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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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womanyellsatcloud · 4 days
I'm a fan of fantasy fiction because I think magic and beasties and otherworldly problems can be fun allegories for real world observations. and I wish magic was real.
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womanyellsatcloud · 5 days
Reblog this if you’re 30+ years old and in the radfem tumblr orbit.
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womanyellsatcloud · 10 days
I haven't posted anything in a hot minute but I am still alive. I got an oil massage and the oil made the back of my shin break out in pimples and then because I have no self-control, I picked the living shit out of them and they're taking forever to heal.
That is all.
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womanyellsatcloud · 14 days
Me, standing in the home goods aisle of Target wondering if I want to take the effort to report the two male stockers talking loudly about the bodies of their female co-workers.
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womanyellsatcloud · 18 days
I went whole hog into reusable pads (I recommend Gladrags) and I never looked back!
What period product do you use?
One-time pad
Reusable pad
Period cup
Period disc
Period underwear
Free bleed
A mix of two or more
I don't menstruate
Thanks for the poll Nona!
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womanyellsatcloud · 19 days
can you scribble a little kirby in 10 seconds, just a really small one please
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womanyellsatcloud · 21 days
moms be like dress feminine for this special occasion or i will fucking kill you
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womanyellsatcloud · 24 days
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🐈‍⬛ cat stickers 🐈
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womanyellsatcloud · 25 days
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womanyellsatcloud · 25 days
This is always a "fun" one for me because just like a handful of years ago, I was actively wishing for my parents, but specifically for this post, my mother to drop dead.
I hate my mother. She is a terrible person. She is a woman who was impregnated as a teenager by a man much older than her and had any semblance of true independent adulthood stolen from her by marriage and wifehood.
I still hate her. She is still a terrible person. When I was young, first coming to terms with all this, it felt horrendously sad to deal with the thought that I had to stop looking to her for emotional support. What I needed, she would not give. She would never give it. She has never given it.
Now, this gives me a kind of peace, a bit of quiet. In any other life, if I met this woman, I would keep far, far away from her.
With this upcoming Mother's Day, my fellow daughters, it is okay to hate your mother. If you need to mourn that loss of a relationship that was never there, go for it. If you just need someone who knows how you feel, I'm here for you. Relax. The day will pass, as any other does.
Why am I as the daughter expected to be the more emotionally mature one between me and my mother? Why do I have to understand her and love her first? Why can't SHE understand and love ME first? Why are all posts on here about daughters going through shit their mothers put them through and STILL feeling sympathy for her? Where are all the posts of mothers lamenting about how they failed and love their daughters? Why is it always like this?
Mothers why do you hate your daughters
Daughters why do you love your mothers
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womanyellsatcloud · 25 days
I realized how white and/or isolated from other cultures the average Tumblr user was when the first Avengers movie came out and there was that little after credits scene where Tony Stark recommended they get shawarma and I saw....so...so so many posts like "what's shawarma?"
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womanyellsatcloud · 26 days
i dont care what effect lower birthrates have on the world and i dont think we should even discuss them, at least not in terms of a problem to be fixed. at most, it’s a reality to be accepted and dealt with. when women don’t want to have kids we dont want to have kids, forced birth is torture and reproductive slavery and the entire world has been built on the backs of torturing women who barely had any kind of say in this until extremely recently. the birthrate has also dropped in countries with a ton of maternal leave and social benefits for parents so clearly women are having fewer kids because we finally get to say that we want to have fewer kids, or have them much later, and there is nothing wrong with that. it’s a wonderful and liberating change for women all over the world and i don’t give a fuck if we all die of it. if it kills us then we don’t deserve to live as a species
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womanyellsatcloud · 27 days
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womanyellsatcloud · 27 days
This incredible piece of local reporting about missing persons in Chicago and specifically how this disproportionately affects Black girls and women, by journalists Sarah Conway and Trina Reynolds-Tyler, just won the Pulitzer Prize. Please do give it a read!
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womanyellsatcloud · 28 days
I think for people trying to get back into reading (especially if you've previously had a not good relationship with reading before), forcing yourself to finish a book is not really a good idea. I read anywhere between 12-24 books a year. It's a totally sustainable pace, sometimes accelerated whenever I inhale something in one go.
I give a book 50 pages (maybe more or less depending on its total length). If by page 50, I'm not feeling it, I quit and move on to the next. If you've purchased this book, look into any buyback programs at your local independent bookstores! They often offer way more in store credit than any big name reseller (e.g. Half Priced Books). At my local indie bookstore, I can buy a brand new shiny book for maybe every 3-4 books I sell to them.
if you start reading books again. you will feel at least a little better. I promise
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womanyellsatcloud · 28 days
Being in your 30s is infinitely better than being in your 20s and I look forward to my 40s and 50s and 60s!
the older i get and the closer i am to reaching 30, the more the people around me try to deny me my age. it’s a constant ‘oh you’re just turning 29 again teehee 🤭’ or ‘dont tell your SO that, he’ll leave you for a younger model 😉’ and i just???? hate it?????????
i spent my entire teenaged years fighting for my life. i crawled through the deepest pits of my depression to cling to the promise of a life beyond that pain. i was so convinced that i was going to die young, that i would never see the grace of my age starting with a 2, let alone 3.
so im going to turn 30, and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop me from loving it.
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