whippenberg · 2 years
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whippenberg · 3 years
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whippenberg · 3 years
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whippenberg · 4 years
I have taken on a challenge by a young Mormon lady to post something I am thankful for in a humble attempt to bring positivity to social media. This seems like a fearful undertaking to me because I have way too much to be thankful for and I fear that I may be humbled even more but here it goes.
I'm very grateful for the basic things like the air I breathe and the people in my life who have influenced me. Some in negative ways, and those were a great lesson, and some in positive ways that helped me see I can feel good and be happy even though it seems like the world is crumbling down around me. I'm grateful for the knowledge I have. I'm grateful to live in a time where I am able to make a difference even if it is small. I'm thankful for all of my experiences in life and I'm thankful for all that I am as well as all that I have and I know that it can all be gone in a moment. I'm very thankful for the things I don't have. I don't have a sickness or disease that is killing me. I'm thankful that I don't have a mental disorder (although some who know me may disagree...lol) I'm very grateful that this world has laughter, the gentle breeze on a cool night, the stars above like flickering shards of light in the heavens. I'm thankful for my friend Emma who suggested this and I'm thankful for my family and the love that I have all around me. I'm very thankful for my bed which at the moment is warm and my soft pillow on which I now lay my head in Humble gratefulness. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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whippenberg · 4 years
As of recent I have found myself struggling with a number of things. In relationships I have found that I am trying to embrace Christianity while turning my back on myself and my own desires. There are so many things I want in so many ways that I don't want to do these things but they don't line up with Biblical teachings and I know they certainly wouldn't please God. I sometimes find myself trying to please God In My Own Way rather than in his way. I want to be strong but I know that in order to do so I will need His strength.
There are times when I feel torn against myself.
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The Apostle Paul spoke of dying daily. He said that he died to himself and this world so that it would make room for God to enter him and it was a great metaphor for him wanting to kill everything about himself so that he could live only for God. I feel like I'm stepping onto a Battlefield to face myself. How can you be strong when you are your own enemy?
How can you courageously run into a battle knowing that you are the enemy that stands in the way between you and Victory?
I quite often feel that I am hurting myself when I do not do what I know is right. The question in my mind Still Remains, how do you fight a war when you are the enemy?
The only thing I can come up with is to turn my sword on myself. I battle with how foolish that sounds but also with how much sense it makes.
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whippenberg · 5 years
I've tried not to get involved in politics but I have to admit that times are changing and the playing field looks a lot different than it used to. Some would say that these are fearful times but every time things have gone wrong in the past there is always been someone to step up and make a difference.
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whippenberg · 5 years
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As a court case was drawing nearer, tensions were high in my family and this caused a bit of anxiety. But God's word gave us hope...Deuteronomy 31:8 KJV
And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.
Even after this promise we were still a bit worried. As humans we often ask for a sign that God is still with us. My mother had taken several pictures of the moon but none have ever turned out like this. What a blessing and sense of relief to know that the creator of the universe was with us that day.
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whippenberg · 5 years
If it's not in church. 1st Corinthians 14:34
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whippenberg · 6 years
From where does your strength come?
I have heard it said that the power of a man lies within the clinch of a fist but the power of a woman lies within the Velvet orfice betwixt her thighs. I believe it goes far deeper than that. I have good reason to believe that the strength of a man why is not in his ability to intimidate others but rather in his ability to use all of his gift of spiritual, mental and physical strength in order to protect others. Likewise the strength of a woman May lie in her ability to influence a man either positively or negatively. A close friend of mine is going through a separation from his wife right now. He and I used to compare body weight and different workout techniques used at the gym. We would talk about our diet plans and plans for the future but now that his marriage is on the rocks he hasn't eaten in over a week and he has no motivation. As strong as he is he is weakened by the fact that he may be losing his wife. As a man, when you put your love and trust in a woman she becomes your source of strength and when it is all taken away it seems like there may be nothing left but I feel that he may be just as strong as he ever was...stronger. Ever since I have known him he has always worn a cross around his neck. I have never known how strong his faith was but now it seems his faith is being tested. As far as a love for God goes, I wonder If my buddy loves God in times of sorrow and fear when things seem to be worst just as much as when times are good.
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I know a Man who is very strong in his faith. The Father of my childhood friend. He never had to fear divorce but he recently lost his wife of over 30 years in a tragic car accident. He never blamed God and it was even said about him that; "he and God got something good." I can't help but Wonder if a man with a lesser faith would have watched his family Fall Apart after the loss of such a pivotal member as his wife. Because of his spiritual strength his family is still together and stronger than ever.
