wildxcardrebel · 46 minutes
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the guy
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wildxcardrebel · 9 hours
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couldn't stop thinking about this
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wildxcardrebel · 11 hours
Sleeping At Last — Atlas: Darkness  Album  {Sentence Starters}
“I’ll keep you safe.”
“We learned our lesson.”
“Don’t be… don’t be afraid.”
“You’re much too young, now.”
“You’ll find every secret it keeps.”
“No one expects you to understand.”
“The whole world at your fingertips…”
“No, I don’t expect you to understand.”
“But, I promise you, I’ll keep you safe.”
“All our love came out of the woodwork.”
“Or were we broken right from the start?”
“Darkness exists to make light truly count.“
“The universe began with our eyes closed.”
“All our strength came out of the woodwork.”
“Our mistakes, they were bound to be made.”
“In beauty, there echoes a speck of our source.“
“Forgiveness is a lesson he cursed you to learn.”
“Just to live what little life your mended heart can.”
“Are you getting stronger or is time shifting weight?“
“You are an artist and your heart is your masterpiece.”
“You’ll always remember the moment God took her away.”
“The whole is so much greater than the sum of these parts.”
“A landscape more beautiful than anything that I’ve ever seen…”
“The weight of the world was placed on your shoulders that day.”
“In the name of being brave, though it’s just another word for being afraid.”
“It’s a cruel cruel trick how we find ourselves when we lose everything else.”
“Even after everything we’ve seen, we’ve barely caught a glimpse of what it means.”
“No, I don’t expect you to understand… just to live what little life your broken heart can.”
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wildxcardrebel · 13 hours
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wildxcardrebel · 15 hours
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wildxcardrebel · 16 hours
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||♢|| so this is a discord call! if we're mutuals (I follow back on @memoryxheroez), like this post and I'll message you my discord info so we can RP on there (it's a lot faster because formatting is easier)
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wildxcardrebel · 17 hours
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wildxcardrebel · 19 hours
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🍓 | ᏰᎥᏰᎥ
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wildxcardrebel · 21 hours
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wildxcardrebel · 23 hours
RECOVERING AFTER THE BIG BATTLE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for conversations after you just went through absolute hell to protect something, get somewhere, or fight your way through hordes of bad guys, adjust as necessary
how are you holding up after that?
they knew we were coming.
i didn't think we were going to survive that.
can you stand? do you need me to help?
take some deep breaths. it's over.
i need a headcount!
there was nothing we could do to stop them.
i've never seen weapons like that before.
don't you dare close your eyes. stay awake for me.
let me go grab you something to drink.
i'm sorry. they didn't make it.
get me a medic.
we won't survive another battle like that.
we should have been more prepared.
the odds were stacked against us.
sound off! who's not dead?
if you're bleeding, tell me now.
don't bullshit me. you're limping. when did you start limping?
just a few more steps and we can rest.
they knew we were coming.
i'm going back for them. you stay here.
there's nothing else we can do to help them.
our world is lost.
i saw you out there, fighting for your life.
i'm sorry i couldn't be there to help you fight them off.
given what i just saw out there, i think your training is complete.
you saved my life.
they were never going to get past you.
we all need time to rest after that.
maybe we should set up camp, take turns keeping watch.
we did it! it's over!
next time, we won't be so lucky.
have you seen [name]? did they make it out?
they were stronger than we expected.
we have to prepare for the second wave.
there's no time to run.
get me the healer.
just lay back down, and i'll take care of you.
you're not going to die, not under my watch.
you showed up the second i needed you, like you heard me.
i don't think i can face a battle like that again.
we got lucky, but the next time they attack, they'll be ready for us.
we cut down their numbers, but they're still strong.
there must be something we can do.
i thought you said you weren't injured!
think you're going to have to go on without me.
i wasn't prepared for any of that.
i need more training.
we can't face that kind of firepower alone.
how long until they send reinforcements?
they've got us trapped here. it's only a matter of time until they come back to finish the job.
there has to be some other way to defeat them.
we underestimated their power.
thanks for coming back for me.
we need to come up with a better strategy.
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wildxcardrebel · 1 day
Send "tell me when" for my muse to tell yours the moment they realized they loved your muse
Can be romantic, platonic, or anywhere in between or outside!
