Mehhh I guess you are never coming back.
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“I don’t care anymore. I tried so hard to be good. I tried so hard to get better for years. Yet, I’m still exactly where I started. Except, this time.. I know that happiness, friends and love doesn’t last. Not for people like me.”
— D.D
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Meh. Guess I really didn’t matter
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Haven’t been on in awhile. I maybe back one day idk
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Days of the Week According to Daddy
Monday: Moaning Monday 
Tuesday: No Panties Tuesday
Wednesday: Wet Kitty Wednesdays 
Thursday: Titty Thursday 
Friday: Frilly Friday 
Saturday: Sultry Saturday
Sunday: Sensual Sunday
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Kitty’s Rules and Punishments
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1. If kitty is annoyed or upset, she will tell Daddy. If someone has upset kitty and Daddy can do something about, she will inform him so that he can handle it.
2. Kitty must be herself at all times.
3. Kitty is to be obedient at all times but can be bratty/sassy if she is willing to take the chance of punishment. Daddy will warn kitty that she is getting close to earning a punishment so that she may have the chance to adjust her behavior.
4. Kitty’s punishment will fit the crime and will always be done in a timely manner with photo evidence.
5. If kitty has to write lines, they must be neat and legible, if they are not Daddy will make her redo them.
6. Kitty must ensure that her toys and necessary pairing devices are fully charged and ready for playtime with Daddy.
7. If Daddy gives kitty an assignment to do it shall be done in a timely manner and to the best of her abilities.
8. Kitty is expected to keep a journal and to share it with Daddy. Kitty can write about whatever she wants thoughts, feelings, etc.
9. Kitty will maintain her chore list and show it to Daddy every Friday.
10. If Daddy is around, he will approve kitty’s outfits if she is going out. Kitty will give Daddy options and Daddy will choose. If Daddy is not available kitty will use her best judgment and take a photo for Daddy.
11. When going out in a vanilla setting or around vanilla people kitty will wear her baby snappy necklace, if kitty is in a kink environment or around kinky people kitty will wear the collar that Daddy has chosen for her while approving her outfit.
12. Kitty must text Daddy good morning and good night and talk a little bit about her day.
13. Kitty will maintain her grades and show Daddy when he asks.
14. If kitty is feeling naughty, she will Daddy so he can help get rid of the tingles. If Daddy is not around kitty is allowed to relieve herself but she must tell Daddy afterward.
15. Kitty must cum a minimum of twice a day with or without Daddy, but not on kitty/migraine days.
16. Kitty may talk to who or play with whoever she likes but must tell Daddy before and afterwards. Daddy is the only person to be addressed as such everyone is Sir
1. Lines with photo evidence.
2. Orgasm denial w/edging.
3. Inner thigh self spanks with photo evidence.
4. Write on yourself whatever Daddy asks.
5. No underwear for a day.
6. Listening to least favorite music for two hours
7. Tit torture
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Kitty Rant (may contain typos read at own risk)
On Saturday I went to Walmart to pick up groceries and few other things that I needed. Well I happened to get lucky and found this cute dress with unicorns on it. Even better luck it was in the kids department and cheaper so double yay!
However, the lady behind me in the check out kept give me the side eye, making snide remarks, and huffing at me because of the dress that I was buying. Because you know making snide comments about me being “too thin and childish whore” is rude and looking in my cart and talking shit because everything in it was healthy food and not literal frozen crap like you had in yours. So rude ass lady at Walmart I would seriously like to know what the fuck your problem was. I was in no way behaving inappropriately (e.g. in headspace) I was simply standing in the check out line waiting to be checked out. It is truly not your business why I'm buying a dress from the kids department. 
Sorry if I'm short as hell and that is the only I can get dresses the length that I like them without the hassle of having to hem them. As previously mentioned I was in no way acting inappropriately or making you part of my activities.Are you butt hurt because I can still wear most of the stuff from the kids department? Maybe should get a life and not harass people for things that they cannot control like me being short and kids clothes being one of the few options I have for things fitting me. 
