worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 Day writing challenge
Future: Calvin
Laying in bed, I stare at the ceiling. Floor creak after floor creak sounds. Our bedroom door opens, I pick my head up to see blonde curly hair in the moon light. She rubs her eyes, sniffling.
"Papa... I had a nightmare."
"Aw come her Stacia." I sit up as she crawls into bed, laying her head on my shoulder as I hug her tiny body.
"I miss Daddy..."
"I know sweetheart, I do too. He's coming home in a few hours from grandpas. Just try to hold on, okay?"
"Okay..." I lay back as she cuddles up to me, her breathing is soft, we don't say a word, until I hear her soft snore.
"Calvin I'm gonna kill you when you get home. Make us both worry..."
"I tried hurrying as best I could." I jump softly as I look up seeing him in the doorway.
"You scared the hell out of me."
"Sorry." He crawls into bed and hugs me an Stacia.
"Mmm, daddy?" Stacia moves looking to Calvin. "You're home."
"Yes princess. Go back to sleep." She clings to him going back to sleep quickly.
This is my life now.
It's been a long process, a while to wait. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
A beautiful daughter.
A loving husband.
What more could I ask for?
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Best Day Ever: Calvin
Today was the day. The first day of the rest of our lives.
I stood at the alter, hand in hand with Matthias. The ceremony going well so far.
"The couple have decided to do their own vows."
We stare at each other as the priest gestures to Matt. He smiles, tears poking at the corners of his eyes. I can feel wetness forming on mine as well.
"Calvin, I remember the day we met in 5th grade. I was a nervous little wreck but you were still nice to me. You were my first friend here. My first love and I couldn't ask for a better person to have around. I love you, I always have and always will." He smiles at me as the priest gestures to me.
"Matthias, I have no idea what I did to deserve you. I don't like I honestly do, but I know you'd beg to differ. You've helped me through my problems, always made sure I knew you were there for me. I couldn't ask for a better life partner."
It didn't take long for the water works to come out and the ceremony to go into "I do"s.
"Do you Matthias Jericho Samson take Calvin Alexander Hallaway to be your husband?"
"I do."
"Do you Calvin Alexander Hallaway take Matthias Jericho Samson as your husband?"
"I do."
We exchange rings, exchange looks and smiles.
Suddenly it was over.
"With the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now-"
That's all I needed to hear.
Our first kiss as husbands.
The whole reception went by quickly and so did the next few years.
Eventually we moved into our own house and got a pet starting our family.
It was the beginning of our future together.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Worst Day Ever: Matthias
Today sucked ass. I stare at the mirror looking at the suit he wore.
"You look good in that!" Mikoto smiles behind me in her maid of honor dress.
"I haven't worn one since prom... I feel over dressed but I know I need it."
"Are you okay?"
"Not really. I've had such a shit day... I nearly got hit by a car this morning in the parking garage, our car got hit while in the parking garage, the dent is HUGE, we need to g-"
"Okay okay, relax. You're starting to freak out." Mikoto comforts me, patting my back. "Try not to stress too much."
"So I checked the price for you sir." The sales woman walks over, handing me the slips, I nearly pass out.
"$6-600? Oh my God..."
I'm at the brink of a full on mental breakdown over a suit.
After a while, we ended up buying the suit anyway.
My dad day continues on.
Go to lunch, don't have what I want
Trip to the baker to check on the cake, not anywhere near done yet.
Everything was terrible til I got home. Closing the front door I see Calvin passed out on the couch with a blanket. I walk over taking the blanket and lay on him covering us both up.
"Mmm, Matt?" Calvin stirs, his eyes open slightly.
"Shhhh, I just wanted to cuddle it's been a long day..."
"Ahh, it's okay." He wraps his arms around me, snug and tight. "I love you."
And I feel at ease. Safe and untroubled.
The worries of my bad day melt away, instead of focusing on the worst day ever, time to focus on the best day ever.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing
Compromise: Calvin (super short)
Sitting in this bakery was killing me inside.
"17 different flavors..."
"I want to die..." My head hit the small table, just finishing every type of cake.
This had been the third time today we had to make.
