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Rebound... sex?
Ok, so guys, does anyone actually think rebound sex works? 
You always hear people saying (well mainly on sex and the city) that the only way to get over someone is to get under someone. 
I’ll be honest, I recently tried this unusual, to say the least, experience. So, you know when I finally got out of my horrendous relationship that was based on lies (Yeah, I’m bitter I KNOW), I decided to get back on the wagon and try some new things. Whilst I can’t lie, I did enjoy this whole new and even culture shocking experience to some extent, I couldn’t help but feel awful after. Even slightly guilty. I mean is this normal? I'm not going to say I regret it because I don't. “Never regret something you once enjoyed.” I know I'm a  cliché.
Apart from feeling dirty after and guilty, I think rebound sex may actually work... if you can deal with the guilt and the dirty feeling. 
I may try this rebound thing again, but for now, I think I’m going to lay off the dirtbags that I keep associating myself with, due to my horrendous taste in partners and unfortunate luck. 
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Jordan Sanchez
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You shouldn’t point out things about people’s appearances if they can’t fix it in ten seconds.
Something my sister said once, that’s become an important thing to me (via legally-undead)
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Read people, read.
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What works for me?
So, as I’ve made apparent in my previous entry. I’m trying this new thing, where I share my feelings on social media? Wow, that actually sounds dumb, when you read it back.
SO... Here goes!
I recently became extremely bothered about my appearance. I feel like, maybe I;m depressed? But how do you actually know when you are depressed? Anyways, I look in the mirror and think WOW, I look unattractive today. (well I think, worse things than that, but I’m censoring for tumblr.. lol) I don’t know why I've randomly started feeling, you know, mega ugly? Usually, I’m quite a confident person and don;t really get that bothered by my appearance. But lately, it has been eating away at me constantly, every minute of every day. Maybe it’s because I’ve just got out of a relationship, where the dirtbag left me for someone else? Or maybe it’s because the person who I was left for, was more attractive? And now, I guess I have issues? But how do I actually solve these? Maybe I should reinvent myself, you know, go shopping, buy new makeup? I wonder if these methods will work, for the 300002 times I’ve tried them. I’ll have one more day of wallowing and then I'll try. 
A question I’ve been asking myself over is, do we ever get over a breakup, or do we simply just deal with the pain and forget? 
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Am I doing it right?
So, I am writing a blog to actually try this new thing out where I talk about things that are, you know, bothering me. It’s going well, other than, not knowing whether I am doing it right? I mean, is this what normal people do? Sit at their screens and write about their day, their feelings? Or do “normal” people just suck it in and get on with life? Which, might I add, is what I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember. 
So here I go, I am writing this blog. I mean me, actually me, writing a blog? Because after all, it is a Sunday afternoon and I apparently have no social life. I say this whilst trying to multitask writing this terribly boring blog entry and simultaneously watching Honey G on demand.
Really, my question is, is this blog writing?
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