wiccannanna · 3 years
Help me save Dragonia!
Come and join me in Merge Dragons! Use this Tag to add me to your friend list: RLAVOBMLZP
Tap here to start playing!
The dragons need rescuing and we’re the only ones that can help:
. Hatch your own dragons by merging mystical eggs
. Build a camp for your dragons to live in
. Restore life to the land by harvesting essence
. Make your dragons more powerful by merging them
. Over 200 unique puzzles to complete and 600 quests to overcome
. Merge three of anything to make them bigger, better and more beautiful
. Over 200 dragons to discover
What will you discover?
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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wiccannanna · 3 years
Look at this... 👀
Look at this... 👀 https://pin.it/AG8pCbx
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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✧ The Elements ✧
‣ ‣ Charging Items with the Elements - You can use the elements to charge a specific item with energy that corresponds with that element.
Earth: Bury the item in the soil, sit the item out in the sun, surround the item with crystals, etc. Water: Soak the item in water (Moon or Sun water or water charged by crystals), sit the item out in the moonlight, etc. Fire: Pass the item over a candle’s flame or through incense smoke, keep the item close while you exercise or commit acts of passion, etc. Air: Play music around your item, toss the item into the air, pass the item through smoke or fresh air, etc. ‣ ‣  Bonding with the Elements Earth: Take a walk in nature, gardening, grounding and meditating, use herbs or essential oils, etc. Water: Take a long shower or bath, make Sun or Moon water, collect rainwater, cleanse yourself, etc. Fire: Light a candle, drink hot tea, be active and exercise, release your anger, express your passion, etc. Air: Take a walk on a windy day, be creative, express yourself, recognize your talents, stand in front of a fan, etc. ‣ ‣ Correspondences: Earth: Direction - North. Time - Midnight. Season - Winter. Colors - Green, Brown, Black, White, and Gold. Tools - Pentacle, Salt, Dirt, Herbs, Crystals, Wood, Plants and Flowers. Crystals - Emerald, Jet, Tourmaline, Quartz, Granite, Bedrock, Onyx, Jasper, Azurite, Peridot, and Amethyst. Metals - Iron and Lead. Plants - Cedar, Cypress, Honeysuckle, Magnolia, Primrose, Sage, Oak, and Ivy. Virtues - Being Grounded, Patience, Truth, Reliability, and Thoroughness. Vices - Dullness, Laziness, Inconsiderate, and Gluttony. Astrological Rulers - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Venus and Saturn Connecting with Earth - Spending time out in nature, out in a park or in a garden. Filling your home with plants. Enriching your diet with vegetables and fruits. Meditating outside vs inside. Taking long walks while just enjoying being outside. Be barefoot, if able, less often and feel the connection of you and the Earth. Water: Direction - West. Time - Twilight. Season - Fall. Colors - Blue, Silver, Turquoise, White, and Navy. Tools - Seashells, Rainwater, Ocean Water, Seaweed, Hag Stones, Chalice, Cup, and Cauldron. Crystals - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Fluorite, Topaz, Tourmaline, Lapiz Lazuli, Opal, Pearl, and Sodalite. Metals - Mercury and Silver. Plants - Aloe, Apple, Chamomile, Ferns, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lemon, Lily, Lotus, Moss, Rose and Willow. Virtues - Compassion, Love, Flexibility, Forgiveness, and Understanding. Vices - Indifference, Instability, Moodiness, Depression and Fragility. Astrological Rulers - Cancer, Scorpion, Pisces, Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Connecting with Water - Take a soothing bath. Drink plenty of water and/or tea. Keep fresh water near your altar or your bed. Visit a pond, lake, the ocean, etc. Go swimming. Be out in the rain (be careful not to get sick!), Eat fruits and vegetables high in water content like cucumbers and watermelon. Fire: Direction - South. Time - Noon. Season - Summer. Colors - Red, Orange, Gold, White, Violet. Tools - Candle, Athame, Sword, Dagger, Burning Herbs, Cleansing Sticks/Bundles. Crystals - Fire Opal, Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Agate. Metals - Gold, Grass, Copper. Plants - Allspice, Basil, Cinnamon, Juniper, Cardamom, Nettle, Onion, Peppers, Thistle, Poppy. Virtues - Courage, Enthusiasm, Willpower, Action, Strength. Vices - Anger, Jealousy, Hatred, Pettiness, Recklessness, Irrationality. Astrological Rulers - Aries, Leo, Saggittarius, Sun, Mars. Connecting with Fire - Vigorous exercise (don’t harm yourself! do what you can). Light candles. Go on an adventure. Do something new/different. Partake in something you’re passionate about. Partake in sexual acts. Air:  Direction - East. Time - Dawn. Season - Spring. Colors - Yellow, Gold, White, Light Blue, Pink. Tools - Feathers, Wand, Staff, Incense, Pen, Broom, Bell. Crystals - Topaz, Amber, Citrine, Jasper, Agate, Quartz, Amethyst. Metals - Tin, Copper. Plants - Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Cedar, Clover, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Pine, Vervain, Yarrow. Virtues - Intelligent, Practical, Optimistic, Curious, Creative. Vices - Impulsive, Frivolous, Gullible,Flighty, Detached. Astrological Rulers - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Connecting with Air - Spend time outside when it’s windy. Decorate with wind chimes. Complete a creative project you’ve been working on. Journal or write something. Learn a new skill. Meditate. Focus on your breathing.