Center pieces, decorations for the ceremony, food.
"Chocolate and angel food with buttercream?"
"Yes..." I hold my stomach sitting up as Matt fills out the form.
After planning for 6 months we were nearly done with everything. We had our arguments over pretty much every choice. But at the same time we realized we didn't even need the wedding to get married.
We could just elope, but our families would never let us hear the end of it.
It was stressful but most planning for anything is like that.
We had our good and bad days. But then Matthias had his worst day ever.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Learning From Experience: Matthias
3 months I watched him work his ass off as I started my new job.
3 months of him torturing himself on how he wasn't good enough the first time.
3 months of hating himself. I killed me seeing him disgusted with himself like that.
He started to belittle himself over it. The love of my life was driving himself insane and I couldn't do anything.
"Babe? You need anything?"
I'd check in on him every so often, making sure he ate. I've caught him more then once skipping meals just to study.
"I'm good right now." He picked up the bottle next to him taking a swig of water, looking over I see his sandwich from lunch 4 hours ago not even touched.
"Why didn't you eat your lunch?" I walk into the room, he continues typing on his laptop at the desk as I touch his shoulder.
"Wasn't hungry, thank you though." His response was almost robotic, it scared me.
"You need to eat something, you can't just study and go to work. You didn't even sleep last night... You're starting to worry me now. I know finals are soon but you can't starve yourself just t-"
"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." I finally get a good look at his face.
He looks exhausted and worn down.
"You don't sound it, seeing as you just snapped at me." I narrowed my eyes, he sighs rubbing his forehead and taking his circle frames off.
"I'm sorry... I'm just stressed out. I don't want a repeat."
"You won't need to be worried. You'll do fine, you've been focused all semester."
"But... Us moving on in life is on my shoulders. If I keep failing I can't marry you and start a family... I feel responsible for us being happy and I..."
He sniffs, tears starting to roll down his face. It's been a long time since I saw him cry, over 2 years, not since his uncle nearly died and ended having to learn to walk again.
He leans on his hands, propping up on his elbows.
"I don't want to disappoint you... You deserve the world and I want to give you that. If I can't give you that, then what kind of pathetic man am I?"
I feel my stomach drop, I hug him tight to my form. He's been putting so much pressure on himself because he wants to make me happy.
"I'm so sorry." I lean back wiping the tears away from his eyes.
"You have given me the world by just being with me. 3 months, 3 years, 300 years, I don't care. As long as we're together til the day we die, I'm going to be happy. I love you so please don't be so hard on yourself and stress out so much."
"How did I get so lucky to have you?" I kiss his nose with a small smile.
"I ask myself the same thing. Now, eat your sandwich, come cuddle me and then go back to studying. Shit, if you need to destress just fap it out."
He laughs, smiling as the tears fade away.
"Why do you know how to make me laugh so easily? God I love you so much..."
"Cause I know you like the back of my hand."
From then on he relaxed with studying and finally passed his second time around. We started planning our wedding as soon as possible.
Decisions after decisions, we we're 6 months into everything and started bickering over stupid things. At least we came up with a compromise.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Turning Point: Calvin
Staring at the screen waiting for the Wi-Fi to come back on was the most nerve wracking thing my brain has ever went through.
"The cable company said it should be back on in 10 minutes." Matthias walks in the the living room, looking over my shoulder and the laptop. "You could always check on your phone."
"Screens too small. I'd rather just wait."
"I'm sure you passed."
"Easy for you to not stress. You passed your exams. I'm still so proud of you to rush through courses and passed."
"Babe, even if you don't, you can always retake your classes, you only had 3 to finish this semester to graduate."
"I know.... It's not a huge deal but I want to get done so I can become a provider for you..."
"Awww, I know you want me to be able to make enough money for the both of us, but you don't have to take care of me forever."
"I'm awa- oh it's back!" I quickly hit the refresh, logging into the page.
"Well?" A tinge of sadness hits me.
"I didn't pass my theater tech class..." Matt wraps his arms around my shoulders hugging me.
We would have to wait longer because of me.
We only planned on waiting a year.
I just want to marry him.
