Christian Identity
Racial nationalism and Anti-Semitism are central to this new religious revolution in North America. Christian Identity adherents claim that the biblical covenant was made between God and the Anglo-Saxons and other European peoples, who have been the true Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Christians see Jews as the descendants of Eve and Satan, and people of African descent as second-class citizens. Small churches, mostly in the northwest United States, are instrumental in persuading "Ethnic Israelites" of their supposed ethnicity, despite their generally futile efforts. Publications, videos, and the Media are all used to proselytize with the cause.
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Christian Rituals (Part 3)
Sunday Worship
[] LORD’S DAY Jesus' Resurrection Day
[] LITURGY OF THE WORD With homily and Bible interpretation.
[] LITURGY OF EUCHARIST Bread and wine are enjoyed.
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Christian Rituals (Part 2)
Daily Worship
[] DAILY OFFICE In specific, non-Protestant religions and monastic settings. "Mattins" (morning service) and "Vespers" (evensong; evening service) are held in some churches.
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Christian Rituals (Part 1)
Sacraments God's saving force is revealed to believers by religious ceremonies.
[] EUCHARIST (also known as the Lord's Supper, Communion, or the Divine Liturgy): As the flesh and blood of Christ, we indulge of bread and wine (Derived from "Last Supper")
[] PENANCE Confession and forgiveness are also used in the term "reconciliation."
[] BAPTISM Adults and/or babies (immersion or streaming of water).
Though Baptism and the Eucharist are almost internationally acknowledged, not all churches count all sacraments.
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Source: 52 favorite Christian quotes from influential Christians. (2018, September 18). Christ-Centered Mama. https://christcenteredmama.com/52-favorite-christian-quotes-from-influential-christians/ Source of illustration used: Canva
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Source: 40 Christian quotes to inspire your faith every day. (2020, February 10). Crosswalk.com. https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/inspiring-quotes/30-inspiring-christian-quotes.html Source of illustration used: Canva
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Types of Christianity
Christianity is broadly split into three branches: Catholic, Protestant and (Eastern) Orthodox. The Catholic branch is governed by the Pope and Catholic bishops around the world.
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The Orthodox (or Eastern Orthodox) is split into independent units each governed by a Holy Synod; there is no central governing structure akin to the Pope.
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There are numerous denominations within Protestant Christianity, many of which differ in their interpretation of the Bible and understanding of the church. Some of the many denominations that fall under the category of Protestant Christianity include: Baptist, Episcopalian, Evangelist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Lutheran, Anglican, Evangelical, Assemblies of God, Christian Reform/Dutch Reform, Church of the Nazarene, Disciples of Christ, United Church of Christ, Mennonite, Christian Science, Quaker, Seventh-Day Adventist.
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Although the many sects of Christianity have differing views, uphold separate traditions and worship in distinct ways, the core of their faith is centered around the life and teachings of Jesus.
Source: Christianity. (2017, October 13). HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows. https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/religion/history-of-christianity#section_5 Photo Sources: https://images.app.goo.gl/ik9wnJyTCoXwHiiPA https://images.app.goo.gl/uXXqiSPtYYzufPof6 https://images.app.goo.gl/dt696Qqkk6YLvJrQ8
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The Bible
The Christian Bible is a collection of 66 books written by various authors. It’s divided into two parts: The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament, which is also recognized by followers of Judaism, describes the history of the Jewish people, outlines specific laws to follow, details the lives of many prophets, and predicts the coming of the Messiah. The New Testament was written after Jesus’s death. The first four books—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—are known as the “Gospels,” which means “good news.” These texts, composed sometime between 70 A.D. and 100 A.D., provide accounts of the life and death of Jesus.
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Letters written by early Christian leaders, which are known as “epistles,” make up a large part of the New Testament. These letters offer instructions for how the church should operate. The Acts of the Apostles is a book in the New Testament that gives an account of the apostles’ ministry after Jesus’s death. The author of Acts is the same author as one of the Gospels—it is effectively “part two” to the Gospels, what happened after Jesus’s death and resurrection. The final book in the New Testament, Revelation, describes a vision and prophecies that will occur at the end of the world, as well as metaphors to describe the state of the world.
