whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Contextual Portfolio
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Contextual Portfolio
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Script for peach kucha
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
End of year document
Pecha kucha
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Cool not the plan but making it work
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
As expected it’s not going to work there’s not enough space to do it without it cutting into kerins space so now have to figure out new plan
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Sounds ideal
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
The space is becoming a bit more complicated as predicted (cause not super keen on this space to begin with) but as kerin isn’t able to put her work up until Monday I can’t really install mine as I’m not sure the perimeters around the space but I’m working on Monday and if I leave it to Tuesday I’ll be very stressed so nothing is fun right now (and no I can’t get Monday off work cause I’m already missing 2 other days on Thursday and Friday)
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Not sure at all if this is going to work in the space
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
I don’t know if this is going to work the way I want it to
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
installation chit chat
Looking at the space I'm moving into, I need to provide enough walking room for people to see Kerins from the other side, as well as enough space for them to see mine from that side. I'll speak with Kerin when we are actually installing the work so we can get a better idea of how much space to provide as I have about 9 steps from the corner to where my work starts, but that number could be drastically off.
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
how does one tile a work?
Titles that I like 
Remnants Dust Closure  Ruin Discontinued For the fire Last seen at bunnings Best before i make beds for a living Fragment of relief
Before I got to the titles I prefer for my work (above), I made a list of some very poor choices and potential titles, albeit some of them are just for comedy purposes.
In ruins Ruin (something related to ruin in a sentance??) denouement the final part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. closure Straw for the fire. Pull your self apart  Mangle to cause the end, Wood to the cosmic slaughter  Dust  Remnants  DeadWood  Our reationship Last seen at bunnings a vicious bombardment that left the wood in ruins a vicious bombardment that left me and you in ruins? (Grammarly it should be you and I but I am not a grammar bitch except for just that, thanks nan) Your demise Rotten To the grave death is one of the few constants in the universe discontinuance, Discontinued  Best before Remnants of us i make beds for a living Fragment of relief
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
While reading a rather interesting essay thingy from Deconstruction - documents of contemporary art
There was also a more intriguing read on the other page - on the destruction of the father//1988 by Louise bourgeois which was just rude to throw at me in this economy - This text seems to be related to my work in a more oblique way. (also have a shit father so the part about literally dismembering the father is premium stuff)
feelings "I don't talks about feelings, Alfred. I don't have any, I've never seen one. I'm a night-stalking, crime-fighting vigilante, and a heavy metal rapping machine. I don't feel anything emotionally, except for rage. 24/7, 365, at a million percent. And if you think that there's something behind that, then you're crazy."- batman the lego version
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Painting the walls today so that there neat for Maggie when she moves into my space I’ll also need to talk to my boss about my hours for the open day monitoring stuff (shits wack)
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Studios still a mess
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
The constitution of shit, dust and grime
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whothef0ckisalice · 2 years
Transporting the wood from uni to work, which was a pain because the elevator wasn't working, so instead of one trip, it needed several and the assistance of Kirsty to unlock doors and carry wood to the car. It also meant that I couldn't bring as much as I wanted because my boss wants everything to be organised and separated from scrap he gets rid of and what I bring in.
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