whooftown · 9 months
How to minimize shedding in dogs
You adore your dog, but the constant shedding isn't your favorite. Even though shedding is a normal part of your dog's renewal cycle, the excess hair can be quite exasperating. There are numerous ways you can cut down on your dog's fur loss. Here you will get to know some pointers for reducing shedding in dogs. Dog NGO Chandigarh maintains a tidier living space by minimizing the hair loss.
Tips to reduce shedding in your fur baby
To minimize shedding, it's important to provide proper care for your pet. Here are a few tips to consider.
Regular brushing is the key. The more you brush your dog, the less loose hair there will be, which helps prevent excessive shedding. Especially during the fall and spring shedding seasons, aim to brush your dog at least twice a week, or even more frequently if your schedule allows. For breeds with double coats like Pomeranians, Siberian Huskies, Corgis, and Shetland Sheepdogs, it's beneficial to use a grooming tool explicitly designed for removing shedding hair.
Maintain regular baths. Bathing your dog regularly is an effective approach to reduce surplus hair. Prior to bathing, ensure you brush your dog comprehensively to eliminate as much hair as possible before they get wet.
Use a blow dryer. Following your dog's bath, start by towel-drying and then employ a hair dryer with warm (not hot) air to further dry their coat. While the coat gradually dries, utilize a brush to aid in extracting loose hair. Ensure you brush from the skin outward to capture the maximum amount of hair. Continue this brushing and drying process until your dog's fur is completely dry.
Brush post-drying. Once your dog is fully dried, give them another thorough brushing. This step will result in a significant amount of additional hair being removed. This is an essential step to take, as capturing this hair now is important – otherwise, you might discover it on your carpet later on!
Seek advice from a vet. If your dog is exhibiting excessive shedding or patchy hair loss, it might signal an underlying health concern. Issues such as skin infections, allergies, and even certain medical conditions like cancer could contribute to the heightened shedding. Schedule a comprehensive check-up with your veterinarian. They can identify potential root causes and provide recommendations for addressing and minimizing shedding in dogs.
In addition to your efforts to reduce shedding in dogs, there are various strategies you can adopt to maintain a pet hair-free home. Regular vacuuming, utilizing lint rollers for your attire, and draping washable blankets over furniture your dog often occupies are effective measures. Contemplating a flooring change is also worthwhile. Carpet tends to accumulate your dog's hair, while tile or hardwood floors are more manageable to clean when living with a shedding dog.
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whooftown · 11 months
Dog health issues in rainy weather
The rainy season can pose health risks for our beloved dogs, requiring pet owners to be vigilant and proactive in their care. This blog post aims to shed light on the common health issues that dogs may face during the monsoon season and offers valuable tips on how to safeguard their well-being. By understanding these concerns and implementing preventative measures, pet owners can ensure that their canine companions stay safe and healthy throughout this wet and unpredictable period.
Common dog health problems in monsoon
Monsoon season is here, and so are the health issues in your beloved fur baby. Animal welfare organization Chandigarh has few suggestions for pet owners to follow and keep unwanted health problems at bay.
1. Skin infections: Pet owners should take preventive measures to protect their dogs during the monsoon season. Dry their fur after baths or walks, wiping their paws frequently and ensuring proper grooming. Regular cleaning and application of anti-fungal powder can also help prevent skin infections. Maintaining a clean and dry sleeping area, using raincoats, and keeping their paws clean and trimmed can help prevent infections.
2. Ticks and fleas: During monsoon, use tick and flea prevention medications recommended by veterinarians. Owners should also check their dogs regularly for any signs of ticks or fleas and remove them immediately. Keeping the living environment clean by washing bedding and vacuuming carpets can help reduce the presence of these parasites.
3. Respiratory troubles: During periods of damp and humid weather, dogs are at a higher risk of developing respiratory infections like kennel cough and pneumonia. These infections can be transmitted through contact with infected animals or by breathing in bacteria and viruses present in the air. It is important for pet owners to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions to protect their dogs' health during such weather conditions.
4. Digestive Issues: Don't let dogs drink rainwater or stagnant water during the monsoon season. This can result in symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and dehydration. It is important to provide them with clean and fresh drinking water at all times.
Dogs are susceptible to a range of ailments during the monsoon season. By taking preventative measures and being vigilant, you can ensure your dogs' safety and well-being during the monsoon period. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in keeping our beloved pets healthy and happy.
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whooftown · 11 months
Why is dog human communication important?
Humans and dogs have developed a strong connection and a special closeness. The two species now have a remarkable level of understanding thanks to their close relationship. Dogs are superior to most other animals in their outstanding capacity to communicate with people. They use a variety of techniques to successfully express their ideas and sentiments. Dogs have an extensive set of communication tools, including body language, facial expressions, vocalizations, and movements of their tails, ears, and eyes. They may show a wide range of emotions through their body language, including joy, grief, fear, anxiety, and even aggressiveness.
