wintervb-witch · 1 month
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wintervb-witch · 4 months
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Magical water properties. A part of Grimoire Basics Volume 3
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wintervb-witch · 4 months
Favorite Witchy Youtubers
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Just a list of witchy youtubers I love to watch! Thought to share with you all in case you never heard of them and or wish to find more witchy people to watch on youtube!
Molly Roberts
Star Girl the Practical Witch
Ashera Star Goddess
Creosote Coyote
Conjure Queen
Vervain and The Roses
Valerie Love - KAISI
Noah Tempestarii
Autumn Asphodel
Azura DragonFaether
Kelly-Ann Maddox
Now It’s So Vivid
Miss Melinda
The Angry Alchemist
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wintervb-witch · 5 months
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wintervb-witch · 5 months
There truly is no offering more fulfilling than something made with your own hands. Are you a cook? A baker? Or are you skilled at arts, poetry or crafts? No matter your skills and no matter what you create, it shows the Gods that you are devoted to them, and inspired by them. It doesn't matter if you're not an expert at what you do, for none of us are! But to take the time to create something with your own two hands is such a beautiful, deep and personal demonstration of your love.
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wintervb-witch · 7 months
May Hestia keep your heart and soul warm, even in the darkest of times.
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wintervb-witch · 8 months
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Cute witchy dividers for you! Reblogs are very appreciated when you safe/use!
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wintervb-witch · 10 months
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🔮 Witchy & Occult Shop 🔮
Use code "TUMBLR" for a discount
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wintervb-witch · 10 months
Forward & Onward Spread
Having a hard time finding direction? Or maybe you need help moving on from something, a person, a place, or a situation.
Either way, this spread can help you out!
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The Forward & Onward spread focuses on various parts of the self, both physical and non-physical, and asks how you can best take care of these aspects of yourself in order to move forward or move on (perhaps both)!
Note: This spread can be done using any form of cartomancy, or really any type of divination.
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What does my mind need? It’s easier to tell when your physical self is struggling, the signs are less obvious for mental strain, though. What is it that you need for the sake of your mind? This will likely be a more straightforward, logical answer.
What does my body need? Our bodies know when we’re going through a hard time, what do you need to do for your body to help move forward?
What does my spirit need? Spirituality and your spiritual beliefs can play a big role in your life ventures. What do you need to nurture in your spirit in order to move forward?
What does my heart need? This is the feelings side of the reading. Perhaps there are feelings you’re repressing, or maybe you don’t know how to label the things you’re feeling, to begin with. What is it that you need in order for your heart to be on the same page as everything else moving forward?
Next step/action to take. This is more self-explanatory, what action (or even actions) should you take in order to move forward?
If you do this spread let me know how it went!
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wintervb-witch · 10 months
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Opposition in the Natal Chart: Part II
~ Outer Planets
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Jupiter ☍ Saturn: The Jupiter-Saturn opposition creates a conflict between expansion and limitation in your life. You often struggle to find a balance between control and trust, discipline and spontaneity. This internal conflict leads you to gravitate towards one extreme or the other, causing rigidity or a lack of responsibility. You may yearn for more joy and freedom but feel trapped in a structured mindset. It's important to overcome this tension by embracing both polarities, finding a harmony between spontaneity and order, effort and grace. Balancing these opposites will lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Jupiter ☍ Uranus: The Jupiter-Uranus opposition represents a conflict between progress and understanding in your life. Jupiter symbolizes conventional growth within societal boundaries, while Uranus represents radical change and a departure from social norms. This opposition creates internal conflict regarding individual freedom and social responsibility. You may lean towards individualism and reject conformity or adopt a defender-of-society stance, suppressing your own eccentric traits. In terms of understanding, Jupiter seeks a grand design that aligns with established paradigms, while Uranus challenges those paradigms with revolutionary insights. This opposition also impacts your concept of well-being and philanthropy, leading to conflicts between merit-based and equitable approaches. Finding balance between these opposing forces is crucial for personal fulfillment and harmony.
Jupiter ☍ Neptune: The opposition of Jupiter and Neptune requires you to find a balance between conflicting forces. Jupiter represents tangible growth and understanding, while Neptune symbolizes expansion into the ethereal and dissolution of formed structures. These opposing forces create a sense of uncertainty and impermanence, leading to increased insecurity and potential neuroticism. You may distrust established systems, craving absolute truth amidst compromises. The key to resolving these conflicts lies in embracing ambiguity, recognizing its positive role in understanding and organizational dynamics. It is important to deflate excess and incorporate boundaries to navigate both the manifested and unmanifested realms. Balancing form and void allows for harmonious functioning in both domains.
Jupiter ☍ Pluto: The opposition of Jupiter and Pluto creates a conflict between the known and the unknown aspects of your psyche. Your stable worldview clashes with your subconscious, destructive, and power-seeking tendencies. This internal tension can manifest as hidden anxiety or be externalized in destructive behavior. Feelings of paranoia, insecurity, and mood swings may arise. Externally, events like death, abuse, financial crises, or powerful opposition can threaten your well-being. The challenge lies in restoring equilibrium and well-being after such crises, aiming for personal growth and a higher level of understanding.
Jupiter ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition of Jupiter and the Part of Fortune initially suggests a conflict between taking risks and seeking growth versus experiencing good fortune. Choices may seem unfortunate, and desired affluence may be blocked. This aspect also indicates a struggle between pursuing fortune and personal growth. However, by recognizing the commonalities and reconciling opposites, this opposition can be resolved. Understanding that both fortune and growth can complement each other allows for the enjoyment and development of both aspects in life. Ultimately, this opposition presents an opportunity to find fortune and well-being through a balanced approach.
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Jupiter ☍ Ascendant: With Jupiter opposed Rising, you exhibit a polished and refined demeanor, but others may question your motives. You prefer confident associates and have a talent for attracting fortunate individuals. Commitments are only made if there is a future benefit, and you handle people's resources, focusing on their potential and accomplishments. Although you pride yourself on common sense, you tend to be more of a taker than a giver, except when it aligns with your long-term goals. Rootedness is challenging for you as you prioritize seizing opportunities. As an idea-oriented person, you excel in uplifting conversations and strive for achievement due to unsatisfactory home circumstances.
