womanlwt · 4 years
dios menos mal, iba a llorar un año si no conseguía por ser limitadas:(
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Louis clarified there won't be limitations on ticket sales for the LT Livestream! (24 November 2020)
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womanlwt · 4 years
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November 16th, ‘11
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womanlwt · 4 years
Harry is so thoughtful with so many little things. Can you imagine how much he does for Louis? Leaving little notes, reminding louis he loves him, sending him sappy texts out of the blue, kissing his forehead just because god they're probably so disgustingly sweet with each other
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womanlwt · 4 years
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Idk they love standing with their hands on their hips
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womanlwt · 4 years
I think it’s interesting how many people really want to make Louis being this MIA into Louis’ choice. Could it be? Yes, I guess so. But given the track record of literally his entire career, and the fact that this MIA time is actively hurting his standing in the gp, losing him fans, and promoting the stunts above all else, it’s hard for me to look at this in ANY way other than a forced blackout. If he was MIA but we saw his team working on a radio push or projects to keep engagement up while he took a break, maybe I’d get more on board, but no one is doing anything for him. There’s just nothing to get him new fans or keep the ones he has. If anything, with the stress and attention to stunts only, his stuff is just actively pushing fans away. This doesn’t make any logical sense on any career path. He waited 5 years to put out an album and then promptly gave no fucks about it? He spent 5 years cultivating engagement through all the stunt bs but now is just willing to let them run rampant? It makes no sense business wise or to his personality. And to have it go on for going on 9 months? It’s so weird to think anyone would think he’s choosing this. It’s costing him daily, with not even an attempt at stemming the bleeding.
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womanlwt · 4 years
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H is so fucking marvelous I just can’t
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womanlwt · 4 years
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womanlwt · 4 years
the only pure award show was the 2015 AMAs
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womanlwt · 4 years
Can you make like a timeline of everything that happened in 2015?
OTRA started in February in like Australia. Louis walked on the beach with Eleanor wearing jorts and smoking a cigarette and everyone was like ok, sure.
Then the tour moved on through Asia. Zayn didn’t cheat on Perrie with some girl there but then he was like “hey because you think I cheated I’m going home for a while, I’m 22 years old, I love Perrie.” So everyone was like, I need to row a boat to England to cuddle Zayn because he’s having a hard time. WELL, turns out Zayn was actually in the studio with Naughty Boy making some fresh beats unbeknownst to everybody. 
Meanwhile, back in Asia, Louis was doing some awkward, closed-fist pool kissing with some girl named Lucy and even though it was a private hotel somehow pictures were taken. WEIRD! Then we got an announcement that Louis and Eleanor had broken up! Wowee! Shit’s getting real wild, what else could happen in 2015?  
Then a few days later, it was announced that Zayn was leaving the band. The skies turned black and it rained for 37 days straight. Everyone thought, did we make Zayn leave? Did we love him too much?! Did our love push him away?! But then we found out about Naughty Boy and everyone was like, oh hell no. Naughty Boy taunted everyone until Louis was like, you need to check yourself and some words were exchanged. 
So, the tour goes on without Zayn for a few shows and then there’s a two month break in which everyone lost their fucking minds. We saw party Louis and mystery blondes on the reg. And everyone was like, whoa, they’re building up Louis’s profile so he can be as famous as Harry and then they’ll come out together as the top power couple of all fucking time. Like, this shit is gonna happen any day now, guys.
They did some other stuff, too, like playing dodgeball and attending the Billboard Music Awards and not getting girls pregnant. Oh, and Louis and Zayn fought on Twitter and everyone was like OMG ZOUIS IS DEAD WHAT ELSE CAN HAPPEN IN 2015. Meanwhile, the fans did Project No Control and it was amazing and the band’s management basically shit all over it and did nothing to help. And the amazing Twitter account @whathappen1d was born during this time too, I might add. You should follow it. It’s 41% accurate.
So anyway, the tour picked back up again at the beginning of June in Europe and everyone was like SING NO CONTROL AND 18 BITCHES which they finally started doing in Brussels which was awesome. Harry danced with a blow-up doll and licked his fingers and everyone was like HELLO! REBRAND! After Europe, they came over to the U.S. to start the tour here and Harry showed up in the tightest fucking white jeans you’ve ever seen in your life. Like WHAT THE FUCK, if you haven’t seen the pictures, you need to go find them immediately. 
So the tour starts and everyone’s like, hey this is great, We love One Direction, this is gonna be so fun, and like five days later, Babygate drops and everyone’s like, what the hell is going on. You could hear a pin drop. The entire world became silent. Then like an hour later, the fans had babygate debunked, the Larry receipts were raining down from heaven like a fresh rain, and now babygate is basically a meme but we’re still salty about it until it gets cleared up because Louis deserves better. FREE LOUIS. 
