xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Hidden Opening to a Salt Mine.
OK so, Unpopular Opinions/Peeves 
I really hate it when some people come up to me asking me to roleplay with them, and if I say no they begin to go off on me on how I will rp with them because they want to, and to further top it off. I hate when they threaten me when I say no, or attempt to claim my selective-ness is nothing but me being rude. 
Trust me, It’s happened to me a lot, it happened to me recently, It’s happened to other people as well, and it should just fucking stop. 
If Someone says no to roleplaying with you, just drop it, no need to make a fuss or get pissy with the mun. 
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
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@pocketfulofpokemuses — fuck :))))
pre-view quality messed up as per usual
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
"I dunno, i still think that ODST BDU used on Reach was very underpowered..."
"What's your opinion on our BDU?, personally, i think GEN2 (Battle of mombasa) is less cumbersome than GEN1 (Reach)"
Newbies Armour analysis: Orbital Drop Shock Trooper Battle Dress Uniform GEN1 & GEN2 (ODST BDU)
Before anything starts, im going to show the pictures of both, and how they are different for people who don’t know.
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Opinion from newbie: I would agree with you, but from my experience the Armour and my squads choice, The 1st Platoon Delta Company used the GEN 1 BDU From its size. We conduct training similar to roman legionaries, where we have to run 1 kilometer with all of our gear within 20 minutes. (And considering A-6 carry a rocket, Sniper along with a primary and secondary of choice, its more hard that you’d think. I almost broke my leg when i was carrying extra ammo for Rockets and tripped…who needs Spartans eh?) The GEN 1 gives more protection, ammo capacity and you can hide many things inside of ‘em. I like the GEN 2 BDU, but the GEN 1 Is what molded me into this game of hell jumping.
Now for this next part, Information on both armors is generally the same, seeing as the GEN 2 BDU is just a lighter version of the GEN 1, and had much more customization with its Armour from its compatibility with Mjolnir Armor. (One time i got to wear a model of Jorge’s grenadier helmet!!!)
The Design and how its made
The ODST Battle Dress Uniform is the signature piece of equipment used by the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers - the armor is vacuum-rated, capable of Extra-Vehicular Activity for fifteen minutes. The armor provides numerous advantages in the field, including ballistic protection, temperature control, as well as thermal insulation against extreme temperatures experienced during atmospheric entry and thermal protection from Covenant energy weapons.
The ODST Armor has gone through several design changes since the start of the Human-Covenant War. The current version incorporates technology initially developed for the Mjolnir Armor. This includes CTCs for body armor, titanium and ceramic composite armor plating to give the user added protection - along with HUD and Communications Systems to give more situational awareness to the wearer.
The ODST BDU has been in use for well over 50 years by the 105th, and remains unmatched in its ability to protect its wearer over other BDUs during the toughest operations. The BDU excels at providing more protection against small arms fire than other infantry body armor, and also excels at allowing a trooper to conduct Military Operations in Urban Terrain without the slightest chance of being detected in dark locations.
The BDU’s stealth capability is partly thanks to its black and gray camouflage patterns on the legs, boots, gloves, chest, helmet and undersuit - these urban camouflage patterns are optional; without the camouflage panels, the BDU is black. On the left shoulder pad of every ODST is a UNSC MED REF patch. This patch contains basic medical information about the trooper, and allows a UNSC certified medic to gain a quick medical reference to an ODST wounded in the field. Despite the armor’s obvious advantage over standard infantry armor, it is still vulnerable to Covenant energy weapons, larger armor piercing rounds, as well as large explosive devices.
The ODST battle dress uniform is made up of several different components and layers that make the suit what it is, while technology from other projects across the military have been incorporated into the suit, ODST equipment still has proprietary technology that has not been adopted into other equipment for the military.
The helmet and its VISR ( Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance)
The ODST helmet is made of titanium, coated with a heat resistance material to help disperse heat - the inside is lined with black padding to provide comfort when the user is wearing it. The helmet’s faceplate is made of a strong, glass-like material with the ability to polarize. When polarized, the helmet’s faceplate has a silver blue color to it, and obscures the wearer’s face completely. It also has a communicator in it.
The helmet provides excellent protection against small arms fire and small explosive attacks. The helmet is also essential in providing an ODST the ability to perform EVA and also provides a Heads-up display, giving the wearer basic information including a targeting reticle, weapon information, ammo capacity, and basic health readout. The newest version of the helmet integrates with the user’s standard Neural Interface to provide more tactical data to the HUD. Helmet integrated neural interfaces is another piece of technology that has seen widespread adoption from Project Mjolnir. Along with this state-of-the-art equipment, the helmet is also equipped with its own thermal imaging and motion sensors. The Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/AA variant was developed as an improvement of the ODST helmet, indicating intended use by ODST personnel as well as SPARTAN-II or SPARTAN-III teams, ultimately it was used exclusively by Army airborne units.