Jupiter ☍ Imum Coeli: With Jupiter opposed Imum Coeli (4th house), your childhood was marked by positive attention and benefits from one or both parents, who are esteemed individuals in society. Your talents were nurtured, and you had opportunities to explore various paths in life. As you grow, you feel a strong urge to explore the world through travel, education, or meaningful work that contributes to your growth and leads to a fulfilling career. You receive blessings from benefactors and recognition for your abilities. If you choose early parenthood, you'll find a supportive partner who enriches your life. Despite setbacks, new opportunities come easily. Practice restraint and discernment with your good fortune and seek ways to share it for the benefit of others.
Jupiter ☍ Descendant: With Jupiter opposed Descendant, caution is advised in partnerships, particularly in commercial agreements. You may attract individuals who appear optimistic and have long-term business visions, but their intentions may be misleading or focused solely on substantial profits. Romantic relationships may be numerous, as commitment may not come easily. Challenging life lessons can lead to maturity and the potential for a deep connection with a spiritually enriching partner. Your spouse or marriage partner may exhibit impulsiveness and eccentricity, eventually appearing moralistic, dull, and fanatical about certain causes within the relationship. Vanity may blind you to the true factors contributing to your well-being. Disputes and misunderstandings can harm partnerships, potentially resulting in legal issues. Deceit and lies should be recognized and guarded against. Traveling offers an opportunity for self-reflection on existing partnerships and future prospects. Remember that happiness is not solely dependent on money or pleasure.
Jupiter ☍ Midheaven: When Jupiter opposes the Midheaven in a birth chart, it creates tension between personal growth and societal expectations in terms of the individual's public image and career aspirations. This aspect highlights conflicting desires and values, as Jupiter represents expansion and exploration while the Midheaven symbolizes reputation and professional goals. Balancing personal fulfillment with societal standards can be a challenge, but it also offers an opportunity for growth and integration. By aligning career aspirations with personal values and embracing both the adventurous nature of Jupiter and the practical realities of the professional world, individuals can find a fulfilling path that combines personal growth with professional success and recognition.
Jupiter ☍ Chiron: When Jupiter opposes Chiron, you may experience a sense of incompetence and inferiority, driving you to overcome these feelings. Success provides relief but can lead to detachment from reality, while failure prompts reflection on life principles. You possess foresight, vitality, and insight into others' actions and motivations, excelling in observation and teaching. Disappointment arises when people don't meet your high ideals, causing emotional pain. You may grapple with religion or become a fanatic, but the lesson is to seek answers within yourself and find balance through dedication to a meaningful cause. Reflecting on experiences can lead to wisdom, though beliefs may be adjusted based on individual needs rather than ideals.
Jupiter ☍ Vesta: When Jupiter opposes Vesta, you may face a conflict between your core beliefs and the desire for exploration and progress. Sexual confusion could arise, as your personal beliefs may differ from societal or familial traditions. You might oscillate between indulgence and asceticism, or explore this dichotomy within a relationship. Fanaticism, either in yourself or mirrored by others, can emerge, often involving issues of self-sacrifice. Your perception of a higher power may be excessively negative, requiring moderation to see universal truth and find inspiration for fulfilling your life's purpose. By cultivating self-awareness and conscious effort, you can achieve a balanced approach to sexuality and faith, incorporating both devotion and adventure in your life.
Jupiter ☍ Pallas: When Jupiter opposes Pallas, there is a conflict between your artistic and intellectual inclinations and the teachings or beliefs of those around you. Your traditional side may suppress your creative freedom and risk-taking nature. Choices arise regarding challenging conformity, urging you to examine your belief system and its origins. A desire for power, whether spiritual or sexual, can manifest negatively if exaggerated. Finding a balance between tradition and creativity is crucial. Projecting an attribute onto a close relationship can reconcile the dichotomy. With effort, you can cultivate a balanced approach to sexual expression and faith. This aspect offers an opportunity for personal growth and wisdom.
Jupiter ☍ Juno: When Jupiter opposes Juno, you tend to attract an overly optimistic partner who relies on your "stroke of luck" to improve their circumstances. Conflicts may arise over religious or philosophical differences, and there could be a tendency towards extramarital affairs. It is important to regularly review joint finances to avoid excessive indulgence, debt, and household difficulties. You seek a deep connection with a partner who shares your core values and spirituality, but obstacles may hinder this connection. Feeling spiritually aligned is crucial for a lasting bond; otherwise, you may become disillusioned or seek solace elsewhere. Taking these factors into consideration can lead to healthier relationships.
Jupiter ☍ Ceres: When Jupiter opposes Ceres, you may face a conflict between independence and caring for others, as well as between adventure and safety. There is a recurring theme of letting go and finding a balance between nourishing yourself and nurturing those around you. Experiences of separation and loss shape your beliefs, and finding a tradition that supports your spiritual exploration is beneficial. Resolving this dilemma requires recognizing and meeting both needs within yourself to avoid turbulent relationships and power struggles. Be mindful of overfeeding others or indulging in excessive eating as coping mechanisms. Finding a fulfilling work commitment that allows for self-expression and nourishment can turn this conflict into a strength. Embracing a belief system can provide nourishment and self-expression.
Jupiter ☍ Vertex: When Jupiter opposes the Vertex, you may face opposition to your plans for education, travel, or expanding your horizons. Compromises might be necessary, and it's crucial to listen to others' ideas, especially when your judgment is questionable or emotions cloud your perspective. Legal matters could also encounter objections. You're drawn to global narratives that inspire philosophical thoughts, but relying solely on abstract ideals may hinder progress and escalate crises. Defending your beliefs can be challenging if you're uncertain, unless you have clarity about your spiritual purpose. Seek balance between exploration and practicality to navigate this aspect effectively.