So the North American tour went on. We met a new family called the Jungleworths and we learned all about them. They’ve become good friends, and we’re going to miss them when they’re gone, but we’ve made some good memories and had a lot of laughs together. Harry ran around with rainbows and instagrammed blurry pictures. Liam made problematic comments. Oli and Calvin creeped on a lot of people. Niall gave out lots of dickets. They released “Drag Me Down” and then surprise performed it the next night in Indianapolis where I, an avowed Larrie, leaked the setlist. Oh, and they announced they would be taking a hiatus next year. 
Oh, and I forgot, meanwhile Zayn’s living it up in LA and Instagramming and tweeting and breaking up with Perrie and signing a new record contract, etc. Like, Zayn is an actual person with his own personality and everyone’s like, oh. Nice to meet you, Zayn. And he went through like 8 different hair colors. 
Wow I’m getting really tired and the tour hasn’t even gone back to the UK yet. So, the tour goes back to the UK and the rainbow bears start getting really extra. I don’t have enough energy to go too far into the rainbow bears, but trust me ok, they’re some crazy ass bondage bears. So the tour is now winding down and everyone is fucking exhausted. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m fucking exhausted. Everyone’s getting ready for the new album and getting all excited about the song Harry and Louis wrote on together but not in the same room at the same time. Then the song comes out and it’s like….uh ok, we’re trying to make this song about Larry but you didn’t give us much to work with. Then Haylor came back from 2012 to rear its ugly head again, and everyone was like, STOP…just….don’t. The guys cancelled a show in Belfast last-minute and everyone was flipping out but then they released the “Perfect” music video and then an EP featuring “Home” which was the Larry song everyone wanted all along. No one slept that night. No one has slept all year, actually.  
So now it’s the last show of OTRA and everyone is emo but also excited because change is coming. CHANGE IS COMING. We know this because Syco/Modest/Cowell are getting more and more desperate right in front of our very eyes. Their five-year reign of terror is coming to an end. 
I’m sure I’ve left some things out but this has been your drunk history of OTRA. @bearmustard let me know if you want to audio record this, I’ve got plenty of wine
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womanlwt · 4 years
what was no control project? i was not in the fandom yet :(
the No Control Project was a One Directly DIY single completely led by fans. It was created in the spring of 2015 when Zayn had freshly left the band, the boys were on a break for OTRA, and the twitter feud that erupted between Zayn/Louis/Naughty Boy had came about. it was a very frustrating and dark time, and besides wanting everyone to come together as a unit in the fanbase, we all wanted to celebrate louis, celebrate his voice, and have a song that everyone loved and thought got paid dirt to have the spotlight it deserved.
So in early May, a thunderclap was made for the campaign titled PROJECT NO CONTROL where everyone could request/buy/promote the track to radio stations, to friends, to family, to social media, to anyone and everyone they could. Fan art was made, advertisements were created, stories were written, videos were pieces together— and most importantly, it became a fucking movement where almost everyone in the fanbase came together to get this single on the radio and out in the mainstream.
i went and looked it up, but the six days that the campaign was pushed, the thunderclap had over 34,000 supporters and a social reach of over 55 million people. Media outlets began covering it, BBC 1/The Breakfast Show talked about it, and James Corden used it as a big talking point when One Direction were one of the first guests on the Late Late show when he came over to America. And then when OTRA came back in full force in June, No Control was added to the set list on June 13th, 2015 in Brussels. The entire venue lost their minds, live-streams were broken, this video of the performance continues to be god-tier, louis never looked as happy and confident as he did when that song was added to the set list (he quite literally came alive), harry began being a full slut during each performance of the song for the rest of tour, and it was one of the last times the whole fandom has ever come together and known peace. truly, honest to god, one of the wildest and absolutely gobsmacking fan-led movements i’ve ever seen in pop culture. it was so much fun.
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womanlwt · 4 years
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King Shit
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womanlwt · 4 years
you know what!!!! four was so slept on it has hit after hit after hit and didn’t even get the recognition it deserves… clouds? break up bop! fools gold? best sad song of our generation. 18? the purest love song ever. fireproof? they really did that. no control? was so good we forced it to be a single. i could go on forever that album never got the 16 grammys
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womanlwt · 4 years
the power he holds is unimaginable
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womanlwt · 4 years
remember ot4?
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one of my favorites
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because i do.
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womanlwt · 4 years
Can you pls explain why it’s transphobic to say that Harry is cis or to not be open to it? Because some blogs on here are arguing it’s fine and I’m not sure what’s going on. Ty.
I’ll try!
The first thing is that Harry has never made a comment on his gender identity. At no point has he said ‘I am a cis man’ (indeed, he’s only ever described himself as a white male - which doesn’t tell us his gender, only his given sex). Harry hasn’t told us. That’s a very important point.
The next thing is that Harry is doing things that could signal that he isn’t cis. For instance, wearing women’s clothing. Choosing to work with a non binary designer to make things specifically for him. Liking being called H which is a gender neutral version of Harry’s name. Painting his nails the colour of the trans flag, and also having those colours on the album cover, on his merch. Talking about gender being a Fine Line, naming his album Fine Line, coupled with the cover. Talking about self discovery and shame and expression and how it all started by wearing dress ups as a child. Etc, etc.
