The first & last things characters in the legend trilogy (or more like tetralogy now) actually said:
“They haven’t eaten dinner. They haven’t sat down by the table in hours.”
To Tess, while trying to find where his family is. (Legend 3)
“Will you marry me?”
To June, as he proposes. (Rebel 466 - i only have the ebook for rebel so the page numbers is probably off)
“Injured your hand yesterday, Ms. Whitaker?”
To her Dean Secretary at Drake, while receiving her eighth report of the quarter. (Legend 12)
“Yes. Always. Forever.”
To Day, in response to his proposal. (Rebel 466)
“Still don’t see them?”
To Day, after observing his restlessness over not being able to find his family. (Legend 3)
“It’s what a dictator would do. Pure anarchy is never what they’re going for.”
To Pressa, after questions about Dominic Hann’s intentions were posed. (Rebel 315)
“It’s unfortunate it’s under these circumstances again. My apologies.”
To Ms. Whitaker, after being informed of June’s antics and told, “It’s a pleasure to see you.” (Legend 14)
“Don’t hurt June. She doesn’t know anything. Don’t hurt her. Promise me.”
To Thomas, as he lay dying. The event was later recounted from Thomas to June. (Champion 82 & 83)
“Come on, Captain. June——ah——Ms. Iparis won’t learn a thing if you keep praising her for breaking the rules.”
To Metias, after he got curious over how fast June climbed fourteen stories. (Legend 19)
“Long live the Elector! Long live the Republic!”
To oncoming Colonies soldiers. (Champion 163)
“What’ll it be?”
To Day, after he strolled into the bar she was tending while trying to dig up information over who was offering him a plague care. (Legend 69)
“Hold on!”
To Day and June, as she attempts to fly past the Armor via its train tunnels. (Prodigy 334)
“Agent Iparis.”
To June, when first meeting her at an impromptu ball hosted in her honor after she arrested Day. (Legend 180)
“Commander, I expect you to be careful. I don’t want to appoint someone new. Understood?
To June, as she, Day, and Eden decide to go rogue in an attempt to bring down Dominic Hann. (Rebel 352)
“Is that you, Daniel?”
To Day, after being freed from military service and then finally reuniting with him at a Denver hospital. (Prodigy 356)
“If you need help with anything related to June, you know you have a brother that you can count on. Just in case you had something specific in mind.”
To Day, after seeing his uncertainty with what he’s about to attempt with June. (Rebel 456)
“Not yet. We have to brace ourselves for the worst, Mom. In case Eden…”
To his mother. Dialogue is self-explanatory. (Legend 116)
“It’s impossible. I saw them take you away—they told us you were—you were—”
To Day, after finding out he’s still alive. (Rebel 401)
“A pleasure. Suffice it to say we’ve all heard a great deal about you. I’m your biggest fan. Biggest fan.”
To Day, after first meeting him in person. (Prodigy 125)
“Stay with him. I’m going for the medics.”
To June, after Day was shot by Jameson. (Champion 335)
“Move it, Iparis. Time is of the essence.”
To June, after Thomas brought her to the scene where Metias was murdered. (Legend 41)
“I knew you couldn’t do it yourself.”
To June, after June shouts for soldiers to shoot her as she dangles off a building. (Champion 334)
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