Anyways this is a good luck spell, from your friendly neighborhood Satan. Lose 11 lbs in a week, like to charge reblog to cast.
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weekly workouts and how to accurately calculate cals !!
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these are very easy and basic workouts, obviously you can mold it to your own level of activity but if you’re just getting started in being active this is great 🤗
dm me for credit if these are your posts
stay safe loves 👼🏽
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day 1:
cw: 14’6
sw: 14’6
gw1: 10 stone
ugw: 7 stone
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Workout Routine 💫
💢2min running in place
💢50 jumping jacks
🌹30 second plank
🌹20 second side plank
🌹30 bycicle crunches
🌹25 side scrunches
🌹25 hip raises
🌹30 pushups
💧20 squats
💧20 leg raises
💧50 tippy toes
💧20 squats
💧20 leg raises
💧50 hip raises
💧50 squats
💧1min wall sit
🔥100 jumping jacks
🔥2min running in place
🔥100 jumping jacks
(do that every night)
Daily Stuff
Each morning: 20 squats
20 jumping jacks
20 crunches
Before weightin: 30 tippy toes
Using the bathroom: 20 squats
Before eating: 10 situps (repeat after meal) 30 crunches
Before going out: 20 squats
20 jumping jacks
💫 ❣ ️💫 ❣ 💫 ❣ 💫 ❣ 💫 ❣ 💫 ❣ 💫 ❣ 💫 ❣ 💫
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time to watch mukbang gross highlights!!!
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Mindful eating habits for B.E.D
I suffer from binge eating disorder. This means I can go weeks sticking to my meal plans and staying on track until inevitably hitting a wall one day and eating everything I can get my hands on. Beyond the feeling of fullness, just eating to eat, and eating until I can’t anymore.  
While one day of binge eating won’t set you too far back in your diet plans, it’s more the mental defeat I feel afterward that is crippling to my fitness progress.
So I discovered some (while I admit weird) tips I use on those days I feel myself spiraling and wanting to eat everything bad for me and just eating everything in general .
I hope maybe you find these awkward eating tips useful on days you feel out of control.
1.       When you plan to eat, set a timer for 20 minutes. Take the entire 20 minutes to eat the meal, focusing on each bite so you don’t wolf it all down in five minutes.
2.       Try eating with your non-dominant hand. This won’t feel as natural, forcing you to slow down and be more conscious about your food.
3.       Eat silently for five minutes, thinking about what it took to produce that meal—everything from the sun’s rays to the farmer’s work, getting it from the grocery store and finally cooking the meal.
4.       Take small bites, and thoroughly chew your food 
5.       Before opening the fridge or cabinet, take a breath and ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” Do something else first, like reading, drinking water, or going on a short walk, to help determine if you actually are
Binge eating disorder can be debilitating. If you think you are suffering from binge eating disorder please look for help wither it be from a therapist or maybe just a friend you can report to every once and awhile.
You can even message me if you feel an episode creeping up on you. 🖤🖤
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