Jupiter ☍ Lilith: When Jupiter opposes Lilith, hidden forces can hinder your happiness and make it challenging to accept affection or allow others to bring joy into your life. Despite this, you still maintain an interest in social interactions. Your desire for power can be intense, driving you towards new ventures and ideas. However, it's important to exercise caution and avoid becoming carried away by abstract and illusory goals. Impulsive actions may lead to spiritual and financial difficulties. Prioritize thoughtful planning and utilize your intellectual power to create something meaningful. Managing unpredictability and embracing careful planning will help you navigate this aspect successfully.
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Saturn ☍ Uranus: When Saturn opposes Uranus, you experience a conflict between the energies symbolized by these planets. This conflict manifests as a struggle between established ways of life and the changing times or new ideas. You may feel that your principles and standards are being threatened by rebellious forces or the established institutions. The conflict between change and stability may seem irreconcilable, leading to a dilemma of loyalty and a desire for personal ideals. Finding a balance is important, recognizing the need for stability within change and for change within stability. You may have a strong vision for the future but encounter resistance, both internally and externally. By embracing change while maintaining stability, you can resolve this conflict and avoid fueling negative forces.
Saturn ☍ Neptune: When Saturn opposes Neptune, the conflicting forces of structure and transcendence come into play. Saturn represents stability and discipline, while Neptune represents chaos and escapism. This opposition can lead to feelings of insecurity and a fear of collapse. You may question the solidity of your life and experience a blurring of reality and illusion. There is a tension between aligning with the transcendent qualities of Neptune and facing self-criticism from the Saturnian side. The opposition can also manifest as a desire for control or difficulty fitting into practical realities. Balancing structure with flexibility and recognizing the interdependencies between the two is important for harmony. Mindfulness of limitations and consequences is necessary in exploring the unknown.
Saturn ☍ Pluto: When Saturn opposes Pluto, the inherent conflicts between Saturn and Pluto intensify. You face challenges in maintaining a rigid status quo while subconscious forces seek to dismantle your psychological foundations. There is a clash between external discipline and your desire for power and sexual drive. You feel torn between rationality and irrational urges, restraint and breaking free from constraints. These conflicts can be painful and lead to destructive behaviors. You face choices between rules and indulgence, self-control and dominance, and the tangible world and intense emotions. Regardless of the choice, the unchosen option continues to haunt you. This tension can drive you towards transformation or destructive outcomes.
Saturn ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between Saturn and the Part of Fortune presents a challenge in finding a balance between seeking happiness and enjoyment, and the need for hard work and self-discipline. It can feel impossible to have both simultaneously, leading to guilt and a sense of continuous obstacles. Good fortune may seem elusive, and even when achieved, its meaning and adequacy may be questioned. To find peace and happiness, it is important to recognize and appreciate the good fortune in your life while embracing the need for planning and effort. Finding satisfaction in the process of pursuing goals is key to cultivating positive qualities.
Saturn ☍ Ascendant: The opposition between Saturn and the Ascendant reflects a defensive nature in your interactions with others. You often feel the need to exert pressure to elicit a response but question its worth. Prioritizing others' concerns is challenging as you're absorbed in your own affairs. Paradoxically, you accuse others of indifference while projecting a secretive and superior demeanor that keeps them at a distance. Doubting your talents, you hesitate to offer services and fear competitive situations. Seeking approval, you cautiously gauge reactions, often drawing conclusions prematurely. Modest beginnings and a lack of praise contribute to self-doubt, hindering your exploration of ideas and desire for positive feedback.
Saturn ☍ Imun Coeli: In the opposition with Saturn, you exhibit a determined and ambitious nature, evident from a young age. Popularity is not your priority; instead, you value respect and strive for expertise in your chosen practical and concrete profession. Fields like construction, engineering, accounting, or computer development suit you well. Though setbacks may arise during your apprenticeship, you persevere, eventually making progress and earning the respect of others. As you advance, you may have the opportunity to mentor and train others in your area of expertise. Your diligence and responsibility contribute to your success.
Saturn ☍ Descendant: When Saturn is opposed to the Descendant in your love life, you are likely to face significant challenges in your relationships. Restrictions and complications may arise, such as your partner having another family or dealing with legal issues. There can be a lack of flexibility in marriage or partnerships, leading to fragile friendships and social agreements. The immaturity of your partner may hinder personal growth and the development of strong relationships. Your spouse may be overly serious and conventional, stifling your creativity. Impulsiveness and reckless actions may lead to distance and coldness between you both, potentially even leading to divorce. It is important to minimize the restrictive effects and burdens within the relationship.
Saturn ☍ Midheaven: When Saturn opposes the Midheaven it creates a significant dynamic impacting career, public image, and authority. This aspect brings challenges and lessons related to professional goals and how one is perceived. It signifies a tension between structure and discipline (Saturn) and success and ambition (Midheaven), leading to pressure and conflict in the career realm. Setbacks, criticism, and self-doubt may arise. Balancing personal aspirations with societal expectations is a struggle. However, with determination and hard work, individuals can overcome obstacles, develop professionalism, and earn respect. This aspect offers growth, maturity, and the potential for long-term success in one's chosen field.
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Saturn ☍ Chiron: When Saturn opposes Chiron it reflects a diligent search for a stable and discomfort-free life, but conflicts arise between expectations and reality, leading to confusion. Moral principles may differ from societal norms, resulting in challenging circumstances and a price for success. The subconscious drive for compensation and insecurity can lead to disregarding contradictory information and viewing others as enemies. Struggles with authority and restrictions may stem from a challenging childhood. Confronting emotional pain is crucial for finding personal authority and wisdom. This aspect can manifest as alchemical wisdom or advocacy for humanitarian causes, while conservatism often characterizes beliefs.
