will-o-the-whisper · 10 days
everyone living in EU - please support the citizens initiative for safe and accessible abortion!!
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will-o-the-whisper · 3 months
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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will-o-the-whisper · 7 months
just started playing omori. literally just got past the hide and seek thing at the beginning of the game. my current fear about it is that basil is going to die. part of me feels like basil is going to die.
please don't tell me basil dies :(
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will-o-the-whisper · 7 months
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Clown cat! Clown cat!
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will-o-the-whisper · 7 months
“transition poses some ethical questions. Such as, from what age should you be allowed to irreversibly change your body.“
This of course completely ignores the fact that puberty makes irreversible changes to your body. But let us just rephrase the question: “from what age do you gain bodily autonomy?” Now it gets very easy to answer: From the moment you’re fucking born.
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will-o-the-whisper · 9 months
Honestly as a blind person I’m so tired of seeing fictional blind characters who don’t use white canes or other guides. “They have special powers so they know what’s around them” or “they’re confident enough to not need a guide” are common tropes, and I’m tired.
Are people scared that using a white cane will make their blind character seem weak? They can’t use a cane because they’re so special that they already know what’s around them, and other blind people who use guides are inferior because they’re not special?
I’m tired. Give your blind characters white canes and other guides. Let them hold onto their friends, let them have guide dogs. Don’t make white cane users feel ostracized for not being “strong enough” to go without.
Another thing that pisses me off is when a sighted character comes up with the fantasy equivalent of braille and teaches it to the blind character. Braille was invented by Louis Braille, a blind man, in 1824. The blind character should be the one coming up with it.
Tldr I’m blind and tired of sighted people lol
🔪 Sighted People MUST Reblog This 🔪
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will-o-the-whisper · 9 months
does tumblr know about tim misny??? like has the level of tim misny awareness that exists in northeast ohio broken containment and become known online yet???
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
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She is
so I am paying $10 to make you look at her :3
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
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*pigeon meme* is this the sun?
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
Glaze is out!
Tired of having your artwork used for AI training but find watermarks dismaying and ineffective?
Well check this out! Software that makes your Art look messed up to training AIs and unusable in a data set but nearly unchanged to human eyes.
I just learned about this. It's in Beta. Please read all the information before using.
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
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reblog. this post if u HATE TERFS and LOVE GAY PIRATES ‼ like this post for she/her Ashe Winters REAL. look at this post if you are a HUGE FUCKING NERD 😂🫵
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
One day I will make a tumblr post that is so awesome it breaks confinement, gets 10,000 reblogs and inspires pages of comments and discourse about its truly ground breaking amazing content.
Today is not that day.
This is not that post.
So have a bad photo I took of a creechure at my local zoo instead
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
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father acquired
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
100k notes and i'll @ my crush on this post
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will-o-the-whisper · 10 months
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will-o-the-whisper · 11 months
If I can recommend you do 1 low-effort thing for the love of God it is this:
Keep 5 cards in your pocket. One will say "yes", the second will say "no."
If you lose your voice, or lose speech, or want to make a dramatic embellishment at the right time, it is an elegant and efficient solution that is right there at hand.
But what if people question you from there? "Why do you have that card? Why would you do this? How long have you had that in your pocket?" For this, or whatever else they say, the third card: "I don't have a card for that."
"What the fuck," they ask. They laugh. They are bemused. You bring the energy back down with the fourth card: "I have laryngitis. I've lost speech. My throat hurts". Whatever you expect to occur.
The joke is over. Rule of threes. Now they are curious. They wonder about logistics. "How did you know I would say that? Is everyone so predictable?"
As a three-part bit, nobody ever sees the fifth card coming.
"I have powerful wizard magics."
Gets them every time
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will-o-the-whisper · 11 months
me holding a gun to a mushroom: tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit
mushroom: can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters
me cocking the gun, tears streaming down my face: I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU
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