witchonnormalstreet · 2 months
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I’ve been casually working on this for a year, but here he finally is: The Modern Male Witch: Greenhouse!
The overgrown cobblestone path and the soft sound of a wind chime lead you to a little greenhouse where the witch takes care of his many plants: from saplings to drying herbs. The animals living in his garden often join him when he’s tending to his plants because they enjoy his calming energy. He will make you flower crowns and blend a personal tea for you.
This is the sixth piece in my Modern Male Witch Project.
Available as print on: - Redbubble (redbubble.com/people/Brenna-Ivy/shop) - Society6 (society6.com/brennaivy) - TeePublic (teepublic.com/user/brenna-ivy-art)
Buy me a Coffee!
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witchonnormalstreet · 8 months
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This month's herbologist reward is the dandelion! These plants have fortitude, and have followed us irrepressibly all over the globe. They are fascinating, sometimes overlooked but full of interesting folklore and facts! If you like these prints (and more) please consider joining my patreon!
Also, as everyone knows - times have been real tough. I don't want to go into it too deeply, but my patreon has been steadily shrinking all year (understandably) and my costs to run it have risen at least three times. If you're able to share or promote my work, to anyone who you'd think like it, to your followers, to your friends, thank you. It's been a really intense year, and I don't want to be doom and gloom just yet, but things are tough. Thank you to everyone who has supported my work, monetarily, or not. You are the best and the reason I keep creating 💖
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witchonnormalstreet · 10 months
Hi, I just wanted to say that I love your blog and your recipes look wonderful. I was wondering if you had any recipes for protection. Any type of food or drink that could protect us from negative energy or negative intentions from others seen or unseen.
Thank you
Hi, thank you so much! I have a few posted on my blog already but here's another recipe:
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this recipe deflects negative energy and intentions directed toward you
1 tbsp Aloe vera juice ~ protection, healing, luck
lemon peel ~ protection
lemongrass tea (can be subbed for spearmint or lavender)
lemon juice ~ healing, happiness, protection, purification
1 tbsp honey (or more, for tasting)
7 oz of boiling water
a sprig of rosemary ~ protection, purification
In hot water, steep lemongrass tea, honey, lemon peel, and rosemary for about 5 minutes. Over ice, pour in lemon and aloe juice, and the steeped tea. Stir clockwise, and taste, adding additional honey if its not sweet enough to your liking.
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witchonnormalstreet · 11 months
The sun
The Sun holds significant metaphysical meanings across various spiritual and esoteric traditions.
Here are some metaphysical interpretations of the Sun and suggestions on how to harness its energy for your benefit:
Vitality and Energy: The Sun is often associated with vitality, life force, and energy. It represents the spark of life and the source of warmth and light. To tap into the Sun's magic, spend time outdoors in sunlight, allowing its rays to energize and uplift you. Engage in activities that recharge your energy and boost your enthusiasm.
Personal Power and Confidence: The Sun is a symbol of personal power, confidence, and self-expression. To utilize the Sun's magic for your advantage, work on strengthening your sense of self and cultivating self-confidence. Engage in practices that enhance your self-esteem, such as positive affirmations, visualization exercises, and embracing your unique talents and abilities.
Illumination and Clarity: The Sun is often associated with illumination and clarity. It represents the light of awareness and consciousness. To harness the Sun's magic, seek clarity in your thoughts and actions. Meditate on the Sun's light, envisioning it illuminating your mind and bringing forth insight and understanding. Embrace self-reflection and seek inner guidance to gain clarity in your life's path.
Success and Achievement: The Sun is often connected to success, abundance, and achievement. Its energy is seen as empowering and supportive in endeavors related to personal growth, career, and aspirations. To align with the Sun's magic, set clear goals, visualize your success, and take inspired action. Allow the Sun's energy to fuel your motivation, persistence, and determination.
Healing and Renewal: The Sun is associated with healing and renewal, both physically and energetically. Its warmth and light can be invigorating and revitalizing. Spend time basking in the Sun's rays to recharge and replenish your energy. Visualize the Sun's energy enveloping you, bringing healing and rejuvenation to any areas of imbalance or stagnation.
Spiritual Illumination: The Sun is a symbol of spiritual illumination and enlightenment. It represents the awakening of consciousness and the realization of one's true nature. To access the Sun's magic for spiritual growth, engage in practices such as meditation, contemplation, and connecting with your inner light. Seek to expand your awareness and embrace the inherent wisdom within.
