yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
I know it’s been a while since I was realy active over here. I’m moving Yaviks to be a sideblog so it’s easier to make posts with her. 
gonna queue this a few times probably
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
I know it’s been a while since I was realy active over here. I’m moving Yaviks to be a sideblog so it’s easier to make posts with her. 
gonna queue this a few times probably
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
I know it’s been a while since I was realy active over here. I’m moving Yaviks to be a sideblog so it’s easier to make posts with her. 
gonna queue this a few times probably
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
I know it’s been a while since I was realy active over here. I’m moving Yaviks to be a sideblog so it’s easier to make posts with her. 
gonna queue this a few times probably
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
I know it’s been a while since I was realy active over here. I’m moving Yaviks to be a sideblog so it’s easier to make posts with her. 
gonna queue this a few times probably
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
I know it’s been a while since I was realy active over here. I’m moving Yaviks to be a sideblog so it’s easier to make posts with her. 
gonna queue this a few times probably
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
Her eyes hadn't been looking forward as she'd walked, flicking and scanning the new ketch curiously. Yaviks couldn't believe she was here now. It seemed like moments ago she was just a dreg from the crumbling House of Winter. And now, Skolas had come, and he felt like a hero. A beacon of hope for their kind-- their kind that was slowly dying and being hunted by the Great Machine's Guardians for little more than sport these days.
As she turned a corner, the dreg looked forward just in time to see that she was about to collide with something, but not soon enough to stop it from happening. She hit against it with a thump, letting out a small squeak of pain, stumbling back from whatever it was.
Bright eyes went up, widening only further as she saw what she had managed to bump into. It was him, Skolas! The sound he made showed that she'd inconvenienced him, and sharp panic ran through her body. Of course, she'd agreed to follow him, but she was terrified in that moment of the towering Beast that was her new Kell.
Trying to recover, she quicky moved to drop down onto her knees, bowing forward in her presence to show her absolute submission. She was nothing to him, and Kells of their kind were known to even kill those who made them upset.  "I apologize for getting in your way, sir." Her voice shook around the edges, not daring to look at him again. "I was merely trying to learn my way around your... impressive ketch."
House of Winter was his now. Their numbers, their weapons. Just the first of many that will join him whether they wish to or not. Skolas is thrilled with his progress, but not with the Guardian’s interruption. Irrelevant for now. He tells himself. They were too late. Too late to stop him.
Though he knew Variks was behind this, of course he was. Of course they would send the Great Machine’s dead soldiers. Pitiful. What strength did they have if they relied entirely on the strength of others? All the more easy to crush then, when the time came.
For now, there were other matters. Plans running through his mind, his next move and what he will do if the Guardians do get involved. But there are more interruptions, always interruptions. His own fault this time, really. Carelessly distracted and not watching where he is going until he feels a body meet with his… leg.
Skolas’ gaze is quickly cast downward where he sees a Dreg. One of House Winter. His guess is that she is adjusting to his Ketch, but that doesn’t stop his soft grunt of disapproval(even though it isn’t her fault that their bodies met).
     “Are you lost, Dreg?”
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
[ so obviously I’m a loser and dropped the threads threads when my muse for Yaviks faltered, but if anyone for some reason wants to finish those old as balls threads let me know !!
ooor if anyone wants to start a new thread drop me a line!! ]
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
“I wasn’t even sure it was possible for it to be THIS COLD.” 
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
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[I made some things :3c
I’m going to pin them to my cubicle at work. Probably going to make some more and also add Winter. Maybe I’ll make one of Sevoriks too. lol]
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
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[Finally felt well enough to start on the art that I owe from the give-away. I probably put waaaaaaay too much detail than I should have into this but I had fun drawing it regardless. Sassy dregs are fun to draw lemme tell ya xD
Anyway, this is Yaviks, belonging to scarsbyfate. and yaviks is their side blog for said sassy dreg.
I’ll probably get to work on the next one tomorrow if I have time between chores n’ such.
I also don’t know how to scarf. ;v;]
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
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everyone’s fav warlock
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
It took a moment for Valiksis to realize that this dreg wasn’t with the patrol that was chasing her. She took a few seconds to glance back and make sure she wasn’t followed before she got to her feet and moved behind the rock where she would be out of sight. Her wide eyes looked to the dreg and her lower hands wrung themselves worriedly.
“I… I am Valiksis.” She rasped, keeping her voice quiet. “I am running. The House of Devils seek to capture me for running away. The Kell… He killed my child before he could barely even take his first breath, and he would do it again if I am caught.” Her lower hands then moved to rest on her abdomen that was noticably swollen, but not overly so.
Her head turned a bit to look around the rock when some clanging could be heard followed by some hisses. They were searching the building, which meant she had some time to put some distance between herself and the patrol. Her eyes turned to the dreg again and she shifted, not knowing if she could trust the little female. She took in a raspy breath and scanned the area for any place to hide.
“…I… I must keep moving. I will not let them catch me.” She stated somberly as she began to shuffle through the snow once more.
Valiksis wanted to desperately to ask- to beg for help, even. But she knew that wasn’t likely to happen. Nobody would help her out of the good of their heart, save for Halsis perhaps. She supposed it didn’t matter how weak she looked, how sickly she sounded. It didn’t matter how much her body trembled and ached, as long as she survived. Regardless, she was on her own now. She only needed to focus on finding a secure place where she could keep her child safe.
Right now, that was all that mattered.