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wiccannanna · 3 years
Current Recommended Reading: Christian Witch edition
(Note: This applies to Christian, Catholic, and Christopagan witches, too!)
• The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair
• Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements by Christine Valters Paintner
• The Jesus Mysteries by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
• Nag Hammadi texts (I’ve been reading them on sacred-texts.com)
• Dead Sea Scrolls (again, some can be found on sacred-texts.com)
• The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene
I intend to come back and continue to update this list as I read more about Christian witchcraft and mysticism, so this list will hopefully expand!
Feel free to reblog with suggestions!
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wiccannanna · 3 years
Things to Consider in a Tarot Reading (Other Than Card Meanings)
It’s important to look at the meanings of tarot cards, but it’s very possible to pull even more out of a reading that individual card meanings. Here’s some other stuff you might consider bringing into your interpretation when it feels right:
🍄The position of the cards. This is why spread design can be so important! I’ve had instances where all the cards, in their positions, had the subjects looking or pointing towards one specific card. It was wild. What did it mean? Maybe nothing, but maybe something very significant, depending on the question!
🍄The visual element of the cards. Sometimes what’s depicted on the card can give more specific insight than the actual book meanings. The pictures were done that way for a reason, so don’t be afraid to give them their own weight! Also, sometimes the spread as a whole will have a flow of design (like when one half is much brighter than the other) or a specific card is WAY more colorful than the other cards on the table. Any of these could potentially carry meaning.
🍄Jumper cards. This is when a card pops out while you’re shuffling! I usually just put them back… UNLESS the question has already been presented, and I’m shuffling with that question in mind. Then, I keep them as extra advice, bonus cards.
🍄Reoccurring numbers. Maybe you do a four card spread for a friend, and you get the four of cups, four of swords, four of wands, and the Emperor! (IV.) What does that mean? What does the number four symbolize? Well, a lot of things, potentially, depending on what you study. Some tarot designs incorporate the Kabbalah’s numbered paths in the tree of life, others go with numerology. Maybe, the number four just means something special to you or the querent in particular.
🍄A bunch of cards in order. I’m not talking about when you forget to shuffle. I’m talking about when you give it a really good shuffle and you still get the ace, two, and three of Pentacles all in a row. This can be seen as a sign of progression, or that the events are all much more closely connected than anticipated. It can also mean it happens over a shorter period of time than normal. It’s up to you, your cards, and the contexts.
🍄Proportions of different features. Maybe you’re doing an obstacle spread, and your obstacle is something like the nine of swords. That’s pretty nasty, but if all the other cards in the spread are Major Arcana, then it’s probably not going to be that difficult to surmount. The reverse can also be true. Additionally, a high number of reversed cards in a spread typically signifies a lot of confusion, conflict, and turmoil.
🍄Reoccurring symbols. Beyond just the four suits, because that’s a given! But maybe your spread shows a lot of cards with images of fire, people dancing, or birds. Do these mean anything to you or the querent? What do they typically symbolize?
🍄Any hiccups or unusual events during the reading. Once I had a querent pick up a card to examine it, drop it, then pick it up and put it back reversed. Since it was the overall outcome card, I interpreted that as a heightened ability to change her own fate in this given situation, since she had turned the card from quite a bad omen to a good one. Sometimes little accidents like dropping cards, accidentally shifting them, or laying out the spread wrong are meant to be there and add to the meaning!
I hope this gives you some ideas! Feel free to add more. What do you interpret alongside the cards in a reading?
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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wiccannanna · 3 years
How to Enchant Items
To enchant an item is to infuse it with magickal energy. This energy can come from a variety of sources, including planets, crystals, herbs, or even yourself. 
Some individuals use the words “enchant” and “charm” synonymously as a way to describe the process of infusing something with energy, but for the sake of this post and due to my own beliefs, you enchant something and it then becomes a charm. Alternately, a charm can be something with its own innate energy, like a crystal or herbal amulet. 
The process of enchanting is extremely versatile and there are many ways to do it successfully, so long as you keep your intent clear in your mind. My personal preference when it comes to enchanting items is to allow 12-24 hours (overnight or a full day) for the item to be infused with energy and become a charm - although, this is completely left up to the individual spell-caster. 