Remember, when working with the Sun's energy, it is important to respect its power and take necessary precautions to avoid overexposure to direct sunlight.
Additionally, finding a balance between the external and internal aspects of the Sun's energy is crucial. Adapt these suggestions to your own beliefs and practices, and trust your intuition to guide you in utilizing the Sun's magic to your advantage.
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some glittery bottles i’ve drawn this year 🌟
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witchonnormalstreet · 2 years
Poppies & Witchcraft
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   - common in north america, asia, europe    - genus: papaver, which contains about 70-100 species    - all parts of the plant are toxic, across pretty much all species, but the seeds are edible    - apparently, in the language of flowers, the poppy is a symbol of: eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination, and creativity    - they show up in the mythos of multiple cultures (ie: greeks, romans, egyptians, assyrians. also minoan culture and is used in christian art).     - blooms in late spring and summer    - red poppy is a symbol of those who died in wars    - poppies are very associated with love, probably due to their color    - in persia, the poppy represents love and those that have died for love. the greeks had a similar association with the story of demeter and mekon. mekon died (because he was a human mortal), and demeter, in her grief, turned him into a poppy. the egyptians included poppies in their funerals (sourced from x)    - element: water    - planet: moon, though i’ve seen people associate it with mars, venus, and mercury    - corresponds with: love, death & making peace with it, fertility, sleep, remembrance, calming energy (as poppies have been historically used as a sedative), rebirth, grief. i’ve also seen people correspond poppies with luck and money. the red poppy i’ve seen specifically associated with pleasure, and the yellow one with success.     - ways to use in spells / rituals / craft / etc: love spells, remembrance rituals, death and dream work. i’d imagine it could be used in things such as anxiety and stress relief spells. also for abundance, money, and luck spells. since the poppy is associated with invisibility, it could be used in glamours (just stay safe with how you go about doing that though lol). also in spells meant to aid sleeping. can also be used to cause confusion and delays. also used in divination. to do this, remove the seeds from the seed capsule, place a question written on paper into it, put the pod under your pillow, and the answer will come in a dream.
sources: x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
DIY Green Witch Portable Altar
If you’re like me, and like to bring your earthy witchcraft with you this is the DIY for you.
cost breakdown and materials:
✨ Wood box - $2.99 from craft store (but most stores have coupons)
✨ Stain - $4.99 (a small bottle will last you forever)
✨ Moss - $5 from a craft store (I’m sure you can fine it somewhere cheaper)
(side note: I don’t recommend getting it from the ground. It can lead to mold/bugs/allergy issues)
✨ Hot glue 
✨ Acrylic Paint and brushes
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Prep your box by sanding down any rough edges, removing any stickers, as well as making sure it’s dry and clean.
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Stain your box. You can use a rag or brush to apply stain. Read the directions on your stain bottle, and wipe off extra stain. I love wood stain.
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The latch has an eagle on it :)
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After your stain is dry prep for the sky. You can prep with gesso or just white acrylic paint. This will make your colors pop more. I just dove in with painting, but if you want really crisp border lines use masking tape.
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While waiting for the white to dry I hot glued in some moss. It takes the glue really well, but retains its fluffiness.
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Add your night sky. To avoid having to paint tons of layers because your paint is transparent, ad a little white in. For the sky I mixed white, black, and blue, and left it a little unblended for a foggy feel.
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Ad stars. I chose Cassiopeia, Polaris, and the Big Dipper. Use a tooth pic to get small dots.
Add in your items. I didn’t have a tea candle so I made a temporary candle from a shell. I also added some jars for herbs and a couple of crystals.
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
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Autumn 🍂 or spring 🌼 ?
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
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Transitions between the Wheel (For the four seasons)
This is from my personal practice with observing the wheel of the year and my focus on each transition between the sabbats. I honor the current seasons in between. Each transition has it’s importance to self care and managing the home and garden. I will probably add to this later cause some paragraphs I wrote I feel like are a bit vague. Some of these transitions are not meant to be 100% literal and static but I feel like they are good areas to focus on for that moment in the year.
Yule->Imbolc Resting
During the thick of winter when it’s too cold to do anything and always dark, it’s the perfect moment in the year to rest. The focus is on relaxing, taking extra time to sleep and care for the body especially to not get sick. Winter is also ‘spa’ season because the air is so dry and harsh it’s a good time to soak in hot baths and scrub away dead skin and moisturize with protective lotion. Do not try to make new plans, yet sit home, rest and reflect. 
