Juliet Jurot from Voyager and Elite Force was a Betazoid who studied on Vulcan, and she kinda fits this idea -- on Betazed, she's seen as being very reserved and repressed, but on Vulcan she's seen as very expressive and emotional.
Okay but what if a Betazoid and a Vulcan had a child? Itd probably be like
Child: I can feel everyone's emotions except my own.
Person: i don't think that's healthy...
Child: Most likely
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Uh Oh, The One Other Guy Having The Same Problem As You Got Zero Replies To His Post On Reddit That He Made 5 Years Ago
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I detect a distinct lack of "the stone must continue to be a single stone in largely the same shape as before" in this premise.
Just gonna grab a bit of equipment, don't mind me. Please stand back at least one hundred feet and wear eye and hearing protection.
There exists a stone in Washington D.C. with a gun embedded in it. Whoever can pull the firearm out becomes the next president of the United States.
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Apropos of nothing
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Your options are "the guy who won't really help and probably will make things slightly worse" and "the guy who has campaigned on a platform of making things as aggressively awful as possible". I'm not really certain how saying "let's pick the first guy for now, then work on making sure we have better options in the future" is supposed to be awful.
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tumblr recommended tab has been showing me lots of histrionic screaming and sobbing vote blue no matter who posts but this one is probably the funniest
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one of this season's foster kittens, Nikolaj my mother calls him. fits right in my pocket
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my new poster for the 30th Anniversary of Myst, available over at the Cyan store (link in the source and the comments)! This imagery has been indelibly inscribed on the inside of my eyelids since I was a kid, so it was an absolute joy bringing it to life in a more official capacity. 📚
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The final, belated result of a commission for my bud Zoë, who wanted me to do a portrait of her special gentleman- the lovely Jacob Strick- in full Myst regalia.
I have next to no time to do commissions in between personal projects and work, but who am I to pass up the chance to draw fellow Myst/Riven/URU enthusiasts in their proper setting? Also I love these guys. <3 <3
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i get so freaked out by like. pictures of really big rope
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Every bit as smooth as the brains of the people in this thread
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Change.org - Petition To Hire 1,000,000 People To Put Their Fingers In The Shoot Hole Of Peoples’ Guns So They Can’t Shoot Them
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Thank you for bringing up the gorps picture, I teach gun safety and actually use that picture as a teaching moment. I call it the FIGHT method (Finger In Gun Helps Tremendously), and remind all my students that the most successful way to stop an assailant is to stick ones' finger in the barrel.
Just. Fucking. STOP.
Wanna joke about something? Joke about the earth being flat, or birds being fake, or sharks being smooth, or ANYFUCKINGTHING THAT WON'T GET PEOPLE FUCKING KILLED IF THEY BELIEVE YOU.
Should I talk about what it looks like when someone gets shot? The half-second it takes them between the sound of the gun and the pain registering, when their face changes from "oh holy shit the gun went off" to "holy shit I got shot" and finally "holy shit, am I going to die?" Perhaps you need to know what it's like to be keeping pressure on a wound and simultaneously wishing that they would stop screaming and desperately hoping that they don't. I can keep going, in increasingly stomach-turning detail, until you get the memo that this is not a subject one jokes about.
And don't give me the bullshit "nobody could think this is anything but a joke" line, you were alive between 2016 and 2021 and you know that there is always someone who is determined to be as dangerously idiotic as possible out there.
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My life as a test engineer
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percussive maintenance
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Dude, imagine a seven-year-old ran across this thread or saw your photo. You've told them the following:
A finger can stop a bullet and survive
A gun isn't dangerous as long as its bullet can't exit the barrel
It is safe to point a gun at a person's hand
It is safe to point a gun near a person's torso
It is safe to be standing less than two feet downrange of a gun
It is safe to handle a gun one-handed whilst operating a phone or camera in the other hand
And that's not even contemplating all of the other atrocious gun handling practices I'm seeing in the background; for the love of all that you hold dear please stop storing your AR with a magazine attached and clean your damn rounds off the floor. If you want to troll, please find something less dangerous to make up bullshit about.