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Rather you rely on mental strength and clarity or spiritual strength from something higher or physical strength it's good to know that there is something there to keep you going when it seems like all else has failed. I feel that when you have exhausted all options you can reach deep down to a strength that you may not have known before but when tragedy strikes, and it will, always remember that there's always a little bit more left to get you through and you are most likely Stronger Than You Think You Are. Where does your strength come from?
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whippenberg · 6 years
Why Men need Women
Throughout history men have erected amazing monuments and astounding works of architecture. Europe is filled with beauty, art, structures and cathedrals all built by men. Men are willing to face great obstacles and take on the most daunting tasks, why? For women. In the Garden of Eden God knew that man could not make it on his own. God saw Adam, a man alone and he knew that Adam needed a woman. Eve was the solution. She was not perfect by any means but she was just what Adam needed. Adam knew that he could not eat of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden but how could he say no to Eve? A woman can use her feminine ways to get a man to do pretty much anything. It is my desire that women use their gifts to inspire men to do great things as is the case all throughout history. Without women where would we be today. A lot of feminists nowadays will tell you that a woman can do anything a man can do. Personally I do not need a woman to do what I can do, I need a woman to do what I can't do. I've always believed that women are equal to men but it is all too obvious that women are different from men as well, and thank God for that. Women have so much ability to do and accomplish great things and one of their biggest achievements is being able to support and uplift the men in their lives. There are a lot of women in my life who have been more precious than gold in so many ways. I have always believed that a man should have strength and wisdom about him so that he can protect Women and children around him but I also see that women can be pretty amazing Warriors as well. There are a few women who hide it very well but inside them are Valkyries ready to take flight and do battle should the need arise. A lot of the women I have had the privilege of knowing in my life are strong and decisive but also feminine, sexy and soft as woven silk. If you see a man achieving great things and excelling in life all you need to do is look behind him at the woman that is supporting him to see where his success comes from and where his strength lies. That is why women deserve to be protected. They deserve to be loved. They are to be cherished and even put up on a pedestal whenever we find that special woman in our life. Women are sacred and precious because they were created by God to fill a need in our lives. Nothing else on Earth can do this. This is why men need women.
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whippenberg · 6 years
The Power of Will
Matthew 17:20 KJV
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
According to the Bible all it takes to move a mountain is a little bit of faith. How many of us have the will to move a mountain? What is your Mountain? Are you struggling with work? Struggling with your marriage? Parenthood? Manhood? Finances? Whatever it is you can overcome it. As I leave the gym this evening a sweaty mess gulping down as much cool refreshing water as I can find it occurs to me that I could have easily set down the weight that I was lifting and walked away and called it a night. But I didn't do that because I wanted to look at myself tomorrow and see myself stronger than I was today. It is my future potential that keeps me fighting in the present. Instead I picked up a heavier weight and began to lift until I could no longer Lyft without struggling, shaking, trembling. They only thing that allowed me to power through the pain and finish my final set was my Will. I know there are times in life when you must step back and exercise patience. Sometimes you must allow nature to take its course. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times where you must inflict your will on the obstacles set before you. You must stand up for what you know is right and push all else aside in order to succeed because you are worth success but it won't come easy. Nothing in this life that is worth anything has never come easy. It takes struggle and it takes sacrifice and it takes strength. If it's a job that is holding you back either find a better one or making this one better. If you're struggling with finances try a different plan don't be afraid to talk to a financial planner. Fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real. Push you aside and become the Man or Woman that you know you are meant to be. Don't let anything hold you back. If it's Parenthood that is your obstacle read a book,( the Bible maybe the best source of information on how to be a parent) don't let anything push you back. It's going to take strength and sweat and courage to climb your Mountain but in the words of Patricia J Hacker Harbor ;" no one can choose your mountain or tell you when to climb, it's yours alone to challenge at your own pace and time." When I was in high school a kid was picking on a girl I knew and I asked him to stop. needless to say the bully turned his attention to me and began slamming his fist into my head. It only took a few solid hits before I was shaking out of anger. I suddenly acquired the will to lay him on his back. With all eyes on me I turned around and face him we locked eyes and my fists flew directly into his face, grazed his nose and kept powering forward. all it took was one hit and he was on his back with his nose covered in blood. Nobody said a word. His friends picked him up and took him to the sink where he washed his face and after talking to them a little bit he came over to me, I had no idea what to expect so it blew my mind when he extended his hand. we shook hands and became friends and he never picked on anyone again. I am aware that nowadays this is seen as bad behavior but when I was in 4th grade this was the best thing that could have happened. If there's anything I can say about the human Will. it's that it can keep you going when all other parts of you are screaming "give up!" Don't be afraid to push yourself farther than you thought you could go. You may even get some respect from the people you expected it from the least and they may hold you in high regard because they see you as someone who is not afraid to assert their will.
