whatoddities · 5 months
What Kind of Love are You?
Asher & Bart –– Love as a Flaw
Cowering, your love hides in the dark. In shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. Afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. When you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. Your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. It’s a problem–– your problem ––and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. Get it out, just get it out now. You don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. Being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. It is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
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whatoddities · 5 months
What Kind of Love are You?
Shadrach –– Love as a Force of Nature
Your love is like whiplash –– it comes in with the rain, it blows the doors wide open. When you fall in love, it is sudden and hard and immense. It is powerful. It is earth-shaking and world-ending. Nature is a force, and that force can be destructive if you're not careful. See how the world is doused in gasoline and set on fire –– your love consumes, your love takes, your love burns. You're hot and cold all at once, a hurricane and a wildfire bound together in skin, and when you're in love, it can feel like it's eating you alive from the inside out. When you love, it is with everything you have because it is everything you have. Be careful, darling, because not everyone survives the storm.
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whatoddities · 5 months
What Kind of Love are You?
Tortulja (Gloria) –– Love as a Threshold
Your love does not ask for much. Your love does not take. Your love is free, and unquestioned, and here for wherever needs it. When you fall in love, it is as gentle as a breath in the night. It is quiet, and it is effortless. It is tender. If your love was a house, it would readily welcome all who come through. If your love was a hearth, it would warm the hands of whoever stopped by, whether for a day, a month, a year, or forever. When you fall for someone, it is without strings, without conditions, without need. You love for the sake of loving, for the sake of caring for those who need it. You love with a giver’s heart and a giver’s hands and are made so much stronger for it. Being loved by you is to always feel at home. Your love may not always be well-received by those unprepared to linger, but it is unforgettable all the same.
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whatoddities · 5 months
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Please enjoy Tort (Gloria), Shad, Bart, Asher, Arlain and Flo as their BG3 iterations. :)
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whatoddities · 10 months
so was i just supposed to only learn about how amazing skeevers looked before bethesda-brand laziness kicked in by googling the buggers?
This is the original concept and concept art by Ray Lederer
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A unique species of rodent unlike the ones we are familiar with, but which is still quite visibly of the order rodentia / skeevera family!
And it was originally supposed to have healthy and diseased states!
But all we got were the diseased ones that make them all look like fucked up giant grey rats??
Disappointing! They couldn’t put in the extra effort of making them 2 separate npcs, for how often skeevers show up in the game?
Like, even the retexture mods (and Skritch) claiming to make them healthier still give them bare legs, bare bellies, lesions, and a boring, dull grey coat!
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whatoddities · 10 months
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“You ever look at a guar? I mean, really look at a guar? They’ve got those clawed little hands tucked up there… You think I’d get bit if I just grabbed one of those little clawed hands? Probably what I’d do if someone grabbed my hand.”
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whatoddities · 10 months
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“Please tell me you’re kidding.” - Thias (@bolstertheranks) "Gods, I wish. A troll... Larger than any I have ever seen. It was terrifying." - Dalamus
Casually horrifying your vampire hunter friend with the aftermath of a troll battle.
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whatoddities · 1 year
This is how it happened right?
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whatoddities · 1 year
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fuck it *designs the morrowind guar dlc 11 yr old me always wanted*
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whatoddities · 1 year
i’ve seen a lot of posts floating around that decry skyrim’s stupider mods (skimpy armor, bouncy breast-and-butt physics, etc), but i haven’t seen any lately that point out the fun ones, which is a shame. so i’ve written up a quick list of my favorite obscure-ish mods to share with you all—these aren’t massive overhauls, just little tweaks here and there that add to the overall experience
female giants: fantastic reskin that replaces some of skyrim’s male giants with women. there are a few mods for this on the nexus, but this is the only one in which the giantesses resemble their male counterparts, not scaled-up lady nords. you have to hike out to the more distant camps to find them, iirc, but that’s part of the fun 
friendly giants (and mammoths): makes giants unaggressive towards the player unless attacked outright. sometimes they’ll even run over and help you out in a fight. great for lore purposes—i play a researcher who’s friendly with several giant clans—or for players who just want to hang out with giants. who doesn’t
scarified dark elves: adds decorative scar patterns to dunmer models (like in morrowind). you can either apply it to your character alone, or to all the dunmer in the game
redguard fashion: modder’s resource that adds several yoku outfits to the game. noteworthy for including the biggest, fluffiest gloves i’ve ever seen—perfect for redguard characters who miss home, but still want to stay warm and toasty
falmer companion gleeb: adds a falmer follower to the game! his name is gleeb! i love him so much! you will love him so much!