I was disappointed but, this was something I could learn from. Learning from experience sucks sometimes.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Going Public: Matthias
Sedrick busts out laughing at one of dad's stupid jokes. I sigh looking at Calvin next to me, he's glancing down at my ring and smiles.
Now? He mouths as I nod. He stands up, tapping a wine glass with a knife. Mikoto who's sitting at the end of the table quickly looks over with a huge smile. Charlie, right next to her, follows suit.
Calvin has everyone's eyes on him.
"Uuuh, so I'm happy we all got together on Matthias and mines anniversary. We're happy to be surrounded by the ones we love deeply... Which hurts us to say we've been hiding something from you all."
I stand holding up my hand, my ring in plain sight now.
"Matt and I are engaged!"
The table booms with praise and congratulations.
The whole dinner was over an hour of none stop talk about wedding arrangements.
The next few weeks were good, which turned into hell very quickly. Especially when we both had our college exams coming up to finish school. Me rushing my masters and Calvin almost done with his theater courses, soon to be graduating.
This would mark the turning point of everything. From hell to good soon after.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Sharing Secrets: Calvin *adult-ish*
A whole month after I asked him.
We hadn't decided when to tell everyone but we had told a few people we knew we could trust.
Until tonight, it being our anniversary we thought it be the best time since we were going out with our family and a few friends.
"Hey babe!" I came in through the door as Matthias greeting me from the couch.
"Hi, I had the worst day ever..." I walk over flopping on top of him, my head on his chest as he messed with my hair.
"What happened?"
"It started so good! I passed my theater tech exam and this girl in front of me bought my lunch for me at the drive thru... Then I went into work and... A kid puked in my gym bag because her mother sent her in when shes sick. It just ruined the day."
"Please tell me you threw it out."
"I did... And it was that Batman one you got me for my birthday..."
"Aw, my poor baby." He sighs raking his fingers through my hair, calming me almost immediately, I let out a noise almost like a purr, my cheeks flushing.
"Why do you always know how to make me feel better without even saying anything really?"
"Cause I know how your body works." He rubs the back of my shoulders, making me shiver. "See?"
"You're making me feel all types of ways right now." He giggles as I sit up on my knees, smirking, I stare at him and he looks visibly proud of his actions.
"Matt I swear if we weren't going out in an hour I'd make you the happiest man on the planet."
"I mean do you really need an hour or are you in the mood to take your time?"
"Do you really have to ask?" Matt pecks my lips.
"Go get a shower, you smell."
"And yet you still wanted me to fuck you~"
Tonight would be great, going public.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Routine: Matthias
Somehow he convinced me...
We walk past the ticket booth into the fair. I feel exhausted but Calvin convinced me to come out, since it's been a while. Who am I kidding, I can't say no to him.
"So where do you want to start babe?"
"How about food and coffee so I can get energy?"
"Sounds good." We quickly find the concession area and order from a food truck, getting as much food as we want cause it's been a long day and carbs didn't matter.
"Black coffee with one sugar and your sub." Calvin sits the food in front of me as he sits.
"Thank you so much."
It didn't take long for the night to get away from us. It was almost midnight, time for the fair to close. We decided to get on the ferris wheel at last call. We sat down next to each other.
"I had fun tonight, thanks for convincing me to come out."
"Well, I knew you needed a break... And I have other reasons." I look at him as he slips his hand into his leather jacket pocket.
"And they are?" My voice cracks, is what I think is about to happen going to happen?
"You and I have known each other for over 10 years now... We've dated for 7 and I'm sorry for waiting so long to ask you but..." He pulls out a small crush velvet ring box, opening it inside laid a black band with a trim of bright green emeralds.
"Oh my God..." I cover my mouth in shock as he smiles taking my left hand.
"Matthias Samson, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
This was a spectacular moment for us. After agreeing, we decided to wait to tell everyone. Until then we bought a chain for me to wear the ring on. We definitely wouldn't be sharing this secret just yet.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
New Beginning: Calvin
I stare at the cases in the counter. Nothing is really popping out. I sigh looking at Mikoto.
"See anything interesting?" I look at her shaking my head no.
"I want it to be perfect. None of these scream perfect."
