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AH!- that’s a lovely hat Chucky /srs but we have to get a move on like *checks phone* SHOOT LIKE NOW
COME ON CHUCKLES *roots them to the casino*
come on let’s go @angelo-chuck-wagon! I don’t think you wanna be late to the horse races! Also put on a shirt! I haven’t been to a horse race (or a casino for that matter) in years and I don’t think the dress code has been changed much for either of them!
Pretty sure the first horse race I went to in the U.S. was In 1884 .3. I’m also pretty sure that most of my old friends would’ve thought of my current outfit as quite scandalous
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Am I over dressing? Ugh- I don’t even know at this point
(Ooc: their ass hasn’t been to the ooh es of yay (u.s.a) in years)
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come on let’s go @angelo-chuck-wagon! I don’t think you wanna be late to the horse races! Also put on a shirt! I haven’t been to a horse race (or a casino for that matter) in years and I don’t think the dress code has been changed much for either of them!
Pretty sure the first horse race I went to in the U.S. was In 1884 .3. I’m also pretty sure that most of my old friends would’ve thought of my current outfit as quite scandalous
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Am I over dressing? Ugh- I don’t even know at this point
(Ooc: their ass hasn’t been to the ooh es of yay (u.s.a) in years)
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*roots them both away*
Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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do you wanna root or take a plane???
Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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alright chucky where ya wanna go first? The world’s your oyster :)
(Oh wait do you need to pack?)
Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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terf tags 2 sp@m !
#radical feminist safe
#gender critical
#gender abolition
#i stand with jk rowling
#radical feminists please interact
#radical feminist community
#proud misandrist
#female separatism
#rad fem safe
#trans cult
stay safe and piss them off!!!!!!!
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Chucky rivers and horses and laughter sounds lovely, and… I think you underestimate how helping yourself helps others
ya know what- how bout we take a vacation! In washington or France? OOH OR CANADA OR ALASKA
Maybe a good break would take bad things off your mind for a little while :)
Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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I- I don’t know…
I just think- I think you should stop trying to be what he wants and start being what you want
Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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nonononono hey. Chuck. Look at me *cups his face in one hand*
it’s ok I just wanted to let you know that even though you want a relationship with your dad you don’t have to act the way he wants you to: Like Angelo
Chucky don’t you think it’s weird that you’re trying to replace Angelo… again… -@winnifred-is-a-creechur
No. No. No. I'm... wait, wait, wait...
I am, aren't I?
*runs panicked hands through his hair scrumpling it up.*
I didn't even know I was doin' it this time, Winnifred! Why am I like this?!
*Tears form in the corner of his eyes.*
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hiya! I’m Winnifred, a 2000 year old mad lad who was cursed to be a creature of the earth until the end of my days! (but we stay optimistic)
This is op now :)
HI im Freddie my main blog is @sliceocheese if I accidentally start RPing on main PLEASE TELL ME IM BEGGING YOU it will not make me mad I swear!
I know this post isn’t very long now but I will probably think of more things to add but in the meantime sayonara you weeaboo shits /a
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