ODST armor is compatible with several upgrades, including Up-Armor plates, a Command Network Module, a Hardened Uplink Module for MILINT acquisition, and a CBRN module for operations in hazard zones. This has only been seen used on SPARTANs who use the ODST helmet, however.
The Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance or VISR, is issued with the ODST helmet. The VISR proprietary data management suite enables a user to link into UEG, CAA, and UNSC infrastructure systems at the local, national, and global levels - however actual access level is administered on a need/rating basis. This allows the user to store and review mission content up to 610MB combined, the system also provides street level navigational data, and receive secure real-time mission data. In addition, every current issue helmet ODST BIOS A29.817941B.01 or later is equipped with low-light vision enhancement, which outlines hostile units in red, friendlies in green, weapons in blue, and objects of interest in yellow.
The rucksack issued to ODSTs is, for all intents and purposes, an armored backpack that attaches to the back of the armored vest. The rucksack comes in a number of different variants. The main purpose is storage, which allows a trooper to store equipment, ranging from ammunition, to medical supplies, to explosives, to battery packs which provides power to any equipment an ODST may carry, and communications, which houses the necessary radio and satellite gear that an ODST squad requires to report in to their superiors. For longer missions, ODSTs can carry larger rucksacks with enough supplies for two weeks of operation without external resupply. Rucksacks have integrated magnetic holding devices to allow for external back mounting of additional equipment. Equipment with magnetic properties, such as longer weaponry, can be carried externally over the rucksack eliminating the use of extra straps or slings.
Body Suit
The ODST body suit is made up of several different layers and materials, the inner layer of the black-gray undersuit is made up of Kevlar material to aid in protecting the wearer from small arms fire, the inner layer also contains a heating and cooling system which regulates temperatures to keep the user warm or cool depending on the weather conditions - the heating and cooling system can also match infrared signatures of the current weather as well to allow an ODST to go undetected in hostile locations. The outer layer of the undersuit is coated with a heat resistance material to aid in reducing temperatures experienced during orbital drop, and against Covenant Plasma Weapons. The body suit also doubles as a pressure suit to allow an ODST to perform EVA. The outer shell layer is comprised of Titanium and Ceramic composite armor plating that covers the chest, shoulders, legs and feet.
End of the page notes: For more information, i do mention older models of the ODST BDU In my Lore Check: ODST! Long ago when ODST had just begun, we were just marines that would drop! Crazy how much we’ve evolved eh?
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
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lul so smol
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Have any opinions on the M90 CAWS?
Newbies Gun analysis: M90 Close Assault Weapon System
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Treat me more why don’t you, this gun is one of those “It was too good so we had to make it less good” guns, just like the M6D PDWS, the peek of pistol power! This gun was good before it was replaced by the M45/M45E from how much easier it was to manufacture. Having this was like firing the fist of a spartan, multiple times!
Length: 115 cm (3 ft 10 in)
Height: 30 cm (1 ft)
Weight: 5.8 kg (12.8 lbs)
Shell count: 12 Shells
Ammo type: Soellkraft 8 Gauge Shell
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God there are way too many shotguns to count and its amazing! As said with many weapons before, these guns were much better when they were more expensive. Although the new models are easier to clean and repair, so theres that going for ‘em. This gun has been widespread and used amazingly well, even if they tried to make it weaker with the M90A.
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
....where the hell did they got those centuries-old rifles?
Journal entry #006: LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!
Okay so this is not going to be me talking about my day, im still in the transport but i saw some photos on the ship that were showing off their ODST, look!
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Look at that!! I think these guys like old weapons or something? These are some old ones!
OOHOHOHH THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN! Being an ODST must be so cool!
I’ve been giggling for almost an hour.
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Hope your Charisma doesn't fade in action cadet.... (XD)
Journal entry #005: Im happy i wore brown pants
You know two two ladies that were also on my ship?
I… got laughed at when the pilot (I think his name was growler…?) pointed the ship straight down as a”joke” and i took a quick photo as i thought i was about to die.
For a quick moment i told myself “What a beautiful thing to die to”
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Then went directly back to screaming as they just giggled at me. All of a sudden growler made the ship straight and flew right towards the base
We are almost there, so ill send a picture soon, it was really bad because im not..i dont have the best stomach and i had a big lunch and…
Ok so theres no excuse for what i did and it got worse when they started to laugh and i felt like a idiot, one of them whispered (How is he going to be a marine?)
I’ll prove them wrong, i just need to be situated is all, i know it!
Although im happy i had an extra pair of pants…
This will be an adventure
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Journal entry #004: SPAAAAAACEEE!!!