Benefits of dog-human communication
Dogs are often acknowledged to be a person's best companion. They provide us with friendship, dedication, and eternal affection. We owe it to them in exchange for learning their language and comprehend their requirements.
Building a strong bond: Good communication fosters a deep connection between dogs and humans, creating a sense of trust and companionship. This bond enhances the overall relationship and promotes mutual understanding.
Reducing stress: Effective communication has been shown to decrease stress-related hormones and lower blood pressure in both dogs and humans. Dog Boarding in Chandigarh stresses clear and consistent communication that helps create a calm and harmonious environment for all.
Understanding their needs: By actively observing and interpreting a dog's cues, we can better understand their needs and desires. Dogs rely on body language, vocalizations, and scent to express their feelings and intentions. By learning to read and respond to these signals, we can meet their needs more effectively.
Providing consistent leadership: Clear communication establishes a sense of structure and hierarchy for dogs. They are social animals who thrive on knowing their place in the pack. When they have consistent leadership from their human companions, they feel secure and content, which can help prevent behavioral problems.
Preventing behavioral issues: Good communication plays a vital role in preventing common behavioral problems such as separation anxiety, aggression, and destructive chewing. By establishing clear boundaries and providing consistent guidance, dogs feel more secure and are less likely to exhibit problematic behaviors.
Cultivating good dog-human communication not only enhances the bond between the two, but it also reduces stress, promotes understanding of their needs, provides consistent leadership, and helps prevent behavioral issues. Investing time and effort in developing effective communication skills with our canine companions is truly rewarding for both parties involved.
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whooftown · 11 months
Dog foster facility chandigarh
Find a loving home for dogs in Chandigarh at our dedicated foster facility, providing care, shelter, and support for these furry friends.
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whooftown · 1 year
A Guide to Dental Hygiene for your dog
The utmost priority of a dog owner is the health of the dog. Dental hygiene is often overlooked, but it plays a crucial role in a dog's well-being. Never neglect dental hygiene to avoid the serious consequences of overall health. Like humans, dogs can also develop plaque accumulation, tooth decay, or gum diseases. With appropriate resources and little effort, you can ensure your dog's clean, hygienic teeth and gums. 
 Importance of Dental Hygiene in Dogs
Dental hygiene is vital for the overall well-being of a dog. With poor oral health, the dog cannot enjoy daily activities and becomes less playful and more aggressive. 
Dental hygiene should be well maintained in dogs as it is taken care of in humans. Overlooked dental issues like tartar, plaque, gingivitis, and periodontal diseases can lead to infection, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Apart from dental issues, overall health can be compromised, leading to complications with the liver, heart, and kidneys. Pet care service Chandigarh is concerned about a dog's dental hygiene and schedules regular veterinarian visits. 
Tips for dog's dental hygiene
Take care of your little furry friend and keep the dental issues at bay.
Regular dental checkups: Just like humans, dogs also need routine dental examinations to detect dental issues timely. Your veterinarian should conduct a dental evaluation and suggest appropriate measures.
Regular brushing: Create a positive brushing experience and remain gentle and patient. If a dog resists brushing, you can look for alternative options, such as dental chews or toys that help clean their teeth.
Dental toys: Dental-specific toys are an alternate method to address dental issues. Supervise your dog while they are chewing on toys to prevent any potential choking hazards from accidentally swallowing small pieces. Select suitable products for your dog's size and chewing tendencies.
Healthy Diet: Your dog's overall well-being greatly depends on a nutritious diet. Low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets can play an important role in preventing plaque accumulation and decreasing dental issues. Refraining from feeding excessive sugar content that causes dental problems is advisable. Ensure access to fresh water, as dehydration causes dry mouth and elevates the risk of dental issues.
Address the signs of dental issues: Be vigilant for signs of dental issues, including bad breath, loose or missing teeth, swollen or red gums, and difficulties while eating. On observing any of these dental symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian. Many dental issues can be effectively treated or even reversed with timely intervention.
Dental hygiene is a crucial component of overall health and well-being. Follow the tips discussed in the blog and regularly check with your veterinarian to ensure a healthy smile for your pup.
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whooftown · 1 year
Help stray animals to stay cool in summers
It is indeed frustrating to stay outside for so long in the scorching heat of summer. Will you dare leave your dog in the sun for hours? No? Imagine many animals that do not have someone as wonderful as you to look after them.
Tips to help stray animals survive summer
Summer can be a difficult time for stray animals as they struggle to find food and water and cope with the scorching heat. As an animal lover, it's important to help stray animals stay cool and hydrated during the summer months. Pet care service Chandigarh urges all to do a bit on their part to help stray dogs cope harsh summer season.