Saturn ☍ Vesta: When Saturn opposes Vesta there is a deep-seated conflict between personal beliefs and cultural traditions or authorities. Striking a balance between practical concerns and spirituality becomes challenging. One may struggle to apply beliefs consistently due to a lack of discipline. These beliefs can involve denying or restricting sexual activity, causing difficulty in living within those limits. On the other hand, one's beliefs may challenge traditional boundaries, leading to conflicts with authorities. Desiring others to share these commitments can create tension, as acceptance of their lack of responsibility becomes conflicting. Finding harmony between personal beliefs and societal expectations becomes a focal point.
Saturn ☍ Pallas: Saturn opposed Pallas creates a dichotomy in your life between your creative intellect and cultural ideals on one side, and practical concerns and material/social success on the other. Balancing your personal and social responsibilities with your creative interests is challenging, as obligations can hinder your creativity and involvement in social matters may lead to authority conflicts. However, it's crucial to realize that you don't have to choose between them; instead, make room for both aspects in your life. Facing fears and seeking therapy can help overcome conflicts and manage day-to-day practical issues. Exploring chiropractic as a potential option may help you find balance.
Saturn ☍ Juno: Saturn opposed Juno creates difficulties for you in finding a serious and committed relationship. Despite your efforts and love for others, it's challenging to establish the stable connection you desire. Settling for a lesser commitment in the hope of future happiness can complicate matters, especially if you enter into a marriage prematurely or without the necessary emotional maturity. It's possible that you're surrounded by people interested in casual flings, but it may also be a matter of timing or searching in the wrong places. Pushing for commitment prematurely can hinder relationship growth. Instead, allow things to unfold naturally, embracing and learning from romantic experiences. Love will come when the time is right.
Saturn ☍ Ceres: Saturn opposed Ceres creates a conflict between nourishment and fulfillment in your life. This may stem from contrasting dynamics between a nurturing mother and a demanding father or experiences of loss and reunion in parental relationships. The fear of loss and abandonment can make you hesitant to form intimate bonds. In pursuing your dreams, you may resort to unrealistic strategies such as authoritarianism or emotional detachment. Balancing achievements and emotional well-being becomes a challenge. Even with privilege, your parents' emotional distance or strict discipline can shape your adult life. Effective time management and creating plans for self-care and relationships are crucial. Balancing both experiences can make you a source of wisdom and strength for others while fostering enduring relationships for yourself.
Saturn ☍ Vertex: Saturn opposed Vertex places you in a role that may not align with your true self, with others opposing your efforts. Avoid excessive desires for power, authority, and social status, as they can lead to conflicts with authority figures. Childhood experiences with a demanding father may resurface through encounters with similar figures. Your sense of responsibility helps maintain balance and diffuse tension. However, navigating sexual desires and connections can be challenging, especially when not seeking a meaningful connection. When in love, you possess the qualities to be a responsible and steadfast partner, supporting mutual fulfillment even if it takes time.
Saturn ☍ Lilith: Saturn opposed Lilith reflects a strong denial or rejection of authority, revealing your rebellious and insubmissive nature. This behavior can lead to moral disorder, depression, but also moments of exceptional awareness. You tend to dominate others, particularly those perceived as fragile, but be cautious not to underestimate them or incite unnecessary conflicts. Desiring control and authority, you often face resistance, especially from authority figures or your father, triggering anger and physical ailments like depression. Letting go of grudges is crucial for cultivating positive energy and achieving goals. It's important to moderate and balance excessive ambition and the thirst for power.
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Uranus ☍ Neptune: The Uranus opposed Neptune aspect occurred from 1904 to 1912, impacting a generation that reached adulthood in the 1920s and 1930s. Only a few individuals today have this aspect in their natal charts (and probably none of you). Sensitivity to outer planets and personal planets in aspect to Uranus or Neptune intensify its effects. The aspect brings conflicts between hopes and disappointments, individuality and a longing to be part of something greater. While having a positive vision of the future, it can crumble in the face of a confusing and uncertain reality, shattering faith in progress. Struggling to regain optimism, a desire for transcendence and maintaining individuality arise. Balancing individuation and surrender becomes a spiritual conflict.
Uranus ☍ Pluto: The Uranus opposed Pluto aspect occurred from 1900 to 1904, affecting a generation that reached adulthood in the aftermath of World War I and the early 1920s. Few individuals from this cohort are still alive today. It won't happen again until 2043. Sensitivity to outer planets and personal planets in aspect to Uranus or Pluto intensify the effects. The aspect brings conflicts between a desire for visible and open change and a resistance to overt change. You may lean towards private transformation or resistance rooted in fear and attachment to outdated forms.
Uranus ☍ Part of Fortune: The Uranus opposed Part of Fortune aspect reveals a perception of change and good fortune as incompatible, despite their complementary nature. Nonconformity and individuality are seen as threats to good fortune, creating resistance to change. However, you encounter change through individuals and groups embodying nonconformity, triggering fear and a defensive reaction. A hidden desire for change and individuality may conflict with the pursuit of good fortune. Negative influences can diminish hopes for good fortune. Internal tension arises between embracing stability and convention versus expressing individuality and embracing change. Externalized conflict may lead to sudden changes or loss of well-being. Balancing comfort with change is key for a fulfilling life.
Uranus ☍ Ascendant: The Uranus opposed Rising aspect indicates a need for unconventional relationships and prioritizing freedom over commitment. You seek a unique life partnership with a partner involved in unusual occupations or possessing genius in their field. Freedom to pursue independent activities is crucial. Engaging in lively and unconventional business partnerships or projects is beneficial. Conflicts and unmet needs may arise if a partnership restricts freedom. Caution is advised to ensure a compatible need for freedom in a partner. Relationships that hinder freedom can be bothersome. You attract individuals who prioritize their own freedom, and you admire those who challenge authority. Your ingenuity and creative talents are appreciated by peers.
