witchyteatime · 4 years
Witchcraft 101: Books!
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Hello everybody! Since we all seem to be stuck in this /lovely/ quarantine, I figured that I would share some of my favorite books on witchcraft. Time always seems to fly fast when you’re sat with a good book!
Encyclopedia of Witch Craft - Judika Illes 
This one is new to my collection, but I absolutely love Judika Illes’ work! This book shares knowledge on really everything to do with witchcraft. It ranges from early witchcraft to witchcraft in pop culture and movies. Even if this one doesn’t spark your interest, she has many other wonderful books including:
Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints, and Sages
Pure magic: A Complete Course in Spellcasting
The Big Book of Practical Spells
and many more!
The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire - Skye Alexander 
This book is an excellent guide on what to put in your book of shadows/how to set it up. It has two main parts: Designing Your Grimoire and Using Your Grimoire. When I first started using my grimoire, I had absolutely no clue how to properly use it, or what should’ve been included in it. After reading this book, it gave me clearer guidelines to use when I started working in my grimoire. 
Practical Magic - Nikki Van De Car
Though it has a similar title to Alice Hoffman’s book, Practical Magic is more of a beginner’s guide into the craft. This book has three parts that cater wonderfully to beginner witches and closet witches. My personal favorite part was the chapter on pagan holidays, as it gives plenty of wonderful tips on how to celebrate those days. 
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs - Judy Ann Nock
This book is a very in-depth guide on how to use herbs for magickal purposes. In many of my spells, I like to use herbs to amplify certain properties. This is another three part book, offering tips on how to use the herbs. I often use this book for reference on how to use certain herbs. 
Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic - Amy Blackthorn
This book offers a guide to using essential oils in spellwork and how to safely use many of them. This book is pretty flexible, giving general knowledge to anyone who might need it. It also offers guides on how to cleanse your oils before using them and how to tell if they’re still pure. 
The Witch’s Way - Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway
This book offers historical background on modern magic. This also offers guides on how to figure out what kind of witch you are, how to make poppets, and how to get into contact with your spirit guides. Robbins and Greenaway have many other wonderful books such as:
The Good Witch’s Guide (ft. Charity Bedell) 
And many more!
I felt that I should also include a list of casual witchy books! These are less of guides and more for entertainment.
Alchemy and Mysticism - Alexander Roob
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Practical Magic - Alice Hoffman
The Rules of Magic - Alice Hoffman
Women who Run with the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
Have fun reading these wonderful books! I hope everyone stays safe and healthy during this trying time. Blessed be!
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witchyteatime · 4 years
Hi Diana! I'm sorry if someone already asked a similar question but in your opinion what are some mistakes a tarot reader should never make? Or more in general what are some things a tarot reader should be careful about?
The Most Common Tarot Reader Mistakes
Trusting Your Books Over Your Intuition
If a famous author says The Magician is manifestation, yet when you drew the card, all you felt was trickery and manipulation, listen to yourself. When it comes to tarot, even the best books are just crutches until you learn to walk by yourself.
Speaking Countless Possibilities
Since every card has many meanings, a spread can show a myriad stories. But your cards will tell you which is real. Do not go looking for Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, when Cinderella is looking right at you with eyes so bright.
Not Being Brave Enough to Face the Truth
The Devil can mean passion. But flanked by the misery of the Nine of Swords and the tyranny of The Emperor reversed, it obviously means oppression. Harsh readings do not mean tarot hates you. It means it cares enough to warn you.
Thinking that Negativity Makes You Edgy
But do not give a reading a dark twist because it seems too good to be true. Or because you think too much lightness would not make people respect you. Listen to what the cards are saying. That is all you should be speaking.
Not Letting the Querent Touch Your Cards
You shuffle, they cut. Shuffling lets the cards connect you to the source. Cutting allows the cards to feel the querent’s life force. Refusing contact would be like being a doctor who makes a diagnosis without fully knowing the symptoms.
Thinking the Cards are Replaceable
Tarot has a collective consciousness bigger than any single deck. It remembers any mortal’s previous mistrust and past maltreatment. So never forgo etiquette. Always show your cards respect.
