yileikong · 5 years
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These are two drawings I made for a school project in 6th grade. Yes, I put anime in my school work. It’s how you survive!
Anyway, the school project was really intense. There were three parts to it and I anime-ized ALL OF THE PARTS. and spent many hours on it. I think in total it was probably about a day’s worth of work. Like a full 24 hours. The three parts were a small model pyramid made from cardboard that you cut out and had to decorate and even used model clay to make the sarcophagus and other items inside the pyramid, a brochure describing the details of the pyramid but in a really museum-like way that also tries to invite people to tour the pyramid you made, and a story about how your pyramid was discovered. Like this whole thing was supposed to be Egyptian, but I made it Japanese. I laugh at myself back then now.
So like the brochure and the actual pyramid is where these pictures come in. My pyramid was basically an anime crossover. I don’t know where the brochure is anymore now or this original pyramid. I think my Mom probably accidentally threw it away or something when she moved house. But this was basically one of the best Hiei drawings I’ve ever made. The person entombed was supposed to be Queen Serenity of Sailor Moon and like she had a sarcophagus, but also in my pyramid they decided to recreate the Silver Millennium Palace for her inside her pyramid because if you have an afterlife where you take things with you, you give yourself a fancy house. The inside pyramid art though had pictures of Serenity’s family members and instead of just having Princess Serenity (Usagi), I decided at the time to put Hiei and Yukina in it. At that time I don’t think I’d bought the VHS tape or seen the episode that actually talked about Hiei’s past at Hyouga no Kuni yet, so that made as much sense to me as anything else, and it was my pyramid project so whatever. My Queen Serenity had 3 kids and one was a fire demon and one was an ice demon.
But yeah, that’s where these drawings are from. These are the drawings I had on the pyramid that also got sprayed with a sheen to preserve the drawing and give it an aged kind of look.
Just as a side note, the story of the pyramid’s discovery was also really otakuppoi. But with a different anime. The three archaeologists that discovered the pyramid were the three main characters from Magic Knight Rayearth cuz that’s how you do. I can’t remember who else I put in the discovery story, but they were the main three.
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yileikong · 6 years
Next Chapter
Well, this latest chapter in my life will come to a close in a few months. Starting my last contract next month. This current one I can’t do forever just because there’ll be a real performance change when I get older, but I’m glad that I tried so hard to try to do the best I can. I really appreciate the experiences I’ve had and the people I’ve met.
At the same time, I’m loving my new life and I kind of don’t ever want to go back to America. I enjoy my life here and how easy it is to access all of my hobbies and the things I love. Plus living expenses are just easier here and there isn’t insanity going on here like there is at home. I was having such bad anxiety attacks from just the political climate let alone the things that had happened in my life at the time.
And while I look forward, I also went to go fiddle with my site to try to update it and check the links and stuff and I saw some of the parts of it that I made when I was in high school, and I’m really feeling like I’m in a full circle moment. Like there’s some parts of my love for my hobbies I played down to be more professional, but now that I am here, I feel like I’ve embraced them again and now I’m just enjoying my life like I did when i was a kid. Arguably even more than then because now I have money. =D Yay adulthood.
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yileikong · 6 years
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yileikong · 6 years
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These ones are a bit older that I made before I moved.
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yileikong · 6 years
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Decided to play in Photoshop to relax and I felt like I needed more Hiei wallpapers in my life.
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yileikong · 6 years
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I made these while I was in training for my current position. We had a small lull and I wanted to try to relax a little and it was helping me with the stress of the moment. It was also a full circle moment with the show’s anniversary and my being in Japan starting a new life.
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yileikong · 8 years
What color is Wesley’s sonic and is it in screwdriver form?
What color is Wesley's lightsaber?
Time Lords don’t use lightsabers.
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yileikong · 8 years
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Whether it’s a positive or negative impact, some people are only present in your life for a short time, and it’s for the better.
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yileikong · 8 years
The “late 20s, whip smart, elegant, and ambitious” is the most respectable one out of all of these just because “elegant” is at least slightly ambiguous in comparison to the REALLY obvious sexualization in the rest of them. Glass half-full, at least there was one that wasn’t SO bad.
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This what sexism in Hollywood looks like right there on the page. The one about a female scientist “hunched over a microscope” will really make you furious.
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yileikong · 8 years
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yileikong · 8 years
to women who have escaped an abusive relationship:
you are not obligated to forgive your abuser. you are not obligated to be nice to them. you have every right to cut them out of your life. you have every right to hate them.
your anger is valid. you don’t owe them anything. you don’t need to feel guilty. you don’t need to do one last thing, you don’t need to give them any explanations, they don’t deserve anything from you.
your boundaries are valid. your feelings are valid. your safety is more important than their feelings.
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yileikong · 8 years
how to treat yourself on a low budget
what to do after a long day
how not to be hard on yourself
staying healthy while studying
need a confidence boost? stand like this
how to deal with mental illness
feel better masterpost
hygiene/beauty masterpost | my make up masterpost | make up masterpost | simple steps for perfect make up | more make up tips | highlighting/contouring
6 ab moves 
hair oil benefits
what is your acne telling you? | another useful post about acne
masterpost for rough times
the sex ed your parents didn’t give you
head to toe self care
blow job tips
limits of the human body
when to change your toothbrush, workouts etc
useful hoe tips | more
“how to make love”
shaving your vagina
foods that fix everything
22 less difficult ways to practise self care
self care wheel
superhero workouts | lose 500 calories at home
bad habits and how to break them
stop biting nails
stop procrastinating 
stop skipping breakfast
stretches to improve every aspect of your body
stop cracking knuckles
stop falling asleep late 
list of stress relievers
remove a splinter
smoothie masterpost
morning yoga
hair masterpost
self care masterpost
period hacks | alleviate menstrual cramps
sounds to soothe anxiety | another tip | panic attacks | calming down
things to do when you’re scared, anxious | reduce anxiety
self help for anxiety
what to eat before you run
how to get ahead in life
self care infographic 
study guide for health (basic first aid, healthy hobbies etc)
a+ self care advice | more lovely advice
coping skills
get rid of negative self talk
feeling sad? | not having a good day? | if anyone is sad | feeling anxious for school? | in case you’re having a bad night | unfuck tomorrow morning
study food
health life hacks
what to do with food poisoning
self talk to end obsessions
self care ideas/tips
what to do with you’re bleeding and don’t have a band aid
why you should drink a lot of water
other cheat sheets
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yileikong · 8 years
Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind.
Dodinsky (via love-inspire-universally)
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yileikong · 8 years
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yileikong · 8 years
LOL This was too funny. I had to click it.
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yileikong · 9 years
His sunglasses were actually distracting to me too because they were kind of unexpected since he’s never worn them before. My sister noticed it too and she pointed it out before I watched it, and when I finally saw it it was more jarring than I had expected.
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Don’t get me wrong, I love his badass look but Square Enix’s logic amazes me sometimes HAHA! 
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yileikong · 9 years
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If everything can be settled by the word sorry, then why would law and police exist?
GU JUN PYO, Boys Over Flowers
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