willnotgogently · 4 months
Ring ring
I would hope that this is some poorly conceived joke and not just purposely getting my name wrong. Because normally the joke starts "Knock knock".
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willnotgogently · 6 months
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willnotgogently · 1 year
((Y’all, I love you, but I am not having someone who is not even 18 following or rping with me. I am not comfortable with it.))
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willnotgogently · 2 years
((*eyes the arrow memes oocly*))
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willnotgogently · 2 years
When the beasts come out
It’s that time of the year again, when the nights become longer and colder. When it’s best to stay clear of alleyways and stay in groups for your own protection. Rung was fairly certain he had found Tactitus around this time of year a few years back and that ended well enough for him. But it wouldn’t always be so simple.
Moving over to Attrition, he gives him a soft kiss on the cheek and murmurs where he’s going to be as he lets his plating spread outwards and the sharp blades and spines extended from his frame, filing up the space around him. There’s a sharp crackle of static and the biolights along his frame darken so he’ll have light but still blend in with some of the darker things that are walking out in the world.
Taking the back door, he gets Tactitus to tell Bee where he’s going to make sure his smaller lover isn’t going to be worried about him. He needs to make sure everyone is alright. And it isn’t often he gets to stretch and do his original job as a Hunter.
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willnotgogently · 2 years
We don't speak nearly enough and I realize that I am largely to blame for this grievous offence. Life keeps me busy, keeps me tired, keeps me away. Every time I see the sun light the clouds with a particular brightness I think of you. I should reach out when I have such thoughts. You are the muse of dozens of half-formed messages and poems and thoughts, each evoking warmth even before its completion.
Rung is fairly confident he knows this mech. The prose, the care, the imagery. "Megatron..,"
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willnotgogently · 2 years
You make my day better every time I see your face and I'm, like, almost MAD about it because it makes me feel so fraggin' BIG and good, like I can't imagine it's as strong a feeling for you as it is for me because it feels like fraggin' explosion in my spark every time it happens!
Rung gently tugs Bee over to him and gives him a kiss on the nape of the neck. "Wasn't it supposed to be anonymous?"
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willnotgogently · 2 years
Send my muse an anonymous note with your muse’s feelings towards them. My muse has to guess whom the note is from.
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willnotgogently · 2 years
(Bee makes various angry faces and hand waves but doesn’t swear in front of the baby.) 
Baby bedtime! Gotta read him his poems! Poems! Happy baby! (He shakes off the rest of his ill-gotten scare.) Did you see I got the winter blankets out in the laundry room? They’re fluffing out for the cold weather. 
Is Callum still sleeping through the night okay?
Where Callum is almost too big for Bee, he’s an appropriate size (for now) for Jetfire to scoop him up and cuddle him like the baby that he is. Callum coos happily and squeezes his big brother, his wings flapping behind him as Jetfire rubs circles into his back.
“I saw. Is there anything we can do to help get ready for the cold weather?” Jetstorm looked curious. He was used to Cybertron where the weather was much different from earth.
“He’s been sleeping alright. Still sometimes gets visits from his.. little friend.” Jetfire looked weirded out. He still wasn’t used to the small ‘toy’ that came to ‘life’ at one point and made friends with his little brother.
Callum is up late and Percy hasn't put him to bed yet. He has a book in hand and hurries over to hug Bee's leg, already almost half his height and growing like a weed. - willnotgogently
My baby! Cally-wally! (Bee gives him a hug and a LIFT although it's VERY hard to do. Callum is a weighty baby.)
It's so late! Do you want me to read you a book? (He makes his very slow way towards the nearest soft thing to sit on, which right now is a blanket on the floor.)
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willnotgogently · 2 years
There was no cyclops, but there was a Nobody. Huh.. Nobody must be a popular name then. How sad for the person who wrote the poem that Nobody is gone. But now there’s someone called Somebody there. Callum shifts to look at Jetstorm and moves from Bee’s lap to hug his brother.
“Hello my special little brother.” Jetstorm dips to kiss the top of his head.
“Am I so scary, Bumblebee?” Jetfire grins wickedly.
Callum is up late and Percy hasn't put him to bed yet. He has a book in hand and hurries over to hug Bee's leg, already almost half his height and growing like a weed. - willnotgogently
My baby! Cally-wally! (Bee gives him a hug and a LIFT although it's VERY hard to do. Callum is a weighty baby.)
It's so late! Do you want me to read you a book? (He makes his very slow way towards the nearest soft thing to sit on, which right now is a blanket on the floor.)
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willnotgogently · 2 years
(Bee leans in and whispers, as if the next part of the poem is a dazzling secret.) 
But yesterday night I got quite a scare I woke up and Nobody just WASN’T there!
(He gasps! And then gives Callum a firm cuddle as he says,)
I called out and reached for Nobody’s hand, In the darkness where Nobody usually stands, Then I poked through the house, in each cranny and nook, But I found SOMEBODY each place that I looked.
(Callum gets a smoosh to his cheeks and a little nosey nuzzle.)
I searched till I’m tired, and now with the dawn, There’s no doubt about it! 
(boop) Nobody’s gone.
Callum giggles softly at the nuzzles and boops, leaning into the cuddles and purring happily. He does notice the shadow just before the jet twins sit on either side of Bee. He doesn’t startle since he’s expecting them, but he does finally speak up since the poem seems like it’s done.
“No cyclops?” He blinks at Bee with a tiny frown.
Jetfire snickers softly at this and gives his head a shake, absently rubbing Bee’s back.
Callum is up late and Percy hasn't put him to bed yet. He has a book in hand and hurries over to hug Bee's leg, already almost half his height and growing like a weed. - willnotgogently
My baby! Cally-wally! (Bee gives him a hug and a LIFT although it's VERY hard to do. Callum is a weighty baby.)