Collecting Decks Merely for Decoration
Use your cards, and use them often. Some decks have been spilled on, and some have been torn. But nothing is sadder than a deck that has been forgotten. Do not deny your cards their purpose. That would simply be heartless.
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witchyteatime · 4 years
Oracle Decks 101 🕯🌿
As my new found love for oracle decks bloom, I wanted to make a basic information page for them! It’s not much, but I needed to write this down somewhere so I don’t forget it since I don’t have a book for my many witchy info at the moment. <3
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What are oracle decks? ✨
Oracle decks are a divination tool used to predict and answer your inner questions! They’re cards with depictions and specific meanings to aid you with answers.
What’s the difference between oracle decks and tarot decks?
The main difference between tarot decks and oracle decks is that tarot decks have a specific set of rules and structure to them. Tarot decks usually have 78 cards, whilst oracle decks can have as many or as little cards as the creator wants. Oracle decks don’t have rules or structures either. Tarot decks are very “strict” you could say while oracle decks are “free”.
Oracle decks have specific themes to them. And some oracle decks are created for a specific use (but they can still be used generally if that’s what you wish.)
Another difference I’ve personally seen, is that oracle decks are way more intuitive evoking and easier to read than because of how simple the oracle card’s message is, usually decks that have sentences on them.
Oracle decks are very straightforward. They tell you about the whole situation and what may come while tarot decks just tell you why it’s happening and how it’s happening. An example that always helps me remember what these two divination tools are used for is to always remember that tarot decks are telling the story and oracle decks ARE the story (credit to biddytarot.com for that an example, it’s a lifesaver)
Remember: tarot decks aren’t better than oracle decks and vise versa. It’s all based on personal preference and how you connect to the divination tool. I suggest trying both out and seeing which form of divination you feel helps you best.
What are they best used for?
Deity/spirit communication
Spreads (made for tarot or not, they work just as well with oracle cards)
Decision making
Daily draws
Past, present, future
General readings
Seriously oracle decks can be used for just about ANYTHING. Don’t limit yourself honestly, they work really great with almost every spread and question you have in mind.
What are some good oracle decks for beginners?
Personally, I think a first timer can go for any oracle deck they desire as that’s how you create a bond with your deck and find it easier to read the deck. So my first recommendation would be to get the oracle deck that calls out to you; you won’t be sorry.
If you want to make sure you have an easy first experience I really suggest finding oracle decks that have sentences on them! They make the card really easier to understand!
So with that being said, I suggest the “Work Your Light” oracle deck! It’s very straightforward with a “Yes” and “No” card included with its cards and the illustration is beautiful! Not only is it very pretty, but it includes woc and incorporates a lot of religions.
Goddess guidance oracle deck is another great beginner deck! It shows many goddesses from different pantheons respectfully and the illustrations are very beautiful! The cards themselves have those sentences at the bottom which are always handy in immediately knowing what the card is about when you pull it in a reading.
Magickal messages from the faeries oracle deck. This deck, obviously, is very faery based! Now, you can use it for communication with the fae or just in general.
The power of surrender cards. Like most of the cards I’ve listed off, this deck is very easy to interpret and understand when you draw cards. Very great for beginners!!!
How do I cleanse my oracle deck?
Knock on your deck three times
Cleanse with moonlight
Put a crystal on your deck
Blow onto it
Set it on your/or your deity’s alter
Sing to it
Shuffle it with cleansing intention
Wave it through incense smoke
Set your deck near your plants
Cleansing with sound
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witchyteatime · 4 years
Wish Jar Spell
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A simple spell jar to help make long term goals come to you with great success! Inspiration came from the 1000 lucky star wishes!
All you need are
✨A large "extravagant" jar
✨ paper and a green pen/pencil/crayon
✨ pyrite
✨ origami star paper to make the lucky stars
To make it!
✨ create a sigil that resembles the goal you wish to reach in your future, incorporate prosperity, abundance, and success into the sigil!
✨ place the sigil along with your pyrite into the jar, these will help the energy of your "wishes" to become more powerful. The more personal the sigil, the more powerful.