So rude ass lady at Walmart I hope you can eventually get over whatever you problem have and stop being rude to people. Perhaps you should realize that I didn’t put the junk food in your cart nor do I force you to eat it. If my body type and healthy eating upsets you this badly maybe you should seek out professional help, because calling me an anorexic childish slut was inappropriate. By the way you set an awesome example for your kids, by acting this way, because it is always good to show them that when you see something that you don’t like lashing out is always the answer.
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Kitty thoughts 02/09/2020
Why kitty likes cummies, a Daddy prompted entry.
I like them because they help me sleep and be able to relax. I always sleep better after playtime and cummies with Daddy. Daddy is the best at it, no arguing with me Daddy you know that kitty is right. (Kisses Daddy xxxxx). Plus I enjoy the Daddy and kitty time, it is my favorite part of the day, even if it is just talking. 
They give me time to let my brain shut up and not have to worry about school and all that goes with school stresses. As I’m three semesters away from graduating (well three more plus the last four weeks of this semester), I need the stress relief and the time away from school. 
I also like them because they can help stop my headaches/migraines when I feel them coming on. Which is good because if I do get a migraine they can last for a day or longer, I had one that lasted for three days and it was awful.
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Minus the Disney movie quotes
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A Map of My Little Brain💕🍭🍬
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I want one!
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>^.^< meow
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Kitty thoughts 01/29/2019
School, camming adventures and more!!
So the two for school (Tuesday and Today) have been ok. Spent the day Tuesday reading the necessary chapters for my classes and spent today doing the necessary discussion posts that were based on the readings. Thursday I have to write up a case study but it does not look like it will to be to hard so this week other than a written test won’t be so bad.
I got playtime with Daddy too so that always makes me happy and mushy. Thank you as always Daddy you are the best ever. 
In other kitty adventures I have made the decision to start camming and selling items. I think I have decided on Bongacams as they seem to have the best reviews from cam models, better payout rate, and even have a mobile app.
So far I have set up a work email and signed up for an extra lunch money account. I need to set up other things such as social media accounts for camming, set up wish list, fill out profile for extra lunch money, start clips/images 4 sale store, and look into a many vids account. Goal is to try to get as much of this done before the weekend but with that written test it might not get all done.
KItty do list:
1. Social media accounts for camming
2. Fill out extra lunch money profile and get verified 
3. Start images for sale store
4. Research many vids and see if it is worth pursuing
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Kitty thoughts 01/28/2020
   Why Daddy is the best Daddy Dom ever
Daddy is the best Daddy Dom ever for many reasons.
1. Daddy only punishes me when he has a good reason to (e.g. I have broken a rule or did not complete a task that he has asked me to complete). Others in the past would punish me for no reason and do it in ways that were extremely harmful to me like ignoring me.
2. Daddy is the best ever because he encourages me to be the best that I can be and to always to my best. Daddy encourages me to do good in school and to get the best grades that I possibly can (he understands that at times I will have horrid teachers and there is nothing that I can do about it, other then keep working and get done with the class).
3. Daddy can be silly with me and lets me get away with being sassy once in a while. In fact, Daddy and I will often laugh at some of the stupid stuff we see posted online and commentary about it.
4. Daddy is the best because he tells me that I’m pretty and encourages me to like my appearance even when it is hard for me to do so.
5. Daddy is the best because he cares about me as a person and does not treat me like a sex object. Daddy actually cares about how things are going for me and helps guide me when I’m stressed.
5. Daddy is the best because he gives me as much playtime as possible and makes sure that my needs are taken care of.
6. Daddy is the best because he makes sure that I’m taking care of myself (e.g. eating enough, drinking my water, and getting enough sleep). Daddy also recommends different shows/movies for me to watch and music to listen so I can have a way to escape the stress of school if need be.
7. Daddy is the best because he keeps the creeps away from him and handles them for me.
Daddy this list is just some of the reasons why you are the best Daddy Dom ever. I may not say often but you are. I’m truly a lucky kitty to have you.
Love Kitty
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Kitty thoughts 01/27/2020
Today was the first day for me and using my kitty tail plug.. The plug was not to bad to insert and feels comfy to wear. Need to regular kind of plug though that does not have a tail on it so I can wear it around more as trying to sit with the tail is kind of difficult. 
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Not made by me. But something Daddy would do hehe. Honestly I have the best Daddy.
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