Uranus ☍ Imun Coeli: The Uranus opposed 4th house aspect emphasizes the significance of freedom in your life. You believe in contributing something unique to society, whether through work or parenting. Your mother's influence ideally fosters independence and a strong mindset. However, clashes with your mother or her family may lead to rebellion and a sense of being lost. Nevertheless, these experiences provide valuable lessons that shape your professional life. As you mature, you desire the freedom to express your unique ideas and make a meaningful societal contribution. You embrace change, seek variety, and may undergo sudden career transitions. Science, innovation, and technology are likely to feature in your career. Authority is met with rebellion, as you strive to carve your own path and avoid conformity.
Uranus ☍ Descendant: The Uranus opposed 7th house aspect reveals your inclination towards unconventional relationships that allow for independence and avoid rigid commitments. This preference has presented challenges in matters of love from a young age. You are attracted to the new and eccentric, surrounding yourself with independent individuals who either support or discourage your own independence. Marriages may encounter problems if rushed or lacking careful planning, as you prioritize individuality over deep partnership. Conflicts with friends are also possible, as you navigate platonic attractions or friends proposing romantic involvement. Your magnetic nature attracts people effortlessly, desiring constant change and an independent, creative love partnership. You may even consider a non-traditional, fictitious marriage arrangement. Exploring new technologies online appeals more than traditional romantic activities.
Uranus ☍ Midheaven: The Uranus opposition to the Midheaven aspect impacts your career, public image, and life direction. It creates a tension between your need for individuality, freedom, and unconventional approaches, and the desire for stability, recognition, and conformity. You resist traditional career paths, seeking independence and expressing your unique ideas and talents. Restlessness and frequent career changes are common as you align your work with personal freedom. Your public image is unconventional, attracting both inspiration and resistance. Balancing freedom and stability is essential. Embrace change, combine innovation with practicality, and navigate risks for success. This aspect invites you to forge a unique path integrating individuality and creativity into your professional life.
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Uranus ☍ Chiron: The Uranus opposition to Chiron aspect creates a conflict in your life, leading you to choose challenging paths or face conflicting principles. In relationships, you struggle with commitment and may vacillate between staying or ending them. Personal space is essential for you, providing freedom without consequences. This aspect enhances your activity and curiosity, making it ideal for an astrologer. You strongly desire voluntary freedom and make sudden changes when hindered. Unresolved emotional wounds contribute to your longing for freedom. Honoring intuition, finding creative outlets, and exploring esoteric matters are important for you. You reject societal norms and seek alternative frameworks for true freedom and belonging.
Uranus ☍ Vesta: The Uranus opposition to Vesta reveals a conflict between your need for freedom and exploration, and your spiritual ideals. This creates a dichotomy within you, where traditional beliefs clash with the value you place on individuality. Sexuality becomes a focal point, as sacrifice and celibacy contradict your desire for radical freedom. You may become a fanatic opposing spiritual traditions or zealously trying to convert others. Your intellect, devotion, and longing for freedom are polarized, creating tension. Finding balance through meaningful work or dedicated commitments is crucial to avoid projecting this dynamic onto relationships. Strive for harmony between freedom and spiritual ideals.
Uranus ☍ Pallas: The Uranus opposition to Pallas indicates a struggle between social and cultural sensitivities and a desire for radical revolution. You feel torn between traditional societal norms and your strong urge for significant change. Feminist ideals inspire you, and you challenge gender roles that restrict personal freedom. Your social engagement often leads to opposition and tension in relationships. It's important to honor both your desire for change and the need for social harmony, finding a compromise between the two. While you aspire to create something new and exciting, you may face resistance from within yourself, as well as from society, friends, or the community.
Uranus ☍ Juno: The Uranus opposition to Juno creates a conflict between the need for freedom and the need for intimacy in your relationships. You fear that commitment might hinder your spiritual exploration or the expression of your highest ideals. On the other hand, if you do commit, you may feel trapped by traditional roles and constraints. Conflicts arise when one partner desires a traditional bond while the other seeks independence. Finding a compromise is key instead of choosing between these opposing needs. You attract partners who challenge your desire for freedom, and your existing relationship may experience ups and downs. The question of commitment is always present, challenging your desire for personal fulfillment and partnership.
Uranus ☍ Ceres: The Uranus opposition to Ceres creates a conflict between your need for freedom and individuality and your need for attachment and intimacy. You may see close relationships as obstacles to personal liberation or spiritual growth, while feeling threatened when others seek independence. This can lead to a sense of detachment in loving partnerships and difficulty in nurturing and expressing care. In childhood, you may have experienced inconsistent nurturing, impacting your ability to provide support as an adult. Balancing both needs is essential, embracing personal growth while maintaining intimacy. Finding compromises and reconciling this dichotomy will help you establish meaningful connections and contribute to society.
Uranus ☍ Vertex: The Uranus opposition to Vertex highlights your need for freedom and individuality, leading to rebellion when your autonomy is restricted. However, finding a balance between your needs and the expectations of others is more productive. This aspect offers the opportunity to connect with new and exciting friends, particularly in astrology groups. Learning to effectively work in groups is important, as you tend to do things your own way. Cultivating tolerance for those with different perspectives is crucial, as opposition and conflicts may arise. Once you become more flexible and tolerant, you can actively engage in community groups and harness the power of teamwork for learning, innovation, and creation.
Uranus ☍ Lilith: The Uranus opposition to Lilith in your life brings continual dramatic changes and a struggle to find your place. Inner peace eludes you as you constantly commit to various things, making it hard to relax and live in the present moment. Your talent for keeping yourself in constant motion creates imbalance. However, as you heal your darker aspects, you can gain the freedom to revolutionize your life without necessarily needing external changes. A recurring theme is your tendency to reject or ignore danger, often feeling invulnerable. This may lead to a higher exposure to failed actions. Acknowledging and addressing this pattern is important for your growth.
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Neptune ☍ Pluto: The opposition between Neptune and Pluto creates a conflict between your spirituality and idealism on one hand, and the need for transformative inner work on the other. Pluto pushes you to confront and discard outdated emotional material, while Neptune prefers to avoid delving into the darker aspects of your nature. This inner dichotomy can be painful for your sensitive disposition. Failing to recognize and accept both needs can lead to projecting this conflict onto your relationships, causing tensions. Finding a balance that honors and embraces both aspects of your being is crucial to avoid further discord.