✨make adorable paper lucky stars of any or every color! You don't have to make them all at one go, this is a jar that's to be used over time.
✨ Green- luck, abundance, success, wealth, fertility, prosperity
✨ Pyrite - abundance, success, prosperity, wealth
✨ Stars - wishes being fulfilled, abundance, luck, success, prosperity, dreams
I did not use a spell candle with this since I will be opening and closing the lid if the jar frequently, but you can burn a green candle when creating the lucky stars for an extra boost!
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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Rain from a lightening storm
this has the greatest energy
used in a bath to re-energize your being and aid in a ritual of clearing and cleansing your energies of negativity by soaking in it
used to clear and cleanse an object or area 
store in a white glass bottle
Rain from thunderstorms, tornadoes or hurricanes
Used to empower spells for moving things forward such as letting go of the past and moving forward in life
used to help move a project forward and get beyond current blocks in life
used to change a pattern or habit you don’t like
store in a blue glass bottle
Sun and Rain
Used to balance energies when feeling weighed down
helps gather your thoughts when they are flighty and scattered
store in a dark green bottle
Hail storm
collect in a metal bowl but dont let it sit in the bowl for more than 6 hours
allow the hail to melt before bottling it
store in a black or dark brown bottle
used to dispel psychic attacks or negative energies
best used for black magic to get rid of your enemies or negative forces that stand in your way
Spring Rain
used to empower new ventures such as new relationships, new business ventures, a new job
rain collected on the spring equinox or the first rain after the spring equinox is good for empowering spells for relationships
stored in a light green bottle
Summer Rain
used to encourage growth whether it be personal, spiritual growth or growth of a business venture or relationship
used to break bad habits
great to water indoor plants
rain collected on mid-summers eve and day is especially mystical
store in a sky blue bottle
Fall Rain
used for giving thanks and showing gratitude for the abundance the year has given you
store in an orange or fall colored bottle
Winter Rain
can be used for blessing a person, relationship, family or object
can be used to bless an event such as a birth, wedding or new business venture
to be able to survive the hardships of winter one is able to survive the hardships of life
Full Moon Rain
Used to honor the Goddess
a small glass can be added to a cleansing bath
add a couple of drops to your bath before an important event or ritual
used for a blessing during a full moon ritual
used for blessing a child or pet 
rain collected during the full moon according to that season will have the energies of that moon according to month and season
clean altar spaces and other things by putting an ounce of rain water into your cleaning products
also very good for divination
Waning Moon Rain
good for getting rid of things, banishings, and purging negative energies
used like a banishing oil
also can be added to your bath for relaxation, clarity or promoting self love
use to prepare for lunar rituals
anoint your money with it to increase your wealth 
anoint yourself to increase your psychic awareness
New Moon Rain
good for workings in which something needs to be brought in 
used when starting a new project
Waxing Moon Rain
used to bring in good energies and blessing
used at the start of a new project or a new beginning
Rain collected from trees or roses will have different energies depending on the type of tree or color of the rose you collect it from
Use 1 cup of rain water to 1 tub size of water
For rituals use 1oz of rain water in a glass bowl or cauldron, to add effects to the water pour over crystals energized with your intent
For a spell place all your spell items in your bowl or cauldron and add 1tablespoon of rainwater
For cleansing or anointing ritual take 1/2oz of rainwater into a glass bowl and as you recite your incantation dip your fingers or wand/athame into the water then mark your physical body, the mark can be any spiritual symbol that has meaning to you
To anoint a tool, pout 1oz of rainwater onto the tool as you state your incantation to empower the tool for its intended purpose.
@autumnwitchesx i hope this helps you some!!!
also the bottles you store in dont have to be a specific color unless you want them to be, im all for using what you have first and foremost 
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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The Five Stages of Grief by Izzie at Blushing Beldam
Card One- Grief
This card symbolizes the point of your grief. What is paining you at this moment?
author’s note: you may substitute and use a single oracle card for this position, or omit it entirely
Card Two- Denial
This card symbolizes what you are not aware of. What are you not seeing?
