writingrosesonneptune · 11 hours
Hey, writers!
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[image id]: A banner with purple and blue trees with the words: “From Eternity, A World-Building Adventure” [end id]
WBW: Aeternium
A precious metal found only in the Forest of Eternity.
Naturally forms in a crystal shape
Clear, glass-like
Pale purple color
Stronger than steel but incredibly light
Acts as a conduit for magic, amplifies Aura
Creates a natural shield when struck by outside force
The presence of silver amplifies its properties
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[image id]: A cluster of clear purple crystal with a glassy surface [end id]
Notable Mentions (minor spoilers below)
There is a curse placed on the unworthy who enter Eternity that causes their bones to turn to aeternium--making them part of the forest permanently.
The blade of Adrin's sword is made from aeternium, with silver accents on the hilt. In Ch. 13 an energy shield is created when the sword is struck.
Ursas Ornata (such as Cilla) are born covered in aeternium crystals, which amplify their telekinetic powers as well as their illusion magic. The older the bear, the stronger the crystal. Removing it from them is the same as harvesting ivory from an elephant or rhinoceros...very painful. (See pic below)
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[image id]: A beige bear with sparkly fur and pink eyes. Purple aeterium crystals stick out along her back. [end id] art by @neon-psychopomp
The idea for Adrin's sword came to me first, inspired by Fionna's crystal sword from Adventure Time (yes). Eventually I decided to incorporate the crystal into Eternity as a natural element, using J. R. R. Tolkien's mithril as inspiration. The sword itself does have a bit of backstory to it that will be revealed in The Forest's Embrace.
Read The Tomb of Light on Ao3 to learn more about Eternity, or check out more world-building here!
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Guardians of Eternity (general tag list) @writingrosesonneptune (please ask to be +/-)
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Tell me more about Until Then 👀
What was your inspiration? Who are the characters? Feel free to share as much as you want!
~ @tabswrites
Thank you for the ask! 💕
It's actually the prequel to Pelican Queen, and it follows a handful of characters (villains/antagonists and some of the main cast) through the earlier part of their lives, ending a few months before Act Two of Book One.
It started as a writing exercise! I've added to the document for several years whenever I get stuck on other projects, since I know the characters and it's easy to write vignettes for them. Doing so ended up helping me understand them better and even figure out certain plot points in the main story!
As for who's been introduced in it so far? Stryn is a major antagonist from Book One, and is fairly complicated as a person. He has high ideals and means well, but he is so out of touch with other people and views most of them as a means to an end, even if he doesn't realize it. When we meet him in the main story, he's on a campaign to reinstate himself on a throne usurped by his former friend/lover.
As for the boy who appears in the second chapter of Until Then, he will go through a few different names, but I've referred to him on this blog mainly as 'L' so far (or pq huntsman in the tags). When we catch up to him in Book One, he will have been gnawing on the sunk cost fallacy like a chewtoy for decades. I can't say much more about him than that at the moment. Other than he really, really hates Stryn.
The other major viewpoints in Until Then belong to Ghost-Hand, E, and Z (the latter two have only shown up on this blog in tag game snippets so far and haven't been properly introduced. Hence why they still have placeholder initials on here.)
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Last Line Tag
Tagged by @sunset-a-story here
Tagging: @aziz-reads @dragomango @cljordan-imperium @rhikasa @autism-purgatory
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Their hands found each other again and he clutched hers with every bit of strength he had.
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TFE tag list: @cilly-the-writer @writernopal @writingrosesonneptune (please ask to be +/-)
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My latest scifi short story "Please Contact Your Administrator" is available to read! It has:
Software updates gone wrong,
Not so stealthy robots making sneaky deliveries,
Lotion that is bad for your bones,
And more!
You can read it here!
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Want cheap spoops, we got cheap spoops
I am desperately attempting to get someone to buy these books. Why? Because I want to inflict my disturbed fiction on others, of course. What a silly question.
They'll be on sale starting tomorrow and continue to be on sale all month.
So if you want to be disturbed, depressed, frightened, possibly traumatized, and one would hope amused...check em out.
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Character Inverse Tag
Tagged by @pandoras-comment-box here!
Tagging: @mysticstarlightduck @writernopal @writingrosesonneptune @acertainmoshke @daughter-of-inklings
Rules: Describe the opposite of your OCs!