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wildxcardrebel · 1 day
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' do not mistake my silence for a lack of grief. '
' the cycle ends here. we must be better than this. '
' put as much distance between you and the truth as you want. it changes nothing. '
' do not be sorry. be better. '
' i killed many who were deserving, and many who were not. '
' keep your expectations low and you will never be disappointed. '
' fate is another lie told by the gods. nothing is written that cannot be unwritten. '
' today, we will be better. '
' to grieve deeply is to love fully. '
' i have nothing more to hide. '
' mourn how you wish, and leave me to my own. '
' death can have me when it earns me. '
' be glad you have a home to remember fondly. '
' it is difficult to seek forgiveness when you feel unworthy. '
' i am what the gods have made me. '
' there is one unavoidable truth you will never escape: you cannot change. you will always be a monster. '
' in moments of crisis, panic does nothing. '
' do you ever wonder if we're doing the right thing? '
' the culmination of love is grief, and yet we love, despite the inevitable. '
' do not allow yourself to feel for them. they will not feel for you. '
' find your way home. you are free. '
' you must be better than me. understand? '
' i have many regrets. killing you will not be one of them. '
' intentions do not matter, only consequences. '
' i will be no one's monster. never again. '
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wildxcardrebel · 1 day
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||♢|| so this is a discord call! if we're mutuals (I follow back on @memoryxheroez), like this post and I'll message you my discord info so we can RP on there (it's a lot faster because formatting is easier)
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wildxcardrebel · 1 day
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adjust pronouns, names, and details as needed... assorted quotes taken from marvel ultimate alliance 3: the black order. part 1 of ???
❝ Well, that's another planet we'll never be able to visit again.❞
❝ Yeah, well, I don't go to museums to read. I go there to steal. ❞
❝ Anyone else would waited to offend their clients until AFTER they were paid. ❞
❝ I'm not anyone else. I'm one of a kind, baby. ❞
❝ Oh, oh, don't you side with them, you overgrown-- ❞
❝ Cosmic Cubes. Nega-Bands, Asgardian Hammers... You know, the kind of stuff people pay big money for. ❞
❝  If I were hiding an object of immense cosmic power, I would want it to look that way as well. ❞
❝ I was going to say "any survivors." But sure... Treasure is always good, too. ❞
❝ Seriously? No welcoming committee? ❞
❝ Over there! Such a shiny switch is begging to be flipped! ❞
❝ Easy to say for the man with the ridiculous boot jets! ❞
❝ If our plan fails, the blood of every being in this universe will be on your hands. ❞
❝ Idiots! Your stupidity may have doomed the universe! ❞
❝ Wouldn't be the first time, sweetheart. ❞
❝ Danger and chaos! Two of my favorite things! ❞
❝ Don't get too comfy, pal. Final destination's right on the other side of this door. ❞
❝ What the frutak was that?! ❞
❝ If we stop fighting for just a minute, we might be able to find a way to fix this. ❞
❝ You will leave here with nothing. Not even your lives. I have felled worlds. Your pathetic attacks cannot harm me. ❞
❝ We weren't tryin' to hurt ya. Just to distract ya. ❞
❝ I think I'm gonna hurl. Oh, great! You're here! I thought we were dead. We aren't dead, are we? ❞
❝ I have felt death. This...is slightly less pleasant. ❞
❝ We are alive. But we could be anywhere in space or time. The Infinity Stones are not plaything ❞
❝ Hey! I did exactly what you said. I saved the items of insane power from the psycho space lady. ❞
❝ You can? And you just sat there listening to us jabber?! Do it already! Oh, great. We save the universe from disaster, but we're the ones that end up in prison?! ❞
❝ I just grabbed the stone and thought of somewhere safe. ❞
❝ What'd I tell ya? You need cell doors disarmed and opened? I'm your guy! ❞
❝ Been to more prisons in more galaxies than I can count. This? This is new... ❞
❝ Nothin' like a good old-fashioned cellblock brawl to make me feel right at home... ❞
❝ I hear ya, buddy. This sure brings back some memories, don't it? ❞
❝ Earth? Huh. I guess home is still my happy place... ❞
❝ Next time you teleport us across the galaxy, try to think of a beach instead! ❞
❝ Not that I'm complainin' ...but shouldn't a prison have, you know, guards? ❞
❝ You put me here! You buried me in a dark cell for life! Now, I'm gonna burry YOU ...dead or alive! ❞
❝ A teleportin' dog? Is this some kinda joke? ❞
❝ Of all the planets in the universe, for some reason, ours is the one that seems to be under attack frequently. ❞
❝ Why are we talking when we could be smashing? ❞
❝ Figures. Just consider yourself lucky that I've got a team of heroes on speed dial for missions of universal importance like this one. ❞
❝ I guess stopping a super-villain prison break is going to be the easiest part of our day, huh? ❞
❝ Is this the part where you bark orders at us then? ❞
❝ Oh, don't worry, little heroes. I have plenty more toys for you to play with! ❞
❝ Magic isn't for everyone. ❞
❝ Only one of us lives through this. Spoiler. It's me. ❞
❝ Free time is over, punks. Time for lights out. ❞
❝ Aw, come on! You have GOT to be kidding me! Let's make this count. I am NOT doing this a third time! Can we make this quick? ❞
❝ Not cool! This is totally what oppression looks like! I demand a phone call, a lawyer, and a fair trail! ❞
❝ When I get out of here, I'm really gonna let you have it! Just give me, like, ten, fifteen minutes to recover, okay? Thanks! ❞
❝ Sooo... What's new? Other than the fact that I totally just embarrassed myself in front of my idols... ❞
❝ Is "Nameless Villain" a common career choice over here? ❞
❝ Yeah, it may rip the timestream to shreds, but you gotta admit, it's pretty flarkin' hilarious! ❞
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wildxcardrebel · 1 day
||♢|| Y'all really like my post game Ren, huh? I see you mfs.