Owing o the circumstances, if you find any stray dog in miserable condition due to hot weather, you can seek the services of dog NGO Chandigarh. Here are some tips on how you can help stray animals stay cool in the summer:
Provide shade: If you notice a stray animal in your area, provide a shaded area for them to rest. This can be done by placing an umbrella or a piece of cardboard over a cool spot. You can also create a shelter with a tarp or a sheet to provide a cool and shaded area for the animal to rest.
Provide water: Water is essential for animals to stay cool and hydrated. Place a bowl of fresh water outside your home or in a public area where strays can access it. Make sure to change the water daily and keep the bowl clean to prevent the spread of disease.
Offer frozen treats: Just like humans, animals enjoy frozen treats to stay cool in the summers. Freeze some fruits or vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, or applesauce in ice cubes and offer them to strays. You can also make a homemade frozen treat by blending some fruits and water and freezing them in ice trays.
Provide wet towels: Wet towels can be a lifesaver for animals in the scorching heat. Place a wet towel or cloth outside your home or in a public area where strays can access it. The wet towel can provide relief to the animal and help them cool down.
Spread awareness: Spread awareness about the importance of helping stray animals during the summer. Encourage your friends and family to provide food, water, and shelter to stray animals. You can also organize a community drive to help stray animals by providing them with essentials like food, water, and medical care.
Final Thought
Helping stray animals stay cool in the summer is a noble act of kindness. These animals rely on us for their survival, and by taking small steps; we can make a significant difference in their lives. So, let's come together and help these animals stay cool and hydrated during the hot summer months.
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whooftown · 1 year
Chandigarh Dog Adoption: A Complete Guide
Are you considering adopting a dog in Chandigarh? Adopting a dog can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming if you need help to figure out where to start. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of dog adoption in Chandigarh.
5 reasons for adopting a dog
Dog adoption through pet care service Chandigarh is a great way to bring joy and companionship into your life. Dogs provide unconditional love and loyalty, and they can also improve your mental and physical health. When you adopt a dog, you're also giving a loving home to an animal in need.
1. Wide range to choose from
Adoption centers have a wide range of breeds (purebred dogs or a mutt) and you can choose according to your preference. Mutts typically have a larger gene pool than purebreds, which eliminates some health issues.
2. Fight against overpopulation
Adopting a pet shelter will aid in the fight against animal overpopulation, which is a huge issue worldwide, resulting in the euthanasia of millions of pets.
3. Money saving
Some breeders charge a huge amount for a single dog, but in dog adoption centre Chandigarh you can get a dog for significantly less money. The costs in shelters will only pay a portion of the dog's vet bills.
4. Dogs are a stress buster
Petting a dog is a pleasurable experience. You seem to enjoy every day. There is almost nothing distressing about a happy, fluffy dog.
5. Dogs are best friends forever
According to research, even minor encounters with dogs induce the human brain to create oxytocin, also known as the "cuddle chemical." Oxytocin promotes relaxation, trust, and empathy while decreasing stress and anxiety.
What to Consider Before Adopting a Dog
Before you adopt a dog, there are several things you should consider to ensure that you're making the right decision. Some important factors to consider include:
· Lifestyle: Dogs require a lot of time and attention, so it's important to consider whether you have the time and resources to care for a dog. Think about your work schedule, living situation, and other commitments to determine whether a dog is a good fit for your lifestyle.
· Family: If you have a family, it's important to involve everyone in the decision to adopt a dog. Make sure that everyone is on board with the decision and that you're all prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for a dog.
· Home: Consider whether your home is suitable for a dog. Dogs require space to run and play, so make sure that you have a yard or access to a nearby park. You should also make sure that your home is safe and secure for a dog.
Adopting a dog from dog adoption centre Chandigarh can be a wonderful experience, but it's important to do your research and ensure that you're making the right decision for yourself and your family. By considering your lifestyle, family, and home, and by working with a reputable organization, you can find the perfect dog to bring into your home and your heart.
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whooftown · 1 year
The Importance of Regular Check-Ups and Vaccinations for Dogs
As a pet owner, it is crucial to understand the importance of regular check-ups and vaccinations for your furry friend. Proper pet care is the first step in responsible pet ownership. This not only ensures their overall health and well-being but also prevents the spread of diseases to other animals and even humans. Pet care services in Chandigarh pay attention to the health of rescued street dogs and pets as well. In this blog, we'll discuss the significance of regular check-ups and vaccinations for dogs.
Regular Check-Ups
Regular check-ups help in identifying any potential health issues in your dog before they become severe. During a check-up, your veterinarian will examine your dog's physical health, behavior, and overall well-being. They will also perform tests to detect any underlying health issues that may not be visible to the naked eye.