Here are a few ideas on how to enchant items, in no particular order:
Surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent
Surround the item with herbs of corresponding intent 
Place the item in a jar filled with herbs that represent your intent
Place the item in front of a candle and meditate on your intent 
Anoint the item with an oil, charged water, or crystal elixir of corresponding intent 
Hold the item in your hand(s) and visualize it filling with the appropriate energy 
Hold the item in your hand(s) and speak your intent aloud
Craft a sigil or symbol to keep near the item in an envelope or sachet
Write your intention on paper and keep in an envelope with the item 
Pair the item with a corresponding runestone or tarot / oracle card in an envelope 
Take the item and put it in a box with other items that represent your intent such as crystals, herbs, talismans, amulets, etc. 
Bury the item in soil with herbs and/or crystals that match your intent (please don’t put salt on your lawn though, unless you want dead grass)
Pass the item through incense smoke that matches your intent 
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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I love my man he is amazing and loves me for me
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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I love how my phone takes pictures
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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wiccannanna · 3 years
beginner’s guide to astrology
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Hiiii, it’s werelivingarts. I’m back with another beginner’s guide to astrology! ☺️ 
Astrology is not 100% scientific but it is an art of interpretation on movement of celestial bodies when you were born. You may not fit in well in your sun sign because you have so many other signs that also may affect your personality! 🌌
More resources if you are interested: Creating Birth Charts with Astro Seek App - Co-Star
What’s your sun, moon and rising sign?  I’m Libra 🌞with a soul of Gemini 🌚 and put the mask of Scorpio ⬆!
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wiccannanna · 3 years
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By Ken Geiger.
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wiccannanna · 3 years
Liminality & Liminal Spaces
It’s been quite a while since my last original post, and I profusely apologise for my absence.
What is liminality?
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The word “liminal’ comes from a Latin word “līmen”, meaning “a threshold” and its Oxford Dictionary definition is:
Relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
Occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.
That is a brief etymological explanation of liminal/liminality, but,… what is it? What is it in relation to witches and witchcraft?
Keep reading
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wiccannanna · 3 years
Magickal Uses for Kisses
A kiss is a very powerful thing, even in fairytales and lore of the past the power of kisses are told of (true love’s kiss, siren/mermaid kiss, first kiss, etc). a kiss can be a powerful tool for any witch. Here are a few suggestions for using kisses and the power they hold.
Use a kiss to charge objects: crystals, tarot cards, charms, amulets, etc etc. Use it to send your emotions and energy into the object. Love is a good emotion, but any positive energies you wish to charge the object with can be transferred this way. Adding your love to something can really give it a boost as well! Especially if it is for another to use. (Note: do not kiss toxic stones please! Be safe and smart)
Spell Sealing: Use a kiss to magically seal spells such as jar and bottle spells or use it to strengthen a (cooled!) wax seal. Imagine placing the kiss its like placing an invisible seal upon it, stamping in energy to lock th spell inside. 
For Air and Wind spells: For all of my fellow witches who use air and wind spells, blowing a kiss after a chant or spell to summon a wind in the direction you wish it to blow is a good way to guide the wind but also show it positive reinforcement. Use it to show your gratitude for the wind’s cooperation. It is best for gentler wind spells.
Glamour and Beauty spells: Kiss the mirror after a beauty or glamour spell. Thank the mirror for its aid and seal any negativity into it. It also a wonderful way to reflect love back at yourself!
Love Spells: Kisses are great for powering up love spells! Kiss a candle before lighting it (careful if you are using essential oils be sure not to kiss where they are), kiss the written name of the one you desire, kiss a charm or amulet to help bring love into your life, and finally blow a kiss when finishing the the spell to close it.
Kitchen Magic: blow a kiss to finish a dish (don’t be too close though, don’t want to spread germs) to put a final charge of love into it before serving it to others. Good for with tea and coffee spells too!
Public Magic: Want to remain discrete while casting a spell in public? Blow a kiss! Its much subtler than pointing or hand motions, especially if it is a positive spell you are casting on another or a friend but it is also good for curses, either way its a wonderful way to send your intentions. Whisper the words or chant needed for the spell (if any) under your breath, imagine them them gathering in an orb of energy at your lips as you do so. Then do a subtle kiss motion on your lips (no hands and no ‘fish lips’, you are trying to be subtle). Then release the energy and words towards the target with a gentle blow of breath, sending the ball of energy in that direction.
Mourning/Remembrance Rituals: Ending such a ritual with a blown kiss to close it can help release your feelings in a positive manner and close the ritual with love and sincerity. 
Thanking tools: As someone who uses tarot cards and many other divination tools, I like to place gentle kisses to the sides of the decks after using them to help bond with them. To show them my gratitude for assisting me in not only readings but also in my spell work. I also before days where I know i will be doing a lot of divination work, I will kiss them to help charge them up (as said above). It is an excellent way to bond with your tools!
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