Imbolc -> Ostara Cleansing
When winter thaws it’s a great time to clean the home and prepare for spring. Personally, I also like to do a body cleanse since I tend to eat a lot of processed (yet delicious ;-;) foods all year round. This also makes up for all the heavy foods I’ve been eating since Summer (all the BBQs) to Winter comfort foods. As I clean the home and get rid of stuff that has accumulated over the year, I clean the body. Also the focus is on cleaning the home as well. Breathing in the same air, especially if its full of dust, is really unhealthy and it’s good as the days are getting a little warmer to open up the windows for a few minutes to allow in fresh air to circulate. This is also the time of year I throw out old furniture, accumulated things and rearrange furniture in the room as well.
Ostara -> Beltane Sowing
Spring is a great time to germinate sprouts along with other seeds and clean the backyard or garden to grow plants. If you like to compost it’s a time to start mixing in the vegetable/fruit/plant scraps with the soil. Spring is also a great time to sow bigger changes in life as well. Something about the warm new season brings an air of flirtatiousness and ‘socialness’ that makes it perfect for making new friends or finding a partner. (Probably because people can finally come out of hibernation). It’s also a fantastic time to work on your image and portfolio and apply for long term jobs that begin in the summer or fall. Spring is the season for new beginnings and putting long term plans into action.
Beltane -> Litha Growing
A tradition I like to do on Beltane is repotting of plants and gardening. Repotting plants is a tradition I try to focus on every year because it’s very easy for house plants to die due to dead soil. Plus it makes the inside of the house super vibrant and lively to have fresh new soil in pots. From this point to summer solstice is the point of growth. Growth in the garden but also growth of personal goals. May and June feel like hectic months where there are so many events and opportunities to advance your work or change your social scene, that if I am not personally progressing, I focus all of my attention on my growth.
Litha -> Lughnasadh Thriving
Its the heat of summer! It’s time to get out and feel the intense hot energy and use its power to focus on goals and networking! Where I am there’s usually an exciting event every week where it’s an opportunity to make more connections and meet more friends but also since its warm and nature is so vibrant it’s time to take some days to relax and get away to enjoy the heat and life of nature. Go to the beach, go hiking, swim in a lake, sleep under the stars. Be active since the efforts will pay off. 
Lughnasadh -> Mabon Reaping
This is the time you earn what you’ve sowed both literally and metaphorically. If you have a garden its the time it will start giving back. If you are an active goer of a farmers market you will notice how beautifully abundant the stands are. If in Spring you’ve sent out tons of job applications, and in Summer got the job you’ve wanted and worked hard, then by now you should start seeing some results. If there are no results being seen it’s a time for reflection and re-strategizing. There is a second chance in this time to start again before the cold and the holiday season bulldozes through.
Mabon -> Samhain Harvesting/Gathering
This is the time to gather and harvest. Usually family tends to gather now since it’s the holiday season. There’s not much other than gathering to be done since family and holidays are bombarding you from all sides. Also there is an abundance of food. This is great to store for the next transition which is
Samhain -> Yule Preparation
This is the moment to prepare for winter. My warddrobe completely changes here, I take up knitting projects that were abandoned last Imbolc, and I store food and herbs for the winter to use. Also making preserves from things in the garden or hand knitting clothes make great presents for the winter holidays. This is also a time to prepare the garden for hibernation. Take in potted plants, harvest the last of the herbs and food (that are not potted). Make sure plants you do not want to die have a place to chill in the house.
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
♡~easy rain spell i tried today~♡
i love rain. today, I put some dirt from my backyard, some salt (for earth, and protection, so nothing dangerous happens), and some cayenne, ( for passion in the storm) in a jar with water. i also added a little metal thumbtack, ( i have a magnet on my alter, and wanted to attract rain to me.)
i then sat in the shower with it and concentrated on rain. What would my neighborhood look like in rain, etc.
No results yet, but I am seeing some nice dark clouds... 🤞🤞🤞
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
I've seen yall liking and reblogging the rain spells. And, as stress inducing as it is I haven't been able to bring myself to work the magnified magic for california because even my faith it wains.....but I did put on the water shirt after thinking I had thrown off the loop only to have it rain the very next day all the while trying to imbue a crystal with energy so I thought I'd try?