Now go climb your Mountain
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whippenberg · 6 years
Bold as a Ram
While observing nature you can see certain patterns. Sometimes nature is smooth and flowing and complementary like a winding stream gently flowing through a dark wood. Other times nature is violent like a harsh thunderstorm hurling around vicious Gusty winds that carry dangerous debris, freezing rain and Loud ferocious claps of thunder. In any state, Nature has never cease to amaze me. I once heard a Pastor give a sermon based on how a child of the Lord must act quickly and decisively at times in his or her life and he compared this action to that of a ram. He said that a ram knows that he is about to slam his head into another Ram with a thick skull and hard bony horns. He knows that it is going to hurt but he knows that it must be done. Either as a mating ritual or to assert dominance but a ram does what is expected of him and in order to do so he must be bold and face the pain to come head on so to speak. A lot of people say that this is a scary time in which to live. I believe this may be the best time to be alive. I certainly understand those who look back in the history and romanticize the past. They see what our society has become and it sickens them. I feel it too. It seems that our justice system has become corrupt, it seems that are politics and government are more about money instead of doing what is right, it seems that the idols that we look up to have become trashy and more about sex appeal then about leaving a good example for the future generation. Some people want to look to the days of old when men were men and women were women and there was no in between. Strong men knew that they had to take charge and Vanquish their enemies to protect their women and their friends and their Homeland. The women were strong and honorable because without the women the men wouldn't have a purpose. Without women men wouldn't even be here. I see more and more people around me who are trying to do the right thing in order to help others around them, sometimes they want to help the community or their family or just do the right thing so they can feel good at the end of the day, I'm seeing these people get punished by a society that is failing its Heroes. Military personnel are coming back from war and illegal immigrants are being treated better than they are, given more benefits and attention than they are. I understand that as America, we are a nation of immigrants but at some point we have to turn our love inwards and take care of our own for a change. the problem with this is that every time you stick your head above the crowd to try to make a difference someone is always going to take a shot at it. My encouragement to you this day is to stand strong in what you believe in and don't be afraid when people try to persecute you for doing what you know is right. There are those who will call you silly names like racist, or homophobe, or bigot for simply stating your opinion. As for me, I left childish name-calling back in grade school. I'd like to think that I'm strong enough to take any assault on my character and brush it off my shoulder like it were nothing. I believe this day is a great day to be alive. Not for the weak, not for the easily-offended, and not for the name callers. this is a great day to be alive for the people who want to make a difference, for the people who are sick of the way the world has become and want to stand up and do something about it even if it means persecution. As a man, I have always believed that women and children are worthy of my protection and they deserve it. I will use my intellect and my strength and my spirituality to the best of my abilities in order to do just that. history is an amazing thing to study but the here-and-now is what will make the difference and the future will be won by strong men and women who are willing to be bold and stand up for the well-being of others as well as their own principles. Together, we can make this world an amazing place to live and this time, a great time to be alive.
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whippenberg · 6 years
Definition of love?
While I was serving in the Coast Guard one of the things that I would hear at the most random times is a song by Haddaway called What is love. Throughout my life I have asked a wide variety of people what their definition of Love is or what they mean when they say they love someone. I've always gotten different explanations. One example is that you would be willing to live in a box with someone because you love them so much that you don't need anything else. Another example is that you would do anything for someone simply because you love them. I'm the type of man that desires a systematic answer. One that Rings true no matter how you worded it and one that anybody could understand. While searching for the true meaning of love I came across many verses in the Bible that point to Jesus as the way of love. If the Bible is true then that means that a man named Jesus Christ gave everything he had up to and including his life for those that he loved. This got me thinking, if I truly love someone is it right for me to be willing to sacrifice everything I have even the most precious thing I have... My life for them? Sometimes we buy gifts for people that we care for as a symbol of our affection for them. Buying flowers for a girl lets her know that we were thinking about her. Buying a toy for a child reassures them that we care about them and want them to be happy. What would you be willing to give to someone so that they may be happy or that they may have life a bit easier because of your sacrifice. Perhaps that's it, great love requires Great sacrifice. I recently attended a wedding in which the main theme of the pastor's speech was about sacrifice. It seems true that if you love someone you will be willing to compromise something that you want so that they can get more of what they want because their happiness is held of higher importance than yours. The Bible also refers to love as Charity. Charity means giving something that you have so that someone else can have more. Another form of sacrifice. It's kind of surprising the things I think about some days.