"What about that one?" Mikoto points to a simple black band with a small trim of bright green emeralds, it match his eyes beautifully.
"I feel so stupid for not noticing that..." I wave at the girl from the other side of the room, she walks over.
"How can I help you two?"
"I'd like to see how to get this ring." I point at the ring.
"What size?"
"A male 9." She nods stepping up to a locked cabinet and searches through it.
"I have 1, you're in luck!" She sits it on the counter for me to check out, it looks perfect. "To take it out of the store today, you'll need to put half down on it along with a $100 deposit. Every 8th of the month is payment."
"How much for the half price?"
"$1000 in total with the deposit."
Buying the ring, we head out of the mall, excited as ever. This was going to be a new branch of our lives. Now to just find a space to break our normal routine...
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Lazy Mornings: Matthias *slightly adult*
Lazy mornings were always my favorite. I lay in bed on my side, dead to the world. He puts his arms around me and cuddles into my back.
"Good morning" His voice is groggy and sweet as his toned arms tighten around me. "Mmm, you smell nice."
"Thank you my love, but I need to get up. I have to finish grading papers and hand them over to my boss." He whines, putting on his best cutest voice.
"Noooo, stay in bed with me and cuddle."
"Baby I can't, really. Plus I have to do my work for my masters degree..." He takes my chin turning my face towards his, he smirks.
"Not even 15 minutes?" He's using his stupid charms on me, I can't help but give in.
"Fine! But only 15 minutes." He smiles, pulling me on top of him, he sighs happily as I cuddle into his chest.
"Mmm, remember the first time we did this? We were both so different physically and emotionally. You were a nervous wreck and I was Mr.Cool."
"And now I'm just less of a nervous wreck an you're a huge nerd."
"Wow! It's early and you're already using fighting words? Really cruel Matty." He leans down kissing me, soft and hard, it makes my entire body go hot even if we've done this a million times.
I rub a hand down his chest and stomach. His muscles are so great to touch. Not enough muscle for it to be hard, just enough to be stood out of his skin. I'm not even a fan of just any abs, only his.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" I snap out of my haze.
"Yeah sorry." I blush pushing my face into his chest, he wraps his arms around my waist, kissing the top of my head.
"You're such a cutie. I love you~"
"I love you too" I go to wiggle out of his grip to stand up, he rolls us over, me being pinned.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"To grade my papers and class work?"
"Hmm, no I think you need to relax a bit." He starts kissing my neck, my face lighting up again.
"I have to do work..." All the enthusiasm in my voice leaves as he sucks on my earlobe, sending a shiver down my spine.
"You can always tell me no." I stay silent and he chuckles. "I knew you didn't want me to, just relax and enjoy yourself."
Like I said, lazy mornings were the best, but they were just the start of our new beginning.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Getting Together: Calvin
I stare at the front door, pacing back and forth. He should of been home by now God damnit.
"You know if you keep pacing like that, you'll put a hole in the carpet." I turned staring at Harvey on the floor playing with his son.
"I know, your husband is taking forever just to get back with my future one."
"Uncle Calvin, I'm sure Uncle Matt is gonna be home soon!" Zachary rubs his eyes looking up at Harvey. "Daddy, I'm sleepy."
"Alright, come on let's get you to bed then. You can see everyone in the morning."
With that I was left by myself and with my thoughts. I hope he decides to go with me after I show him my surprise. The front door opens, in walking Zander first and following closely behind was Matthias. I run to him, hugging him tighter then I think I ever had before. He drops his bags hugging me tight.
"I missed you!" It only being a week after my graduation from college, Matthias stayed a few extra days to spend time with his mother before coming home.
"I missed you too Calvin." He smiles, shoving his face into my chest and hugs me just as tight.
"Before you unpack, I have a surprise. Come on." I lift him up, neglecting his bags.
"Uh okay, it's been a long time since you did this carrying thing. It's making me slightly nervous." I sit him down next to my car in the driveway.
"Get in."
20 minutes later, we're across town. I get out looking up at the luxury apartment building. I take his hand leading him to the door.
