yankintealand · 8 years
Tetley Tea Review
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Well, Well, WELL, WELL. Hello! How long has it been?  Tumblr doesn’t tell me but I’m gonna guess it’s been a long time. Well much has happened. There was an awakening, and apparently dinosaurs have been subjected to zoos again.
I’m still drinking tea but have also gone to the dark side and by that I mean have gotten into coffee. Espressos mostly. But we’re here to talk tea.
How did I do these things before? I’ll just wing it.
I finally found the last British tea on my list.
Tried PG tips, Typhoo, Yorkshire and even the Canadian Red Rose tea. But Tetley has always been elusive and when I did finally see it, I had to grab it.
I had always enjoyed the cartoon ads on Youtube that I would find and was looking forward to drinking this tea.
My verdict? It’s okay. It’s not great or out of this world but it does its job of keeping me up or calming me down. The taste is okay and it has a slight tea scent. I feel the ads are better than the tea. In the past I have said that my favorite so far has been Yorkshire tea and yeah…that still stands.
In these cold months, I have been drinking more tea (Tetley mostly and TAZO) but like I said coffee has been making a sweet delicious case. When I’m out I drink the occasional macchiato or cappuccino but at home, it’s strictly tea with the occasional home brewed coffee.
I would recommend trying Tetley for the fun of it but try to find one that isn’t 80 bags!
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Tetley Tea, Available at some mass market stores. Price: $3-$6
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yankintealand · 10 years
And my last post on this blog is...hot British guys drinking tea. Cheerio!
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British Tea
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yankintealand · 10 years
One of many favorite scenes from my recent favorite show "Sherlock."  It is tea related. If you haven't seen this show, go see it! It's awesome!
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yankintealand · 10 years
TAZO's Earl Grey Tea
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SO this is the last tea review in a long time. I have decided to start another blog on another hobby I have recently fallen in love with. It doesn't mean that I will never write in this blog again, it will be just insanely sporadic, so don't wait up. you know what I mean? So here is the final review. Let's move!
As I mentioned in my last review, TAZO is the tea you will most likely see at your local market in the U.S. and at your local starbucks. So how was their version of Earl Grey?
First Impression: The tea bag smells good and as I pour in the hot water, the tea starts to instantly smell good. I ignore the instructions of a 5 minute waiting period and give it 3. I notice the brown/gold almost reddish color and as I have my taste test, it tastes like nothing, i.e. yes "warm fragrant water."
W/ Sugar: I can taste faint amounts of sugar but not heavily.
W/Milk:  It STILL tastes like fragrant warm water.
Overall, it is a decent earl grey, not strong, not great, but not bad either.
OVER, OVERALL, I think of all the teas I have reviewed on this blog, Yorkshire Tea is the one I'd like to fill my cupboard with. It was so distinct and malty, it was awesome. I am now left with two teas, Barry's and Tazo's.  When I go to the shops to look for teas to review, I've already reviewed them. Did I get a palate for teas and their tastes? I'm gonna say no but maybe I have? Let's just say I was a dum-dum when I started this blog but now I'm less of a dum-dum and let's say wary instead.
So thanks for reading this blog since the beginning, you rock! Go forth and spread the love of tea!
Earl Grey is available at all supermarkets and retails vary from $3-$5.
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yankintealand · 10 years
Tazo tea has no commercials so here is a song about tea by one of the coolest bands ever, Nirvana. Great song, but  do not drink pennyroyal tea,I repeat do not drink PennyRoyal tea. Just rock out to this song.
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yankintealand · 10 years
Look at the Tazo collection!
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yankintealand · 10 years
TAZO'S Awake English Breakfast
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Cheerio! It's been a long time since I've written this blog but life and school got the best of me. This and another review will be the last for a very long time so let's begin!
I've never tried TAZO tea but I remember loving their packaging and thought it was so quaint and cute. When I did get around to buying the tea, the packaging has completely changed and it went from "quaint" to "earthy.
On their website, it is an interactive site giving the basics, their collection of black teas, herbal teas, and tea lattes. you can even buy online!
Their mantra is long but I like that they state, "Tazo is life reblended." So how was "AWAKE," their English breakfast? Let's find out!
FIRST IMPRESSIONS: SO as per the instructions on the box, I followed the instructions, boiled it at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, let it steep for 5 minutes and after the 5 minutes, it smelled really good. I taste test it and YUCK! It's so sour! It's terrible!  So I throw it out and make another one, but let it steep for 3 minutes. It's WAY better. It's tolerable.
W/Sugar: I can taste the sugar.
W/Milk: Tastes like warm water, good smelling water.
Overall, English Breakfast is okay, not malty which I like in my English Breakfast teas. I definitely dislike the whole 5 minute waiting period. I don't care what the instructions say, it makes the tea worse. Unless you like waiting 5 minutes for your tea and like that sour taste, go ahead and follow instructions.
As for my tea habits, I drink on occasion, depending on the weather.
My tea collection, well....it went from what once was 8 to 10 boxes of tea to now a dwindling 2. I still have my Irish Barry's Tea and Tazo's English Breakfast. I haven't bought anymore tea because I am looking for the elusive Tetley. Gots to find me some Tetley.
Tazo tea is available at all supermarkets and through the Starbucks Website. Suggested Retail is $4.95 but I paid $2.49 so it varies.
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yankintealand · 10 years
Yes, I like Tom Hiddleston.
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Tom on We Heart It.
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yankintealand · 10 years
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yankintealand · 10 years
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yankintealand · 10 years
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Kyka on We Heart It.
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yankintealand · 10 years
"F&^& yeah I'll come up for some tea!"
Jordan Belfort, "The Wolf of Wall Street."
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yankintealand · 10 years
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Happy 50th Anniversary Beatles!
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yankintealand · 10 years
Gone, but not forgotten.
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Cheers! Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't posted more to this blog but life has been extremely busy and has given me no life or time to update this blog.
What have I been up to? Drinking Tea of course! It has been motherloving cold here and I have been drinking ALOT OF TEA. And drank most of it from that new mug I bought.
Would you believe that I only have 3 tea boxes left? Of the ones I have reviewed already, only Barry's Tea remains. The other two are emptying fast and will review them in the upcoming 2 weeks. But having few tea boxes means I can buy more. YEY! Hopefully I can finally buy some Tetley tea, and other brands I've been seeing. Did you know there is a tea called "British Invasion?" Yep, it exists.
So cheers and go drink tea!
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yankintealand · 10 years
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What I was up to: Drinking Tea during Finals. Got a new mug.
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yankintealand · 11 years
HEllo All! I still exist but have been incredibly busy with school. Finals are coming up, so hopefully I'll be able to make some more activity on here. It has been SUPER COLD in my neighborhood and I am drinking Typhoo and Barry's tea but haven't bought anything new to review. I am running out of Canada's Red Rose. But I may just splurge and buy some more tea just because.
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untitled by thom♥ on Flickr.
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yankintealand · 11 years
There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.
~Bernard-Paul Heroux (via tea-moth)
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