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Mara: I think her inverse is Hettie. Super positive, always goes out of her way to help people, smiles constantly. Wears dresses in bright colors, enjoys talking to people.
Hettie: And of course that means that her inverse is Mara. Moody, short-tempered, permanent scowl. Wears dark clothing (mostly blouses w/trousers), stomps around. Quick to judge people and very unforgiving.
Adrin: Not at all emo. We don’t do that here. Positive, always finds something to smile about. Travels the country as a Robin Hood type of guy, handles his emotions in a healthy and functional way. Hates cats, loves horses.
Oliver: The most responsible man you’ll ever meet. Sober, takes his job very seriously and never questions an order. Level-headed, rational thinker. Takes pride in his family legacy, basically a copy of his father. Cold, calculating and ruthless.
Lasya: Doesn’t care about anyone but herself, floats through life without a sense of responsibility. Impulsive, violent at times. Standoffish, doesn’t care about personal connections. Instead of fighting with the other bandits she would go full vigilante just to prove a point.
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Could I hit you with the POV prompt for the ask game :>
this is a scene from carry me from ray's pov.
Ray: Scotty.
Scott turns away. 
Ray: Please talk to me. 
Scott: Everyone thinks I'm a freak. 
Harsher than Ray would label it, but there’s truth in it. The other kids do find Scott to be bizarre; he tells them tales about ballet dancers in stone towers that kill their suitors, hunters that break into wolves’ cabins to devour them, and children trapped in dollhouses unable to sleep for fear of the monsters watching their every move.
Ray often wonders if Scott's stories have a grain of truth in them. Some kind of code she needs to crack to understand him. Ray thinks about them when she lies in bed at night, staring up at the ceiling. 
If I decipher the code, will something terrible happen? Will Scott's secrets come together into a mosaic of pain and suffering? He isn’t a painting in a museum for you to analyze. He’s your friend. 
Ray: They just don’t understand you. 
I want to understand you, thinks Ray. Please let me.
now here's the scene from scott's pov
Scott turns away from Ray's pleading gaze.
"Please talk to me."
"Everyone thinks I'm a freak."
They giggle behind their hands at his stories, or sneer at him for being "such a weirdo freak loser," who they can't understand why someone like Ray wastes her time on. It's not his fault that sometimes he hits a wall in his memory, and the only way to convey it is in a strange code, not even he understands.
He gets glimpses of it in dreams. Some horrible truth hidden away in his mind, that he's terrified of digging through the meat of himself to uncover.
"They just don’t understand you," Ray replies, coming to stand next to him.
He looks at Ray finally. At her earnest face looking at him like he's worth something. Like maybe he doesn't have to be anyone other than who he is for her to care about him. It's a good feeling. But it also fills him with fear.
Because something dark is out there, and it's coming for him. Maybe not now or tomorrow, but it's on its way. And it doesn't like Ray digging.
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Hello!! THE END for any of your WIPs!! 👀
carry me
They end up at Young's Deli, sitting in one of the worn-out booths, eating their food with a robotic numbness as they absorb everything that's happened.
"You know I love you, right?" Ray puts her hand on Scott's, needing him to understand. He flips his hand up to hold hers, easy as anything. She feels herself sag with relief. He always knows.
"It's the only thing I believe in anymore," Scott answers, cradling her hand in both of his.
"Oh Scotty..." Ray embraces him, tears welling in her eyes. They're okay. They're finally okay.
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Thank you!
The Great Crab Slayer (now nearing her seventies) was named hero of the land in her youth for her role in combatting a slew of giant, ancient crabs that came ashore during a storm and began destroying her hometown. This is the type of thing that just happens sometimes, where they live.
Heroes of their land are named once in a generation, always for some unique deed, and are then expected to travel around assisting in local disasters. The Great Crab Slayer (known personally as Marina) became known for monster hunting, so that's what she does! She and her hunters also occasionally tame monsters to employ them like horses or hunting assistants, when it's possible.
I am taking a stab here that the reblog was a request >.>
For the Goth Fic Asks!
Alone, forgotten, discarded -- Isolated, emotionally or physically, even metaphysically. Who among your characters are lonely? How are they lonely, and what put them there?
Thank you for the ask! (Sorry I am getting to this a little late!!)