"Uh Calvin... This place looks expensive. I think we're in the wrong building, I know you mentioned an apartment..." I smile looking at him, squeezing his hand.
"Well... I know it's pretty convenient timing but... I found a job already. I'd be working with a kids hip hop class for a while in the community center until I prove I'd be able to handle other classes. I start in a week and my dad paid off 3 months of rent with our deposit for a graduation gift... Plus he kinda turned mine and Harvey's rooms into rooms for the twins."
"Wait, wait whoa.... Are you saying you have an apartment?"
"No." I reach into my jeans pulling out a set of keys handing them to him. "We have an apartment. It's a two bedroom... I didn't know if you'd want to share a room with me right away..."
"That's... So we get to see each other all the time?"
"Mmhm! And I can annoy you every morning with my perkiness an you can slowly wish to kill me." I smile as he hugs me.
"Show me our place!"
This is where our life long story begins.
Good mornings, good nights.
Fights and stupid arguments.
More good than bad.
My favorites are lazy mornings...
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Overcoming An Obstacle Together: Matthias
8 semester, 4 years, 2 people. It feels like forever since we could be together.
I stare out the window of my Computer's course. Waiting for my final score, this was my last final forever, finally having my degree soon. It couldn't come quick enough.
"Matthias?" I turn looking at the professor and walk over. "89. You pass. Congratulations."
A huge sense of relief falls over me, I shake his hand giving him as many thanks as I can.
Now to wait two days to graduate.
They came quickly.
These last few years took forever and I can't help but feel guilty over it. It's been rough with Calvin but we got past it and I couldn't be happier.
I'm always happy around him. Especially with what I came home to.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Eating: Calvin
I smiled at Matthias across the small table, he was enjoying a smoothie, half asleep from staying up all night.
"I'm so sleepy..." He whines putting his head on the table, I put my hand on it rubbing his head and take a sip of my hot chocolate.
"I told you we should of slept, but nope you wanted to stay up watching YouTube videos and making out. I have nothing against either of those but your sleep is important."
"I've gotten enough sleep to last me a life time with the past 10 days." He purrs, rubbing his head into my touch as I touch his face.
The waitress walks over sitting down our breakfast. We took our time looking out the windows at the busy airport traffic. Only being 10 days after a major holiday it was still busy as all hell, even on a Sunday.
It didn't take long for us to finish up and head to Matthias's security check area. He stares at the line and turns back to me with a half smile.
"At least it's only a month this time."
"And then we get an entire month together for winter break." He smiles dropping his bag to hug me.
I hug him tighter then I had all break. This was harder then before for some reason. We let go of our embrace, I lean in holding his cheeks and kiss him. He puts his hands on mine as I pull back.
"Please... I really don't want to see you go... But I know we both have to." I smile at him with a nod, trying to pull my hands away. "Just let me hold this moment for a second please."
I can't help but let him go. He looks happy in this moment. I kiss his forehead and let him go as he frees my hands. I wipe the small tears from both our eyes. We've both cried too much over the past 10 days. In that moment I thought about something.
I sift through my hoodie pockets and pull out a paper clip I had forgotten. Matthias stared at me in confusion as I mess with it, bending it into a circle as best as I can.
"This is a reminder. When I get back for Christmas, I'm buying you a promise ring. So everyone can know you're mine and I'm yours."
"Calvin..." He smiles taking it and pulling it on his pinkie. "It hurts but I don't care!"
Everything felt right. Separating this time turned into something not so heavy. I actually smiled as I left.
The next few years would be hell...
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Reunion: Matthias
This Thanksgiving was going to suck major ass. It be like usual, minus one person. The Samson/Hallaway family dinner tradition would be broken. With Isabelle taking Milena and Sophie with her to see their grandparents for Thanksgiving this year the only person I had to vent to was Mikoto. Her being Calvin's step sister...
"Oh God this sucks so much a-!"
"Not in front of Harmony and Tenya!" Mikoto glares at me as the 3 year olds stare up at me from the floor after hearing their names. "It's okay, go back to watching Dora."
"Sorry, still not use to the squirts. Even after 3 years." Harvey and Zander walk in through the garage door.
"Sup Matty, Miko. Where's dad?"