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Rain, Rain go that way to make things right.
Healing rain pour on these sites
Heal these wounds and make them right.
Rain I call on thee to put out these fires
And stop the nightmares that have become way too dire.
Hear these words and hear them now
As I will this, It is done now!
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
Summon Rain Spell
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- Jar or cup
- Storm water
- Regular water 
- Optional: moon water and herbs
- Add your storm water to your jar or cup
- Dilute your storm water with regular water, base how much you add on how intense you want the storm to be
- Adding moon water and herbs is optional, but can definitely help the power and potency of the spell. Also adding herbs can attract specific energy with the spell, like if you’re trying to attract luck into your life add basil to your spell
- Lastly, go outside, preferably to the west of your house and call out to deities of water, storms, and rain (I personally work with Thor so I called upon him to assist in this spell). Then after visualizing rain, pour the water from your jar or cup clockwise and say “Blessed be” or “So shall it be”
Happy casting!
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
Grief Herb Mix
^ = highly recommended
Dandelion for spirits & wishes ^
Rose Petal for love
Orange Peel for joy ^
Sage for cleansing (in certain indigenous practices, sage is used to smudge/cleanse people + places) please don’t use white sage it’s endangered
Eggshell or Salt for protection ^
Cedar & Cedar Seed for healing
Candle Wax for some positive energy
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
A healing candle spell, to help other people with grief.
I created this spell to help my friends heal from the loss of thier son, who took his own life a little over a month ago.
Disclamer: This is my first hand written spell, so there may be mistakes or other ingredants that may work better. Also know that the herbs in this spell are there due to availability to me and personal meaning. Please do change this to fit your needs as this is a very personal spell.
A white candle or white candle wax
Amythest; healing, happiness, courage and grief
Smokey Quartz; grounding and release from depression
Rose Quartz; love, healing, releaf from guilt
Bay Leaf ;healing and protection
Honey; stability and love
Oregino; health, family, luck
Clove; love and memory
Chamomile; peace and harmony
Spearmint;mental streingth
Lemon; purification, love, dealing with pain
Marjoram; protection, love, happieness
Mulberry; strength and growth
Nutmeg for fortune
A small container you can melt was in and pull it back out afterwards (or wax paper to line the container) (Im using a metal shotglass)
A small photo of the person or people you hope to heal, preferably with the person they are mourning.
A small note with the intent of the spell or a sigel that symbolizes the intent of the spell.
A new wick to place in the candle your making
Note, you dont need alot for any of these so ground and juices or oils should work well. Also, I’m doing this on a full moon, but i don’t yet know if there’s a better time. I’m going to try the spell a few other times to see how it works.
Mix all herbal and crystal ingredants into your small container, try to keep it at less than half your container.
Place photo face out on the side of container, make sure it doesn’t fall over into the container later.
Rip up or burn your letter, place pieces or ashes into spell to help charge it with your love and specific intent.
Melt candle wax and mix herbs in while still over heat source
Pour wax into the new container and place new wick in. Be careful not to let the photo fall over into the wax. Make sure to keep a little bit of wax left over.
Once wax hardens take candle out of container, flip over, and seal any holes with leftover wax.
Bless the new candle in whatever way you like to and ask your daities to watch over the person(s) grieving.
Burn candle whenever you feel they need it most or just when ever your thinking about them until it goes out.
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witchonnormalstreet · 3 years
Hug-In-A-Mug grief spell
This is a grief spell best casted for someone else rather than yourself.
Hold rose quartz ( for love) and snowflake obsidian (for finding the light in the dark times) in your non dominate hand as you do this. Putting them in your pocket can also work
Make up your hot chocolate mix( doesn’t have to be anything too fancy)
Close your eyes and tell the person who the beverage is intended for that you love them and that you’ll hold them when their down.
To finish add squirty creme; sprinkle on some ground cinnamon (for warmth) and I like to also use a tiny amount of edible rose gold food glitter on top as well (again pink for the steady kind of love, and glitter to add a little sparkle to their day.)
Ultimately any drink can be used, no crystals are essential but they help focus the energy that you are putting into this drink. This is a very personal but technically simple spell. It requires a lot of your own energy and can be quite draining to cast, and as such it is intended as a spell for grief or horrifically low points in people’s lives. The point is to show the person that they are loved and that there are people around them that care.
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