wingedmidnight · 12 days
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wingedmidnight · 22 days
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wingedmidnight · 4 months
Rashida Tlaib has set up a petition to send to the White House to recognize and stop the ethnic cleansing and forced displacement happening in Gaza. If you’re a US citizen please sign. I have no illusions that this will change policy, but the public outcry against their actions must continue. We will not be distracted or discouraged from continuing to object to these humans rights violations.
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wingedmidnight · 7 months
Omg, I'm kind of a coward, so I'm in Anon Mode, but you're fanfiction, specifically your Prometheus fic "Alone" was one of the few fanfics that inspired me to start writing again.
I remember finding it a few years ago, and remnants of it stuck with me until I found it again a couple of weeks ago.
I hope everything is going okay. :)
Oh thank you so much for your kind words! Things are going okay! I'm glad to hear that what I wrote is some inspiration to someone else.
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wingedmidnight · 7 months
Probably nobody is going to read this but we've been hit by tragedy and don't know what to do about it
So if you have something good to share I would like to know Bout it cause I'm feeling like I'm leaving my body or smthinh
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wingedmidnight · 8 months
HE IS THOUGH! I tend to not take any story companions. Protecc
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I like how this entire trait was supposed to be "You get a fanboy but he's annoying as shit" and instead they ended up accidentally making him the best companion.
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wingedmidnight · 9 months
signed, reposting to boost!
CGI animators should unionize next. normally, their jobs would be too precarious to strike, since studios would replace them without a second thought, but if it's part of this larger general film strike, they might finally have meaningful power to better their working conditions
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wingedmidnight · 9 months
reblogging to boost this. I cannot believe the depths of greeg these CEOs will go to for the almighty dollar. The guy even LOOKS freaking evil.
I was honestly incapable of even conceiving of anything as evil as Unity is pulling today. Like holy shit. Will we let these fuckheads take our hands and arms when we give them a finger!?
Game developer unionisation is more imperative than ever fucking before now.
I'm very worried about my close friends using the engine. Some of them say they likely won't be affected, but can you really know? With the wordy, shoddy and vague FAQ they posted, they have all the room and us developers none. Fucking barf
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
reblog if your name isn't Amanda.
2,121,566 people are not Amanda and counting!
We’ll find you Amanda.
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
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Wall Hanging Patterns // Love and Stitch
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
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A Death Stranding AU where after being forced to kill Cliff by Bridget, John never becomes Die-Hardman, instead he runs away from Bridges taking baby Sam with him to live as preppers. As a promise to Cliff, he raises and do his best to protect Sam, eventually developing a genuinely paternal love for him, but still never letting Sam forget that Cliff is his biological father and what an incredible person he was.
Other than having to deal with BTs, the timefall rain and mules, they have to constantly be moving from shelter to shelter because Bridges keeps tracking them down, along the way, they make a lot of good friends with other preppers that are willing to help them escape from Bridges.
Also, Amelie shows up on Sam's dreams a lot, she tries to get Sam's trust without John even knowing it.
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
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idk oc brainrot also this was fun trying to emulate screenshots from the anime
so far ive decided he's an antagonist and is the diclonius research institute's weapon, will he switch sides or have character development? have not decided
he's also got extreme body issues and mutilates his genitals lol
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
This is awesome
Elfen Lied: Project 8642
Part 1
The story takes place long after the first events and homo sapiens diclonius are near extinct except for a few dicloni kept at the Diclonius Research Insitute. The government desperate to breed a new race of dicloni to use as bioweapons.
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Aspara, our protagonist, is the only female diclonius of the current generation to bear and raise a young diclonius. Initially cold towards her offspring, she develops a strong attachment to it and forms a motherly bond.
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However, all that changed when the facility decided to take the child away for experimentation. She begins a rampage and escapes the facility to find her child. Because of the threat she poses to society, they send another diclonius to contain and capture her. A diclonius named "Zero."
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"Zero" or "Rei" in Japanese, and codename "Zero-Day Vulnerability" is a genetically modified male diclonius. His purpose is to reproduce with a Queen diclonius and create a new race of dicloni. He is considered a failure though because of the discovery of him being infertile and unable to infect with his vectors.
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He has been kept in confinement for most of his life before being sent out to hunt Aspara. While in confinement, he meets Ichi.
Ichi is a successful diclonius capable of reproduction and infection. He is often seen around the institute and is one of the better treated dicloni though he is still experimented on. Ichi is sent to check in on Rei since he is good at calming other dicloni. They form an unlikely friendship.
Later on though, Ichi would make friends with Aspara and after learning her situation, he would her her escape and leave the facility himself as well.
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Anyways, anime studios should hire me to make another Elfen Lied lmao
Part 2 and more more fake screenshots coming soon!
Aspara belongs to @kilbit
Ichi/ichigo belongs to @churchofsaints
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
Mcfreaking cute!
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gonna take good pics soon but <3 made a boba pattern!
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wingedmidnight · 1 year
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wingedmidnight · 2 years
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MOTHER 3: Tribute by Curiomatic
"The MOTHER series by Shigesato Itoi is a trilogy that is often overlooked. With 3 games that are widely regarded as cult classics, the series never really took hold in the West, with its third installment having never been officially released outside of Japan. Despite this, the series has managed to inspire so many of its players to create amazing things.
MOTHER 3: Tribute is our contribution to that river of creativity—a love letter to the third game of the trilogy."
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wingedmidnight · 2 years
Free crochet pattern! 😍😍😍
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