year-of-the-rabid-dog · 17 hours
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Tree roots following the pattern of concrete footpaths
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year-of-the-rabid-dog · 17 hours
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year-of-the-rabid-dog · 17 hours
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Volcano Eruptions seen from Space photos: NASA
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year-of-the-rabid-dog · 19 hours
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year-of-the-rabid-dog · 19 hours
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Little Fawns 🌲🦌🍂
Please credit if you use my gifs!
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there's nothing and i mean NOTHING i hate more than the female sloths from ice age
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Bigots in leftist communities are usually not infiltrators or invaders purposefully trying to undermine your movement; they're usually just leftists with bigoted ideals from living in a bigoted society.
Framing all instances of bigotry in your community as coming from "somewhere else", from fakers or far-right agents or whatever, just lets you ignore your own bigoted ideals, the bigoted behavior of your friends and the people you like and trust, and your own complicity in it all.
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If you're in the need for some kind of magical artifact of magic for your setting, consider Fresnel Lenses which are used in lighthouses:
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These things are Alive.
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not to brag but im halfway done filling my basement with gasoline💪
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where’s that quiz where you choose lke 4 colours u like and 4 u dont and it hands your ass on a plate
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my mom was trying to chew through some really tough steak and she turned to me and said “just call me The Gnawer.” she would do numbers here
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Compassion check: Do you
Want an end to the violence that both sides find to be acceptable (or at least they can live with the compromise), even if it isn't your ideal perfect solution?
Want as few people to die as possible, even the people on the "wrong side"?
Accept that you may need to put aside your own views and biases and prioritize what the people you're advocating for are actually asking?
Understand that your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and your self-understanding of your motives are less important than other people's actual lives?
Accept that you will need to take the time to empathize with the "enemy" in order to understand what they actually want, need, think, and feel in order to situate your responses in relationship to that reality?
Accept that if there is a solution that lifts up both peoples and allows everyone to move forward in a mutually beneficial way, you should throw your whole weight behind it because it'll help the people you're advocating for, even if it helps the "enemy" side too?
Understand and accept that you cannot rewrite or undo history, but you can help people move forward and make an active choice to prioritize forward thinking?
Know and have sat with the facts on the ground, have verified them from friendly and unfriendly sources, and are willing to acknowledge the truth of inconvenient facts and other people's truths in addition to your own?
Understand and accept that you not only should, but must call out poor behavior and bad actors in your movement in order to preserve its integrity?
If so, then maybe you're ready to be an activist on behalf of another group. If not, you are neither mature enough nor compassionate enough to act as an effective advocate and/or mediator.
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I would like more people to understand that the real test of anti-Semitism, will not be, and will never be, will the people who are otherwise agreeing with you be anti-Semitic to you. It is, will they be anti-Semitic towards the people with whom they disagree.
It doesn't mean anything when a proudly anti-Zionist Jew in a watermelon kippah and a keffiyeh is welcomed by a pro-Palestine encampment.
It doesn't mean anything when a proudly Zionist Jew draped in an Israeli flag is welcomed by a right-wing pro-Israel counter-rally.
The test of anti-Semitism is what happens when the Zionist Jew walks into the pro-Palestine encampment and what happens when the anti-Zionist Jew walks into the pro-Israel counter-rally. How fast do people resort to anti-Semitic canards? How quickly is that person treated as the worst sort of example of what the other camp hates?
And it's that last example that is scaring me. Because that's where I see the anti-Semitism spike.
People who are loudly and visibly Jewish are often the most cheered on by those who agree with them, especially in movements where they are a minority. The flipside is that people who are loudly and visibly Jewish are often the most virulently harassed by those who disagree with them.
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yeah man if you can't differentiate the very clear and massive gulf between the values expressed in "ceasefire now" and "all children deserve to grow up" vs "globalize the intifada" or "we stand with hamas" I really don't know what to tell you
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The moon's umbral shadow created by the total solar eclipse seen from the ISS.
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a common accusation goyish activists will level against Jews when we expect them to deconstruct & remove antisemitic views & rhetoric is that we are “tone policing” them by telling them to not be bigoted, and I have always been incredibly baffled and annoyed by this accusation because of how much of an obvious non sequitur it is
the complaint was clearly not about your tone. not only was tone not mentioned, it would not have made sense for us to have mentioned tone because antisemitism—like any other bigotry—is harmful & wrong regardless of tone.
I’ve spend so much time trying to make sense of it and try to figure out what is going on in the brains of people who say this. at the end of the day it really seems to come down to one of two options: either
you are being disingenuous. you know we are not talking about tone, and you are choosing to lie about what we said to justify not thinking any deeper & continuing to say/do bigoted things, or
you genuinely imagine bigotry as a matter of tone & “hurt feelings” which can be addressed by just rephrasing the same exact ideas in a gentler, less direct way. to you, bigotry is not so much about dismantling & deconstructing harmful systems & narratives; it’s about finding just the right euphemism to save people’s feelings. thus you’re happy to “play along”, but only so long as it doesn’t interfere with things that you deem to be actually important. either this is something you believe about minorities in general, just minorities other than your own, or Jews specifically for some reason
whichever it is, it is so incredibly revealing of how seriously you take bigotry against Jews
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quite possibly one of the funniest things you could've said.
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