Neptune ☍ Part of Fortune: The opposition between Neptune and the Part of Fortune presents challenges if you strongly attach your sense of good fortune to material manifestations. You may fear the loss or instability of your perceived blessings. Your perception of good fortune differs from Neptune's qualities, as you prefer the concrete and predictable. However, subconsciously, you recognize life's unpredictable and intangible nature. This fear and preference for the tangible may lead to a dislike of the spiritual and fluid aspects of life. By embracing the intangible, developing sensitivity and intuition, you can expand your concept of good fortune and experience a deeper sense of abundance and fulfillment.
Neptune ☍ Ascendant: When Neptune opposes your Rising sign, you may struggle to distinguish between genuine friends and those who may take advantage of your sensitivity. This vulnerability to emotional manipulation can lead to disappointment and a sense of obligation. It is important to prioritize self-protection when offering help, ensuring that it is genuinely needed. Your caring nature can overwhelm you with concern for others, stemming from a desire to fill a void of loneliness. Channeling your imaginative and creative talents into pursuits like writing or the arts can provide purpose and personal growth. Challenge self-limiting beliefs, seek guidance, and cultivate your independence to shape your own destiny and pursue happiness.
Neptune ☍ Imun Coeli: When Neptune opposes your 4th house, you yearn for a career that aligns with your soul and allows you to pursue your true passion. Your imagination plays a crucial role in shaping your chosen path. While daydreaming about unconventional professions like being at sea or working in remote locations, practicality may require you to make sacrifices and seek more conventional sources of income. Regardless, focus on serving others and contributing to the community to find meaning in your work. Nurture your imagination and infuse creativity into your profession, thinking outside the box and embracing opportunities that allow you to express your unique gifts and talents.
Neptune ☍ Descendant: When Neptune opposes your 7th house, your hypersensitive nature makes you vulnerable to deception in matters of the heart and forming partnerships. You attract manipulative individuals due to a dreamlike state that hinders your perception of reality. It's important to exercise caution and discernment, as you may overlook genuine love while encountering those who bring turmoil into your life. Be vigilant against deceit and manipulation, nurturing your intuition to identify unworthy partners. Trust your instincts and develop discernment to avoid relationships detrimental to your well-being. Take time to recognize and appreciate those who deserve a genuine and fulfilling connection in your life.
Neptune ☍ Midheaven: When Neptune opposes the Midheaven in your astrological chart, it creates tension between dreams, illusions, and spirituality (Neptune) and career, reputation, and public image (Midheaven). This aspect influences your professional path and public standing, causing ambiguity and confusion regarding your true calling. You may yearn for creative or spiritual work but struggle with practicality and maintaining a clear direction. Blurred boundaries between personal and professional life and vulnerability to external opinions are common. To navigate these challenges, find a balance between imagination and practicality, trust your intuition, and integrate dreams and spirituality into your career. Strive for a fulfilling path that aligns with your purpose and benefits society.
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Neptune ☍ Chiron: When Neptune opposes Chiron in your chart, you face the challenge of navigating the real world and may seek to escape its perils. This inclination can lead to drug or alcohol use and various forms of escapism. Health issues may also arise. Your lesson is to express your sensitivity and caring nature in a spiritually constructive way. You have conflicting needs: to confront your wounds and reclaim spiritual power, and to avoid the darker aspects of life and focus on ethereal realities. Nurturing kindness and compassion is important, but avoiding challenges can lead to destructive behavior. Recognize that these needs can coexist and make choices accordingly.
Neptune ☍ Vesta: When Neptune opposes Vesta in your chart, you may experience conflicting emotions and beliefs regarding spirituality and sexuality. The tension between the desire for physical relationships and the pursuit of spiritual development can lead to disappointment and disillusionment within a religious context. It's important to honor your need for transcendent experiences while recognizing the sacredness in all aspects of existence, including the physical realm. Focus on spiritual connections and integrate both spirituality and sexuality into a harmonious approach to life. Transcend limiting beliefs, stay true to yourself, and seek like-minded individuals to navigate this dichotomy and find fulfillment on your spiritual path.
Neptune ☍ Pallas: When Neptune opposes Pallas in your chart, you navigate a dichotomy between intellectual and social sensibilities, and spiritual conscience and intuitive knowledge. Challenges may arise in validating spiritual experiences within intellectual or political contexts. You feel a constant call to develop a skill that recognizes unity in people and things. Your sensitivity can lead you to become a spiritual mentor if your intuitive understanding remains clear. However, you may struggle with balancing your yearning for transcendence and mysticism with social engagement and activism. Finding a middle ground that honors both can integrate intellect and intuition, unlocking creativity and artistic expression in your life.
Neptune ☍ Juno: When Neptune opposes Juno in your chart, you experience a profound dichotomy between spirituality and committed relationships. This creates a conflict between the demands of marriage and the desires of your artistic, romantic, or spiritual nature. Infidelity may be a temptation as you seek to discern what is real. You may rush into relationships, attaching intense emotions and expectations to potentially unworthy partners. Alternatively, you may choose to prioritize your inner life over committed relationships or marry someone who doesn't support your artistic or spiritual side, leading to incompatibility. Navigating this requires introspection, open communication, and finding partners who appreciate and support your unique inclinations. Balancing your spiritual journey with relational commitments can lead to fulfilling connections.
Neptune ☍ Ceres: When Neptune opposes Ceres in your chart, you experience a significant polarity between your nurturing and spiritual sensitivity and your longing for heightened awareness. Those who play a nurturing role may feel threatened by your sensitivity and spiritual quest. You may struggle to validate your subtle perceptions and artistic expressions. Nurturing your soul through imagination is important, but beware of detachment from reality. Spending time near water can provide solace. Imbalances arise from a lack of emotional support, leading to feelings of helplessness. To overcome this, nurture your sensitivities while establishing emotional foundations and harness your intuition practically. Strive for a harmonious integration of nurturing and spiritual growth.
