yarncrafterscorner · 1 month
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Sooo... I got myself a new friend for my spinning utensil flock!
Meet Jasper Junior, the Plying Ghost. He turned out being very handy for freeing my left hand from pressure, cut-off circulation, sweating, itch, sensory overload and finger cramps I'd get from making plying bracelets (my favourite way of using up leftover singles).
Are you tired too of being chained to your wheel or lazy kate while you wrap that bracelet, your fingers looking more and more like fat little sausages, and you wrap faster and faster hoping you can escape the agony? Well, worry no more!
I tried out my Jasper tonight for the first time and he is a really nifty little tool. His "hands" screw off so you can easily remove the plying bracelet once wrapped. Then just hold it securely (don't mess it up at this stage!) and slip it over your wrist and voilà, ready for plying :D He can comfortably fit 50g of a medium weight yarn. I should say I wish his neck/head were a bit longer because I sense that with fatter singles, they might slip off his head if you don't wrap carefully.
If you want your own Jasper, he can be found here:
I promise I don't make money with this, but I thought Jasper could be a great tool for spinners with joint pain, finger mobility issues or sensory issues who are otherwise unable to work with plying bracelets :)
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yarncrafterscorner · 1 month
Pros of working with black yarn: Mistakes are harder to spot
Cons of working with black yarn: Mistakes are harder to spot
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yarncrafterscorner · 2 months
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turkish spindle gang make some noise (imagine having to wind your singles off your spindle before you can start plying, couldn't be us)
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yarncrafterscorner · 2 months
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yarncrafterscorner · 2 months
Ever since realizing I can listen to fantasy audiobooks while knitting sweaters, that’s ALL I want to do. It’s a problem. Send help. Or coffee.
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yarncrafterscorner · 2 months
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Submission from @reptilerex!
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yarncrafterscorner · 2 months
sometimes in knitting you just have to go 'nobody but me will notice this mistake' and keep going
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yarncrafterscorner · 2 months
sometimes in knitting you just have to go 'nobody but me will notice this mistake' and keep going
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yarncrafterscorner · 3 months
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I crocheted a sad cat in a banana
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yarncrafterscorner · 3 months
Apparently there's people out there that think the term "lace rot" belongs to only one person??? As the creator of the term: go wild. Use it for all your lace projects. I followed the lace rot tag specifically to see other people's projects. The idea that only one person can use that tag when plenty of people already use it is positively bizarre. Have fun. Lace rot all the way.
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yarncrafterscorner · 3 months
Me when getting better at art means I need to practice
But practicing means I need to make ugly art
And making ugly art makes me want to stop drawing
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yarncrafterscorner · 4 months
Slightly incorrect photo order but I finished a thing. There are a few missteps but otherwise it looks good. I'll probably make more in other colors I have currently. I really should start blocking some of my shuttle tatting stuff.
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Had a bit of thread chicken near the end with one of them. Didn't win so I had to tie that end to the ball of thread.
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yarncrafterscorner · 5 months
In high school one of the common fund raisers was carnation flowers for a dollar during prom season and valentines and a couple other times of year. And you could “order” flowers to be delivered to kids during their homeroom times so it was always a big deal to get flowers and it was super fun
But one of these fundraisers I had a guy friend who commented he never got any because he was always single or his girlfriend always expected flowers but never gave him any
So my senior year valentines I decided I was going to buy all the guys in my homeroom (which he was in) a carnation and said they were from “Anonymous Girl in your homeroom”
So the day came and all the guys started getting flowers and they all realized they were from the same one girl and all got super excited and giddy and protective of their flowers and all day long I saw the guys in my homeroom wear flowers behind their ears or stuffed in their notebooks and they flaunted them around to other guys that didn’t get flowers. One guy tried to see if it would make his girlfriend jealous. A couple of them tried to play detective to figure it out who it was.
Then the next day apparently they all (or at least most of them) got together and bought all the girls in homeroom a carnation as a thank you to whoever it was so every girl in my homeroom got a bouquet of one from every guy (so it was a bouquet of about a dozen) and every single girl was smiling and happy and bouncy as the guys were the day before
And no one ever knew it was me but I was always super proud of that
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yarncrafterscorner · 5 months
how do draw good
fill 14 sketch book
bad stuff is good stuff bc you made stuff
do you like sparkle???? draw sparkle
draw what make your heart do the smiley emote
member to drink lotsa agua or else bad time
d ont stress friend all is well
your art is hot like potato crisps
don’t let anyone piss on your good mood amigo
if they do
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yarncrafterscorner · 5 months
Yeah that's a mood.
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I’m meathead
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yarncrafterscorner · 5 months
how to erase pencil guidelines from under ink
1. wait until you’re absolutely sure the ink is dry
2. wrong
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yarncrafterscorner · 6 months
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