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wildxcardrebel · 2 days
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adjust pronouns, names, and details as needed… assorted quotes taken from marvel ultimate alliance 3: the black order. part 2 of ???
❝ Your pocket is not safe place, space-bro.❞
❝ Really?! Come on, man, I only to make speeches like that once, twice a year tops! ❞
❝  That may be true, but a war is won by fighting one battle at a time. ❞
❝ As long as we have each other's backs along the way, victory will stay without reach. ❞
❝ I have seen my fair share of dark futures. What I have learned is that no fate is sealed until we choose it to be. ❞
❝ If the ending you saw is not the one you desire, then we will fight for a better one together! ❞
❝ Took you long enough. Good thing I charge by the hour... ❞
❝ Just look for the ancient ninja temple of top of a skyscraper. You can't miss it. ❞
❝ Oh, you know me. I just love this superhero stuff… ❞
❝ Oh, did I mention that the ancient ninja temple is guarded by actual ninjas? If not, I probably should've… ❞
❝ Whatever it is, they're sneaky little jerks. So watch out! ❞
❝ Stick to the shadows or you'll never make it to the temple… at least not in one piece. ❞
❝ Way to go. You've been made. Why not just announce you're here? ❞
❝ You don't really seem like the "super-team" type... ❞
❝ Oh, I'm not. Spandex is my arch-nemesis. ❞
❝ Someone's gotta keep the streets safe for normal people while all the other heroes are busy fighting giant squids on the moon or whatever. ❞
❝ You gonna tell me how you got through all that without gettin' caught? ❞
❝ Nope. Gotta keep the mystery in our relationship alive somehow, babe. ❞
❝ The soul is eternal, but the flesh is weak. Allow me to show you, as I rend it from your bones! ❞
❝ After all, I make killing an art. ❞
❝ Do me a favor and die already. ❞
❝ I have a reputation to maintain! ❞
❝  Heh. You think you won, but you really missed the mark. ❞
❝ When the big man gets done with you... you're gonna wish you'd let me put outta your misery. ❞
❝ I'm no defender of the innocent. What use could you heroes possibly have for an assassin? ❞
❝ Why so glum, chum? ❞
❝ All of this is so much bigger than us. I mean, I can barely do my own laundry. Stopping cosmic annihilation is a bit outside my comfort zone. ❞
❝ Sure. At least for today. Go ahead. Say it. You know you want to. ❞
❝ Avengers Assemble, baby! ❞
❝ You are such a nerd. ❞
❝ Which leads me to an extremely important question... Can I keep 'em? ❞
❝ Suddenly less worried about external threats and more concerned about the ones in here. ❞
❝ You bet. Not even a ripped seam. Which is a good thing, because I just spent a fortune redesigning this costume!❞
❝ It's...complicated. But let's just say he's from the side of the family that isn't invited to be in holiday photos anymore... ❞
❝ There's no chance I'm jumping ship now, even with an evil robot army ripping up our home! ❞
❝ Would you mind if I include this conversation on my latest Avengers fanfic? ❞
❝ I'm scrapping it after this and putting in a Zen garden! ❞
❝ You are the wind beneath my wings. ❞
❝ Just hold back that oversized Iron Man knockoff and clear me a place to land! ❞
❝ Almost there, team... and I'm headed in hot! ❞
❝ How come giant robots always attack on my day off? ❞
❝ You gave it your best shot, bolts-for-brains... Now I'll take mine. ❞
❝ Oh, you know. Just grappling with a synthezoid the size of a skyscraper. Typical day at the office. ❞
❝ Seriously, who stores a giant killer robot in a warehouse in New Jersey? ❞
❝ Umm, Couldn't you have asked me that, like, twenty punches ago? I mean, REALLY! That totally would have made everything so much easier! ❞
❝ Were you guys having a party without me? ❞
❝ You know… I'm not so sure they meant that as a compliment… ❞
❝ Guess it wouldn't be Earth if New York wasn't under attack by giant robots… ❞
❝ I bet you've seen way stranger stuff in space, right? ❞
❝ Well, we're half way there… …ahem… Seriously? How do you not break into the chorus of an '80's rock anthem after that set-up? And you call yourself a hero… ❞
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wildxcardrebel · 2 days
Send ☕️ for your muse to ask mine for a date in a cafe
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