Card Three- Depression
This card symbolizes the lowest low in your recovery. How bad is it going to be?
Card Four- Anger
This card symbolizes the unfairness of the situation. What gets you hot under the collar?
Card Five- Bargaining
This card symbolizes what you may need to give up in order to come to terms with your grief. What must you sacrifice?
Card Six- Acceptance
This card represents the overall outcome if you are able to successfully navigate your grieving.
It is important to note that although tarot is helpful, it cannot do the work for you. If you find yourself suffering from mental illness or entertaining thoughts of committing harm to yourself or another, please seek professional help.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
You are welcome to use this spread as practice with your friends and family or as a means of self-exploration, but please refrain from monetizing this spread.
the backs of the cards featured are from James R. Eads’ Light Vision 2nd Edition © James R. Eads Illustration
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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The Ultimate Guide to Potion Bases
We all spend so much time thinking about the correspondences of the actual ingredients that go into our potions that we often forget to think about what the potion base represents! (At least I do.) It would be nice to have a list of all the various liquids that can be used in place of water. Naturally, I can’t think of everything but I think this is a pretty good starting point! What else can be used? Eventually, at some point down the road, I will compile all these thoughts into a book on potion making and want to include this! Keep in mind that these are my own correspondences. Let me know if you disagree or if you’d change anything up! Let’s see how big we can make this list. Also, I should probably note that not all of these liquids can be ingested. (Obviously.)
The List
Vinegar: Used for cleansing and purification potions.  Lemon Juice: Used in hexing, cursing, or revenge potions.  Cranberry Juice: Used in love potions. Apple Juice: Used in healing, knowledge, and youth potions.  Ammonia: Used in banishing, cursing, purification, and protection  Red Wine: Love potions and potions dealing with death and the afterlife.  White Wine: Used in platonic love potions as well as success brews.  Rum: Used in potions involving spirit work.  Whisky: Another good base for potion work.  Vodka: A good base for work involving rapid banishing.  Laundry detergent: Good for cleansing potions.  Oils: Used to speed up a process.  Molasses: Used in potions intended to slow a situation down.  Rubbing Alcohol: Another good base for cleansing and purification. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used in healing potions.  Milk: Used in potions to promote sleep and peace.  Sour Milk: Used to cause nightmares or in potions designed to torment. Orange Juice: For potions of solar importance, healing, success.  Soda Water: Used in potions designed to encourage laughter and giddiness.  Ginger Ale: Used in health or healing potions.  Olive Juice: Used in peace potions.  Honey: Used in potions to sweeten up another’s disposition. Syrup: Used in abundance and prosperity potions.  Beer: Used in potions intended to induce slumber.  Clam Juice: Used in aphrodisiacs.  Cough Syrup: Used in healing potions and to make someone ‘cough it up.’ Soy Sauce: Used in protection potions. (Thanks Lexa Rosean for this one!) Pineapple Juice: Used in abundance potions and fidelity potions.  Coconut Milk: Used in spiritual and magical cleansing potions.  Ice: Solid first, then melted for transformation potions. Coffee: Really, a potion in and of itself in my book. Vanilla Extract: In small amounts, used in passion potions. Witch Hazel: Used in communication and cleansing potions.
What else can you all think of?
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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A spread for change
Change is what propels us ever onward through life. It’s in our environment and it’s within ourselves at all times. Every moment is a chance to start anew and change is the catalyst.
So here’s a spread to help you figure out how change has shaped you then, now, and how it will impact you in the future!
1. What caused change in your past?
2. What’s causing change presently in your life?
3. Based on your past and present change, this is the outcome.
4. If the future is positive, then the fourth card is what’s preventing that future. If the card is negative, then the fourth card is what you can do to prevent that negative future.
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witchyteatime · 4 years
💎Some Crystals and their meaning in Witchcraft💎
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Recently I am a huge - like really huge - fan of crystals. That’s why I thought that I will try to write a detailed list about crystals and what they are good for. I hope this little list  may be useful for others too.