Neptune ☍ Vertex: When Neptune opposes the Vertex in your chart, you possess a hidden aspect that may not be immediately evident to others. You exhibit traits of indecision and compassion, which can lead to misunderstandings. You may attract individuals struggling with substance abuse, requiring strength to avoid getting entangled in their problems. Your true energy shines in spirituality and artistry. You have a strong urge to help others, but it's important to recognize your limitations and seek clarity through spiritual contemplation. Seeking support from Neptune or Pisces individuals can be beneficial. Embrace your hidden nature, navigate spirituality and artistry, and unlock your full potential by exercising discernment and embracing growth opportunities.
Neptune ☍ Lilith: When Neptune opposes Lilith in your chart, you are deeply influenced by the darker aspects of your emotions, often becoming absorbed in them. It is crucial to reflect on how your emotions may affect others and consider if you are neglecting your own feelings. Self-reflection reveals valuable insights. Despite any disbelief, your heightened sensitivity leads you to navigate life through emotions, sometimes overlooking rational thought. Embrace the present moment and fully experience your emotions. Differentiate between reality and imagination, seeking clarity amidst the shadows. By acknowledging the power of your emotions while staying grounded, you can gain profound insights and find inner harmony.
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Pluto ☍ Part of Fortune: When Pluto opposes the Part of Fortune in your chart, you approach relationships with seriousness and prefer waiting for a committed connection. Shyness and difficulty in establishing rapport contribute to this approach. Family dynamics and past experiences may impact your ability to accept and build a loving relationship and start a family of your own. Avoid nurturing fears and resentments, focusing instead on personal power and pursuing happiness. Embrace self-discovery, letting go of lingering fears. Cultivate inner strength and resilience to attract and maintain a fulfilling partnership. Approach relationships with an open heart while maintaining self-worth and boundaries.
Pluto ☍ Ascendant: When Pluto opposes the Rising (Ascendant) in your chart, you tend to attract individuals with powerful egos and strong tempers, craving deep connections. However, be cautious of those who mold themselves to please you. You may also exhibit the same behavior. You place demands on others but resent when the same is asked of you. Your strength lies in shaping people, making fields like public relations ideal. Your expressive nature captivates others, but be mindful of power struggles and maintain healthy boundaries. Seek balanced and respectful relationships, honoring autonomy and fostering growth. Navigate complexities for harmonious connections.
Pluto ☍ Imun Coeli: When Pluto opposes the 4th house in your chart, you possess a natural inclination towards power and resourcefulness in your chosen career. Leadership roles suit you best, as you have a transformative impact on others. You excel in delving deep into the core of matters, whether in practical fields like plumbing or in exploring human behavior through psychology. Your intuition and analytical mindset allow you to uncover hidden truths and navigate complex situations, making meaningful contributions in your field. Embrace your leadership qualities and curiosity, pursuing a career that aligns with your passions and analytical skills. Leave a lasting imprint on your professional sphere and the lives you touch.
Pluto ☍ Descendant: When Pluto opposes the 7th house in your chart, you have a natural inclination towards taking the lead and maintaining control in your romantic relationships or business partnerships. However, it is important to recognize that complete control may not always be attainable, especially in intimate partnerships. Transformative relationships are likely to shape your life, attracting individuals with enigmatic and unconventional qualities. Be cautious of excessive control, as it can lead to powerful adversaries and aggression. Taboo concepts and power struggles may arise in your relationships, and you may be drawn to unconventional and risky connections. Strive for a healthy balance, respecting boundaries and fostering stable and fulfilling connections that allow for growth and mutual support.
Pluto ☍ Midheaven: When Pluto opposes the Midheaven in a natal chart, it brings profound transformations to one's career, public image, and life direction. Power struggles and personal growth are common, leading to significant shifts in the individual's professional path. This aspect signifies a strong desire for power and control in the chosen field, but it can also result in conflicts and challenges with authority figures. The individual may experience radical changes in their career, letting go of outdated ambitions and embracing a new sense of purpose. Authenticity and integrity in the public image are crucial, as hidden agendas can be exposed. Navigating this aspect with self-awareness and integrity allows for personal growth and a lasting impact on the professional path and public image.
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Pluto ☍ Chiron: Individuals with Pluto opposed Chiron possess a strong and introverted nature, often plagued by self-doubt and subconscious insecurity. Childhood experiences and conflicts with parents intensify these inner uncertainties. They exhibit a fierce competitive spirit and an unwavering desire for success, driven by a need to prove their intrinsic worth. Intense emotions such as envy, greed, lust, and jealousy overwhelm them, and attempts to suppress these feelings only amplify them. To embark on a journey of personal growth and healing, they must confront their past, acknowledge past rejections, and transform their understanding into positive attributes. By embracing their emotions and engaging in self-reflection and healing, they can emerge as resilient forces for themselves and others.
Pluto ☍ Vesta: Individuals with Pluto opposed Vesta navigate between rugged individualism and fear of decision-making, often developing an aversion to authority. Harmonizing these energies and applying self-discipline unlocks their immense abilities for the greater good. They intuitively recognize transformative power within destructive forces, transforming inner demons into allies. This process clears unconscious patterns and beliefs that separate them from the divine. They are then prepared to embrace their true calling, providing solace to others in personal crises, illness, or loss. Triumphing over inner demons grants them balance and influence, enabling them to impact many lives through business, politics, or art. Their journey of self-discovery empowers them to inspire and uplift others with strength and empathy.
Pluto ☍ Pallas: Individuals with Pluto opposed Pallas may face challenges in expressing their creative side due to a lack of discipline or confidence. They yearn for transformative experiences and may explore taboo and psychological realms, which can clash with societal norms. This may create adversarial dynamics unless they integrate their yearning with cultural context. Embracing their creative nature, valuing their unique perspective, and finding a balance between personal exploration and societal expectations allows them to navigate this dichotomy authentically. Trusting their creative instincts, exploring passions, and expressing their artistic self aligns them with their true essence and brings harmony and fulfillment.