Yaviks shifted away from the other female as she came to hide behind the rock even more, the small, dull dagger still clutched in her hand for safety but not pointed at the other Eliksni. Her eyes narrowed when Valiksis spoke, understanding what she was saying but still feeling a bit suspicious towards her. Obviously, this woman was running, and she claimed it had to do with her children?
Eyes flicked down then, to where the former devil’s hands rested, and Yaviks could tell then that she was indeed pregnant. A small, frustrated growl came from her throat. Why did she have to get wrapped up in this nonsense? While she had never been in the Devils, she knew how bad the House had supposedly gotten when it came to things like culling whelps just from stories she’d heard.
“Why would you be stupid enough—“ She began to say, but the nearby sounds of the Devils’ searching the building made her trail off. No, it was not time to scold. She needed to get away from here. Slowly, Yaviks began to back up, feeling torn. She had been on her own for a while now, her instincts and mindset slowly growing to focus on taking care of only herself. The dreg was torn between darting away and leaving Valiksis to her fate, and the stupid, unfair fact that she should probably help the other female.
Bringing her hands up to her head, she groaned quietly. If she ran away, she knew she would just wonder what happened afterwards. A child was on the line, not that Yaviks was especially motherly, but she still had enough sense to know that the young was important. “Follow me quickly, and keep quiet.” She ordered, which was kind of ironic, considering she was smaller than the one she was giving the orders to. “There is a pike parked in another building nearby, mine. It doesn’t have much power left, but it can at least get us away…”
Us. That was a concept that she hadn’t had to deal with in a long while.  
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
[ this is probably an ironic post considering the people who need to see it might not even be able to see it
no one owes you an explanation for blocking you. I have blocked a couple people in the desiny rp community for making me feel very uncomfortable, and I am allowed to do that without informing said people I never want to interact with
I’m a very passive person. I like almost everyone. but I want my dash to be a safe place, and I will do what I have to to make it safe for me. thanks for understanding. ]
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
[ 5 hours
*pauses download* *unpauses*
9 hours
*pauses* *unpauses*
82 minutes
.... I’ll take it ]
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
[ oh my goooooooooooooooooood this internet connection is the most painful thing that exists on earth ]
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yaviksarchive-blog · 9 years
closed rp with yaviks
Of all the things that could have happened while she was alone, this had to have been one of the top five WORST things to happen.
Valiksis pressed her back to the crumbling wall as she fought to catch her breath. This much movement while being with-child was never any good, but it was better than facing what she was fleeing from at least. The patrol of Devils that she’d run into had suddenly obtained the task of hunting her down when they spotted her rummaging around their camp for any extra Ether rations. She had been quick to flee but still had yet to shake them off of her trail. All they had to do was follow her footprints in the snow.
She could hear their voices, a little distanced, but she needed to keep moving or face being captured and potentially killed for leaving the House. She knew they would be close in a matter of minutes, so, with a deep breath, she peeled herself off of the wall and continued to move through the abandoned building in search for either a hiding place, or an exit. An exit would be her best bet, but at this point she’d do anything if it meant keeping herself out of their hands.
She couldn’t even stand the thought of losing another child to those bastards.
The pregnant female was still trying to catch her breath as she shifted through the building, what had once been a bustling factory, it seemed. There was a lot of rusted machinery laying around, useless. She hated the feeling of being hunted, unsafe. Her child was going to arrive come late spring, so she still had a few months to go at least, but all this danger worried her. She’d done her best to avoid getting sick, and to get the nourishment that she needed to survive and be the least bit healthy, but it had been hard, and being forced to move constantly meant that she had no warm place to call home. It would be even harder when her child was born, to find enough food and Ether to sustain them both. She needed a home, not… this.
More voices from outside, they were gaining ground, so she moved quicker, spotting a hole large enough to squeeze through. Then she was outside, hoping they followed her in to slow them down while she trudged through the snow and to some rocks that she could hide behind. She risked a look over her shoulder as she quickly made her way around, so she wasn’t prepared when she collided with another being as she rounded the rocks. Valiksis grunted as she landed on her rear and her eyes looked up, widened in terror, at the dreg that she’d run into. Two of her arms quickly moved to cover her slightly swollen torso as she began to scramble away in fear.
“P-Please! D-Don’t hurt me!”
She’d been rummaging out in the buildings around for scraps when she’d seen the Devils in the distance, watching them head past from the second floor of the building she’d been in. Now, Yaviks was desperately trying to slip her way out and get back to her own little shelter before they found it, or worse, her. A pack of Devils out in the wilderness was often a cruel fate, and not a cruel fate that she wanted to meet today.
Yaviks could swear that she could hear distant voices as she moved along the backside of the building, quickly taking shelter behind some rocks. The Eliksni closed her eyes, clutching her small pack of supplies she’d managed to gather against her chest and straining to listen for the sounds of voices. Maybe she was just making things up. Exhaling, she thought she was safe for a very brief moment, before the crunching footsteps of something moving through snow came too quickly for her to react.
When the other female of her kind came around the corner, a hiss instantly erupted from Yaviks’ throat, as if it would actually do anything if it had been Devils. She fumbled for her small dagger, a pathetic little knife that didn’t even hold a shock at that point as she pointed it towards the foe. But as a frantic voice was heard… Yaviks slowly processed the words, and she realized.
The fear on Valiksis’ face and in her body language was obvious, but even so, Yaviks was tense. “Be quiet!” She growled under her breath, praying that the Devils that were near didn’t hear the commotion. “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Her tone was fairly strong, almost surprising her. But this was close to her den, and she didn’t appreciate the unwanted company that seemed to be crawling around today.
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