Anxiety: amazonite, amber, agate, emerald, herkimer quartz, jasper, lepidolite, lodestone, obsidian, quartz, rose quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Balancing/Stability: amethyst, desert rose, jasper, pearl, quartz, red jasper, sodalite, turquoise
Banish fear: banded agate, bloodstone, sodalite
Banish negative energy: amethyst, black onyx, black tourmaline, danburite, lepidolite, malachite, onyx, quartz, smokey quartz, tourmaline
Calming: amatonite, herkimer quartz, howlite
Clarity: azurite, citrine, fluorite, hematite, magnetite, obsidian, pietersite, quartz sapphire, smoky quartz
Cleansing: amber, obsidian
Courage: carnelian, hermatite, turquoise
Creativity: amazonite, ametrine, apatite, aventurine, carnelian, celestite, chalcedony, citrine, flourite (blue), lolite, jasper, kunzite, opal, sunstone, tiger’s eye, lapiz lazuli
Divination: bloodstone, obsidian, turquoise
Empathy: aquamarine, blue aventurine, chrome diopside, rose quartz, malachite
Faith: emerald, imperial golden topaz, labradorite, onyx, sodalite, variscite
Friendship: ruby fuchsite, rhodonite, turquoise
Forgivness: rhodonite, rose quartz
Happiness: amazonite, amber, citrine, red goldstone
Harmony: moonstone, rose quartz, sodalite
Healing: amber, angelite, jasper, kyanite, malachite, quartz, rose quartz, turquoise
Help in focuse: banded agate, citrine, lodestone
Hope: blue aventurine
Indivituality: malachite
Inspiration: amazonite,amethyst, ametrine, blue chalgebony, blue goldstone, carnelian, citrine, garnet, orange calcite, quartz
Joy: amazonite, citrine, labradorite
Love: angelite, citrine, desert rose, dragon blood jasper, garnet, jade, opal, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise
Loyalty: dalmatian stone, turquoise
Luck: amazonite, amber, apache tears, aventurine, sapphire, turquoise
Meditation: emerald, herkimer quartz, quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Mind: pyrite, sodalite
Passion: carnelian, garnet, ruby
Peace: amazonite, amethyst, emerald, larimar, lepidolite, rose quartz, selenite, sodalite
Positive energy: amber, apache tears, calicite, citrine
Protection: amethyst, black tourmaline, hag stone, kunzite, obsidian, smoky quartz, tiger’s eye, tourmaline, turquoise
Prosperity: amazonite, aventurine, citrine, jade, moss gate, pyrite, ruby , tiger’s eye
Psyche: black tourmaline, calcite, emerald, labradorite, tuquoise
Psychic: chalcedony, unakite
Relieve stress: blue calcite, herkimer quartz, lepidolite, quartz, sodalite
Self-confidence/Self-esteem: amazonite, amber, ametrine, black tourmaline, chrysocolla, garnet, larimar, pearl, prehnite, rhodonie, rose quartz
Serenity: emerald, lepidolite
Sleep: amethyst, emerald, howlite, ledestone, sodalite
Strenght: amber, hermatite, red jasper
Success: amazonite, pyrite
Tranquility: emerald, lepidolite
Trust: onyx, ruby fuchsite, sodalite, turquoise, variscite
Vitality: carnelian, garnet, orange calcite, red agate, ruby, ruby zoisite, sunstone,
Wisdom: tiger’s eye, sodalite
Wealth: aventurine, citrine, green calcite, jade,malachite, pyrite, tiger’s eye, tree agate
In the future I’ll expand the list when I find enough new and useful information. I hope this little post will help someone. 😊
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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✨Insta: @verbenalune ✨
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witchyteatime · 4 years
The darker seasons are upon us, so here are some reminders for my fellow witches:
-society forgets that this is supposed to be a time of rest, make sure that you don’t! Take extra time for rest and sleep.
Here are some Very Good Reasons to take walks in fall and winter:
- take walks in nature to remind yourself of the natural cycles and connect with nature.
-take walks for some of that fresh, cold air. It will cleanse you from your troubles and calm your mind. Try to not listen to music and instead listen to the silence.