Now, it’s perfectly possible for cis men to do all of these things. I’ve not seen anyone remotely deny that. It’s also perfectly possible that this is Harry exploring and expressing a non cis gender identity. I have seen people denying that.
The reason why it’s transphobic to deny the POSSIBILITY of Harry’s behaviour being about his POTENTIAL gender diversity, is that it’s baseless. Once again, Harry has not ever told us what his identity is, and it’s perfectly possible that what he’s doing COULD be an indication of gender diversity. So to deny the simple POSSIBILITY is to assume Harry’s gender and say that assumption is definite for no discernible reason.
The only truly correct answer to ‘what gender is Harry’ is ‘I don’t know’. Because again, he hasn’t told us, and at this point the way Harry is presenting and experimenting warrants an acknowledgment that he COULD be gender diverse.
To insist that Harry’s gender presentation at the moment can only be the gender presentation of a cis man until he says otherwise, completely ignores the lived reality of trans people. It is literally saying ‘I will assume Harry is cis because I want to and I will force that view of him onto everything he does until he comes out, because gender diverse people only deserve to be seen and heard by me once they’ve come out’.
What’s particularly offensive about it is that these same people have a massive double standard:
- ‘Larry are closeted and cant speak openly about their sexuality, interviews are manipulated, they are lying’ at the same time as ‘Harry has been called him and a man by people and that is bible’.
- ‘Larry are trying to communicate with us through colours and merch’ at the same time as ‘Harry having the trans colours everywhere means nothing’
- ‘It’s not ok to assume Larry’s sexuality’ at the same time as ‘Harry is cis’
- ‘it’s not ok to say that closeted gay men aren’t in the community’ at the same time as ‘Harry is cis until he comes out’.
- ‘Harry and Louis’ body language and interactions are queer coded and show us they are gay and even though straight men can be affectionate, this is more ’ at the same time as ‘Harry’s fashion actually isn’t gender coded at all and its a cis man wearing clothing, nothing more.’
- ‘Every Harry love song is about Louis and is factual and tells us things’ at the same time as ‘She is a story and not about him’.
It’s transphobic because there is SO MUCH EFFORT and so much hypocrisy by these people to insist that Harry couldn’t possibly be gender diverse. They are making massive text posts simply about the POSSIBILITY. They are publishing walls of text about how even being asked to just be open to saying ‘I actually don’t know his gender’ is somehow too much for them, and not giving a shit about how many trans, NB, genderqueer etc people have to encounter it on their dash.
Gender diverse fans are having to watch these people perform mental gymnastics just so they can reserve the right to call Harry cis rather than saying ‘actually, I don’t know’. That is violent. Gender diverse fans are having to watch people accept xyz as evidence that Harry is queer, while vehemently rejecting the exact same type of evidence about gender. It is transphobia to have it be so necessary to you, so essential to you, to not have to say ‘I don’t know Harry’s gender’ that you’ll start saying ‘dresses don’t even act as a gender signifier’ when that’s currently, in 2020, not true.
All that is being asked of these people is that they a) acknowledge they don’t know and shouldn’t assume until someone comes out and b) don’t speak over trans voices in the fandom, and they are too attached to cis Harry to be bothered.
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womanlwt · 4 years
Principiantes en Tumblr
Lo más probable es que hayan llegado a este sitio desde Twitter, así que todo lo que nombro acá es importante que lo sepan.
Lo primero y principal que deben saber es que esto no es para nada semejante a Twitter! Acá no existe la violencia, no existen las block lists, no se denuncian posts, nada de nada. Si no te gusta algo, lo ignoras y seguis.
Lo siguiente es que probablemente no se encuentren varios blogs en español, la mayoría son en inglés y ya tienen varios años, por lo que si quieren investigar ahí les conviene antes buscar en la lupita palabras claves del tema que les interesa saber y ahí encontrarán todo (si es que ya han hablado del tema).
Si van a preguntar sobre hechos de años anteriores consulten antes si la pregunta molesta, acá generalmente se habla de las cosas actuales, lo que pasa en el día-a-día, por ende repito busquen en la lupita antes de preguntar, o en los fijados de los blogs seguro encuentren los links de sus posts más importantes.
No tengan miedo o vergüenza de publicar lo que tengan ganas, es su blog y pueden hacer con él lo que ustedes decidan. Se usan mucho los # por lo que si deciden colocarlos en sus posts harán que probablemente lo vean más personas.
En cuanto a cómo usar Tumblr, sí es muy parecido a Twitter: se puede rebloguear, dar “me gusta” o “fav”, enviar posts o copiar sus links, sí se puede poner en modo nocturno, y más cosas que pueden encontrar en configuración.
Si tienen alguna duda sobre cualquier cosa pueden preguntarme sin problema! Espero que disfruten mucho estar acá.
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womanlwt · 4 years
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but the wait was worth it
because i was in love
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