It's so late! Do you want me to read you a book? (He makes his very slow way towards the nearest soft thing to sit on, which right now is a blanket on the floor.)
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willnotgogently · 2 years
This one is one that Carrier hadn’t read to him yet... but it sounded a little familiar. Looking up to Bee, he blinks in wonder and worries at his thumb, chewing on it quietly as he listens. While he can be rather outgoing most of the time, bedtime is always quiet time so he waits for more and cuddles Bee happily.
Jetstorm and Jetfire peek in from the door and inch their way over silently, moving to read over Bee’s shoulder and giving him a bit of a longer shadow from where they stand.
Callum is up late and Percy hasn't put him to bed yet. He has a book in hand and hurries over to hug Bee's leg, already almost half his height and growing like a weed. - willnotgogently
My baby! Cally-wally! (Bee gives him a hug and a LIFT although it's VERY hard to do. Callum is a weighty baby.)
It's so late! Do you want me to read you a book? (He makes his very slow way towards the nearest soft thing to sit on, which right now is a blanket on the floor.)
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willnotgogently · 2 years
Callum giggles at the playful way Bee says his name. He doesn’t try to wiggle away when he’s lifted up and he promptly takes the mini’s hand when he’s led over to the blanket. Curling up with his head on Bee’s lap, he snuggles in and lets his motor purr, meaning Bee will have to speak up a bit to be heard.
The book is a book of poems rather than a child’s bedtime story. Odd perhaps, but that’s what Callum liked.
Callum is up late and Percy hasn't put him to bed yet. He has a book in hand and hurries over to hug Bee's leg, already almost half his height and growing like a weed. - willnotgogently
My baby! Cally-wally! (Bee gives him a hug and a LIFT although it's VERY hard to do. Callum is a weighty baby.)
It's so late! Do you want me to read you a book? (He makes his very slow way towards the nearest soft thing to sit on, which right now is a blanket on the floor.)
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willnotgogently · 2 years
“That... is not one I’m famiiliar with...” Rung quirks a brow.
"I wonder if they're coming up with new names for things, or if that particular thing is still called the Kaonite Kiss."
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willnotgogently · 2 years
Rung, as always, was enamoured with Malika who didn’t seem to be affected or afraid of anything. Verge was on the fence about this sweet little organic, not sure what to make of her and wanting to study her further to find out if she could be trusted.
“Rung and I.. work in the same area.”
The twins exchanged a glance and each gave their own small shrug. They had similar histories in their own realities.
“Rung and I both work in the bar. But he is more... adept with dealing with others. I prefer to work in the back. Often with Tonton.” Verge murmured softly.
Here she is, after a very, very long time, thegirl managed to go and find Rung back like in the old days. Probablyhe was working on something, orbetter say analyze maybe, but one thing was sure, Malika had the guts to reach him by climbing quickly all his stuff so that the human could approach him directly face to face.
"guess who came to find you, my dearest friend~" her smile was the most happier ever, visiting an old friend made always her heart bouncing.
Rung could see her coming and smiled as he reached for her, wanting to make sure that she wasn't going to fall and hurt herself. It had been so long since he'd seen her and it made his spark swell happily. "Malika..."
"Brother, where did you put the cups for the... enertea..." Another bot that looked exactly like Rung but darker came into the room, his red optics flickering when he saw what was cradled in Rung's hands. "What is that?"
"Oh.. ah.. Malika. This is my brother, Verge. Verge, this is Malika. She is an organic."
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willnotgogently · 2 years
Verge looked at her oddly, shifting to sit beside his ‘twin’ and lightly draping himself on Rung’s shoulder as he did his best to study the little human. He reached a hand out slowly, carefully and lightly touched her hair, red optics widening in fascination. “So very tiny. Are you a unique type of pet?”
Rung bristled at the question. He knew that his brother didn’t mean anything by it but he still felt offended on Malika’s behalf. “Malika is a friend. She is small but she is not a pet.  A-anyways, Malika.. Verge and I actually met each other about a year or so ago. We’ve been separated by.. different circumstances.”
Here she is, after a very, very long time, thegirl managed to go and find Rung back like in the old days. Probablyhe was working on something, orbetter say analyze maybe, but one thing was sure, Malika had the guts to reach him by climbing quickly all his stuff so that the human could approach him directly face to face.
"guess who came to find you, my dearest friend~" her smile was the most happier ever, visiting an old friend made always her heart bouncing.
Rung could see her coming and smiled as he reached for her, wanting to make sure that she wasn't going to fall and hurt herself. It had been so long since he'd seen her and it made his spark swell happily. "Malika..."
"Brother, where did you put the cups for the... enertea..." Another bot that looked exactly like Rung but darker came into the room, his red optics flickering when he saw what was cradled in Rung's hands. "What is that?"
"Oh.. ah.. Malika. This is my brother, Verge. Verge, this is Malika. She is an organic."
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willnotgogently · 2 years
Here she is, after a very, very long time, thegirl managed to go and find Rung back like in the old days. Probablyhe was working on something, orbetter say analyze maybe, but one thing was sure, Malika had the guts to reach him by climbing quickly all his stuff so that the human could approach him directly face to face.
"guess who came to find you, my dearest friend~" her smile was the most happier ever, visiting an old friend made always her heart bouncing.
Rung could see her coming and smiled as he reached for her, wanting to make sure that she wasn't going to fall and hurt herself. It had been so long since he'd seen her and it made his spark swell happily. "Malika..."
"Brother, where did you put the cups for the... enertea..." Another bot that looked exactly like Rung but darker came into the room, his red optics flickering when he saw what was cradled in Rung's hands. "What is that?"
"Oh.. ah.. Malika. This is my brother, Verge. Verge, this is Malika. She is an organic."
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