Of my characters, Camellia of The Scorpion at Dinner and Sadira from Pelican Queen are probably the loneliest.
In Camellia's case, she is about the only young adult in her tiny outpost, and the only other people her age stopping in there on business reject her offers of company. It's not until the Great Crab Slayer and her hunters arrive that Camellia finds people (apart from her mothers) who are interested in what she has to say.
For Sadira, she was raised to put her needs second (or last) and primarily had only close family for company growing up. When she's separated from everyone she's ever known, her sense of belonging disappears utterly, and even though there are some who welcome her, she's afraid of feeling closer to them, in case they don't actually care about her as much as they say they do (but they do.).
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I am taking a stab here that the reblog was a request >.>
For the Goth Fic Asks!
Alone, forgotten, discarded -- Isolated, emotionally or physically, even metaphysically. Who among your characters are lonely? How are they lonely, and what put them there?
Thank you for the ask! (Sorry I am getting to this a little late!!)
Of my characters, Camellia of The Scorpion at Dinner and Sadira from Pelican Queen are probably the loneliest.
In Camellia's case, she is about the only young adult in her tiny outpost, and the only other people her age stopping in there on business reject her offers of company. It's not until the Great Crab Slayer and her hunters arrive that Camellia finds people (apart from her mothers) who are interested in what she has to say.
For Sadira, she was raised to put her needs second (or last) and primarily had only close family for company growing up. When she's separated from everyone she's ever known, her sense of belonging disappears utterly, and even though there are some who welcome her, she's afraid of feeling closer to them, in case they don't actually care about her as much as they say they do (but they do.).
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Find the Word
Tagged by @ahordeofwasps here and here!
Tagging: @writingrosesonneptune @bee-barnes-author @jgmartin @adventures-in-a-world-of-fiction @sleepy-night-child
Your words will be: Lock, catch, break, leak
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“Our elders demand innovation to drive us further from the Old World and ignore the fact that there were once people that walked this earth, who could shape the world with a snap of their fingers. If my curiosity was ever dangerous, it was because they made it so. I sought that knowledge for Rothar.”
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“Where is Adrin? I assume he is the reason your rotting corpse is not feeding a pack of wolves right now.”
He scratched his chin with a lazy yawn and gave her a reproachful look. “You couldn’t have stopped at ‘Where is Adrin?’”
“You must be freezing in that dress,” he observed. “It’s been torn to shreds.” He reached around his back and a leather sack appeared. He tugged on the drawstrings and turned out the contents.
Wool socks, leather breeches, a long-sleeved tunic, and…
“It’s my fault your other one was taken,” he said with an apologetic grin, seeing her fingers caress the long, black wool cloak.
“I was bored, and you were adrift, easily manipulated. When I knew you, your father was begging you to join the Guard. Your lack of interest enraged him. Tell me, Oliver. Did my drive for knowledge finally stir something within you?”
His name in her husky voice brought back memories of their bodies entwined, twisting her curls around his finger as he listened to her rave about her research, the subjects varying from medicinal herbs to inventions that used water as a source of a power. She had been right about his lack of passion for his family legacy, but he was not passionless. His soul rang only for her.
A scowl dragged his lips downwards. “No, no. I’m not sticking a priceless magical artifact into a crack in the wall.”
“Not with that attitude,” she replied casually. “Why else would a sword appear out of thin air if not to aid us in some way? Either you do it, or I will have Cloud strangle you while I take it from you myself.”
“Ah, Mara–what would Hettie think?” He met her withering stare with a cheeky grin. After a pause, he threw his head back with a sigh and reached for the twisted silver hilt at his side. “Fine.”
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Find the Word Tag
I was tagged by @ahordeofwasps a while ago! Thank you :D
My words were kind, kill, know and kneel. These are from Yuni's wip:
As she pulled needle and thread through the fabric, her many mirrored eyes turned to the window beside her: one of a line of arches leading out into the courtyard. Soon they would be covered and fires would be lit to warm the few Spiders still willing to work in the building, but, for now, the cold hadn't settled in earnest. The air was merely chill, the sun falling slanted and warm on the courtyard, where a couple tardy bushes bloomed with the last flowers before winter. Under that golden light, they were surrounded by flitting wings: bumblebees and all kinds of bugs.
