whispercddesires · 6 hours
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whispercddesires · 6 hours
Mia was not surprised by Cayden wanting to keep the sweet treats all to himself, for it happened every time she brought something to share with the team or their significant others. "I made cookie brownies, and yes, you have to share." She held up a separate bag and giggled, "but don't worry, I thought of you and brought you your own special container that you don't have to share." With the box of goodies tucked under her arm, Mia followed alongside him into the rink, smiling at the other families that were there. "Of course, you know I wouldn't miss this for anything." Being there to support him and what he was doing for the community meant the world to her and was happy to be there to support him through it. "Now shoo, go do your thing. I'll be here when you are done." She leaned up and kissed his cheek before disappearing off to the treat table they had set up.
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When the season ended before even making it to the playoffs, Cayden felt like he'd let the whole team down. Having Mia there to cheer him up was a welcome comfort. It didn't surprise him at all that she'd fit right in with the other wives, girlfriends, and families of the team. "Two questions: What did you bring? Do I really have to share with them?" Cays gave her a wink, kissing her temple as the walked into the local rink, one arm over her shoulders and the other bringing in his bag. The team's first off-season fundraiser was to get kids from low-income families into this expensive sport. Each member of the team was expected to come and choose one kid to sponsor in whatever way that kid's family asked. Cayden typically chose the goalies, with their equipment being the most expensive and him having the most sponsors on the team. "Thanks for giving up a day to be here. It's a big one."
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whispercddesires · 6 hours
The thought of how Zara felt never crossed his mind until she mentioned it, giving a shrug of his shoulders. "She's at that age right now where dad isn't cool enough for her, so I doubt it. Now, if I came here without her when her uncles and niece and nephew were here, she'd probably never let me hear the end of it." Despite having their own lives and problems, the Breck boys always agreed to get together. Without them, War wasn't sure he'd be able to pick himself back up after the divorce.
A low chuckle left his lips as he took another sip of his beer. "Only you and your dirty mind would take that route," Though the thought was now planted in his mind. "If those are the noises you choose to make, this is a secluded place. Now I'm sure nature wouldn't be so approving of such things but they'll get it over it I'm sure." He looked down at her again, curiousity written all over his face. "What is it you are looking for, Taney? What are you wanting in your life?"
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Taney wondered if he was implying she could come without him or that he'd like her to ask to go with him and more frequently. It wasn't often she found herself being a bit reserved with her curiosity, but, for now at least, she didn't ask for clarity. He'd only briefly mentioned the divorce and his daughter, Taney had given him the cliff notes on her brief fiasco with Ronnie and how her own daughter, Wednesday, would never even remember her. She hadn't even wanted anyone since Lucas and she believed she'd never wanted a family. Her life was in a strange and different place now, but Taney was glad that it wasn't all bad. "Do you think Zara would feel some type of way about this? About you bringing me here?"
Her fingers circled the rim of her beer bottle before she took another sip. "Even if she doesn't hate the idea of it I'm sure she'd probably be glad she didn't come with us because I have no filter and now I'm just thinking about how ten seconds ago you gave me an open invitation to make loud noises." Her laughter closed the distance between them and she looked away again. Flirting and wanting were normal, but Taney certainly felt like this trip brought them to the precipice of acting on whatever it was they were doing.
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whispercddesires · 1 day
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whispercddesires · 1 day
Been cleaning most of the say, and now I'm tired 😅 is it nap time yet? Some replies will come later tonight 🩵
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whispercddesires · 1 day
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whispercddesires · 1 day
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whispercddesires · 1 day
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whispercddesires · 1 day
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whispercddesires · 1 day
hEy gimme a plot where there’s a single dad who lives alone with his kid in a cheap apartment and he’s reserved and keeps to himself and is pretty shy and there’s a girl who moves into the apartment across from his and they each have their windows open all the time and she just gets amused watching him interact with his kid and she’s so amazed by it and they communicate through their windows a lot, looking up every so often and waving or chuckling and making little faces at each other, but never actually talk until there’s a false fire alarm at three in the morning and they’re standing out in the cold and she offers his kid her jacket because they at the time thought there was a real fire and he was too worried about getting the two of them outside to think about jackets and it just kind of takes off from theRE !!
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whispercddesires · 1 day
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whispercddesires · 2 days
These next few months are gonna be crazy busy 😴 might be sporadic replies in the near future
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whispercddesires · 2 days
"I guess you need to kiss me and find out," Mason whispered, a soft smile appearing as she brushed her nose against his. With his hand tightly secured around her waist, the other tangled in her hair as the kiss deepened. He gently nipped at her bottom lip as she pulled away, eyes dark and full of lust. "You always know how to rile a man up, don't you?" There was no excuse for her to play innocent this time because he was sure she could feel exactly what she did to him pressed between them. "There is definitely interest now, but that would require this project to be left unfinished for a while. Unless you think you can behave yourself long enough to get it done and then we can shower together?"
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Nora giggled as he teased what she'd said. "I mean, maybe I've said something like that a few times." Her face was so warm she swore the heat was spreading to the rest of her body and the little gasp that passed her lips became a moan as Mason picked her up. Her bottom lip jutted out. "Only one kiss and then I have to wait for maybe kisses all night?" Nora brushed her nose against his, wrapping her arms more tightly around his shoulders, and then she leaned in to pay the toll. Her lips locked with his softly at first before the parted and pressed, drinking in the familiar touch and taste of him. The blonde didn't pull away, a slight whimper as her hips rocked against him and her fingers gently tugged on his short hair as she deepened the kiss. When they came apart, Nora gasping for air, she blinked and breathlessly asked, "Still costs just one kiss or was there interest?"
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whispercddesires · 2 days
Tessa looked over her shoulder at her friends, giving them a single wave as Diego walked them to the bar. The looks on their faces had her grinning proudly at herself. "A beer is fine for me too," Reaching into her pocket for some cash, she placed it on the bar top and thanked the person behind the counter. With a quick thank you, she reached for the beers and held on out for him before nodding toward the table, "Shall we?"
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Diego took Tessa's tiny hand in his and shook it lightly as she introduced herself. "it's a pleasure, Tess" he smiled widely and looked around "how about a beer, and we can talk in that booth over there?" He suggested and without letting her go off her hand, he walked over to the bar " so, a beer for me and what would you like Tess?"
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whispercddesires · 2 days
God, SC music video makes me want to bring her muse public..
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whispercddesires · 2 days
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whispercddesires · 2 days
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