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whippenberg · 6 years
Clouded blue
As drops of liquid sunshine fall from the heavens and find their way to Adorn my face with a gentle patter of moisture, the trails left by those pulled by gravity like my Heartstrings as a gentle death. Leaving as quickly as they came with what remnants? None but a memory is all that I have as Times Gone by. Where love has faded memories remain. Where life was lost new love begins as a tide pulling away the sand carries it away in tiny grains. How much more precious are the memories that affect the heart that's slow the breathing and calmed rage of the modern world against my soul? Long have I loved and longed and lost but for a while it shall be no more carried away and Polished as a piece of glass a part of me that will remain. When all else fails this stays. Missed opportunities and misunderstandings being misled and misguided and told untruths about the unforeseen to be undone, where shall I turn to? Nowhere to Run. To sit and wait and thank and pray and hope that she is happy for the rest of her days.
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whippenberg · 6 years
Is the struggle worth it?
Sometimes I ask myself is The Struggle Worth the anticipated outcome? Sometimes once I get what I want I ask myself if it was totally worth it to struggle to get it. A lot of times it seems like we try and try and a lot of times we do fail but I discovered another way to look at it. I learned that sometimes we succeed and sometimes we learn. Failure doesn't have to even come into the equation. While I was at the gym tonight I noticed a guy who was really big and muscular and his muscle tone was even throughout his body. What I mean is that he was very proportionate. I wondered how this could happen because he was missing a hand. I couldn't help but Wonder how he lifted weights without a left hand. I caught him later at the free weights section and I saw something wrapped around his wrist it was a small flat hook attached to a strap around his wrist which allowed him to hold the weights. It let me know that there are people out there with daily struggles greater than mine. I thought to myself that he's got something that he's got to deal with daily. It made my little obstacles look miniscule in hindsight. He had taken his obstacle and turned it into a daily victory. I wonder what it is that other people around me are struggling with. I wonder if there's a way that they could overcome any obstacle in their way just by changing their thinking. If they could turn their attitude from "I'm already beaten" to "I've already succeeded" how much more abundant would life be? My thanks to the one-handed weightlifter.
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whippenberg · 6 years
For a special lady.
As the trees on the Emerald Hills Bend to the force of a stiff breeze my heart bends in longing for her embrace once again. Oh that my lips might brush hers as I sweep across the sky, what doleful tears would fall and Cascade down the Mountainside like a muddy river turned sour? My waking thoughts plagued with visions of a tender caress along her thigh, a gentle brushing of hair from her face, the sweet perfume of her essence consuming my soul as I inhale deeply and gaze into a part of Heaven once only dreamt of. In the hours of darkness, no solace to be found except for prayers of her safekeeping until a time when I may return again. Something unattainable, unreachable, my kingdom for a ladder that I might struggle to reach the pedestal I've placed her upon. When we are apart it is as though the sun and moon have traded places. The birds cry in envy as the flowers soar into the heavens. Perhaps they may find my heart calling out for her in vain. May they in their beauty have pity on me waiting for mine.
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whippenberg · 6 years
Where are you men of valor?
When I was 14 years old I had the chance to take a trip to England to visit my ancestral home with my grandparents. I saw the sights like Trafalgar Square and England's first Clipper ship, The Cutty Sark. I saw Buckingham Palace and Hereford Cathedral. I saw the London Eye and I rode on the Thames River but the one thing I remember most was walking through Museum and seeing the armor of the old Knights. There were plenty of different styles of armor but they all stood to protect the man inside whos intention it was to fight for what he believed in. The Knights of old had honor. They would make sure that their words and their actions would be beneficial to someone other than themselves . It was said that they always acted honorably especially in the presence of a lady. In my mind they would always go out of their way to make a lady feel special, like she was cared for. A knight would always run towards Danger so that others would have enough time to run away. This is called courage. One man being scared to death but unsheathing his sword and running headlong into danger anyway. The Knights of old were also known to be chivalrous. If ever a friend or even an acquaintance needed help he would be the first to step in and offer his hand in Aid. Chivalry is the act of doing what needs to be done. Honor. Chivalry. Bravery. Three traits that I see fading away in modern society. In my own small part of this world I am seeing women being forced to settle for immature boys who mistreat them and abuse them instead of aspiring men that would make them feel loved and desired and protected. Where are you Men of Honor who will set aside your own lusts, your own desires, your own interests in sacrifice so that someone else can have what they need? Where are you men of courage that are willing to stand up against overwhelming odds for just cause even if it means you're standing alone? This Society is filled with men, women and children who could certainly benefit from someone like you in their life.
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