x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
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Cora jumps, her face looking literally like she’s seen a ghost. “Don’t do that!”
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
What? Didn't think I'd pop in for free booze in my own bar now and then? 
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
"Woah, hey..." she chuckled. "Why the tears?"
"Mia" she cries as she hugs her
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
"Miss me?"
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
"I hired you an instructor for a reason, Cor" she grins, suddenly appearing in front of her.
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Nearly wrecked Mia’s car this morning. Maybe I just shouldn’t even try driving anymore.
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
Letter for: Cora
So, assuming you've seen the news... How did I sound? Good I hope... Sang my little fucking heart out I did! I love you, Cor, you're beautiful, amazing, loving and you remind me so much of my baby sister... I treated you like a mother would her child, I guess, but that's because I consider you my family, you and Derek. I'm sorry, I know you'll now think I've left you too, but I haven't, I'll always be watching over you... Promise me that whenever you're feeling alone, you'll talk to Derek or Anna? You should never feel abandoned, my little lovely. I wrote a will... Because yeah, well I had to... So all my possessions are yours, you know.. Clothes, phone, laptop, car... Yes, a car... Because I've also got you a driving instructor to teach you. My car is the audi a8 in black, it'll be parked in my drive and the keys are in the fruit bowl inside the mansion. This, along with $300'000... Spend it however you want, it's all yours! Oh, but you'll also get a check for $100'000, please donate half of it to the hospital, and the rest, various charities. I fucking loveeeeeee you, Cora!
- Mia.
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
Letter to: Anna
Bananaaaaaaaahhhh! I fucking love you! If you're crying, stop that shit right now, you're too pretty to shed tears over lil ol' me! I'm sorry, I know this must be a shock, but I didn't want you to worry over something you couldn't help with. Know that I'm at peace now, I've had a long life, it's time for me to step back and watch you live yours. Keep that big grumpy alpha in check, okay? And look after Cor for me, please? Don't let her feel abandoned, she just needs to know she's wanted and loved. The opening of Revolution was epic, wasn't it!? Don't you worry about running it on your own, my sires will be sticking around to help with whatever you need -- They are now loyal to you at my request, you can trust them. I made a will... It was depressing, but I had to do something with my belongings. The mansion that I don't live in is Derek's, and the one I do or did live in, has now been signed over to you. Please keep it for as long as my sires need a place to crash. I've also left you $1'000'000 ... No I'm not joking either, I've lived a long time -- I have a lotttt of money. The mansion won't cost you a thing, pre-compelled people have been taking care of that for quite some time .. Oops. But the club will obviously need money, so use some of it for that and the rest... Do whatever the fuck you want with it m'love! You've been an amazing friend, I love you, Anna. 
- Mia. 
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
Letter to: Derek
Derek -- I'm sorry I couldn't give you a proper goodbye hug.. But I feared I would cry, and I wouldn't want to ruin my panda eyes. Know that there was nothing you could of done to save me, and I'm not upset with how my life has ended. I hate endings, but every story has to have it's final page -- This is mine. Over the years I've collected quite a lot of cash, I've saved for 200 years so you can only imagine. Since I won't be needing it, I made a will (depressing I know) But a short while after I'm gone, there's a man coming to tell you that one of my mansions is now yours, you don't have to keep it, do with it as you please... Along with a check for $300'000. I fucking love you, Derbear, thank you for being such an amazing friend to me. 
- Mia. 
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
Final good fucking byes!
Broadcasting live from Mystic town square straight to the news channels. 
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"Fucking wind -- Anyway, 'ello! I know you won't of been expecting another appearance so soon, but time is limited so I thought why the fuck not. Now -- How many of you were at the opening of Revolution?" she giggles when the crowd roars. "Good. Well, I only have one thing to say, after I'm gone, you all better keep going and drink it up, alright?" she smirked and then made an 'oh' sound. "Okay so that didn't make much sense... Let me clear it up... I'm sorta dying so... Yeah, but don't give me those faces, I don't want to see an unhappy face on my last day on earth, okay? Can ya'll do that? Be happy and be wild for one last uproar?" she smiled. "I'll see you mother fuckers in hell..."
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News reporter: After speaking exclusively with this blonde rebellion I can confirm her words to be true -- After the show she's informed my team she has a few final words to say.
{ Concert and singing goes ahead... }
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{ Concert over - Mia says her goodbyes and walks off stage. Meeting the news crew, she waits for them to confirm she's live on the news and smiles.}
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"Well I guess this is one way to say goodbye. Okay, okay so let's get this done shall we. Let me start off by saying Anna Black -- I want a picture of my face hung high above the bar -- As for you guys, you'll keep it in business, won't you?" she laughs as the crowd roars. 
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"Okay... Cora -- I'll be watching, so I don't want to see you shed one fucking tear, okay? You're the strongest girl I've ever met, oh, and stick in school, finish your exams and whatever... Just be good -- And know that I if you ever get your heartbroken, I'll come back from the dead just to kick his ass."
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"Who next.. Oh oh -- Derbear! My amazing Der, you better treat my girl right! Don't go breaking her heart, shower her with flowers and gifts and stuff, okay? I love you all, and.. Yeah -- I won't get too mushy" she giggles.
News reporter: Will you tell us who you are?
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"Me? Hmm... I'm whoever you want me to be, I've heard a few names for me... Blonde rebellion, devils advocate, blonde bombshell... My friends call me Mia Andrews... But if you want my real name -- It's Amelia Andrews."
News reporter: Can you tell us why the public stunts, Amelia?
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"Well -- It was more about having some insane fun the first time around. I mean, I was surprised I didn't get arrested or something... I was born in England - I'm all for the fun, you know? Never take life too seriously, but always make sure you protect the ones you love. Life is for living, and I wanted to be able to look back on my life and say hell yeah, I've had a good run. And honestly, I really have -- I've done and seen things your wildest imagination couldn't dream up. It's important to me to be an individual, stand out from the crowd -- Be wild, reckless, crazy and insane... But if you think I've never made anything of myself, you're wrong. I'm up to my eyeballs in degrees, I own a business, a club and I've loved every minute of my life -- I wouldn't take any of it for granted."
News reporter: Do you mind me asking, how long have you got left to live, Amelia? And how old are you?
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"Well... I'm basically a ticking time-bomb, but I'm content with what I've achieved, so I'm not sad about it. I'm eighteen, but sometimes I feel like I'm hitting the two hundred mark" she giggled at her own private joke. "I just have one request..." she says, looking into the camera...
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"Don't you ever fucking forget me, because I'm not going to forget any of you! Toodle pip!"
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
Cheers, darlin!
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You should be, it’s your club! Place looks amazing by the way.
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
I'm excited too!
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Can’t wait to head to Revolution tonight, I need to get my dance on.
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
I have my emotional moments, you know.
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Wh-what’s with all the emotions?
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
You better be there!
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Club Revolution?
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I’m proud.
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
I'd never leave you, Cor, not really -- I'll always be here.
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You’re not planning on leaving us too, are you?
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
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I just needed you to know. 
It’s just one night, Mia. I’ll be fine.
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Oh and I love you too. But you knew that already.
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x-blonde-rebellion-x · 10 years
So fuck, someone needs to have the balls to yell at that grumpy alpha. You'll be safe though, right? ... And... I love you, so... Yeah, just take care of yourself.
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I once got drunk and yelled at Derek and Laura like I was their mom, but sure. Thanks Mia. You’re the best.
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