Pluto ☍ Juno: Individuals with Pluto opposed Juno possess great personal power potential, yet a lack of emotional security influences their behavior. They may exhibit dictatorial tendencies due to a conflict between their desire for security and the power they can wield. In committed relationships, power dynamics become a significant issue, leading to destructive patterns, sexual obsessions, possessiveness, and abuses of power. Addressing these dynamics openly and honestly is crucial for fostering a healthy relationship. Cultivating emotional security, open communication, trust, and mutual respect allows for a balanced expression of power, transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth, empowerment, and deeper connection.
Pluto ☍ Ceres: Individuals with Pluto opposed Ceres face a significant polarity in their lives, balancing their creative and emotional bonds with their transformative journey of self-empowerment. Loyalties may feel divided between their mother and spouse, as care and closeness can require compromising power. Inner negativity and a lack of confidence in love hinder their expression of emotional care, leading others to control and withhold support. Striking a balance is crucial to avoid constant power struggles that hinder personal growth. They have a need for sexual nourishment but must maintain a healthy balance of power and avoid seeking it solely for personal gratification. Asserting personal power, setting boundaries, and open communication can navigate these complexities and foster fulfilling relationships.
Pluto ☍ Vertex: Individuals experiencing Pluto opposed Vertex are undergoing a purging process, releasing what is no longer necessary for personal growth. Power struggles and opposition arise, leading to regeneration and transformation. Challenges in sexuality, taxes, and insurance may emerge, but integrity and moral values help overcome them. There is a tendency to stay in the comfort zone for personal safety, yet supporting fragile individuals and advocating for spiritual practices becomes important. Emotional fluctuations between love and hatred require understanding and resolution in relationships. Embracing these challenges fosters personal transformation and creates a moderately happy life that integrates material and spiritual aspects. Prioritizing integrity and well-being is key.
Pluto ☍ Lilith: Individuals with Pluto opposed Lilith have a deep fear of control and react strongly to perceived threats to their freedom. This fear can lead to secrecy, manipulation, and hostility as defensive measures. They also experience shame, guilt, and fear, and may take pleasure in others' suffering. Their taboo desires, particularly in sexuality, feel uncontrollable. While driven by individuality and liberation, this obsession ironically impairs personal freedom. To find a healthier path, addressing these fears is crucial. Self-acceptance, self-compassion, open communication, and therapy can help develop healthier coping mechanisms. Releasing the need for constant defense allows for greater inner peace and authentic individuality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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wintervb-witch · 10 months
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oh to be two sapphic witches in love, slowdancing in the kitchen 💐
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wintervb-witch · 11 months
I have an altar of him and l usually do both
For example- I have one bowl for him which lm not “allowed” to take out the money- here l put mostly shiny coins bcs l think he would like them
On the other hand when l receive money, before l spend it or so l put it in the altar as my way to say thank you (l buy him something after that) and l leave it there until l need it- but if l want it to put it in my savings or other place first l let it “rest” at least that day and night there
I think it would be a good idea but you need to ask yourself first what type of working are you do it with him - would be kinda weird if you are doing shadow work and the next day you put your money there
Everything is “give and take” so, even though it’s nor really new or a problem (cuz yk, historically he’s the god of riches too) you should meditate and “talk” to him about it
Good luck ^^
Question on Hades Altar
This may seem like a silly question but to the people who work with Hades, god of the underworld.
I started watching a room tour in my recommendation list which the “YouTuber” was talking about in another video she would show her money altar. I was like whatever just gonna go about my day but then a while later that video on her money altar appeared again. I decided why not? I’ll watch it and it actually inspired me to create my own for money/financial goals, learning, dreams etc…
I want to create one but I don’t have altar space really for it. But I know while I was watching that video I instantly thought of Hades. I could do it for Freya instead but I prefer hades esp considering a lot of his objects like shells etc seem to be related to money and not just death.
Anyways to hades devotees, people who work with him do you think it would be okay to add a small area on his altar for a money bowl? A place to add and eventually remove change? Or like kind of combined a place to do money magic. It would still be his altar and unless it deals with mine or death it won’t be on there. I just don’t want to be disrespectful to him if it’s also a little bit of a money Altar as well it if I place a green candle.
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wintervb-witch · 1 year
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wintervb-witch · 1 year
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Saturday 27 May 2023 🌸
Dried flower decor 🌾 Hanging in my entry way 🍂
Handmade by yours truly 🪷
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wintervb-witch · 1 year
Planetary Rulings and Core Associations
Aries is ruled by [♂] Mars, the planet of sex and aggression
Taurus is ruled by [♀] Venus, the planet of love
Gemini is ruled by [☿] Mercury, the planet of communication
Cancer is ruled by the [☽] Moon, the planet of emotions
Leo is ruled by the [☉] Sun, the planet of identity and ago
Virgo is ruled by [☿] Mercury, the planet of communication
Libra is ruled by [♀] Venus, the planet of love
Scorpio is ruled by [♇] Pluto, the planet of power and rebirth
Sagittarius is ruled by [♃] Jupiter, the planet of growth and luck
Capricorn is ruled by [♄] Saturn, the planet of responsibility
Aquarius is ruled by [⛢] Uranus, the planet of freedom and invention
Pisces is ruled by [♆] Neptune, the planet of inspiration and compassion
Extra information for fellow baby witches
Note that there are discrepancies with the planetary rulings. Some signs are associated with two planets due to modern and traditional practice differences, so you may feel a disconnect with these. I've opted to write up the modern approach.
These are the traditional alternatives, in addition to what's above:
Scorpio is also ruled by [♂] Mars, the planet of sex and aggression
Aquarius is also ruled by [♄] Saturn, the planet of responsibility
Pisces is also ruled by [♃] Jupiter, the planet of growth and luck
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wintervb-witch · 1 year
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Cyprus the island of Aphrodite
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wintervb-witch · 1 year
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45K notes · View notes