Some common health issues that can be detected during regular check-ups include dental problems, skin allergies, ear infections, and joint problems. Detecting these issues early on can prevent them from becoming severe and costly to treat in the future.
Vaccinations are essential for protecting your dog from various diseases. They work by stimulating your dog's immune system to produce antibodies that fight off specific viruses and bacteria. This makes your dog less susceptible to these diseases and reduces the risk of transmission to other animals and humans.
Some of the most common vaccinations for dogs include rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis. These vaccinations are typically given during puppyhood, followed by booster shots throughout their adult life.
Benefits of Regular Check-Ups and Vaccinations
Regular check-ups and vaccinations offer several benefits for your furry friend, including:
Improved overall health and well-being
Reduced risk of contracting infectious diseases
Early detection and treatment of potential health issues
Prevention of the spread of diseases to other animals and humans
Increased lifespan and quality of life for your dog
In conclusion, regular check-ups and vaccinations are crucial for the health and well-being of your furry friend. By taking your dog for regular check-ups and ensuring they receive the necessary vaccinations, you can prevent the spread of diseases and potentially life-threatening health issues.
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whooftown · 1 year
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whooftown · 1 year
Dog NGO Chandigarh
We are whooftown dog ngo chandigarh who provides dog care, dog rescue, dog shelter and transportation services in Chandigarh and Mohali. For more info: https://whooftown.com/dog-boarding/
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whooftown · 1 year
Dog Boarding in Chandigarh
Safety is a priority when it comes to dog boarding in Chandigarh services. But with Whooftown, be assured of safe and best-in-class service at an affordable package.
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whooftown · 1 year
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whooftown · 1 year
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whooftown · 1 year
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whooftown · 1 year
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whooftown · 1 year
Dog Grooming Routine at Home
Regular grooming your dog is essential to keeping them clean, healthy, and comfortable, and cleaning around the eyes, clipping their nails, and cutting their coats all assist in removing dead hair, skin, dandruff, and grime. Every dog breed is distinct and has various needs regarding grooming methodology and frequency, so conduct your research on your dog first. If in doubt, consult a local groomer or vet about how frequently you should groom your dog and whether there are any hazardous areas to be aware of for their breed.
Tips for At-Home Dog Grooming  Don't worry; we're here to assist you about dog grooming. Continue reading to learn how to groom your dog at home:
1. Bathing Dogs with loose facial skin or wrinkles will require special care. Clean the folds with damp cotton to prevent dirt and bacteria from causing irritation and infection. Always dry the regions between the folds thoroughly.  Start brushing to get rid of dead hair and mats, then bathes the pet with lukewarm water. Avoid pouring water into the ears, eyes, or nose. Gently massage in shampoo, rinse thoroughly, and give a good rub with a large towel. 
2. Brushing Grooming your pet's hair regularly will help keep it in good shape by eliminating debris, dispersing natural oils throughout her coat, preventing tangles, and keeping her skin clean and irritant-free. Dogs with short coats should be brushed once a week. The rubber brush is a good option for dirt, dead hair, and dead skin. A dog with short and dense fur is prone to matting. Hence use a slicker brush to get rid of tangles. Daily attention is required for long silky coats, and a bristle brush should be used. 
3. Eye Care Giving your dog regular home eye checks will help you stay on top of any health issues. First, face your dog in a well-lit place and look him in the eyes. They should be clear and bright, with a white border around the eyeball. Roll your thumb down your dog's lower eyelid and inspect the lining. It should be pink rather than red or white.
4. Ear Care Paying attention to the ears is especially important for dogs who have a lot of inner-ear hair or produce a lot of earwax. Cleaning your dog's ears too frequently or deeply can cause irritation, and never insert anything into the ear canal—probing inside can cause trauma or infection!
5. Nail Care It's time to trim your pet's nails if they're clicking or getting snagged on the floor. Cut a small amount of nail with each pass until the beginning of a circle appears on the cut surface, still nail-colored. The circle indicates that you are approaching the quick, which is a vein that goes into the nail, and that it is time to stop that nail and move on to the next. However, if your dog has black nails, the quick will be more difficult to see, so proceed with caution. If you cut the quick by accident, it may bleed; in that instance, add some styptic powder or corn starch to halt the bleeding. Smooth any rough edges using an emery board.
Final Thought
It is critical to establish and stick to a routine so that your dog becomes accustomed to it,but it is an essential thing to keep your pet healthy and happy. 
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whooftown · 1 year
Dog Boarding in Chandigarh
Safety is a priority when it comes to dog boarding in Chandigarh services. But with Whooftown, be assured of safe and best-in-class service at an affordable package.
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