yevrahb25 4 years
I have a friend who's done that exact idea, he uses a chaplain dead for a HQ, and with; normal, venerable, ironclad, etc you can bring a lot of variation. It's a fun list to fight
I want to make an all-dreadnought army list. An army of grandpas...
You鈥檇 have to go with a chapter that has an HQ dreadnought (blood angels or space wolves afaik) if you wanted to be battle-forged but I鈥檇 absolutely love to see a list that was nothing but Vanguard detachments of angry grandpas
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yevrahb25 5 years
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I've not been on lately, have a khorne korgoroth converted into an emperors children hellbrute for being patient.
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yevrahb25 5 years
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I've not been on lately, have a khorne korgoroth converted into an emperors children hellbrute for being patient.
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yevrahb25 5 years
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Finally got Ironskulls Boyz painted up and given em the full lightbox treatment. God I love painting orks
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yevrahb25 5 years
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Need to add the layers to the leader and maybe brighten up the faces of them all. But considering I only primed them Friday evening I think that's crackin' progress
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yevrahb25 5 years
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This weekend I finally finished off the coat of me 3rd harlequin. 50% of those god damn checkers done
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yevrahb25 5 years
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Really got some painting motivation over the weekend, got a chunky boi, lad and fella painted up, and a Librarian I bought from a friend
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yevrahb25 5 years
Hobby snobs who want to see fully painted armies. Of which I am one
Encourage people when they do paint don鈥檛 shame them when they don鈥檛.
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yevrahb25 5 years
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It's happened again
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As much as I like Dark Angels, this seems excessive
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yevrahb25 5 years
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I've converted this guy into a dark apostle for starting my CSM army, cookie if you can guess the legion from the equipment. (the clues are there)
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yevrahb25 5 years
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Sold some of my old LotR stuff to buy the fellowship, finished up a pair of little fellas, ready to pelt rocks at goblins
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yevrahb25 6 years
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Finished me on foot dragon noble this evening. Might go back and give the gems OSL, we'll see how I feel
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yevrahb25 6 years
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Finished my dragon noble and his lance is now a selfie stick
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yevrahb25 6 years
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Some photos of this weeks path to glory campaign with my elves vs slaves to darkness. slaves to darkness were tied up in one corner of the board all game, so i won 35-4 points on objectives
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yevrahb25 6 years
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I've finished off a squad of swordsman for my path to glory campaign, don't expect much from them but they are just mooks
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yevrahb25 6 years
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Not sure if I want to add a face plate, and I need to paint up the base, but I'd say that's pretty much done. Now I just need a kiju to fight.
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yevrahb25 6 years
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The waists magnetised and arms clip off for transport and easy painting. This fellas really starting to shape up
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