Who knew the nothingness of space could be so beautiful!? Im on a transport (a late transport…forgot about time zones) and im being brought late with some white haired lady that is talking to another white haired lady…
I said hi but i was ignored, they seem scary, one of them is carrying a pistol in their hands, its a SOCOM…something something, the silenced pistol that them ODST use!
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I screamed in excitement and the two ladies started to laugh at me…
They must enjoy my enthusiasm!
Im heading over to the UNSC revival, the fleet/base of the UNSC Resurrection, a MAC station (i think) it may be a few more hours till i get there, im so exited!!
Im making you proud dad, love you always! I miss you more than you know, i know ill make you the most proud dad that ever existed!
(Well seahorses are really nice dads too, they give birth for crying out loud!)
Ill send you a picture when im in marine Armour!
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Journal entry #003: In loving memory
Well, I have much to share! This is a memorial for Entry #002, which sadly was lost as power was running low and I turned off autosave…kinda made me laugh that it died as I said it was going to! Even though Entry #002 Was mostly me just geeking out over the cool armour that the marines wear, their weapons, armour, history! IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! I want to be a person to document ALL of this when im older, maybe I may get some badass high position! I heard that EOD Squad Golf can be cool, so that's what im shooting for! ill be running the damn place they’ll all see!
I ranted again didn’t i…well be happy it wasn't 500+ words of me talking about the “Stats” Of the assault rifles that I was to try out! I got accepted into the Navy seeing as I worked as a cadet since high school, and now I just gotta wait till tomorrow and ill be stationed at the UNSC Revival base of operations, I just hope they don't chew up this lil guy!
Time to go right to hell! Huaaah…or…w..what ever the Marines say…
Momma, please don't laugh when I send this to you, you are the bestest!
XOXO Jason 
-End of log-
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Good friends, although they call themselves "brothers" sometimes :p
so partly because i’m actually curious and because i’m bored reply/reblog this post with; what your pmd hero and partner are to each other the answers i’m looking for are; good friends, straight couple, gay couple, nb couple, siblings you don’t need to mention if they’re technically ace or bi or whatever, i mean you can, but what i’m mostly looking for is what is their relationship status if you have multiple teams, feel free to mention them all! for example; team dawn, straight couple (+1). team key, gay couple. team cali, good friends. team fate, gay couple i’m just curious and want some numbers to this, so…there
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
See ya around helljumper....
Journal entry #001: Recruitment
01:00: Alright, bright and early, hair combed and i said goodbye to my momma, its time to enter in the UNSC recruitment center, my dads rank and my cadet training WITH my university degree in biology should get me an open spot for sure! Dad would be so freaking proud of me, i hope you read this soon momma! They are calling me in, so time to present myself! I think i forgot to charge my data pa
-data lost during auto save-
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
Any opinion on the MA5 series?, what's your favorite so far?
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The best and most reliable that I've had the pleasure of using is the MA5D ICWS! Its accurate has an amazing scope, good ammo, its lighter than others, I could go on! Sadly I rarely use Assault rifles due to my love for the BR and the SMG SIL, but if I had to choose it would be this one just from how it’s actually reliable. (Unlike the MA5B…uck) I could do a review on it if you’d like me to!
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
I've barely used or seen the M301 grenade launcher, seems to kick quite a punch for such a small attachment, what's your experience with it?
Newbies Gun analysis: M301 40mm Grenade launcher UBA (Under barrel attachment) 
Before we start this off, seeing as this is a rare thing to see, why not get a treat by seeing some pictures from my files?
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^My personal assault rifle, half the time i only use the grenade launcher of it
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^The standard issue of the Assault rifle with its Grenade UBA
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^The newest and most advanced Grenade UBA the UNSC has to offer
Fast facts: How it works is the Grenade UBA has a Four shot magazine, and fires a slightly less powerful grenade than the M319 Individual Grenade Launcher. There is the Semi-auto Grenade UBA, or the pump (as seen above)
Length:  38 centimeters (15 in)
Height: 10.16 centimeters (4 inches)
Weight: 1.36 kg (3 Lbs)
Magazine: 4 (An extended clip holds 9)
End of the page: If anything this thing is a toy to most users, and is a steeping stone before being certified to use the M319 Individual Grenade Launcher. Although its not commonly used, it exists and can be useful in tight situations.
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
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The Halo 3 Classic Throwback playlist has returned! Five additional maps have joined the lineup in this nostalgic experience - Narrows, Construct, Foundry, Epitaph, & Assembly. Hop in with friends today and enjoy!
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
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picnic day!
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xrayleader-blog · 6 years
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Totally 100% Real Leaked box art of the Half Life: Blue Shift Source Engine remake. (This isn’t actually real, don’t worry.)
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