wwtshn · 6 years
Womanist is to Feminist as Purple is to Lavender.
Alice Walker
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wwtshn · 6 years
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Sam M’Pele + Her Womanist Shirt
1. From womanish. (Opp. of “girlish,” i.e., frivolous, irresponsible, not serious.) A black feminist or feminist of color. From the black folk expression of mothers to female children, “You acting womanish,” i.e., like a woman. Usually referring to outrageous, audacious, courageous, or willful behavior. Wanting to know more and in greater depth than is considered “good” for one. Interested in grown-up doings. Acting grown up. Being grown up. Interchangeable with another black folk expression: “You trying to be grown.” Responsible. In charge. Serious. 
from Alice Walker - In Search of our Mother’s Gardens: Womanist Prose
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wwtshn · 6 years
Womanish, the opposite of girlish…Being grown up…A Black Feminist or Feminist of Color…A woman who loves other women, sexually and/or non-sexually.  Appreciates and prefers women’s culture, women’s emotional flexibility (values tears as natural counterbalance of laughter), and women’s strength.
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wwtshn · 6 years
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Jessica Williams, from this photoset.
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wwtshn · 6 years
“You may trod me in the very dirt/ But still, like dust, I’ll rise” (Angelou, 3-4).
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wwtshn · 6 years
BLACK WOMEN are invisible in the conversations around social discourse
Alexia Christian; Mya Hall; Gabrielle Nevarez; Miriam Carey; Shantel Davis; Malissa Williams; LaTanya Haggerty; Sharmel Edwards; Kendra James; Sandra Bland;
BLACK WOMEN are brutalized due to their race, gender and class
Shelly Frey; Magaret LaVerne Mitchell; Eleanor Bumpurs;
BLACK WOMEN are seen as a threat because they give birth to the “notorious”
Kathryn Johnston; Danette Daniels; Frankie Ann Perkins; Alberta Spruill;
BLACK WOMEN are seen as deranged rather than in need of help
Tanisha Anderson; Michelle Cusseaux; Pearlie Golden; Shereese Francis; Kayla Moore; Tyisha Miller;
BLACK WOMEN cannot show emotions because they will be seen as intolerable
Natasha McKenna; Sheneque Proctor; Kyam Livingston;
BLACK WOMEN are guilty by association
Rekia Boyd; Aiyana Stanley-Jones; Tarika Wilson;
BLACK WOMEN are misunderstood
Meagan Hockaday; Janisha Fonville; Aura Rosser; Yvette Smith;
BLACK WOMEN are sex symbols
Duanna Johnson; Nizah Morris; New Jersey 7;
BLACK WOMEN are being sexually assaulted
Daniel Holtzclaw; Ernest Masalis;
BLACK WOMEN and their children are targets for police brutality
Denise Stewart; Alesia Thomas; Rosann Miller; Alesia Thomas; Sonji Taylor;
All of the problems that face each race, gender, and class happens to a black woman everyday, but WHY WON’T THEY ever SAY HER NAME?
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wwtshn · 6 years
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wwtshn · 6 years
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Sending love to and feeling inspired by my resillient friends resisting intergenerational violence, whether at marches or elsewhere <3 Reposted from Whitney Syphax Walker: “Shoutout to the Black bodies who were detained, beaten, and broken so y'all could be called ‘peaceful protesters’….I hope everyone makes it home safely. I hope our ancestors are proud of the work done and the influence it continues to have. I hope more compassion will be had the next time a marginalized group uses these same tactics to promote awareness to their struggles [BLM]. I hope those women out there leave prepared to march for folks other than themselves in the future.”
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wwtshn · 6 years
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I got my new tank! ❤️❤️❤️
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wwtshn · 6 years
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wwtshn · 6 years
“You OK?”
“You seem very irritated.”
“Are you done?”
“OK, OK.”
“Do you mind putting out your cigarette, please?”
“Well, you can step out now.”
“Step out of the car.”
“Step out of the car!”
“I do have the right. Now step out or I’ll remove you.”
“Step out or I’ll remove you. I’m giving you a lawful order. Get out of the car now or I’m going to remove you.”
“I’m going to yank you out of here.”
“Get out of the car!”
“You are under arrest.”
“Get out of the car! Get out of the car now!”
“Get out of the car!”
… I stepped away, pulled my taser and pointed it at Ms. Bland.
“Get out of the car! I will light you up! Get out!”
“Get over there!”
“Get off the phone!”
“Put the phone down.”
“Turn around. Turn around now! Put your hands behind your back and turn around now!”
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wwtshn · 6 years
The imprisonment rate for African American women is twice that of white women.
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wwtshn · 6 years
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This report provides a first-of-its-kind detailed view of the 219,000 women incarcerated in the United States, and how they fit into the even larger picture of correctional control. 
A staggering number of women who are incarcerated are not even convicted: more than a quarter of women who are behind bars have not yet had a trial. Moreover, 60% of women in jail have not been convicted of a crime and are awaiting trial.
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wwtshn · 6 years
“You OK?”
“Do you mind putting out your cigarette, please?”
(He opens the driver’s side door.)
“No, you don’t have the right.”
(He reaches into her car.)
“Don’t touch me!”
(Trooper radios for backup.)
“Get out of the car! Get out of the car now!”
(Stepping out, holding her phone.)
“Wow. Wow. You’re doing all this for a failure to signal?”
(Directing her to the side of the road.)
“Right. Yeah, let’s take this to court.”
(They are now off-camera.)
“Are you feeling good about yourself? Are you feeling good about yourself? For a failure to signal, you’re feeling good about yourself.”
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wwtshn · 6 years
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Nationwide, black girls are being suspended at SIX times the rate of white girls.
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wwtshn · 6 years
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We, the women of these United States refuse to be objectified, subjected, and generalized. 
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wwtshn · 6 years
Trooper Brian Encinia
July 10, 2015.
Encinia’s dashboard camera video showed
Ms. Sandra Bland’s car
Rolled through a stop sign,
Turned right.
Trooper Encinia
Ms. Bland
Emergency lights flashing.
Accelerated and caught
Ms. Bland
Pulled to the right
Trooper Encinia
The reason for your stop is because you failed to signal the lane change
He immediately noticed that she was stomping her feet on the floorboards and breathing heavily.
His paperwork
numerous furtive movements including disappearing from view
He then returned to her car. He approached her vehicle on the driver’s side…
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