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Change.org - Petition To Hire 1,000,000 People To Put Their Fingers In The Shoot Hole Of Peoples’ Guns So They Can’t Shoot Them
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Hey I have a friend who is being asked to sign a contract at work. A lot of the contract rubs me the wrong way from the way things are worded like “I will come to work for my scheduled hours and acknowledge that it causes harm to my coworkers and company when I need to call off”. It also lists out certain standards for getting the job done (it’s a pest control company) that otherwise seem innocuous. However, my friend has filed disability paperwork and is supposed to have accommodations in regards to the routine they work, and is worried that these standards will go against the previously established accommodations. They told my friend that the contract has to be signed by the end of the day or they will face termination. Ive been looking around online to see what is legal and what isn’t, but it’s been difficult bc most employment law that I’ve found focuses on concerted activity and union formation. Can you direct me towards resources for this specific issue or give me some clear cut advice/answers regarding this? Thanks so much
The short answer is that contract language can't supersede the EEOA or other workplace protection laws. If your friend has an established accommodation, the only ways that the employer could end it legally are demonstrating that it has become unduly burdensome (which is a high hurdle, since they were doing it before; usually this is only successful if the employee has changed positions or the work has substantially changed), demonstrating that they lied in the initial request, terminating them for something completely unrelated, or shrinking the business down to 14 employees or less. Also, I strongly suspect that what your friend was given wasn't a contract at all -- contracts must include benefits for both parties, they can't be a unilateral set of demands from one party to another. More likely than not, this is just a written temper tantrum from your friend's boss and carries no legal weight whatsoever.
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About a month ago my employer fired me the day after I asked to be called by my correct pronouns, is that a protected action?
The short answer is that asking to be called by your preferred pronouns is probably a protected action, but it's a bit more complicated than some of the other examples, especially depending on what state you live in. Identifying yourself as trans is a protected act that cues McDonnell-Douglas burden shifting (the framework that shifts the burden of proof onto an employer to defend a termination after a protected action). Deliberately misgendering an employee is often considered a form of sexual harassment as well. Some states have proposed laws that prohibit requiring employers from calling employees by their preferred pronouns, but those laws don't supersede federal protections against sex discrimination or harassment. And since there's a lot of focus on this area right now, there are cases working their way through the court systems which could affect how these cases are litigated.
The best thing to do in this case is going to be consulting with a labor attorney. Consults aren't the same thing as retainers, they're usually cheap or free and don't create an ongoing attorney/client relationship (although if the attorney thinks you have a good case they're probably going to offer to represent you on a contingency basis, meaning you don't pay out of pocket for their representation). There will be specifics about your case that you shouldn't share on the internet which will will determine whether it's worth bringing this to court or just filing an EEOC complaint and moving on.
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"Someone who's wrong in a really stupid way who has unshakeable confidence that they're smarter than you" is my kryptonite, but not because I need to be the smartest person in the room, it's because the people being wrong in really stupid ways are often causing actual, serious harm by doing so. Examples include transphobes repeating some variety of "XX means female, XY means male, it's basic science!", all the nuts during COVID who first insisted that COVID wasn't real and then switched to antivax conspiracy theories, and the "global cooling" nonsense that gets used to deny climate change. Repeat a stupid claim enough and someone's gonna treat it as fact, especially if you "own" people in the process.
What's really blowing my mind about this thread, though, is the fact that all of you have chosen to do your little smooth sharks redux on the subject of gun safety, a subject that can have disastrous consequences if not understood and is common enough to come up in most peoples' lives at least once (special shoutout to @gorps for committing several very serious gun safety violations out of their commitment to The Bit).
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Change.org - Petition To Hire 1,000,000 People To Put Their Fingers In The Shoot Hole Of Peoples’ Guns So They Can’t Shoot Them
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if you read in a frog paper “specimen was released in the field immediately after capture” chances are very good that what it actually means is
“i dropped the damn frog and despite the fact that we fell all over each other no one could recapture it”
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