Source: Christianity. (2017, October 13). HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows. https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/religion/history-of-christianity#section_5 Photo Source: https://www.history.com/.amp/topics/religion/bible
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Important People in Christianity
There are many important figures in the Bible but there is a handful that stands out more than others. Out of all the characters in the Bible one of them stands out the most, and of course, that is God.
Abraham - A man who listened to God who told him to leave Mesopotamia and go to the promised land. Today, three of the major religions of the world follow the roots of Abraham. Those religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
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Adam & Eve - Two people that are always together. These two characters are very important due to the fact the Bible states they were the first two people in the world.
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David - Israels’ second and greatest King. David is known for writing many songs which are located in the Book of Psalms.
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Elijah - Israel's greatest prophets and God’s champ.
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Jesus - Jesus started a religious movement taking over the Empire, his death on the cross was due to sin, but he returned to earth.
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Mary - Mary was Jesus' mother. They claim God is the father of baby Jesus. Catholics believe Mary was a virgin in her whole life.
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Moses - Moses is known to be the greatest prophet who ever lived. He was found by the Pharaoh’s daughter floating in a basket down the Nile river. He was then raised in royalty. God then proceeds to tell him he needs to leads the Israelite's to the promised land.
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Noah - Noah is known for building the ark. God told him to do this since he wanted him to survive the flood because he was "the most righteous in his generation."
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Paul - He is the person why Christianity was all over the Mediterranean region, trying to become the religion to the Roman Empire.
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Important figures - Christianity 101. (n.d.). https://sites.google.com/site/christianity101p4/important-figures
Photo Sources: 
https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/690598924090267925/ https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/197032552435738850/ https://www.pinterest.es/pin/14636767523849480/ https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/56576539047105667/ https://in.pinterest.com/pin/651966483541199718/ https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/392165080055292406/ https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/384283780676862733/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/331718328794421206/ https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/506373551853006892/
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Epiphany is a Greek word meaning 'to show' and also marks the end of the 12 days of Christmas in Western Christian churches.
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Advent Sunday is the start of the Christian year and, in the Western churches, is four Sundays before Christmas. The Advent season continues until Christmas.
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The best way to know God is to love many things.
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45 religious quotes about life. (2016, March 12). https://thequotesmaster.com/2015/11/45-religious-quotes-about-life/
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"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."
– Hudson Taylor
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"A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her."
– Max Lucado
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Important Holidays of Christian
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Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. 
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Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary.
Library, C. (2019, September 19). Christianity fast facts. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2013/11/12/world/christianity-fast-facts/index.html
Hillerbrand, H. J. (n.d.). Easter.  https://www.britannica.com/topic/Easter-holiday
Photo Sources:
https://cutewallpaper.org/download.php?file=/21/religious-easter wallpaper/Jesus-Easter-Wallpaper-Star-ULTRA-HD-Textures.jpg
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The Foundation of Christianity
Who Founded Christianity? Some Say Jesus; Some Say Paul. What If Neither Did?
The Answer Will Surprise You In fact, the term “Christian” doesn’t appear at all in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), which chronicle Jesus’ spiritual mission; and only later, three times in the rest of the New Testament.
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The first utterance of the word “Christian” occurred when Paul was preaching in Antioch more than a decade after the crucifixion. But the word “Jew” appears 202 times in the New Testament, with 82 of those mentions in the Gospels. While the question presumes that someone had to fill that role, the answer may be that no one officially founded Christianity. It just happened. “It just happened” doesn’t mean it mysteriously materialized out of nowhere.
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A firm foundation was needed to enable it to “just happen.” While Jesus and Paul established the foundation for the new religion, neither of them officially initiated Christianity as a religion separate from Judaism. On the contrary, both remained dedicated to Judaism throughout their lives, as documented in the New Testament.
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The Cross
The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Jesus Christ was executed by the Romans and died by being crucified on a wooden cross. Christians remember his death and resurrection by wearing crosses. Sometimes crosses will have a figure of Jesus on them. These are called crucifixes.
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