"In the kitchen with Mom and Dad." Mikoto answers as he nods grabbing Harvey's hand and dragging him along.
"I'm just... Sad. Very sad."
"It's okay, I'm sure he'd be here if he could be."
"Good thing I made it right?" We both turn to Calvin with a bag at the open front door, he drops his bag as I lunge off the couch into his arms.
"Mom Dad Calvin's here!" Mikoto yells into the other room, I can't stop myself from tearing up.
He grabs my waist dipping me back and kisses me, deep and passionate just like I remember. My face flushes as he pulls away looking into my eyes.
"I missed you dummy."
"I thought you said 4:30!" His dad walks into the room and over to him, not even attempting to pry me off him, he just hugs around me. "It's good to have you home bud."
"I'm a few days late but my train got delayed... Something about a freak snow storm in Colorado that shut the tracks down for 2 days... I was stuck in LA... Thanks for buying that room for me dad I'll pay you back."
"Don't bother as long as you got home."
If course he'd know he was actually coming home, they wanted to surprise me.
"When you'd find out you could get home?" I finally broke my silence.
"About 6 days ago. A friend of mine found a train leaving LA to Kansas City and I took it. Took me 32 hours to get home but at least I'm home! Home until next Saturday, then I leave for school again."
"Why don't you two go upstairs and catch up a bit? Dinner will be done in an hour.
Laying in bed, wrapping in each other's arms. This is better than I remember. I look at his chest rising and falling slowly. I lean up kissing his jaw, rewarded with a smile, he looks at me kissing my nose. I forgot how good this felt.
"How are you feeling now?"
"So much better now that I have you here." I nuzzle into his chest, he sighs happily as he cups my face and kisses me again. "I missed those lips."
Later after all cuddles and sunshine we ended up going out looking at Christmas lights after dinner. It was fun having him back in my presence again.
Sadly things didn't last long...
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Missing Each Other: Calvin
"We only have the auditorium for 15 more minutes people! Let's get one more dry run on Sandra Dee!" Professor Welsh yells, every female in the scene scrambles over to their places, the auditorium quiets down as the music starts.
"Shana was a perfect fit for Rizzo, Ms.Welsh did a great job with casting." Carter sits next to me with a smile on his face and relaxes in his chair. "I'm happy we both got parts, can we run lines later in our room?"
"Sure bud." I smile pulling out my phone, 2 texts and a phone call, both from Matt.
Matty<3: Babe babe babe!!!! 1:30pm
Matty<3: I passed my Sociology midterm! I'm so happy!! 1:31pm
I quickly reply, smiling for him especially with how stressed he was over passing.
Me: That's great Matty! Sorry I'm in class still, I'll text you once I get back to my dorm, proud of you bb 2:00pm
I turn off my screen shoving it back in my pocket.
"Is it your boy toy?" I jump, after Sonia grabs my shoulders from behind.
"Jesus Christ stop sneaking up on me Son!"
"Sorry, I just wanted to see if you two were up to a party tonight at a frat house off campus."
"I'm there!" Carter grins, gripping my arm. "Come on Call! You gotta come out this time."
"I'm busy, video chatting with the said "boy toy" plus I have to study for my Calculus test on Monday." They both groan.
"You're always busy now, relax a little dang." Sonia shakes her head.
"Bish I'm here on a scholarship and if I get below a 3.0 gpa I just put on probation from my dad. He'll kill me, so I'll party after midterms. Plus I haven't gotten to talk with my boyfriend in like a week... I miss him."
"Alright, alright. Don't have to lather up the sob story. Just enjoy your time with your boy. Carter, come to my dorm at 10."
"That's a wrap kids! Good class today!"
"Well, I'm out Cal. Have fun with your boyfriend and uuuh... If you want alone time with him... Put a sock on the door this time please."
"We agreed to never speak of that!" I glare at him as he laughs leaving the room.
I look back to my laptop, putting in my ear buds, logging on to Discord, calling Matt. He quickly picks up, his webcam focusing. His room was a mess behind him, he smiles.
"I missed you!" He yells, I smile nodding.
"I miss you too."