Kill + Know
Yuni knew a place she could go for help. She could go to the Hive's Peak. It was said a hive of Bee enchanters lived in the lowest and closest peak of the mountains, in a thousand golden rooms dug into the earth. There they made the sweetest honey in the world, which could cure any illness, and they killed in cold blood—with horrible visions, as well as their poisoned stings—any Spider that dared intrude in their home to steal it. But that wasn't the only reason the Hive was famous. It also knew everything, even the thoughts inside one's head, and the things that hadn't happened yet. The Hive was known for helping lost travelers find their way, and many who were lost in other senses came from afar to beg their counsel.
Yuni crab-stepped around them and kneeled by her battered travel basket to hide her embarrassment. She swiftly dropped all her spare clothing into it, already folded into a neat stack, along with her entire mending basket. "There. It's just a change of clothing."
I'm tagging @serenanymph, @oh-no-another-idea, @romances-not-tragedies, @loopyhoopywrites and @writingrosesonneptune (Bees! For you ♥). Your words are ball, glow, perk and itch.
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magic system, but badly
@fortunatetragedy tagged me in this super interesting prompt so let's talk about magic in Burden of the Reluctant Death/Judas Wept!
Rules: Explain the magic system of your current WIP as poorly as possible. Bonus points if you use bullet points.
passing the tag to @mysticstarlightduck @writingrosesonneptune @oliolioxenfreewrites @theprissythumbelina and you. got magic? let's hear it!
(it's technically not magic, but it looks like magic, acts like magic, feels like magic, so we're calling it magic)
some intro assumptions:
law of conservation of energy
human soul contains energy
Mortae munch on that energy
so basically...
chomp a soul -> get energy -> do magic
more souls = more energy = bigger magic
permanent upgrade. manipulating the energy doesn't expend the energy
but what can they do with that energy?
become visible/invisible to the living
and since our main boy Theodore is a direct descendant of Death, he gets some extras like...
manipulating weather
conjuring wind/water/lightning
and these abilities are taught, not innate. so if a Mortae doesn't have a teacher, they're basically just a roaming ghost munching on the dead
taglist (ask to be +/-)
@vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @fortunatetragedy @autism-purgatory @rosesonneptune @cartoonghosts
@dyrewrites @whoevenknowswhatimwriting
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Daily Sip 5/22
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You can reblog this post.
You can make your own post.
You reblog someone else's snip!
Just tag it sipofsnips so everyone can find each other. ^.-
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Six Sentence Sunday
I was tagged by @oh-no-another-idea and @kaylinalexanderbooks, so let's make it a Twelve Sentence Sunday! :D
This is from that knights and cursed lake wip because I'm currently trying to squish it into proper short story size.
The bottom of the lake was slimy. It squeezed in between her toes and brought to mind unpleasant images. She felt as if she were stepping on something rotten: the gooey mulch of windfall under a tree… the corpse-fluid that gathers under a dead animal in the woods. The whispering also grew louder as she waded into the water. They sounded almost like voices, though with a breezy quality that merged them together, in some mountain language she didn’t understand. She wasn’t sure whether it was good or bad that she couldn’t hear their threats. Hevel reminded herself to keep breathing. Slow and deep was the trick. Soon she’d have to dive, under the water, with the restless, whispering dead. These weren’t rambling corpses like the drowned man. Their touch was barely there, though she felt it nonetheless: a something, like the water displaced by a large fish. Many large fishes seemed to be moving around her.
I'm tagging @kaatiba, @rainbow-colored-writer, @tracle0, @dyrewrites and @tabswrites - and/or anyone who wants to do this!
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thanks @willtheweaver for the tag!
Rules: post six sentences from your WIP
Don't post SOTL enough so here we go:
From School of the Legends Year One
As he was about to crawl into bed, his eyes rested on the harp from the giants’ castle. He pulled a small stool aside and sat beside the harp. After Angel laid a golden egg, Jack was now more curious than ever about the other artifacts from the castle. Not that he wasn't already curious--the sheer fact that these were supposedly left for him was curious enough. Jack reached out his palm and brushed it along the pillar of the instrument. Small rough carvings ran against his fingertips.
Tagging @talesofsorrowandofruin @space-writes @dyrewrites @eccaiia @chauceryfairytales
SOTL tag list (ask to be +/-): @illarian-rambling
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