player headtracking: rather than staring blankly ahead all the time, your character will turn their head to look at npcs within a certain range. depending on your character’s relationship with that npc, they’ll also smile or frown at each other! an absolutely essential download, if only so your character can smile at gleeb
bigger trees: scales up all the trees! forests are dense and gorgeous with this mod installed
fallen trees: adds fallen trees to strategic locations around skyrim. some of them span cliffs and rivers, which is fun—instead of wading through the water, you can (very carefully) edge across on the tree
bent pines: adds a gorgeous new tree model to the game. yes, i do like trees. why do you ask
supreme and volumetric fog: i like fog, too. if you hate being able to see your hand in front of your face, this is the mod for you. it really is Supreme and Volumetric
the bottomless pit: probably not lore-compliant but i’m including it anyway. this is my favorite quest mod because of how different it is—you navigate the dungeon (a bottomless pit) entirely by falling. it is extremely challenging. you will die. you will die a lot. but you’ll definitely feel as though you’ve earned the prize at the end
winterhold bridge repair: fixes the college’s crumbling bridge, rendering it infinitely less dangerous. my archmage held me at staff-point until i downloaded this
none of these will eat your framerate, jiggle a boob, or crash the game. go forth and download gleeb immediately
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whatoddities · 1 year
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Olyn Dram @bedlamdram
for @whatoddities as a surprise gift :)
Who'd you get that smile from huh
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whatoddities · 1 year
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@whatoddities 👀💖
I decided to spruce it up a bit. And you have choices!
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whatoddities · 1 year
Active Blogs/Characters
I have updated my character list and mobile-friendly character list.
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whatoddities · 1 year
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@whatoddities @tortulja
It's been a while since I've drawn Tort :)
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whatoddities · 2 years
Active Blogs/Characters
I have updated my character list and mobile-friendly character list.
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whatoddities · 2 years
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The bear is gargantuan, towering over even the largest cave bear you've ever seen. The remains of armor cling to one shoulder, and a human-like intelligence flickers behind its unusually green eyes.
You're not sure this bear is just a bear. You are sure you don't want to get close enough to find out.
Happy Halloween Birthday to my dear friend Kaelie!!!! This is her boy, Shadrach (@honortoprove). I'd say it's an improvement from my last attempt at a werebear :3c
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whatoddities · 2 years
Friendly reminder that I no longer have access to the following blogs thanks to Tumblr:
Arlain - dragonbornguard (created 9 years ago, 31 pages of content) Tommy - lifesadogfight (created 6 years ago, 41 pages of content) Arlow - notalwaysthiscuddly (created 8 years ago, 39 pages of content) Sibby - sibjorn (created 9 years ago, 61 pages of content) Signy - eternaltaxidermy (created 9 years ago, 33 pages of content) Cyril - riftenriffraff (created 8 years ago, 24 pages of content)
I do still have access to the following, but some of them may be replaced or merged with a blog I lost:
Tortulja - tortulja Shad - honortoprove Bo - bloodshonor Bart - quickerpickerupper Asher - scoundrelsfolly Thias - bolstertheranks Dram - bedlamdram Nelle - gravecuriosity Arlow and Tommy - beastlyburden
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