- walks are also great to talk to your gods, guides and/or ancestors. Give thanks to them and to nature itself.
- prepare your body and immune system for the winter and gradually get used to the cold by spending time outside.
- the air in a forest or a park is a lot cleaner than that in most public spaces, especially with the germs flying around right now.
- avoid the public transport system by walking whenever its possible for you!
- also, appreciate all of these beautiful colors autumn has to offer! There are a lot of energies to be found in them:
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- the birds leave the cold weather and fly towards a climate thats more suited for their needs. Do the same and reevaluate whom and what you give your energies to, and who you share your space with. Leave unhealthy situations behind whenever possible.
-sew or draw sigils in your jackets, scarfs and hats to keep you warm and dry
- the bright lights, songs and consumerism of christmas aren’t natural and can be very draining. Don’t beat yourself up for not being as productive as usual. Few plants grow and bloom during winter.
- ward yourself before visiting christmas markets (or any supermarket, let’s be honest). I like to spray my scarfs with protective sprays, and this can be done with any piece of clothing. But make sure to always let them fully dry, folks!
- I cannot stress this enough, never underestimate self care and rest at this time of year. Remind yourself that nature itself survives winter by going to sleep. Never feel bad for resting.
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- evergreens in the home will help you to stay healthy, positive and in touch with nature. It’s great and easy color magic and perfect for closet witches.
- I smoke cleanse most gifts I get. I do nkt need anyones negative energies hafting on things I might put up in my bedroom.
- catch every ray of sunshine you can get, you will need it. If you are prone to seasonal depression, consult with a doctor. For me personally, supplements have helped a great deal :)
-clean your personal space. Your bed, your room, your house. Fall and winter are important times to look within, make sure you have a welcoming space to do somthe state of our home often influences the state of our mind.
- ginger and cinnamon (and often lemon) can be added to most hot drinks and will give you some extra warmth and energy even on the coldest days.
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- hot water plus ginger in the morning, with honey in the afternoon and instead with chilies in the evening will do wonders for your immune system!
- if you buy crystals on the christmas market make sure you get what you pay for.
- when you spend time with old friends and family during the festivities, communicate your (new) boundaries clearly and calmly, and do not force yourself to spend time with those who cannot respect them. Your wellness is the most important thing and you should treat it accordingly! Sigils and spells to improve your patience and clear communication can help here.
- if you must spend time around toxic people, cleanse yourself afterwards and remind yourself that people act and speak only for and against themselves and never against you!
- I love you and I wish you a beautiful and holy time. I hope you will rest and find peace this winter so you can have a wonderful start into a new year full of blessings and growth
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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Southern Hemisphere Full Moon Calendar!!
Many southern witches have been asking for their own version so here it is!! ◞*✰
Tonight we have a beautiful red/worm moon outside depending on where you are <3 
How many southern witches do we have on witchblr tonight?
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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Recipe via Herbal Academy: 
1 cup red clover blossoms 1 cup red raspberry leaf ½ cup hibiscus flowers ½ cup dried orange peel
Mix the herbs and store in an airtight container.
To make herbal sun tea, add ½ to 1 cup of the blend to a 1-quart mason jar. Pour the water over the herbs and let sit in the sun all day. Strain & enjoy.
