willchristiangibson · 4 years
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
I see the idea of remediation daily on the social media driven app, Snapchat. The idea of Snapchat is that one can post, send, and recieve pictures. It is supposed to connect us to our friends and allow us to portray the unique lives we live to everyone. It directly relates to Bolter and Grusin’s created term, “remediation”, because the images “disappear” after every 24 hour cycle. This means that people are constantly adding to their stories and posting new content while their old content is removed from the cite. Therefore, based on the definition offered for remediation Snapchatters both multiply and erase media daily. The issue with this comes from the fact that the content does not truly disappear. It may disappear from the actual Snapchat account, but all snapchats are saved to a cloud by the owners of Snapchat. Therefore, the idea of remediation reigns true, but only at first glance because any online content can never be truly erased.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
My Digital Composition 3
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
My favorite remake of a movie can be seen in the new Batman movies. More specifically The Dark Night is my all time favorite remake because not only does it offer a new perspective to the Batman trilogy it also functions as a cinematic phenoma where buildings are blown up and cars are wrecked. One characteristic unique to the remake of Batman in the Dark Knight is the inclusion of blowing up a hospital. The joker is always an evil villain that cannot be easily predicted. However, in the Dark Knight he chooses to blow up a hospital full of people. The choice by the director to include this bizarre scene only contributes to the overall hysteria associated with the evil Joker. I love this new actor made by the joker because it leaves no doubt for the viewer on the character of the Joker. Another characteristic that makes The Dark Knight movie unique can be seen in how the director includes a scene from Batman’s childhood. I love how they included a backstory in the movie because it gives readers more clarity to why Batman is the way he is. In the end, these different interpretations of Batman offered in the Dark Knight align with the original comic, but also offers viewers a new plot to a classic superhero trilogy.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
Who is the Perfect Human? What is the argument that each filmmaker makes for the perfect human in The Five Obstructions? In other words, in terms of writing (and not in some vague philosophical sense) von Trier and Leth have different ideas of how to approach their craft. How do those ideas connect to the notion of “the perfect human” or even the idea of perfection? What is the role of the obstructions?
The Perfect Human does not exists. The filmamakers all have their own unique interpretations of what the perfect human is and with the role of the 5 instructions they try to convey this on screen. von Trier and Leto have different ideas of what the perfect human is or what they do, however the problem with this is that a large assumption is made that a human can be perfect. The premise of these movies is the idea of perfection which we as humans are so intrigued by. I believe we are intrigued by perfection because it is merel`y impossible. As can be seen in the 5 obstructions limiting factors and outside influences make the possibility of perfection very small. Therefore, the obstructions serves as a representation for the outside influences that can be found in everyday life.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
One example of remediation based on the explanation given for it by Bolter and Grusin would be a social media platform such as Instagram. This can be said based on the idea that Instagram runs on the constant media content posted daily by its users. This aligns with the multiplication of media, yet is remediation because its users also conbstangtly delete old content. This attempt of erasure added to the area of multiplication is a direct example by definition of remediation. The double logic that drives this phenomena is seen in all social media platforms and cans potentially become more important for job hiring and background vchecks in our future.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
Check this out - Curated Social Media Narrative via @wakelet
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
After exploring Primal scenes and the relationship of hermanuetics I took a look into my past to find an example. The best event I can use to describe one of these moments took place in 2009 when I was in the fourth grade. I was playing soccer in the gym when the principle pulled me out of class and told me my house had burnt down. This moment I was utterly shocked and really couldn’t comprehend what I had just been told. I remember I rode to my home with my mom and briother just to see where our home once was sitting. In this moment I truly couldn’t express the way I felt. Emotions filled my head and eventually I got over the loss of my belongings. However, this took time because I couldn’t grasp the magnitude of their situation at such a young age. It took me time to acclimate to the change and come to terms with the ordeal.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
Consider one way you can see Eyman's argument at work: how has digital rhetoric shortened or erased the distance between producers and users? Try to think of something specific and a specific way in which that form facilitates that erasure of distance.
One way I can see Eyman’s argument at work is through mainstream social media such as Instagram. He refers to this lessened gap between user and producer and Instagram is a prime example of how this works. Not only can an can Instagram account holder post and produce their page they also are able to view or use Instagram to follow certain news sources. This dual purpose to Instagram shortens the gap between user and producer because it allows account holders to simultaneously do both while creating a following for their interactions with fellow accounts. Digital Rhetoric proves to be the only rhetoric that offers this opportunity of dual purpose from the aspect that a user and producer can be one in the same in some circumstances. When given the opportunity to Be both a user and producer the gap is definitely shortened.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
We are trying to come up with some working definition of “the digital.” Doug Eyman proposes that “the term ‘digital rhetoric’ is perhaps most simply defined as the application of rhetorical theory (as analytic method or heuristic for production) to digital texts and performances.” Write your definition of “digital rhetoric” and give an example of where we might encounter it.
My working definition of Digital Rhetoric is media that utilizes the basic principles of rhetoric in a way that is presented digitally to a mass audience. This can be found in multiple forms there are no confinement’s within this form of writing. It can be completely and entirely formed with personal preference that will attain more viewers. The binary laws of regular on paper writing do not apply to this form, instead the uniqueness is what allows digital media to reach such large audiences. An example of Digital rhetoric can be seen in an instagram account. All it requires to be considered digital media is a purpose, theme, and organized layout that causes their audience to interact with their page.
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willchristiangibson · 4 years
Hey It’s Will, I am a second year student at the University of Kentucky majoring in Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital studies. I am new to TUMBLR and this is my first post. However, I am happy to embark on this blogging journey.
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