay for him to rest his head in my lap. Who lets out a soft sigh, and softly closes his eyes as he gets comfortable, happy just to be close. Whose hair is soft as I run my hands though it, humming gently.
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yomiyzha · 6 years
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