xero1020 · 1 year
twisted wonderland: best friend?
Hey there, so this is my first fanfic and Imma just do this for fun for my friend, so don't expect too much qualitiy lol. The main focus is Ace and you, his best friend.
As usual you go to school with your best friends Ace, Deuce and Grim. Everythings seems like the usual and completely normal when finally luch break arrives.
Grim's stomach rumbles terribly loud. ''Arghh I'm so hungry! They better serve some nice tuna today!''
''sigh, I agree on the hungry part...'' Even Deuce seems to be starving.
You start feeling the hunger too and as you check if Ace is feeling the same you notice he stared at you. But as your eyes meet he quickly turns away. ''Y-yeahhhh totallyyy...''
He nervously fake smiles, as if he's hiding something. You can literally feel in your bones that something is fishy. Even Deuce seems to be side-eyeing him but you both decide to ignore it for now, since you don't have the energy to investigate Ace's stupid troubles right now.
As you three are eating on the table and talking Riddle walks towards your table. And he's...not exactly in the best mood. You can feel the tension in the air around him...
''Ace Trappola.'' He gives Ace a frightening glare.
''Yeah, housewarden?'' His voice sounds normal but you notice a drop of sweat running down his cheek.
Riddle crosses his arms and sighs. ''I will not accuse people withouth evidence BUT I shall let you know that I will find out. So IF you are the culprit, you'll know what awaits you. So consider taking the easier way out.''
Ace answers Riddle with a small pause. ''...what?''
Riddle sighs. ''Alright, if that's your decision, so shall be it. (Y/n), I request to give Ramshackle dorm a visit right after school.''
You're caught by suprise and accidentally spit out a bit of water, as you were taking a sip. A look that says ''why???'' is written all over your face. Riddle takes a seat beside you and crosses his arms once again. ''Ace, you'll be coming along.''
''Ha?? Uhm you see, I and (Y/n) actually got plans for today!''
Riddle smirks and turns to you. ''Is that so, (Y/n)?''
You look at Riddle, then at Ace, as he gives you a hopeful, but stressed look. I don't wanna be part of this... you think. But despite that, he is still your best friend. You nod to Riddle.
''I guess then you both are guilty. We'll head to Ramshackle dorm, right now. As the housewarden of Heartslabyul I insist on giving Ramshackle dorm a visit to prove that Ace Trappola is a rulebreaking thief! (y/n), is suspected to be his accomplice. If you don't agree it will only worsen your punishment!''
Totally confused and irritated you glare at Ace, questioning what the hell he did. Just like that the five of you head to Ramshackle dorm.
''Hey, tyrant!! What are you thinking to just simply order us around and barge into our house?! We're not even your dorm members!'' Grim seems to be quite mad about this. This situation seems to not only confuse you...
Even Deuce seems to be frustrated with Ace right now. ''Ace what did you do this time...''
''hahhhh... Alright housewarden. I will show you where it is BUT its no one else than me to blame. So please leave (y/n) out of this.'' Did he really just say that? Ace??
''I'll have to judge that after you explained.'', is all Riddle has to answer.
All of you head to the kitchen and Ace slowly opens it. You're totally dumbfounded as you see a strawberry cake inside your fridge. Next to it is a note saying ''don't eat!!''. Now everything makes sense and you puzzle the pieces together.
Ace once again snuck into the Heartslabyul kitchen to snatch some food. But instead of a snack, he decided to take a WHOLE cake. As if that wasn't bad enough already, he snuck it into YOUR fridge. You once gave him a key for the dorm, in case something happens. Now you feel a big wave of regret showering you...
He insisted that you weren't involved in all this but fails to convince Riddle. You both were given a punishment, even though you're innocent... Ace has to write a whole stack of apology letters and copy many of the heart queen's rules. Afterwards you both have to clean all windows in the whole heartslabyul dorm.
Why do I have to do this? God, Ace! How could he have done something that stupid!!
These thoughts can't stop crossing your mind as you both clean the windows together. Even though you're mad at him you still think that Ace couldn't have been dumb enough to do something so stupid. But then again, he wouldn't admit it to cover for someone else.
''The truth.'' You turn towards Ace. ''Tell me what really happened.''
He seems a bit suprised. ''Are you serious right now?''
''Yes, I know you're not THAT stupid, you know. Known you for some time now, no?''
''Wel that's... refreshing, not gonna lie. Ahem so! You know, I'm not the culprit!!''
''...is that all?'' Now you question if you really just overestimated Ace...
''How should I explain it... So I kinda found this strawberry tart in my room all of a sudden after I came from the basketball club. And there was this note, saying : ''It's all yours!''. Cool, I thought. I wanted to share... share it with you.''
He makes a small pause, checking if you're properly listening.
''Yeah so I came over and you were asleep on the couch. So I simply decided to put it into your fridge with the note ''don't eat!!'', so we could eat it the next day together. But then I found out that a strawberry tart was stolen from the kitchen in our dorm and things started making sense. I just hoped the housewarden wouldn't find out but here we are now.''
Your gaze is totally blank by the information dump and you're still not understanding a few things.
''So why didn't you just directly say that?''
Ace shakes his head, ''You actually think if I went to the housewarden and went like -OH nah actually that spawned in my room and I wanted to share it with my friends at Ramshackle dorm- he would have believed me? It would've been directly off with my head for whole two weeks then for lying!!''
''Then why didn't you tell me...?''
All of a sudden you don't feel angry at all anymore, more like... hurt? Is your bestfriend really not trusting you to believe him?
''When the housewarden said all that stuff, you and Deuce were directly believing him, right? You didn't even doubt me being guilty for a single second.''
''That's ... I doubted it.'' Not being able to fully deny it, you still try to explain yourself.
''Just now, right? Don't think its a little late???''
A rock of guilt hits you. Everything he said is true. And about you believing in him...yes, that was also true. Because of your complete silence its getting obvious how you feel.
Your best friend glances over at you, now feeling a bit bad himself.
''Alright, I admit. I DID cause some unnecessary trouble in the past. But I've changed, you know? I'm not as childish anymore as I was six months ago! sigh... I just wish that you at least had noticed that. And...sorry about this. I dragged you into that all.''
It seems he's not the best at apologizing. He puts his hand behind his head and avoids eye contact with you.
''Of couse I noticed your change. Honestly, at first we could have never been friends. You were such a nasty brat. The way you talked down on us, broke the statue the first day and-''
''I know, I know! Enough of that! Ugh''
A slight giggle escapes your mouth.
''You're my close friend, you know? I'm glad you're here and thanks to you these six months were really fun here. I can't imagine school withouth you anymore. And the fact you immediately came to me after seeing that tart is really sweet.'
''W-what...'', his cheeks are reddening a little.
''I accept your apology. So please accept mine too. I'm really sorry I doubted you and I'll make sure that never happens again. Deal, dear friend?''
You can't help laughing out loud. This side of Ace is quite sweet and enjoyable to you. Maybe you'll be able to bring it out of him more often...?
Oh, but an important thought crosses your mind.
''By the way, let's find those jerks who put the cake inside your room. I can't wait to beat those ***** and I'm sure Deuce will join us~'
A wide smirk appears on Ace's face. ''Heh, your smile right now is honestly frightening, but I do support the idea. Let's show them what happends when you mess with Ace Trappola...''
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