This tea lasts 2-3 days if refrigerated
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witchyteatime · 4 years
✨ Some Herbs, Flowers and Plants in Witchcraft✨
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ALLSPICE: increase energy, love, healing, luck
ANGELICA: protection, purification
Benefits for health: improve digestion
ARTEMISA: dream divination, clairvoyance
AZUCENA: sentimental improvement, progress, peace  
BASIL: economic success, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquillity, love
BAY: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home, success, wisdom, divination
BAY LEAF: protection, purification, healing, strength, good fortune, money and success
BIRCH: protection, purification
BLACK PEPPER: protection, courage  
CALENDULA: happiness, prosperity, love, psychic power, harmony
Benefits for health: treat skin irritation (like eczema, bruises, scars, scrapes)
CARAWAY: protection against negativity, health, mental abilities, fidelity
Benefits for health: antitheft
CARDAMOM: passion, sex, intimacy  
CARNATION: cosmic energy, magic, disease, protection, strength energy, luck, healing
 White: peace, healing
Red: sex, love, passion
Yellow intellectual movement
Rose: disappearance of disagreements  
CHAMOMILE: brings love, healing, relieves stressful situations, prosperity, peace, healing, harmony, happiness
Benefits for health: sooth stomach problems, calm headache, calm nerves
Benefits for health: astringent,  cooling (topically), demulcent, relieves itchiness
CINNAMON: aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibrations, purification, energy, healing, protection
Benefits for health: antimicrobial, aromatic, astringent, mild stimulant, relieves wind
CLOVE: protection, purification, mental ability, healing
COFFEE: intellect awakening  
COMFREY: health, healing, protection during travel, prosperity
CUMIN: protection spell
DAFFOIL: luck, fertility, love
DAISY: love, flirtation, hope, innocence
DANDELION: divination, interaction with the spirit world, wishes
Benefits for health: bitter tonic, diuretic, liver cleanser,  mild laxative
DILL: good fortune, tranquillity, prosperity, lust, protection
ELACAMPANE: protection, luck, dispels negative vibration, plant spirit communication
EUCALYPTUS: health, healing  
FENNEL: longevity, protection,  healing,  purification  
GARDENIA: harmony, healing, love, peace
GARLIC: protection against evil eye  
GERANIUM: protection, happiness, mental clean up, fertility, love, healing, courage
Benefits for health: fight cold, calm stomach, suppress nausea
Benefits for health:  antioxidant, heart  tonic,  lowers  blood  pressure, relaxes blood vessel
HIBISCUS: divination, dreams, love and lust
HERBABUENA: money, prosperity  
HYACINTH: love, happiness, protection
INCENSE: Spirituality
IRIS: wisdom, valour, peace, harmony, love
IVY: protection, healing
JACINTO: overcoming old pains of love  
JASMINE: divinatory dreams, sexuality, moon, feminine energy, seduction, sensuality, love, meditation, spirituality, harmony, prosperity
LAUREL: success, glory  
LAVENDER: love, peace, restful sleep, clairvoyance, happiness, healing, money, passion, protection, relief from grief, longevity, meditation, harmony, tranquillity, purification
LEMON: happiness, love
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing
Benefits for health: antidepressant, antispasmodic, insect repellent, relaxant, relieves  wind, topical  anti-viral
LEMON VERBENA: love, purification
LILAC: protection, banishing negative energy
LILAS: purification, love  
LILY: helps memory, love, protection, elimination of hexes, rebirth
LILLY OF THE VALLEY: enhances concentration, mental ability, encourage happiness    
MADRESELVA: helps remove the vices and addictions
MANZANO: love, happiness  
MARJORAM: happiness, protection, love, joy, courage, health, money
MIMOSA: divinatory dreams, love
MINT: avoid jealousy, dreams, protection, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate appetite, aid digestion, antiseptic,  antispasmodic,  diaphoretic, mild analgesic, mild bitter, mild sedative, relives wind
Benefits for health: antacid, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent
MUGWORT: psychic powers, protection, increases lust and fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxation, tranquillity, banishing, consecration (*Do not ingest, and do not even handle if pregnant*)
NAIL: Protection spells  
NETTLE: protection, healing, lust
NUTMEG: Money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
PANSY: divination, communication, happiness, love
PARSLEY: Protection in general, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity  
PATCHOULI: Money, sex  
PEPPERMINT: Purification
PINE: Health, Healing  
POPPY: tranquillity, fertility, prosperity love, sleep, invisibility, money, luck
ROMERO: Longevity, purification, prosperity
ROSE: Love, encourages closeness with nature, healing, divination, tranquillity, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
Red: passion, peace, welfare  
Yellow: commitments  
White: spiritual love
ROSEMARY: love, lust, promote healthy rest, protection, improving memory, wisdom, health, healing, mental power, purification
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate circulatory, nerve and digestive tonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic
SAFFRON: money, physical movement  
SAGE: longevity, wisdom, protection, dispels negative energy, purification, health, immortality,               wishes
Benefits for health: calm anxiety,  antimicrobial, antioxidant, astringent,         digestive tonic, oestrogenic, general  tonic,reduces sweating
SALVIA: money
SANDALWOOD: spirituality, healing, tranquillity, sexuality, desire.  
