Doing a survey. Reblog if you are a "Just Wing It" role player. No planning or plotting is needed. Nor permission to make a starter just for you.
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Send a ✯ and I will generate a number. If you decide you want a specific one, just request it and I will do that for you as opposed to a random one. Or if there is a prompt that would be triggering to you, just tell me and I will exclude that one for us.
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"Now hold still…"
"Stop screaming or I’ll use duct tape."
"They had it coming, they were too friendly with you…"
"There, that should keep you quiet."
"No one will find us here."
"You’ll be mine forever."
"I’m going to kill him/her."
"I don’t like people touching…
24K notes · View notes
Send me 'what the--' and I'll start a drabble with my muse running through a forest in a wedding dress and into your muse's arms
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Send me "are those sirens?" for my muse hiding from the cops at your muses' place
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Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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[text] Does me being hung over take away from how professional I can be today? [text] The bar would not accept my money. I have reached God status here [text] He was very considerate of my needs, he offered me pizza before and after. [text] I asked him for...
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Put letters or a word in my inbox and I'll write a starter trying to use the themes corresponding to each letter!
A: alternate universe
B: music
C: light
D: platonic relationship
E: romantic relationship
F: family relationship
G: food
H: dancing
I:dressing up
J: laughter
K: high school
L: forbidden
M: rumors
N: pain- emotional/mental
O: pain- physical
P: ribbons
Q: magic
R: winter
S: the moon
T: the sun
U: technology
V: sing
W: run
X: lust
Y: sin
Z: weapons
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Me: Constantly follows RPers I have no idea how to interact with
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Reblog if your muse has no date for Tumblr Prom.
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Whoever allows crossover fandom roleplay.
Please reblog this because not many people are in my fandom and I WANT FRIENDS. I also will promise to come into your ask box and stuff so yes. Please reblog so that I will know who is OC/Crossover friendly
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Send Me a Number and My Muse Will... [fluffy edition!]
1. Bake cookies for yours
2. Start reading their favorite book to yours
3. Cuddle and watch The Notebook with yours
4. Make your muse their favorite dinner
5. Give your muse a present
6. Make a blanket fort in your muse's living room
7. Run a bubble bath for your muse
8. Fall asleep on your muse's shoulder
9. Get matching footie pajamas for my muse and yours
10. Get a small animal for your muse
11. Set their favorite selfie of themselves as all of your muse's screens
12. Send your muse an 'I love you' text
13. Send your muse on a scavenger hunt
14. Write your muse a poem
15. Serenade your muse
16. Give your muse a massage
17. Make your muse breakfast in bed
18. Hold your muse's hand in public
19. Introduce your muse to my muse's parents
20. Tuck your muse into bed
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" (in response to the muse thing you just reblogged)
"Ngg, too loud," she mumbled blearily but- after cracking open an eye- she added with a satisfied smirk.  "Nice~"
Wait a second. Green eyes snapped open.  ”Sweet baby Simba on rye!”  She rolled off the bed and thudded to the floor with a yelp.
0 notes
  Kissing a photo of a celebrity
Putting on cosplay
Having some ‘private time’
Admiring their own naked body in the mirror
Headbanging to classical music
Trying on the frilliest dress ever imagined
Shouting angrily at someone who’s not there
Having a passionate argument with themselves
Wailing uncontrollably over a book
Dancing like an idiot
Singing along to a musical
Having an emotional moment
Hatching a brilliant plan
Writing in a super-duper secret diary
Doing something so very illegal, you couldn’t imagine
Screaming down the phone in a foreign language
Curled up on the floor with a photo album hugged to their chest
Cleaning an old scar
Sitting in the middle of an empty, blood-covered room, dressed all in grey, glowering at your muse with a poisonous look
[[I’m trying another one of these out, and this one seemed fun… please be gentle.
Also, please specify if you want one of my characters specifically, otherwise I will be picking some at random!]]
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1. Does your character pick their nose?
2. Do they wash their hands after using the bathroom?
3. How often do they shower?
4. Your character pricks their finger— how do they stop the bleeding?
5. Do they keep their clothes on the floor or in a hamper?
6. Do they bite their nails or trim them?
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Your muse has woken up next to mine, fatigued and completely naked. Send me their reaction!
submitted by anonymous
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first person to put "you're under my control" in my askbox has my character brainwashed by you
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