We get to talking about school and Matthias living with his mom back home while he's in school. Next thing I know it's 12am.
"Soooooo, how's the musical coming along?"
"Well, we did our first dress rehearsal today. It was great, though I hate my Grease Lightning outfit. The leather pants are... Really revealing in all the wrong places. My friend took a video of our first time preforming in them... Do you want to see it?"
"A chance to see you in tight clothing? Of course I'll take the chance dummy." I smile grabbing my phone from my pants pocket off the floor and send him the video.
"I hope it gives you good enough fapping material for later." I wink, smirking to match his when his phone goes off.
"Oh shit, your ass looks great though." I blush, sighing in the process. "And the way you shake your hips while the engine lowers, oooh"
Matt giggles, closing his phone and looking back at the screen. His cheeks a soft pink on his pale skin.
"Is it stupid I miss holding your hand?"
"Not at all." I place my hand on the screen as he does the same thing. "I feel bad having you up this late..."
"It's only 3am for me. It's not like I have anything better to do."
"No... It's been hell not being able to sleep with you. I got use to it until we had to leave..."
"I know. Any more nightm-"
"A few... But since you sent me that build a bear it's gotten a bit better." Matthias picks up the stuffed lizard I bought him, hugging it and hearing my own voice say I love you.
"I've been stressed out lately... A kid in my English class tried selling me pot the other day after I mentioned it to a friend. So that was fun..."
"That two week break for Thanksgiving can't come quick enough..."
"About that..." I sigh, I can't keep avoiding talking about this. "My dad couldn't book me a flight home, everything is already sold out so... I don't know if I'll be able to make it home..."
He sat in silence just staring at me. Then, he starts sniffling and my heart broke.
"No, please try doing what you can, I need to see you or I'm going to lose my mind. I haven't made any friends and I'm so lonely here, I thought coming to live with my mom was a great idea but it's all just not going anywhere!" He rubs his eyes trying to stop his tears, I feel myself start to tear up as well.
"I know I know, I'll try everything in my power to get home I swear! I love you and I need to see you. I miss hugging you and kissing you. I miss your constant shitty jokes the most." Matt chuckles rubbing his eye.
"R-really? I miss your bad rapping. Even if I made fun of you for it!"
"Are you sure? It's pretty shit."
"Shush! I can't wait to see you... Especially kiss you again... I miss those days when I felt crappy and you'd hold me down tickling me an kissing my face... I just... Want you."
"I know, I want you too."
Everything was laid out on the table. I really missed Matthias more then I could ever miss anyone...
Thanksgiving came quicker then expected. Thankfully I found a way home, but that would be a surprise for Matt.
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worpsey-writes · 6 years
30 day writing challenge
Something Happy: Matthias
"I love you so much, we could always break up. I really don't want that but I don't want you to be alone. You can find someone else..." Calvin stared down at the table, almost looking like he'd cry any second.
"What?! No! That's the last thing I want!"
We sat in silence for a few minutes. Calvin looked concerned.
"I'm stupid for suggesting that... I'm sorry."
"It's fine..." I looked up with a small smile. "Congrats on getting in, I'm proud of you."
"Thanks babe." Calvin smiles taking my hand on the table. "It means a lot to me that you're supportive."
"You know I will always support you, no matter what happens... I haven't been completely honest myself either." Calvin stares looking concerned, he tightens his grip on my hand. "I got accepted into a school... Back home... I found out about a week ago and I didn't know how to tell you."
"Oh... So this kind of works out?" I smile half hearted.
"I suppose it does. We can always visit each other too. An text, video chat. So it's not like we can't see each other... Just not physically."
"I'm gonna miss you..."
"Shush, we still have time to do stuff before we both have to go right? We just gotta make the most of it!"
"Yeah! We just hangout as much as possible. We can make it work!"
We both smiled knowing we could make us work. That day on until August 23rd, we spent every waking moment together.
We ended up taking a week long road trip around Missouri and had the time of our lives.
Saying goodbye was the hardest part, standing in the middle of the airport both with our bags. We decided to leave on the same day so neither of us would suffer.
4 months away from each other would be torture, but we'd have to be strong... No matter how much we missed each other.
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