SNAPDRAGON: protection from illusion or deception, reflect negative energy
STAR ANISE: peace, tranquillity, awakening of psychic awareness , Luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power  
SUNFLOWER: sun, sun energy, happiness, success, health, associated with welcome and family, fertility
THYME : health courage. Eliminates nightmares, Attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities  
TULIP: prosperity, abundance, protections, love, happiness
VALERIAN: protection, drives away negativity, purifies sacred space
VERBENA: calm headaches, eases stress, divination, prosperity, reversal of negative activity
VIOLET: peace, hope, harmony, protection, luck, love, sleep, tranquillity, encourage peace among people, calm nightmares, fertility, abundance
WATER LILY: happiness
YARROW: healing, divination, love, promotes courage and confidence
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Wicca Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
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witchyteatime · 4 years
Updated Resource Masterpost
Astral Projection
Are you over-complicating astral travel?
Beginner Witchcraft
9 ingredients every aspiring witch needs
A witch’s library
Grimoire organization ideas
Cleansing and charging items
Basic herbs
Candle magic
Candle magic omens
50 simple charms
Magical Metals: The Basics
Incense Uses and meanings
Herb magic: rose colors and magic
Magical correspondences of food
Yankee candle theoi associations
Cosmic Witchcraft
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Tips for beginners
Cosmic witch tip
Cosmic Witchcraft 101: Lunar magic
Cultural Appropriation
On Smudging
Reminder about the term spirit animal
Cursing 101
Deity Related (not Pantheon specific)
Mythological book recommendations
Devotional acts don’t have to be high maintenance
Alternative Altars and devotions
A friendly gentle reminder
Green Witchcraft
Study tips for herbalists
Ways to help save bees
Herbal amulets
Hellenic Polytheism
Veiling and binding
Hair and hair binding in Pre-classical Greece
Breif deity prayers
Basic Hellenic supplies
Basic Hellenic offering ritual
Hellenic crafts for kids
Small things about the Theoi
2016 Hellenion Calendar
Kemetic Polytheism
Some Kickass papercrafts
Kemetic holidays
Goddesses and Gods of the Ancient Egyptians
Shrine Basics
Daily Ritual Basics
Saying “Hi” to Netjeru
Kitchen Witchcraft
Moon cakes
Using soda in witchcraft
Offerings and Devotion for Specific Deities [Mostly Hellenic ATM]
Offerings for Haides
Devotional acts for Hermes
Offerings/Devotional acts for Aphrodite
Persephone Offerings
Hymn for Helios
More devotional act for Hermes
Other Masterposts
A Spirit-workers holy grail
DIY Witchery masterpost
A huge masterpot !!Great for beginners!!
Cosmic witch masterpost
Protecting and shielding masterpost
Astral travel/projection masterpost
A masterpost for space witches
Resources for Hellenismos
Pie’s Hellenic Polytheism Resource page
“Give Me Sunshine” Potion for happiness
Secret witches
How to hide an altar (Also: Altoid tin travel kits)
Discrete witch tip: charge your toothbrush
Herbal and floral waters (Also good as offerings to deities/lots of other things)
Sigil Magic
3 Sigils by witchofthunder
Homophobes cannot see me
Banish the bullshitter spell
Jar spell to attract love
Herbal sleep and dream pillows
Tarot cards
Twelve Olympians spread
Is an entity contacting me spread
I’m fucking perfect spread
Deity identification spread
Am I worth much spread
Witch Tips
Witch Tip: Disabled tip
Making your room magical
Witchling tips
Witch tip (if you crochet)
A witchy tip (if you’re having guests)
4K notes · View notes
witchyteatime · 4 years
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witchyteatime · 4 years
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My absolute favorite...
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