writteniglass · 3 months
Y'know, if a formerly well-behaved straight A student suddenly starts almost not passing their classes and crying all the time and getting into trouble, maybe the default conclusion from every authority figure should not be that they are lazy and simply need to pull themselves together. Maybe instead you should give them stimulants or HRT or let them kill their parents and see if one of those three things resolves the issue.
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writteniglass · 3 months
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this guy's beef got old enough to have geology
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writteniglass · 3 months
DM: [Describing a Mindflayer cult.*]
Warlock: They're scientologists?
DM: Now, now don't insult the Mindflayers like that.
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writteniglass · 3 months
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Gustave Doré - Deer in a Pine Forest (1865)
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writteniglass · 3 months
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writteniglass · 3 months
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'lito lattine' by mirella bentivoglio, 1998 in the book as art: artists' books from the national museum of women in the arts - krystyna wasserman (2011)
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writteniglass · 3 months
“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.”
— Oscar Wilde
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writteniglass · 3 months
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writteniglass · 3 months
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writteniglass · 3 months
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writteniglass · 3 months
“What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.”
— Paulo Coelho
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writteniglass · 3 months
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Konrad Müller-Kurzwelly (German, 1855–1914) - Fallen Leaves
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writteniglass · 3 months
I hate how Mojang says they won't add sharks bc "we won't make hostile mobs based on real animals" BITCH MAKE IT NEUTRAL OR BETTER YET, PASSIVE!
Make people want to breed/keep them around for underwater builds because they scare away drowned! Make them drop their teeth every few minutes like how chickens lay eggs as an alternative way to craft arrows or a new item! Add sharks to Minecraft in a positive way!!
Achievement called "friend, not food" for breeding sharks using fish!
Have variants based on which ocean they spawn in!
Upon killing a shark, it drops JACK SHIT!!
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Reblogs were turned off due to the fact that this post's popularity completely overwhelmed me and it was way too much for my stupid nurodivergent brain, so I did what I had to to not fuck myself up more. You're welcome to repost.
Edit 2: reblogs are back on
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writteniglass · 3 months
We keep finding space stations, and we don't know why yet.
Most are in orbit around planets, but plenty more are orbiting moons, stars, the odd black hole, or just floating in deep space.
Their age varies, some are so old that just getting close enough to dock makes them shatter like glass, others are so recently constructed that the lights are still on and the reactors are still fueled. All are empty of any life or robots smarter than a roomba.
The ones orbiting planets are orbiting dead worlds, or living worlds where nothing on them is smart enough to launch a space station.
The stations in deep space are weirder. The most information came from the one by Epsilon Eridani. A massive installation, it had docking rings for hundreds of vessels, all empty. It was in remarkable shape for how old it was (from the unrepaired micrometeorite impacts, we estimate it has been abandoned for about 3000 years), so we were able to access a lot of information from its main computer. We found the coordinates of several home planets, and visited them all. All were dead, empty, or in one case, simply missing. The star was still there, the other uninhabitable planets mentioned in the databanks were there, but their homeworld? Gone. No debris or expanding gas cloud, it's just missing.
And that's the thing: if we found space stations along with abandoned ruins of ground-based installations, that'd make sense. If we met dozens of living races, amongst a few empty satellites of long dead races, that'd also be expected. But this is all the evidence we're not alone in the universe we've found.
We've sent probes to over half the stars in this galaxy and visited hundreds in crewed spacecraft, but the empty space stations are the only evidence of alien life. Every planet is either a sterile husk, a gas giant, or a vibrant living world with nothing smarter than a giraffe living on it. Oh, there's strange life forms of every kind! But none of them seem sapient, certainly not sapient enough to build a space station.
Where is everyone? We've been asking that question since we first understood the Drake Equation and the Fermi paradox, but the question has taken on a new form as we've gone to the stars and found endless empty houses in the sky.
It's the difference between looking at an empty desert and walking through an abandoned city. In both cases, there's a silent emptiness, but in the latter case, it seems to contain a sinister element. This place is empty, but it shouldn't be. Something made it empty, and we haven't found out why yet.
We keep looking, and keep listening to the echoes of our own footsteps in the silent habitats.
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writteniglass · 3 months
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writteniglass · 3 months
“So, why are we learning martial arts at a wizard school?” “Because I’ll be damned if I lose another promising wizard to a thug with a knife again.”
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writteniglass · 3 months
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